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Ryan's Affair
Ryan's Affair
Ryan's Affair
Ebook30 pages23 minutes

Ryan's Affair

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Liz and Ryan are happy newlyweds... until she answers his phone and sees the text from the Other Woman.

Release dateAug 5, 2019

Tabitha Ormiston-Smith

Tabitha Ormiston-Smith was born and continues to age. Dividing her time between her houses in Melbourne and the country, she is ably assisted in her editing business and her other endeavours by Ferret, the three-legged bandit.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a sweet short read. Totally not what I expected. Lol

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Ryan's Affair - Tabitha Ormiston-Smith


Tabitha Ormiston-Smith

Copyright Tabitha Ormiston-Smith 2019

Smashwords edition

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He was crossing the road when she saw him, head bowed against the rain, walking briskly. Her heart turned over. Her Ryan, her husband. She still wasn’t used enough to their marriage to take the word for granted, and she stood for a moment savouring it in her mind, watching him as he crossed to the pavement. A small, unexpected pleasure in her day. He stumbled slightly stepping up to the kerb. That was her Ryan, handsome as dammit and spastic as a retarded elephant. Her mind drifted back to the night they’d met; it had been at her regular Salsa club, and he’d been there with some friends on a buck’s night. He’d asked her to dance and had been utterly, abjectly hopeless, but so good-natured about his clumsiness that she’d given him her number anyway. They’d been dancing many times over the following two years, but he’d never really got the hang of it, and even at their wedding he’d failed to manage the simple routine of their wedding dance, losing his balance and falling onto the cake, dragging her down on top of him. How they’d laughed, although there had been a tiny part of her that had mourned.

The office was jumping when she got back with her boss’s dry cleaning, and in the flurry of clients arriving and lost files she forgot about seeing him.


Ryan was late home, and she was almost starting to worry when she heard his key

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