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Orphan: Sounds Of Evil
Orphan: Sounds Of Evil
Orphan: Sounds Of Evil
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Orphan: Sounds Of Evil

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In the gripping novel "Orphan" by Jonathan Vase, Tommy's blissful life with his foster family takes an unexpected turn as haunting memories from his past resurface. With each disturbing recollection, he unravels the enigmatic secrets surrounding his birth mother and estranged sister, shattering the illusion of the life he once cherished.

As Tommy delves deeper into the murky depths of his origins, he uncovers a web of deception and darkness, threatening to upend everything he believed to be true. The journey to uncover the truth becomes a perilous undertaking, as he confronts the haunting reality behind his orphanhood.

Jonathan Vase masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, mystery, and self-discovery, where the truth lurks in the shadows, waiting to be unveiled. Join Tommy as he embarks on a treacherous quest, confronting the dark forces that shaped his existence. Will he find solace in the revelation of the ugly truth, or will it forever shatter his sense of identity?

"Orphan" is a riveting exploration of the human spirit's resilience and the depths one must plunge to unearth their past. Prepare to be captivated by this thought-provoking page-turner that will keep you guessing until the very end. Don't miss out on the thrilling journey of Tommy's life as he confronts the secrets that lie within.

PublisherJonathan Vase
Release dateAug 30, 2019

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    Book preview

    Orphan - Jonathan Vase

    Chapter 1

    As Tommy sat at the lunch table, he doesn't know if he's excited or scared. But you haven't seen your mom since you were 9! exclaimed Ashlynn Hebos, Tommy's best friend.

    I know, said Tommy. But it's not like I've been avoiding her for 8 years. It'll be good to see her, right? Tommy asked with hesitation in his voice.

    Only you know that, she said as she got up from their lunch table to go to Spanish class.

    When Tommy was a kid, something was definitely wrong with his family. He didn't remember much at all. He doesn't remember his father much. Apparently, he either died or ran away from his family. He remembers having a sister but doesn't have any memories of her and him interacting. Was he older or younger than her? Was she a brainiac like him or like the stupid girls across the lunchroom? He didn't care. He was happy with his foster parents at his high school in Oklahoma.

    Zoning out again? asked Tommy's other friend, Ross.

    What? Oh, yeah, Tommy answered.

    Thinkin' bout your mom comin'? Ross asked.

    Yeah. I mean, how do I barely remember her? You remember stuff from when you were 9, right? asked Tommy.

    Some. Vacations and sports stuff. Nothing worth remembering really, Ross said.

    I don't remember anything. Something must have happened. Maybe my dad died in a car accident with me in the car and I got like long-term memory loss! suggested Tommy.

    I guess it's possible. It's the most likely thing you've come up with all week, commented Ross.

    I gotta ask. When I see my mom, I have to find out what happened. I mean, I'm seventeen. I think I can handle whatever happened to me when I was 9, said Tommy.

    Eh, don't be so sure about that, bro. You never know.

    C'mon, it doesn't affect my life right now so why should it matter? asked Tommy. But in his head, he was worried to death about what it might be.


    Hey, Diane. I'm home.

    Diane was Tommy's adopted mother. He only had to stay in an orphanage for 2 weeks before she and her husband, Rick, took him in. They were great to him and treated him just like their real kids. He was happy to call them family.

    Hi, Honey. I made you your favorite. Grilled chicken and Caesar salad, She yelled from the kitchen.

    Tommy made his way into the kitchen to find his favorite dish of hers on the table. She had a mug of coffee in her hand. Diane is obsessed with coffee and drinks at all hours of the day.

    Hon, you need to drive down to the coffee shop at around 7:30 to meet your mother, she told him.

    Okay, I don't know when I'll be back though. Don't freak out if I'm late, Tommy said.

    I want you to be ready, Tom, she said as she held his hand.

    Ready? Emotionally? I think I got that down, he reassured her.

    Oh, I don't know, sweetie. This is pretty big. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit you hard, she told him.

    Di, whatever it is doesn't matter anymore. I'm okay right now. I'm happy. Something from 9 years ago isn't going to affect me now, he said.

    Well, I'm glad you're focused on moving forward. Just...expect the unexpected, she said.

    What could it be that she's making such a big deal about? Could it really hit him that hard? He knew time would barely move until the clock hands moved to 7:30.

    Chapter 2

    The clock read 6:49 PM. Tommy still had about 40 minutes.

    He called Ashlyn who called Ross so they could have a three-way call.

    Like you said before, whatever it is, it doesn't matter anymore, Ashlyn reassured Tommy.

    Even if it is life-changing, we're here to help you through this. Whatever it is, Ross told him.

    You need to stop worrying and just face her, Ashlyn said.

    Yeah...I know you guys are right and I know I need to just get this over with but Diane said at dinner that she knew about it the whole time she had me. She never told me because it was too 'disturbed' to talk about, Tommy explained.

    Disturbed? asked Ross.

    What the hell could have happened that it would have made your mom scared to talk about? asked Ashlyn.

    I got nothin', said Ross.

    Exactly. None of us are going to know unless I go and find out. I...I'm gonna go get there early. Just in case you know. Plus I think some fresh air will do me good right now, Tommy said.

    Ok. Hang in there bud, Ross said.

    Yeah, and make sure you call us when you get home. I don't care how late it is. You've been bugging us about it for 3 days. We deserve to know... Ashlyn said with a fake vengeance in her voice.

    Okay. I will. Bye guys, Tommy said as he laughed and hung up the phone.

    Tommy hugged Diane and Rick and his sister Katy and left. The ride to the coffee shop felt like a million miles long even though it was only a few blocks. He wasn't focused and skipped a few stop signs and ran through a red light. Driving didn't matter. The only thing that mattered right then was his real mom. Was she nice? Was she pretty? She could be one of those old hippies for all he knew. He hoped she was sane enough to tell him about whatever it was. She could have been in the looney bin all this time!

    He parked his car in front of the coffee shop. He walked in and ordered a medium coffee. He sat down and sipped it. His phone said it was only 7:06. A lot of time to wait still.

    He would look up immediately whenever a woman walked in. His watch said 7:27. Anytime now.

    A woman with dark brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and dark brown eyes walked in. Their eyes met. He knew immediately it was her. He could tell she knew it was

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