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Her Private Spot
Her Private Spot
Her Private Spot
Ebook30 pages22 minutes

Her Private Spot

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About this ebook

Jillian has a place she like to go to, a hidden place where she can pleasure herself, undisturbed, and also watch one of her sorority sisters, when she secretly entertains guys, and later pleasures herself. Much to Jillian's delight

Watching Lucy, from her hiding place, she discovers one of Lucy's intimate secrets, that is kept in a box at the back of her underwear drawer. Fascinated by the discovery, Jillian boldly goes into Lucy's room to get a closer look at the secret item. But due to clumsiness, Jillian is discovered by Lucy, who confronts Jillian about sneaking into her room.

Surprisingly, Jillian's explanation interests Lucy and she decides to give the younger girl a little education on the finer points of sexual pleasure. The younger girl impresses the older girl with how quickly she picks up on things. Jillian even suggests an intriguing erotic pleasure the two of them can do. Something Lucy had never dreamed of doing before.

As time passes, both girls become accustomed to each other's needs and the relationship blossoms into a compelling force in each other's young lives.

Release dateAug 24, 2019
Her Private Spot

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Book preview

    Her Private Spot - Candice Christian

    Her Private Spot

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2019 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. '

    This title was originally released as 'The Carnival of Shame'

    Adults Only 18+


    Robin Singer

    Part One

    Jillian knelt in her private location her 'private spot'. It was dark. The only light came in through a crack in the wall. When she had moved into this sorority house a year ago, she had found this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her. She had covered the entrance with some clothes and hadn't told anyone about it.

    Jillian was a freshman in college. She was very knowledgeable about sex, from an academic standpoint. She had read voraciously anything about sex, especially lesbian sex. But from a practical standpoint, she was very inexperienced. She'd never been with a girl, though in her mind she had outlined a plan of attack should she ever get her chance. She knew most of the technical terms, but she didn't know most of the slang or common terms that referred to sex.

    Whenever she wanted to be alone, and have some sexual release, she could come here, and nobody could find her. Tonight, she knelt, naked, here so she could pleasure herself.

    She loved how it felt so good when she fingered

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