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A Journey Part 1
A Journey Part 1
A Journey Part 1
Ebook62 pages56 minutes

A Journey Part 1

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This is a book about ones man`s travel to a number of countries. The people he met and the experiences he had along the way. It's a short story only and will be followed by a Part 2. The countries that have been mentioned in this book are Australia, Canada, USA, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Fiji, Hong Kong, South Korea, Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, East Timor,Turkey, and China.

My sequel will be about travels in Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, and Laos. With more insight into my experiences from Part 1. I purposely left out peoples names due to legal reasons, some experiences are personal so I have not disclosed them.

Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did writing it.

PublisherAlan Thomas
Release dateAug 27, 2019
A Journey Part 1

Alan Thomas

Author BioBorn and raised in New Zealand. I am currently living in Australia. I have always had a passion for travel and new experiences and have travelled to many countries around the world. Little did I know I would end up in war torn East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. Wouldn`t trade the experience for anything. Met some very interesting people. Some very colorful characters. I believe it not only gives you an insight to what is truly happening in these countries but also an appreciation of the benefits we sometimes take for-granted in life.My interest in writing my first two books “Fatal Decision” and “Hostile Intent” was born out of my fascination in global politics especially the Worlds Super Powers. Following military movements, and political cat and mouse between the UN Security Council members was intriguing and sometimes amusing.I have travelled fairly extensively to some amazing places around the world and some not so amazing. But the experience is always worth the effort. Some places I`ve traveled: USA, Canada, Mongolia, Japan, Germany, Turkey, Dubai, Kuwait, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, and many more..Have a great passion for sport, especially Bodybuilding. Both participating and viewing. Living in a tropical paradise like Australia it’s easy to be persuaded to venture outdoors and hit the beach.I truly hope you will enjoy my first two books as much as I did writing them. The new sequel called “Hostile Intent” has just been released through my Publisher and is now available through all major book outlets..2019I have just released my first book of poetry. It's from the heart so I hope you will enjoy. It's my 3rd book.2019Just released my 4th book which is about my travels and experience. It's a short story. I will write a sequel to this at some stage as I have many experiences overseas.2020Have released my 5th book entitled, "The Mind Set". If the mind is strong the body will follow.I would like to dedicate this book to my three children, Darcian, Dayna and Calin.

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    Book preview

    A Journey Part 1 - Alan Thomas

    The Journey Part 1

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2019 Alan Thomas

    License Notes: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    1st Trip Australia: (Been their many times)

    2nd Trip Fiji Islands (Been their twice)

    3rd Trip Cook Islands.

    4th Trip East Timor

    5th Trip Afghanistan/Germany

    6th Trip Texas/Iraq

    7th Trip Turkey.

    8th Trip Canada/USA

    9th Trip Afghanistan. (Been their three times)

    10th Trip Dubai (Been their many times)

    11th Trip Afghanistan

    12th Trip Papua New Guinea (Been their twice)

    13th Trip Las Vegas

    14th Trip Washington DC/New York (Have traveled through 23 States)

    15th Trip Arizona (Been their twice)

    16th Trip Mongolia

    17th Trip Busan, South Korea.

    18th Trip Hong Kong (Been their twice)

    19th Trip China (Been their twice)

    The cover was taken in East Timor. Dili city in the back ground.

    This Is not a tourist book or travel book, It’s a short story book about my own personal experiences whilst traveling. I have left out some countries and may mention them in my Part 2 version. Kuwait, Laos, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, and New Zealand. My USA travels and experience are many and I will touch further on these experiences in my next book.


    I`m skimming through many parts of my travels as my experiences are many, from very dangerous, to outright funny. For instance, how many folks have flown in a US State Dept. Jet? Maybe a sequel to this book might be the next step. I won`t use names as folks may not approve but I may use a first name when and where appropriate.

    I have seen so called democratic Government elections in three countries: Afghanistan, Iraq and East Timor. I have met folks from all walks of life and backgrounds, both good and bad. I will give only one piece of advice when traveling. Every step is a journey and an experience, enjoy every moment but always be weary when traveling. It doesn`t matter which country, just use your common sense. If you are buddying with someone watch each other’s backs. Befriending people is good but people are people where-ever you go, so take them at face value until you really get to know them.

    Where did It all start? My fascination with travel and new experiences. My main destination for me was the USA. It all started when I was a young kid growing up. I was completely absorbed by the Hollywood movies, mainly westerns. My favorite being the Clint Eastwood series, number one was The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Saw It eight times. I was wide eyed at the stunning grandiose scenery (Arizona, Wyoming etc.) and the look of the characters. Men were men in those days and I found out most of the Hollywood male actors were ex-military veterans. There was no P/C in those days either. Today, actors run around in spandex and marry one day and divorce the next. Completely different world today. I`m digressing a little. Anyways, it was school holidays and I caught the bus into the city to meet my Mom for lunch. She worked in town. I was maybe ten years old. My Mom asked me If I would like to see a movie? I was so excited. She asked which one? I said, Dirty Harry. Dirty Harry was an R13. It’s about a San Francisco Police Inspector named Harry Callahan. Clint Eastwood played the part. He carried a .44 Magnum model 29. At the time It was the most powerful hand gun in the world. He pursues a psychopathic killer in the film. We spoke to the Ticket Sales lady and my Mom asked for one adult and one child ticket. The lady said, He cannot see this film as he is too young. My Mom said, He has been waiting so long to see this film and he will be okay as he is with me and please could you let him in? The ticket sales lady let me in. Yeah! As soon as I saw Clint Eastwood as Inspector Callahan, I was smitten. He was so cool. The film was about Good Vs Evil and in those days Good

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