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Jack In The Box
Jack In The Box
Jack In The Box
Ebook33 pages25 minutes

Jack In The Box

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In the middle of a galactic war, singer spy Jack Jones tries to solve a murder. Can he solve the mystery before the murderer gets to him, too?

Release dateAug 6, 2019
Jack In The Box

Lesley L. Smith

All right, I confess! I love physics. I blame my misspent youth reading science fiction by the likes of Asimov, Heinlein, and Clarke. Not surprisingly, I also love science fiction. I grew up in Missouri, in a family of overeducated overachievers. Following in their footsteps, I've earned far too many degrees including an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Elementary Particle Physics and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction. Hmm? I may have a split personality. The evidence shows I've authored or co-authored many scientific articles, and am a longtime member of the American Physical Society. I'm also a founder and editor of the speculative fiction ezine and a longtime member of the Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers of America. Both sides of my personality live in Boulder, Colorado where I do physics by day and science fiction by night. Please visit me on the web at

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    Jack In The Box - Lesley L. Smith


    Books by Lesley L. Smith

    Temporal Dreams

    Neutrino Warning

    Kat Cubed

    Reality Alternatives

    Conservation of Luck

    The Quantum Cop Series:

    Book 1: The Quantum Cop

    Book 2: Quantum Murder

    Book 3: Quantum Mayhem

    The Space Operetta Series

    Book 1: A Jack By Any Other Name

    Book 2: A Jack In The Dark

    Book 3: A Jack By Any Other Name

    Jack In The Box

    By Lesley L. Smith

    Quarky Media

    Boulder Colorado

    Jack In The Box

    Published by Quarky Media, PO Box 3332, Boulder, CO 80307

    Jack In The Box © 2019 Lesley L. Smith

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringement and could subject the infringer to criminal and civil liability.

    Jack In The Box

    I'd successfully repaired The Shakespeare's FTL drive (yay, me), but we still had a few hours of traveling until we arrived at the planet Quihiri--where there were a bunch of bad guys.

    I was ready to get to the planet already. But we were basically trapped on the ship, waiting.

    In the past, I might have spent the time romancing one of my paramours. But I didn't seem to have as many paramours as I used to. Unfortunately.

    Thus, my thoughts seemed trapped as well, going around and around. I was starting to freak out, thinking about war and what might happen. "Carrion men, groaning for burial..." It was very unlike me.

    To counteract that, I decided to stop at the mess hall. Food would help, right?

    As I carried my tray of food, looking for a place to sit, I couldn't

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