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Ebook124 pages2 hours


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Gabrielle Astley is quite used to being an afterthought, a burden, a nuisance. As the only child - and a useless female one at that - to a Baron, she was both spoiled materially and neglected emotionally. After her father's death, his third wife and her stepmother is remarried, to the stern and cold Marquess of Dunbury. Since the new Baron wants nothing to do with Gabrielle, the Marquess is her new guardian and Gabrielle finds herself in London, receiving her debut. Despite this turn of events, she can't quite shake her spite of her stepmother, and her attitude lands her into hot water and her first spanking at the hand of her guardian. 

The Marquess seems eager to marry her off, and Gabrielle has no objection to that goal. London has everything she ever wanted - glamor, excitement, and, for some reason, quite a few people actually seem to like and take an interest in her. When the Marquess' best friend, the rakish Felix Hood becomes one of those people, Gabrielle finds herself hoping for more than just a standard ton marriage... until she begins to realize that he's not interested in her for herself, and his interest may actually be in someone close to her.

Felix Hood had no thoughts of settling down in marriage - as the youngest of three brothers, he should be the last to wed. However, when he meets his best friend Philip's new ward and is tasked with the duty of helping guard her against any unsavory suitors (as well as guarding Philip's new wife from Miss Astley's waspish tongue), he can't help but be entranced by her. She's not the usual milk and water miss that is served up to the gentlemen of the tongue; she's prickly, funny, and has a touch of sadness in her eyes that he longs to discover the cause of so that he may vanquish it. But he's not convinced he's ready for marriage, and his hesitation over formally courting her leads Miss Astley to turn to her other suitors, making him wonder if she's really worth the chase.

This novella was written at the request of readers who wanted to know what was happening between Felix and Gabrielle during Book 1 of the Bridal Discipline series, however it is not necessary to read Philip's Rules in order to enjoy this novella, nor is it necessary to read this novella in order to enjoy the upcoming Gabrielle's Discipline. It's just a bonus novella for enjoyment and to fulfill reader's curiosity.

Undisciplined is approximately 30k words and contains hot alpha males and domestic discipline.

PublisherGolden Angel
Release dateAug 9, 2019

Golden Angel

Free Books! Sign up for the Angel Legion newsletter here - - and receive a free sexy story from my Stronghold Doms series, available only through the newsletter, as well as Undisciplined, book 1.5 in the Bridal Discipline series, immediately in a welcome message! My monthly newsletter is also full of giveaways, teasers, sneak peeks, promotions, and updates! Two of my favorite eBook romance-erotica writers are Cherise Sinclair and Lexi Blake. My favorite historical romance writer is probably Stephanie Laurens. I read a LOT, so the list of my favorite writers would be waaaay too long to include in my bio. I'm a happily married young woman, no kids so far, and I like tater tots, small fuzzy animals, naming my plants, hiking, reading, writing, sexy time, naked time, shirtless o'clock, anything sparkly or shiny, and weirding people out with my OCD food habits. I believe in Happy Endings. And fairies. And Santa Claus. Because without a little magic, what's the point of living? I write because I must. I live in several different worlds at any given moment. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy the stories... and don't forget, the best thing you can do in return for any author is to leave them feedback! Stay sassy.

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Rating: 3.4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Still too much of the man being a hypocrite and punishing his wife for not controlling her actions when she is upset because he did not control his!! However it is getting better. He is not requiring her to change herself, just her behavior. He is admitting his mistakes and making promises to change. Finally!

    1 person found this helpful