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Julian: Golden Eagles MC, #4
Julian: Golden Eagles MC, #4
Julian: Golden Eagles MC, #4
Ebook179 pages3 hours

Julian: Golden Eagles MC, #4

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Abby was a rock star bartender, loving her life working at the strip club. She was sassy and knew what she wanted. She didn't take crap from anyone, especially not men who tended to act like babies. So when Julian starts trying to mess around with her head, she doesn't let him. But a mistake that leads to new life means she'll have to deal with him.

Julian is not the settling down type. He loves women, loves sex, but he doesn't feel the need to limit himself to just one. Hat is until he meets her. She's sassy and straightforward and she breaks so beautifully for him, but she also isn't taking any crap from him. Can they figure out how to make this work? Especially with a crazy man on the loose trying to hurt the MC in any way possible. 

Release dateAug 22, 2019
Julian: Golden Eagles MC, #4

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    Julian - Molly Black

    Chapter 1


    Get My Free MC Book For A Limited Time

    Another Thursday night out at the club, and I was hanging with my best boys. Randy, our boss and the owner of the bar halfway across town, had changed up our schedules a bit, giving us more time off during the week. So, it was good to hang out with my brothers and catch up.

    They might not be blood brothers, but they were just as much family to me as anyone who shared my DNA. I didn’t have much to speak of as far as blood relatives were concerned, but thanks to the family I found within my MC, I didn’t feel the sting of their absence.

    I had been part of the Golden Eagles MC for years, and time and time again they proved that they were there for me. They would be there for me no matter what shit life through my way, and I would stand with them as though my life depended on it.

    We worked together to meet common goals, and if any one of us was in need, the others in the club would band together and help them. It didn’t matter if it was the brother personally, or if it was someone dear to them, it was all the same to us.

    We hung out when we got the chance. At least, those in our tight circle did. There were a lot of members in the Golden Eagles, but Hopper only resided over those who were local and in the immediate surrounding towns, while we members would often disperse ourselves into smaller groups of guys we were really close with.

    And these men were closer to me than anyone else on the planet.

    But, things were changing within our social group. I was losing bachelor brothers faster than I thought possible. We had been solo for so long, finding girls we thought were cute at the bar and taking them home, then parting ways in the morning.

    It had become sort of a ritual for all of us, and no one really thought about settling down. At least, up until just a few months ago.

    We had spent years just as a group of rowdy young men, more dedicated to the club and our personal lives than anything else. Then, Rafael went and fell in love with a young bartender at Randy’s bar.

    I remembered hearing about it. He and Kain had gone to meet with a man to order a custom prosthetic for one of the members of the club who’d lost a limb in an accident, and this woman caught his eye.

    But, it wasn’t like it normally had been. Raf didn’t want to just fuck her and forget her. He was completely infatuated. Curiosity got the better of us, and I’d gone to the bar to see her with everyone in our small group but Raf. We didn’t tell him that we’d gone, and I had to admit I was rather surprised.

    She wasn’t just the kind of girl a man would want to fuck and forget. There was something so enthralling about her, she captivated anyone who talked to her. Though I never really thought about any of us settling down until we were at least Hopper’s age, I couldn’t let Raf pass her up.

    I knew he was too passive to take any active role in getting her attention, so when we managed to convince him to go into the bar a second time, I all but dared him to leave his number for her on a napkin as we left.

    He did, and the rest was history.

    It had been an adjustment to lose him to love and romance, but the rest of us managed. He was still around, but more often than not, he brought Callie with him. She was nice and very sweet. And, there was no denying she was good to look at, which was an added bonus. None of us other guys might be able to touch her, but damn, we could dream.

    I’d assumed things were going to go back to normal for the rest of us, but the wave of romance between Raf and Callie had barely passed when Kain got struck with Cupid’s arrow.

    We’d come to this very same strip club where we were hanging out right now for his birthday, and Bain, the youngest of our group, thought it would be a great idea for us to treat our friend to a lap dance in honor of his night.

    We all pitched in and Bain chose the girl – one of the club’s most popular strippers who went by the name Bunny. Little did we know Kain had saved Bunny’s life six months before, and buying him that lap dance from her had rekindled something in him we didn’t even know was there in the first place.

    Their relationship took off like a wildfire. None of us bachelors in the group were really sure what was going on between the two of them, all we knew was that Bunny – who we came to learn was really named Sloan – started coming to Hopper’s barbecues.

    She showed up randomly when Kain was around, and we just accepted the fact she was part of the group. No one really talked about it or made it official, we just felt that she was one of us. Callie liked her, and she seemed to add some balance to the face Raf and Callie were the only couple in the immediate club.

    Sloan – or, as we called her tonight, Bunny – was now dancing on stage, stripping and also teasing the room with her luscious body. She had always been one of my favorites at the club, too, but ever since she and Kain had started fucking, ever since they started their official relationship, I’d backed off with her.

    It might be her job to strip and give lap dances, but we all felt it was more respectful to Kain and her relationship to forego getting any more lap dances from her. Sure, we’d shell out the money when she was on stage like she was now, but that was different.

    She loved to dance, and she was damn good at it. Kain never wanted to ask her to stop. He might not like the rest of the world looking at her body every night, but he did support her and her life choices, so we’d often see her dancing when we came to hang out.

    After Sloan and Kain got together, we were all but certain that was the end of the romance in the air, but it wasn’t to be so. Almost immediately after the two of them had gone official, Ryne reconnected with a woman from his past as well.

    We all considered Ryne to be a bachelor for life. Not only did he have a temper that could make Satan himself cringe, but he was dedicated to his work above all else. When he wasn’t at the MC or taking the rare night off to hang out with the guys, he was at the restaurant.

    He had worked from the bottom to the top in a matter of six years without any sort of college or formal training. And the restaurant was one of the highest rated in all of Denver. Hell, it even got recognition across the country.

    But, he had mentioned one night a couple years ago he beat a guy off a woman in the back alley, and out of nowhere she fell back into his life. Well, we could thank Gus Beauregard for that.

    The guy was the sleaziest, ugliest, dumbest member of the MC I’d ever seen. I never understood what Hopper liked about him, and I hated the fact he was a member. But, it wasn’t my call – or any of my brothers’ call – to get him out of the club if he didn’t do anything, so we were stuck with him.

    He blackmailed the girl, Natalie, into dating him, not realizing she and Ryne knew each other. And Natalie really liked Ryne. Without having any reason to stay with Gus, and a million reasons not to stay with him, it wasn’t hard for Ryne to steal her away.

    Of course, he nearly got himself killed by crossing the wrong people, but I was right there to give him a hand. Together, the group came together and we got Gus not only kicked out of the MC, but arrested and thrown in jail for the foreseeable future.

    Natalie and Ryne were free to be together, and they were moving faster than the other two couples combined. Hell, not only did they move in together almost immediately after she was free of Gus’s grasp, but they got engaged just a couple of weeks before at one of Hopper’s barbecues. Tonight, in a way, was a celebration for their engagement. It was one of the few nights we were all able to take off work and hang out without worrying about getting to bed at a decent hour.

    Well, I didn’t have to worry about that anyway. There wasn’t anyone waiting for me at home, and the only job I was working the next day was Randy’s. I didn’t need to be there bouncing until mid-afternoon, more than enough time to party tonight away and sleep in in the morning.

    I had to wander over to the bar, however, to take a break from all the gushing, disgusting love that was in the air. I was happy for all my brothers who had found someone to complete them, but I didn’t need that in my life. I didn’t want it, either, and I wasn’t going to act like I did.

    I was happy riding solo night after night. It was a lot easier to face not remembering a woman’s name for only a morning and know I’d never have to see her again than to think about what life would be like in a year. Or two years.

    Or for the rest of my life.

    I didn’t have anything against monogamy. I just knew it wasn’t for me. I loved women, and I loved having sex. I couldn’t imagine limiting myself to just one woman for the rest of my life. It was just too constricting with all those gorgeous babes out there just begging to be bent over and fucked.

    Not to mention, there was a darker streak in me, and I embraced it. I wasn’t at all ashamed to admit I liked to push limits. Not just in real life, but in the bedroom, too. I loved to see how far I could go, exactly where a woman’s breaking point was.

    It was the thrill of the moment, and when I discovered that place, I was ready to move on to the next. I was a hunter, and women were the prey. And I loved the thrill of the chase and the romp in the bedroom when I finally scored. It had become my life, and I was beyond happy living it.

    Hanging out at the bar was a far better place to pick up women than on the floor. The strip club had a surprising amount of women some nights, and I was always right there scoping out who I might be able to take home.

    It wasn’t easy taking the strippers themselves home, and I’d slept with many who were working here anyway. No, I wanted to take home a girl who didn’t often take her clothes off for men. It would be a new thrill, and one that would hopefully relieve some of the tension that had built up inside me over the past few months.

    I had to get laid soon. I was feeling increasingly frustrated with life, and I knew that release was all I needed to feel better. But, I had been too busy to come to the club much, and I couldn’t exactly pick up chicks when I was bouncing at the other bar.

    I had to make the most of tonight, that was for sure.

    But, as the night wore on, I realized I wasn’t going to get that chance. I could flirt with the bartenders – several of them were just as hot as the women who were on stage – and I could flirt with the other women who were hanging around the bar, but tonight was filled with douche bags who were all trying to show off.

    It was almost as fun, keeping them all in line for the girls at the bar, but it wasn’t nearly the same release as getting laid would have been. Though, I had to admit, I did end up staying much later than I’d originally planned dealing with the assholes who were harassing women trying to serve and trying to drink.

    The bouncers at the club were more concentrated on the strippers than the bartenders more often than not, so they were often subjected to assholes hitting on them as though they were going to take off their clothing for money, too.

    It was entertaining to a point, but then, it just got annoying. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like for the girls behind the bar. They had to be just as annoyed with the situation if not more so than I was listening to it. The guys were persistent, that was for sure, and it got old fast.

    Eventually, I decided the best thing to do would be to head to the gym the next day. I wasn’t getting anywhere closer to having a release at the bar that night, and I figured a sparring match or hitting a punching bag might do me some good. It couldn’t hurt anyway.

    And it might do something to help get rid of all this tension that had built up inside.

    By the time I left the bar, Bain was the only other member of our MC who was still there. The couples had taken off for a triple date as soon as Sloan had finished dancing, and we two bachelors had stayed behind to see what we could get.

    And, from the looks of things, Bain wasn’t doing much better than me.

    Anything good over at the bar? he asked as I walked over to tell him goodnight.

    I shook my head. Same old. There’s a lot of douches over there if you want to pick a fight, but nothing in the tits and ass department.

    Fuck, he said with a shake of his head. And I was hoping to take someone home tonight.

    Me too, I said with a nod. Next time.

    Night, Buddy, he said as I turned to go. I held up my hand and kept walking, my mind on other things the entire ride home.

    At least if you do have a partner in life you can have sex whenever you want. Beats having to go home and use your hand time and time again. Fuck.

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