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Ebook36 pages28 minutes


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Tom went to Salem to teach Chemistry in a new Technology Center. It was a small town. The first day he had sex with a deputy sheriff, a realtor showing him a house, and a carhop. It had been years since he had sex. For his entire life, sex was either boom or bust. In Salem, it was sex with no rules. It was the duty of the women to take seed and get pregnant. He joins the Elders and finds out they are all sterile and now it was up to him to produce the next generation in Salem. Tom was going to be busy for a long time.

Release dateAug 27, 2019

S L Hendrickson

I was born in Rockford, IL. After serving in the Army, I earned a BA Degree in English from the University of Minnesota. I enjoy reading and writing erotic fiction and science fiction. Currently I live and write in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    Salem - S L Hendrickson



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    Tom was driving up and down every street. It wouldn’t take long; the town was small. There were only about twenty-five thousand inhabitants and one major industry, a chemical plant. People drove up to eighty miles to work there.

    He drove through the town square. In another Salem and over a century ago, witches had been hung. For some, their only crime was adultery. Because they lured married men away from their wife’s, they were called witches rather than just horny women looking for satisfaction. He pulled into the school parking lot. The building was new. It was built by the chemical company and was going to be a technology center to train and educate the next generation of workers.

    He went into the school and found the principal’s office. Mr. Taylor was a short, balding, older man.

    It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Nelson, he said while extending his hand.

    I am happy to be here.

    Please have a seat. I have been going over your application, and we are very fortunate that you are interested in teaching here at Salem.

    Since he had no teaching experience, it was his only job offer.

    Tom hadn’t made a decision yet wanted to look over the school and the town.

    Now about your qualifications.

    Here it comes; Tom thought. Since he only audited two classes, he was expecting the thank you for applying but due to lack your lack of experience, we are choosing someone with a work history.

    We had many fine applicants and many with years of experience.

    Tom expected as much because the chemical company was paying almost twice as much as a regular school district.

    We are looking for someone that isn’t stuck to certain teaching method, someone with fresh new ideas that will inspire the students.

    Since this wasn’t going to be like a high school, Tom told him that young people didn’t want to sit in a chair and be lectured, and the worst kind of teacher was the one that just read from the textbook like he had growing up. He planned to have hands-on activities to work with the chemical plant and have many field trips, so they could use what they learned.

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