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Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life
Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life
Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life
Ebook41 pages28 minutes

Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life

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"When the Face of the Devil Looks Familiar" Shia, a young, impoverished girl wants her father to be in her life. Momentarily, he fulfills her dream, but that dream becomes a nightmare when she looks into the devil's eyes. Her father's dark, indecent secret exposes his true identity.

"Killers Hitch: Vengeance" Tatianna, a fifteen-year-old girl gets kidnaped, beaten, and sexually abused by her ex-boyfriend, Tommy for days. She's shackled down, feeling lonely and helpless in his secluded room. When she got a chance to escape, courage ran through her body. She hitchhiked with a deranged man, but they had a lot in common. Then, anger controls their actions and redemption takes effect.

"Changing Faces" Sade, a professional dancer is living her best life until she breaks her ankle during a video shoot. That kept her off her feet for months. Living lavishly was put on hold, and she was no longer in the limelight. Feeling like she was a complete failure and in desperate need of cash, she started making poor decisions that land her in jail.

"The Unit" Mr. Turner, hires a private investigator, Janet to find out if his wife is cheating. Once Janet realizes her boyfriend, Eli is a part of the infidelities, her job becomes intense as a sudden twist reveals a dark secret.

"Stoolie" Sarah, a corrupt DEA and her partner in crime, Sgt. Clark Russell both are distributing counterfeit ecstasy on the streets. After it becomes an epidemic, and young teens start overdosing and wilding out, the organization gets exposed. Sgt. Clark wants out, but Sarah is content because she has no clue that they are a part of the investigation. Snitching is the only resolution.

"Wolfrilla" Paul, an American soldier comes home after deployment. To make up for lost times, he takes his son, Tre on a camping trip. A gruesome encounter with an unknown creature interrupts their quality time. To protect his son from danger, he has to kill or be killed.

PublisherNaVeah Rose
Release dateAug 4, 2019
Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life

NaVeah Rose

Na'Veah Rose published her first non-fiction book, 9 Sisters Cursed Since Birth: A Family Drowning in Their Deadly Sins. She's currently working on turning her book into a screenplay while earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment. Na'Veah has inspirational thoughts, a creative vision, and a powerful voice that conveys through her poetry, short stories, and young adult fiction. She does her research by observing people's behavior, body language, slang terms and accent to bring her characters to life. She loves to collaborate with her daughters to get different perspectives, and they will continue to be a foundation for her success.

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    Book preview

    Chances, Choices, and Changes in Life - NaVeah Rose

    A Series of Choices Are Part of the Test

    Na'Veah Rose

    Published by Na'Veah Rose at Smashwords

    Copyrighted 2019 Na'Veah Rose

    Illustration by Snappa

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Life is a limitless amount of test. It will test your will, courage, and abilities to think about things. Each person have the power to make their own decision and choose their own path. Those choices defines who you are in this world. Therefore, you should increase the chances of making better choices and surviving the bad ones. It will eventually be a benefit for you.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Info


    Table of Contents

    Chapter I - When the Face of the Devil Looks Familiar:

    My First Memories about Making the Wrong Decision

    Chapter II - Killer's Hitch: Vengeance

    Chapter III - Changing Faces

    Chapter IV - The Unit

    Chapter VI - Stoolie

    Chapter VII - Wolfrilla

    About Na'Veah Rose

    Connect with Na'Veah Rose


    My First Memories of Making the Wrong Decision

    It was 1984, in Brooklyn, New York, at my mother’s condemned, rat-infested apartment. The water bugs crawled up and down the discolored, cream walls as I sat on the cold, decrepit floor in the hallway. Tears shimmered in my eyes as I waited for my father to come through the door. Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… The silence in between mirrored the pressure of disappointment. Every time the shorthand changed the hours, I looked heavenward. Please, God! We need our daddy here. So, he can love us like a father supposed to, I prayed, but I didn't have much faith.

    The anointing of the holy spirit shielded my mother’s room as she kneeled to the floor, hands folded, with an opened Bible placed on a half-made bed in front of her. She cried aloud, "Help me, Lord! It’s wearing me down, and I

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