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About this ebook

When she joined EarthGov Security, Denise Bell knew she wouldn’t have an easy time. As an Enhanced Human, designed to have greater abilities and sharper senses, there was only one division in which she could serve. Or so she thought. Now, Denise is the first of her sort to serve in Division Two, mandated with operating on Earth and within the home system. She soon finds herself on her first big assignment. She has to infiltrate a terrorist camp, and determine their next target. What part does her batch sister play?

Release dateSep 11, 2019

Michael P. Dunn

I was born in New York, and currently lives in Florida with my cat, Brynna. I discovered science fiction at an early age, growing up on Lost In Space, Captain Scarlet and The Thunderbirds. I've always had an active imagination, and started writing the day after he saw Star Wars. I divide my time between working full time and writing. Writing is probably the only thing that keeps me sane.

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    Stranger - Michael P. Dunn


    By Michael P. Dunn

    Published by Michael P. Dunn at Smashwords

    Copyright 2019 Michael P. Dunn

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    For Mom & Dad

    Linda & Joe

    Would you that spangle of Existence spend

    About the Secret – Quick about it, Friend!

    A Hair perhaps divides the False and True –

    And upon what, prithee, may life depend?

    The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

    (The following is compiled from the post assignment report of Probationary Agent Denise Bell / Division Two / Badge #451491 / Level 2 / Entry Dates: 11 April – 18 April 2191 / Some elucidation included for clarity – D.B.)

    I was happy to have come across the store. I was beginning to feel like I’d been driving for weeks rather than days. All the roads were starting to blur together into one long tree-lined lane.

    I eased my rented car to a stop in front of the low building. A large sign identified the building as Scully’s General Store. A voice in the back of my mind babbled, A general store? Don’t they sell anything specifically? (Stop it, Denise!)

    I switched off the engine, climbed out of the car and looked over the forest that surrounded the store. The trees stretched off as far as I could see. This part of the American Northwest was still heavily forested despite three centuries of population growth and civil unrest. I used to wonder, back at the crèche in Portland, how much longer the trees would remain, given the growing need for areas to develop.

    I looked down the road then back into the forest. Somewhere out there, hiding among the trees was a camp of criminals, terrorists and one woman who thought she was doing the right thing. The trouble was, the camp didn’t register on the local power grid and the occupants didn’t show up on any scans. Not even their irillium traces registered. I had to find them for reasons that were starting to contradict themselves in my mind. That didn’t making my job any easier.

    I sighed, tugged on the collar of my leather jacket and started into the store.

    The two-tone alarm went off as I walked through the door.

    I stopped and closed my eyes. In the back of my mind, I’d hoped the store owners hadn’t installed an irillium scanner in their security system. I had hoped they hadn’t given in to the paranoia directed toward people like me. (We’re designed to be physically superior to Normal Humans but we’re treated like second-class citizens…or worse. That’s why we carry the irillium trace in our bones. It makes it easier to pick us out of a crowd.)

    Why not just put up a sign, I muttered. ’No Enhanced Humans Allowed.’ Life would be so much easier.

    I heard running feet and opened my eyes. A middle-aged man wearing a sweat-stained shirt and baggy pants was rushing toward me. The owner, probably. There was an angry look on his face and both hands were clenched into fists.

    Is there a problem, I asked, trying to sound innocent.

    Get out, he said. Get the hell outta here! This is a respectable place! We don’t want your kind in here!

    I put my right hand over my heart. I am what I am; I can be, I can dream, I can live. I just wanted a cup of coffee.

    Get out!


    Out! Before I do something you’ll regret!

    I stared, and wondered if he knew anything about Enhanced Humans, especially what sets us apart from Normal Humans. (Aside from the irillium trace, that is.) He seemed to think that, because he felt in his heart that he was right, he’d triumph over anything, even someone many times stronger than he was. Or was he underestimating me because I look like a Sex? (I’m a light industrial design.)

    I didn’t want to be the one to convince him otherwise.

    (Maybe flash my CZSeventy-five and official credentials? No, that wouldn’t help.)

    I looked around the store as the aroma of fresh brewed coffee reached me. At the checkout counter to the right of the door stood an older woman, about the same age as the owner. There was a look of sadness on her face. I wondered how sincere it was.

    I decided to take the path most often taken, the path of least resistance. Okay. Alright. Fine. Be that way. One question before I go, if I may. Is it hard living with a mind that narrow? I spun and marched out of the store before he could say anything. The confused look on his face was enough of an answer.

    I leaned on the rental, buried my face in my hands and tried to hold back the tears. Like all Enhanced Humans, I had run into attitudes like the owner’s before. My sort are expected to go out of our way to avoid conflicts. Very few Normal Humans are willing to be as flexible. It’s one of the many things I’m still learning to deal with.

    I massaged my eyes and stopped crying. I had an assignment to carry out, and better things to do with my time than stress over the foolishness of a stranger. I looked back at the store and reached for the door release.

    I heard the store’s door open then the woman’s voice. Wait!

    Looking back, I saw the woman from behind the counter walking toward me, holding a paper cup. I smelled the coffee before she reached me.


    She still looked sad as she handed me the coffee. I’m sorry about my husband. Tim is a good man but sometimes doesn’t open his eyes as wide as he should.

    I thought for a moment about venting my frustrations at her but decided not to. When it comes to matters like this, aggression doesn’t help. Quite often, it can be make things worse. (Something the criminals I’m looking for haven’t learned.) And venting at her wouldn’t change his attitude.

    I took a long sip, savoring the flavor. Thank you, ma’am. Thank you very much. May I ask a few questions? I understand there’s a camp in the area. A camp of people like me.

    The woman’s eyes narrowed and she looked suspicious. A camp?

    Yes. Do you happen to know where it’s located?

    She looked disgusted. Why would you want to go there?

    I wondered how much of my assignment I should tell her. (This wasn’t covered in the briefing.) "I’m trying to find one of my batch sisters. She’s fallen in with these people and I want to get her out. You’ve had some contact with them?’

    She took a deep breath. From time to time, they call us for supplies. The first time, they demanded we deliver to them, which we usually don’t do. After talking to them, Tim and I felt we had to.

    Why? With all due respect, he doesn’t strike me as the kind to cooperate with Enhanced Humans.

    That is true. I was the one to make the deliveries. When they first called, they strongly implied that if we didn’t make the delivery, it would be bad for business.

    Oh? Something along the lines of, you have a nice business here…it would be a pity if anything happened to it. Have you had any trouble with them?

    She looked uncomfortable for a moment. Not really trouble. Sometimes we’ll hear gunfire.

    Any drive-by’s brandishing weapons?

    No, nothing like that.

    I nodded and filed away the information. Where did you make the deliveries?

    She nodded down the road. If you continue down the road for another kilometer and a half, you’ll come to an old service road on the left. That’s where they met me for the deliveries. You might try looking there.

    I finished the coffee and nodded. Thank you, ma’am. And thank you again for the coffee. I handed her the empty cup, climbed into the car and thumbed on the ignition.

    As I pulled away from the store, I heard her say, I hope you find who you’re looking for.

    So do I, I said even though I knew she couldn’t hear me. "We’re too young to be

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