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The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story)
The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story)
The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story)
Ebook61 pages38 minutes

The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story)

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Allison is a brilliant but plain-looking student whose main source of income is from swapping bodies with students to take their tests for them. Brianna is a gorgeous, pampered cheerleader who reluctantly agrees to use Allison's services. Usually the swap is only for the duration of one test, but this time the two have to swap lives for an entire week. One whole week of studying, tests, and living the life of a snobby, stuck up schoolgirl.

Is it a curse or a blessing in disguise?

Both women have to adjust, but Allison learns to love her new life and the attention that comes with her startling beauty, while Brianna is furious that she's stuck in the body of some bland nobody and tries desperately to get some attention. As Allison explores her new body she realizes she wants to stay. If only there was a way to make it permanent...

This 12,000+ word story contains female to female body swaps, solo and couple erotic scenes, and themes of humiliation and revenge.

PublisherM Wills
Release dateAug 21, 2019
The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story)

M Wills

There's something alluring about body swaps, sexual and freeing at the same time. I love to explore all sides of the phenomenon: the kinky, the dirty, the loving, the degrading, the amazing. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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    The Princess Proxy (A F2F Body Swap Story) - M Wills

    The Princess Proxy

    A F2F Body Swap Story

    by M. Wills

    © 2019 M. Wills

    Cover photo: © / aarrttuurr

    Other books by M. Wills or visit

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events reside solely in the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

    No portion of this work can be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent from the author with the exception for a fair use excerpt for review and editorial purposes.

    This title is for adults only. It contains explicit sex acts, adult themes, and material that some might find offensive.

    Table of Contents

    The Princess Proxy

    Thank you

    Also by M Wills

    The Princess Proxy

    It paid well. Significantly better than any other part time job on offer to a high school senior. So it was worth it, Allison mused, even if it did involve sign-up meetings like this one. For $425 per assignment, it was even worth dealing with entitled assholes like Edward Manus.

    He was currently scrutinizing her without even trying to hide his distaste. Probably people like Edward Manus thought they were too rich to bother with manners on the little people. Sinking back into the visitors chair, he protested disdainfully, She’s a kid.

    She is, Greta, Allison’s boss, conceded and then launched into her sales pitch. She’s also an honor roll student with a 4.0 GPA and two perfect SAT scores under her belt.

    Edward wasn't the type of person who was easily placated. Your brochure mentions a Yale history professor, and you bring me this. He flicked his wrist in Allison's general direction. Why use a kid?

    Greta’s smile was practiced - a little conciliatory, a little condescending. We have done this before, Mr. Manus. And we find, when dealing with high school academics, invariably the best proxies are other high school students. They understand what examiners are looking for and, just as importantly, are best able to mimic the personality and parlance of their hosts.

    Edward's brow wrinkled. Show me her stats again.

    Greta handed him the printout: Allison’s record as a proxy in stark black and white; all the aced tests, all the academic achievements, all the perfect scores.

    At the end of the day, Mr. Manus, Greta concluded, there’s no point dropping in a Rhode Scholar as a proxy and having them write a brilliant but clearly forged essay that simply raises suspicions. Your best guarantee of a clean result... is Allison.

    Edward was still scanning the printout but now, at least, looking fractionally mollified. "For the money I’m paying I want the best. I always want the best." He turned his gaze back to Allison.

    Allison tried her best to return his stare. She kept a pleasant smile on her face even though she felt like an object being examined and bartered over which, in a way, she was. Allison was distinctly conscious of her own appearance in the presence of someone who'd obviously spent more money on his own appearance than Allison would see in a year. Allison wasn't ugly, but she wasn't the prettiest girl in school. Even she admitted that 'plain' would be her most flattering descriptor. Her dark copper colored hair hung down across her shoulders and curled at the edges, slightly frizzy and nearly always unnameable. Her face was rather broad, with more chin than she would have wished to have given a choice, and a figure that was barely visible even beneath the tightest of clothes. She didn't turn any heads and was more often than not ignored, fading into the background.

    I promise you, you're getting the best with Allison, Greta assured. With the added bonus that, as a student at the same school as your daughter, Allison already has a specific understanding of what each teacher is looking for and how best to ensure results.

    Taking the sales pitch reins,

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