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Nathan: SEAL Riders MC Series, #2
Nathan: SEAL Riders MC Series, #2
Nathan: SEAL Riders MC Series, #2
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Nathan: SEAL Riders MC Series, #2

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Jenna Porter had never meant to get pregnant at 18. She'd been living a party life until she met him. But one weekend with Nathan changed her life. She had to grow up fast and she'd been doing good until they crossed paths three years later. She'd never expected to see him again so how was she supposed to explain the kid in her lap?

Nathan Franks had always wanted to be in the Navy SEALS, and he was making his dream come true. The youngest man to eve complete BUDS training and he was going places. That is until he got hurt overseas. Now he's back home and trying to deal with his new circumstances. But those are going to change fast once he finds out the woman he'd spent an incredible weekend with while on furlough had a secret. 

Release dateAug 22, 2019
Nathan: SEAL Riders MC Series, #2

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    Nathan - Molly Black

    Chapter 1 – Three Years Prior


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    Come on, man, what’s the difference? It’s a bunch of twenty-somethings getting drunk and having a good time, same as a bar! Isaac said as he pointed over his shoulder up the street. He and I had ventured out of the safety of our home town and were now sitting at the crossroads of Main Street and some other street leading straight to the college.

    It was rare for me to venture far from home when I was on my bike. Though Santa Rosa was well within our boundaries, it didn’t take long before were on the outskirts and nearing Enemy territory.

    As a member of the Folded Flags, I didn’t care much for any of The Enemies, and I didn’t want to meet any while on our little foray. But, Isaac had a way of persuading me to do what he wanted, and when I was with him, I often ended up in these small towns on the fringes of Enemy turf.

    More often than not, I didn’t keep track of the names of the towns in which we’d hang out. There were dozens of the specks on the road dotting all of Northern California, some with more significance than others, all with the same significance to me.

    The difference is a college and a bar, I argued. At least at a bar we’ve got the chance of meeting older women.

    And, why would you want older pussy more than younger? He looked at me as though I’d lost my mind.

    I don’t know, experience? I retorted in as condescending of a manner as I could muster.

    Experience doing what? Playing with your dick? Come on, once you put it inside, it doesn’t matter what kind of experience they have. That’s why I love virgins. So tight! He sat back on his bike with a look of satisfaction, and I shook my head.

    And, you think college is a good place to find yourself a virgin? You know any party we go to isn’t the kind of place the girls who are still virgins are going to want to hang out, I scoffed.

    You say that, but you’d be surprised. I’ve gotten a number of so-called bad girls in bed only to find out they didn’t know what they were doing, and damn, was I ever happy to show them the ropes! He revved his engine as I shook my head once more. It was a sleepy town, and we were still sitting at the stop sign. No cars coming behind us didn’t pressure us to make a decision, though Isaac was putting plenty of pressure on me.

    And, a party is cheaper than a bar anyway. You’re going to need money where you’re going, so why not make your last few days here as cheap as possible? Isaac leaned over and jabbed his elbow into my ribs, and I couldn’t argue.

    I was going places. I was on my last few days of furlough in the States, and I’d be heading back into SEAL training. I didn’t know if they’d keep me domestic or if I was going to be put on a ship and sent out, but either way, Northern California was only going to be home for a short while longer.

    As one of the youngest men to ever pass the BUDS training, I was proud of myself. I knew my worth, and I was confident enough to stand up for myself no matter what I got myself in to.

    And, I had to.

    I’d hated authority my entire life. I had nothing but problems with my dad growing up, and then when he was out of the picture, I often fought with my mother’s boyfriends. That had changed the older I got. I just quit giving a shit about what they had to say and just did my own thing.

    I didn’t need some deadbeat she brought home to sleep with to tell me how to live my life, that was for damn sure. She did her best, and I loved my mom, but I could say with complete honesty that I didn’t hesitate for a second when I decided to join the military.

    I was shipped off to basic then further training after, and I excelled in everything. But, even that wasn’t enough to get the aggression out of my system. I wanted to be in combat. I wanted to see shit go down. I wanted to feel the adrenaline rush of knowing that I might not make it out of a situation alive.

    It wasn’t the same when we were on turf that didn’t belong to the Folded Flags. The best we could hope for was a fistfight we’d likely win. We didn’t care to play by the rules, and anyone from The Enemies was more than welcome to take my fist to his face.

    Of course, it was likely to start a bigger fight, and I knew Carl Painter, our leader, would be pissed if we were to carry that battle into more of the MC, so I often didn’t bother with that sort of petty violence.

    Well you can either be a pussy and head to a bar, or you can man up and come with me, Isaac said. I’m going to party.

    He turned his bike to the left and blazed up the road toward campus. I wasn’t sure how he knew about the frat parties that took place around the colleges he frequented, but he was often in attendance. Whenever I joined him, I was surprised to see how many of the people there already knew him – and how admired he was.

    With a sigh, I followed. A bar still sounded like a better idea to me. Not just because I wanted to get laid by someone with more experience than a college girl, but because I felt so much older than many of the women who were in college.

    True, I was twenty years old, younger than some of the people who’d be at the party. But the fact that I had been through so much in my young life made me feel more mature – more capable than any of the others.

    Nevertheless, we pulled our bikes into a nearby parking garage and headed toward the fraternity. The house was huge, people already scattered about on the lawn with tables and chairs everywhere. There was a pool in the back with plenty of women stripping down to their bras and panties or bikinis.

    Inside, the music was playing and there were even more drinks to be had. Beer pong was set up in most of the rooms downstairs, and there were several other drinking games going on in the basement.

    Of course, the hierarchy the students had within themselves was evident since the moment we walked through the door, but Isaac didn’t bother to follow any of it, and to my surprise, no one seemed to care.

    Check out that catalogue, dude! Isaac said in my ear as we walked past a group of young women all with drinks in their hands. They were hot, I’d give him that, but I couldn’t get past the fact they all looked so young.

    Sure, I knew many of them were too young to have drinks in their hands. Eighteen was about the youngest anyone in the house was, but I had yet to see anyone who was sober.

    Here, Isaac grabbed two drinks off a table and handed one to me. Loosen up before you get out there. If you can’t find me, don’t come looking.

    Fine, I said. He disappeared into the crowd, and I knew he was on his way to find someone to fuck. It was the only reason we were here, though I still felt that a bar would be better. It was easier for me to pick up women in bars. They were also often there looking for a hookup.

    Girls in college liked to get fucked up more than they liked to hook up. At least, that’s what I often found to be the case. It wasn’t hard for me to convince any of them to go to bed with me, but more often than not, it had to be my idea, and there were times when I had to pay for a hotel to make it happen.

    Not that I really minded. Good sex was worth every penny I spent to obtain it. But tonight, I didn’t want to have to find a hotel. I wouldn’t mind spending some time in one of the dorms, but it could be hard to find an empty one when it came to the freshman.

    Quit being such a pussy and find someone to talk to, I thought. Isaac was outside, hanging around the pool, already with women in bikinis on either side of him. He had his arms around both of them and was laughing and talking, no doubt using his tattoos and charm to get one – or both – of them in bed.

    College is the time when they want to explore and experiment. If you want to have a three way or see two girls making out, that’s the place to do it, his words rang in the back of my mind.

    I rolled my eyes. I still wasn’t overly invested in finding anyone. I was leaving in three days, and I was already ready to get out of here. Having grown up in this part of California, I’d seen all that it had to offer.

    But, to pass the time, I decided to look around. There were hot girls everywhere. Many of them were wearing very little clothing, and some of them were already intoxicated enough to be stumbling around and leaning against each other, laughing and being catty as only women can.

    Then, she caught my eye.

    A feisty, tiny redhead with bright green eyes. She was sizing me up from the wall she was leaning against, and when our eyes met, she gave me an inviting smile. With a suave grin, I headed toward her, running my hand through my hair on the way.

    Hey, I said as I leaned my shoulder against the wall. Some party.

    You could say that, she said. I haven’t seen you around here. You new?

    You could say that, I replied, mimicking her words. I don’t come around often. It’s not often I find any reason to.

    Oh? Is that so? I could see the flirtatious smile playing with her lips. Would I be good enough reason for you?

    Depends on what you consider to be good reason, I said with a shrug. Seems to me that a lot of these girls think that walking around practically naked and completely hammered is a way to make an impression.

    I’m the opposite of that, she said with a shrug. Clearly, I’ve got clothes on, and this is my first drink.

    Coincidence, me, too, I held up my red cup of beer and took a sip. She seemed intrigued, though she wasn’t trying to show it.

    What’s your major? she asked.

    Military, I replied. I’m leaving in a few days, and thought I’d live it up in case I don’t come back.

    Oh? she asked, clearly even more interested. What branch?

    Navy, I said simply. We stood silently for a moment, watching the crowd.

    I’ve always been a sucker for a man in uniform, she admitted. Even if he’s not technically in uniform at the moment.

    I’ve always been a sucker for a redhead with green eyes, I winked. Always.

    She smiled. You got a name?

    Nathan Springer. You? I replied.

    Jenna Porter. I want to kiss you, Nathan Springer, she announced.

    I’d like to kiss you, but again, I’m not hanging around here. I can’t have you thinking that this is going to go anywhere – I’m also part of the Folded Flag MC. Not sure if you know what that means, but I essentially shouldn’t even be in this town, I replied.

    Shut up and kiss me, Jenna said with a wave of her hand. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, and I couldn’t help myself. She had a tight, small body with medium-sized tits. Her red hair was clearly enhanced with dye, but still the perfect shade against her white skin.

    Her dark freckles stood out from the rest of her face, adding to the charm of her green eyes. She was a goddess and, well, I was only human. She did look young, but she was clearly old enough to be here. I suddenly didn’t care how much experience she had in any way.

    This could be her first kiss, or I could be one of many, but I had to have those lips.

    Putting my hand around the back of her head, I pulled her closer to me as our mouths met and electricity ran through every part of me.

    Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.

    Chapter 2


    Instinct told me to walk away. This guy, before he had even laid a finger on me, told me that he didn’t want anything but fun from me, and short term fun at that. Even more importantly, he told me that he was part of the Folded Flags.

    He was a member of the MC, but not the right one, and I knew my brother would throw a fit. Hell, if my father was alive, he’d throw an even bigger fit – probably throwing me out of the house and leaving me to fend for myself on the street.

    But, all that could wait. I wasn’t here because I was in college. I wasn’t here because I wanted to drink, despite the fact I had a drink in my hand. I was here for a few days to take a breather away from my brother, and my best friend, Khloe Parents, had told me I could sleep in her basement for as long as I wanted.

    She was in college for the sake of putting off the rest of her life, and since her mom and dad were proud one of their kids was finally doing more with their time than just partying, they bought her a house to live in while she went to school. If only they knew how she was really spending her time – and their money.

    I felt I deserved a night with a hot guy. Hell, it might even be two nights. I didn’t want to put a time limit on it. I told Blaze I’d be out of town for the week spending time with Khloe, and I still had four days to go.

    He knew better than to try to get a hold of me. With his nose so far up the MC’s ass, he didn’t have the time to chase me down and see what I was doing. Dad

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