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Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth
Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth
Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth
Ebook210 pages4 hours

Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth

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Again, Sharon and Ivo have joined forces to help you with your role of Lightworker here on earth. “Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth,” is a thought-provoking book which opens your eyes to what's happening within you and the world around you as we undergo enormous personal and global rebirthing.

What's happening to your body and why? Why is your reality changing? As you begin to experience a greater multidimensional reality and heightened states of consciousness, Ivo answers questions you have as to why, how and where is this taking you, from his advanced galactic perspective. This essential information will make you rethink your future path in life and will open you up to new experiences as you go through this evolutionary process.

As our world begins to change from a meaningless, money-driven, warring world to one of benevolence, peace and love, Ivo divulges information not intended for those who aren't ready to hear.

Written with love for you from Ivo and Sharon.

Release dateSep 4, 2018
Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth

Sharon Stewart

Sharon Stewart is a Lightworker, Astral Incarnate, Channeler, Blue Ray, Wayshower, Light Warrior, Author​When Ivo came through and introduced himself in 2015, Sharon awakened to her purpose on earth and the reason for all she has gone through. Looking back through her past through a new perspective of an awakened extraterrestrial consciousness, Ivo helped her to make sense of her life, and she shares what she has learned with you.​Through her etheric/3D implant and plasma connection to Ivo, Sharon has been channeling information ever since. As the implant works on high frequencies only, she now enjoys working relationships with many other extraterrestrials/universals as well – the growing Implant Communications team! Well connected in the galaxy as Tiannia of Vega, 12D priestess of Vega, with connections to many more beings of love, watch for Sharon's reports of reconnecting with her friends who she loved but forgot as she left to fulfill her role upon earth.Ivo's mandate for earth is to help awaken lightworkers and to help humanity as we ascend towards 5D, and Sharon is key in this. The only being able to channel him, they work as a team to spread information to awaken and enlighten all on earth.Ivo and Sharon have written channeled books to provide information to Lightworkers and starseeds who want to know why they are on earth, what is happening as they undergo Ascension and what will happen on 4D earth as GESARA law is implemented. Available where e-books are sold. Videos on youtube.

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    Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth - Sharon Stewart

    Ivo on Ascension and the Liberation of Planet Earth

    Sharon Stewart

    Published by Sharon Stewart

    Implant Communications

    Copyright 2018 Sharon Stewart

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    ISBN: 9780463667422

    Cover artwork created by Christine Dennett,

    Ivo on Ascension

    and the Liberation of Planet Earth

    By Ivo of Vega

    Channeled by Sharon Stewart

    Implant Communications


    Table of Contents

    Prologue: Since Our Last Book

    You are Consciousness, An Energy Being

    You are Energy

    The Event

    Ascension – What is it?

    Draining the Swamp



    What's to Come for Us?

    Telos and Agartha

    What is Life Like out in the Galaxy, and in the Vegan Star System?

    What Can Extraterrestrials Do For Us?


    Prologue: Since Our Last Book

    A lot has happened since the last time you heard from Ivo and me. Our last book, From Beyond this World, gave an introductory look at being a lightworker (starseed) on planet earth, described why you came here, what you may be here to do and more!

    Since then, the learning curve has been steep for me. Living IS learning, daily learning and the more I learn, it seems the more questions I have. Good thing I have more members channeling to me on the Implant Communications team! Since the last book, Akon of Alpha Centauri helps me create videos for youtube viewers, Archangel Michael has come through with messages, Sharina of Telos and now Adama of Telos are available for channeling and I still have to channel an aspect myself: Xarian of the 6th dimenison. Xarian is unusual as it is a group consciousness, comprised of 3 beings: one androgynous, one male and one female.

    I'm going through ascension myself and old blocks are being removed that allow me to express my higher self more readily without battling my negative ego at every turn. The downside is I'm tired a lot which is part of this process (described in this book), and grouchy. The earth is ridding itself of as much negativity as possible as it moves to a higher frequency, so those upon it are as well. These are interesting times and be sure we're being watched by many curious extraterrestrials.

    This book gives you an overview of the Ascension process and a glimpse at what is to come for us here on 4D and 5D earth. It answers many questions you may be asking about what's going on with body? Why is it doing this? Why do I feel this way? Are others going through this too? Be rest assured, we are.

    The first chapter describes who you are as a consciousness, an energy being and what part your emotions play in this.

    Throughout the book there are updates on underground information as devulged by Ivo and Ashtar on the physical battle between the Light and the dark, political changes and financial changes as we move closer to GESARA compliancy on earth.

    In the end, Ivo describes life upon his (our) planet Elteron in the Vegan star system, and what we humans can expect as we move higher in vibration, when we join them and other human(oid) groups throughout the galaxy. Our future awaits! This book describes it.

    You are Consciousness, an Energy Being

    Ivo: Consciousness is what you really are. Yes. Not a body, not even a mind. You are part of all that is and you are an energy with consciousness. Meditation is a means of accessing more of this consciousness than you normally would have access to. It is a means of accessing higher consciousness or higher aspects of yourself.

    Me: So what role does the physical body play with consciousness?

    Ivo: The body is a limiter. It limits the amount of your soul you can access and as the chakras are balanced, then your ability to access more consciousness increases. The chakras come into balance when you deal with your emotions and master life lessons. They also balance when you meditate, however holding yourself there takes constant work. (I just intuited that the mind, consciousness, the brain and body all have to be utilized to create this balance.)

    Me: Why? How does that work?

    Ivo: During meditation you move to the higher chakras. Normally in your regular working day state, you use the lower chakras unless of course you have a job like a psychic medium or yours, a channeller. This of course is because you live in a world that is of lower consciousness, requires predominantly two or three chakras to live in. This is by design. The malevolent controllers of your world have created this type of circumstance to prevent you from ascending.

    When you meditate you have a feeling of not being in touch with your lower body and being all in your head. That is because your crown and third eye chakras are most active. You also have a feeling of expansiveness because your awareness is not of your body so much anymore, but of your spirit, your consciousness.

    The Physical Body is a System Created to Help You to Learn

    Me: So I can see why life is so varied if our chakras are where they are in our quest to balance them, then you get the energies from the earth's chakras influencing them, then the energies from other parts of the galaxy, and then who knows what else?

    Ivo: Yes, extremely varied, my love. The what else here is other people, environments and earth energies. They can also affect the balance of your chakras, so you see how everything is one.

    Me: Yes. I'm seeing that! So Ivo, can you explain how the body exactly helps us to learn?

    Ivo: Absolutely! The body is comprised of low vibrational energy, which appears to be solid to you. However you know from basic science that all matter is comprised of atoms which vibrate. So your body is not solid, it is vibrating. However on third dimensional earth, this was slowly. Now in fourth dimensional earth, the body is vibrating somewhat faster. But it still appears solid to you. Eventually there will be a split of your people into different physical dimensions but we will discuss that in a later chapter.

    There are many ways this body helps you to learn. As I said, the chakras allow the energies to influence how you view life. For example, if your root chakra is balanced, then you will be basically secure on earth and be able to provide adequately for yourself, in financial terms and in terms of needs and wants. If, however, the root is out of balance then you will have money problems and many transactions in life will leave you feeling insecure about yourself. Jobs, for example, job security when looked at in an inner sense, relating to the chakras would indicate whether or not one felt emotionally secure with one's position in the company.

    And in the event that job security is not available, because of outside influences, and you care about this, it will also imbalance the root chakra. So this shows how you can influence how you feel about your life through a balanced or imbalanced chakra, and that the energies which surround you can also put your chakras out of balance.

    This of course, is a tool used by your controllers to keep you off balance. There is much job insecurity these days, with many people working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet, which is a set of circumstances brought on by the Illuminati and the beings who control your world.

    When you are in a relationship and feel loved, the heart chakra will open. When you are in an insecure relationship, the heart chakra will close and you will behave accordingly. Your partner has the ability to keep your heart chakra open or closed; so choose wisely.

    Me: Ivo, can we please explain here how I figured out that the body is like a rainbow?

    Ivo: Yes (smiling), your rainbow analogy. Very well. Your 3D earth chakra systems are comprised of 7 internal chakras and 5 external chakras. The 7 internal chakras all function at different frequencies.

    The root chakra is the lowest frequency, its frequency being of the colour red. This chakra corresponds to closest to physicality and your etheric body.

    The sacral chakra is slightly higher in vibration and its corresponding frequency colour is orange. It corresponds to your emotional body, which is higher in frequency than your physical body. That is why most cannot see it with physical eyes.

    The solar plexus chakra corresponds to the colour yellow and the mental body section of the light body. It resonates at a higher frequency than the sacral chakra and the root chakra.

    Next is the heart chakra, the colour of which is either pink or green. Both resonate at the same frequency. They correspond to the astral body which is on the fourth dimension. Yes, as you ascend, your physical body will become the astral body, and then move on from there.

    Next is the throat chakra whose colour is blue and which corresponds to the Etheric template layer of the light body, and the fifth dimension.

    Next is the third eye which corresponds to the celestial body or 6th dimension. It resonates with the colour violet.

    Finally, the crown chakra corresponds to the ketheric body and its colour is white or light light violet.

    Above the physical chakras are 5 more which correspond to layers of the multiverse.

    We Are Physical Beings of Earth

    Physically, we are beings of the earth and everything we need to physically survive is here. However, it is currently being controlled by governments and companies who have created a threat to survival scenario for us.

    We are born onto earth in a physical body, but we are not that body. It is part of us, the Consciousness. It is simply a tool to help us to navigate the physical 3D, now 4D life. The physical eyes, ears, nose, mouth and sense of touch are physical senses only, pertaining to earth. We also have psychic senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are facets of the consciousness body (the light body, astral body, etheric body).

    Ivo: Earth was groomed to become the planet that would support your branch of humanity (the Terrans) in their Ascension back to the Light (Source, God, Godhead, eternity, etc). Everything you needed was supplied at no cost to you by Gaia. However this system has largely fallen out of balance, which is the dilemma facing you at the moment.

    You are one with Gaia and she is one with the universe. You are all of the universe because you are all consciousness. There is no separation. The physical bodies and your physical senses bely that fact.

    However, those upon the earth now have chosen to use their lives here to learn, to master themselves. And the body, as I said before, is a tool to do this.

    Other tools are relationships and there are guides to be used to navigate your way through your life - these guides are the emotions, which are indicators of energy levels. Happiness, love, peace are high energy emotions and are desirable. Anger, shame and guilt are low energy emotions and are undesirable. These types of low frequency emotions arise from what is commonly referred to as the shadow self, or negative ego and it is this shadow that must be transcended in order to move to higher vibrations. This is a simplistic description of the ascension process.

    Of course the shadow self was created early in life in response to your first impressions of life. The inner child encompasses the shadow and provides the impetus for change throughout your lifetime.

    We Are Living in an Artificial System That Doesn't Suit Our Consciousnesses

    Ivo: You are currently living in a system on earth that does not suit your true nature - which is love. All humans are beings of love and light. High vibrational beings. You are in a low vibrational situation in the fourth dimension, which has been hijacked by malevolent beings who control your people into thinking of themselves as far, far less than who you truly are. The Galactic Federation and other councils, universal beings including Sananda are channeling to your planet to get you to understand that you are being misled.

    Such was also the reason for our channeling our first book, What You Need to Know Now, to wake up people on your planet to the fact that you are being controlled. A bird in a guilded cage is still a prisoner, and whether your lives on earth are to your liking or not, you are still living as far less than your birthright allows for. You are trapped. Lightworkers have come to change this on your planet. Our second book, From Beyond This World, is my message to the Lightworkers to help them wake up and to step into their power.

    There are many systems upon your earth that are corrupt and these are government, financial, health care, social services, religion, military, education. These systems do not meet your true needs as humans. Your food systems produce food that is intended to make you sick and to put you in an early grave. Humans in other parts of the galaxy, who live in balanced bodies and eat healthfully, live for thousands of years. Yes. Consider that.

    This is not intended to scare you. It is intended to get you to think and to wake up if you have not already. To those who have, I offer my congratulations, as you are powerful and recognize yourself as such. To resist what has been created to make you suffer is difficult and I offer my sympathies as it was not easy, I am sure. But you are the wayshower for many more who will come after you, the leader of the masses who say, No more! and who will leave the system. Yes, this is happening now.

    On many timelines the system is changing to one of humanitarianism and benevolence. But this will take time to implement. You are part of this and it is your strength and your will that has helped forge that path for others. You will be regarded in future as Jesus was in the bible, of that type of influence. I am sure you did not do it for the fame and the glory, but because it was the right thing to do for yourself and for others. Your love of self and others is noteworthy. Gaia appreciates all you are doing for her.

    This Consciousness is Now Rapidly Changing

    Ivo: As Gaia moves up into the 5th dimension, many are starting to experience oddities that indicate they are increasing in consciousness.

    Me: Some people report feeling intuitions that tell them to look at something. One person I know to be clairvisual. I believe what was happening is the messenger is instructing them to look at what appears to be nothing to them except maybe some physical object or objects that they're used to seeing everyday. So why would one's intuition instruct them to look at everyday objects which, unless you really think of their god-given presence with reverence, would have no particular significance? The answer to that is there is something there that is invisible to this person using 3D vision and through their focusing to find something, they are exercising their eyes to view at 5D level: which would show us objects that, at this point in time are invisible to us. I believe that on top of having the appropriate vibrational rate, that training is necessary in order to use one's bodily senses at 5D level.

    For some things will come naturally; for others training will be necessary.

    If you hear buzzing around your ears at night and you've determined it's not a mosquito, don't dismiss that as just my imagination. We're moving into a new realm on earth that will stand your imagination on its head.

    For the

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