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The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait
The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait
The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait
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The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait

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Michael Andolini heard what he had been told, but refused to believe it. He had too much to live for, too much going on in his life. A brand new home, a beautiful wife and daughter, a perfect life! There was no way he could be dead!

The four so-called spirits trying to convince him that it was no use simply gave up too easily. They hadn't tried hard enough to find a way back. He would. And he did not care how long it took. As long as his body continued to breathe, he had a chance.

Michael believed in the triumph of good over evil. He believed in the power of love to move mountains. He believed in the impossible.

Those beliefs would now be put to the ultimate test.

Nothing would stop him from finding out why he was attacked, who the Anti-Bodies were, why they were linked to him, and... was his daughter really psychic?

PublisherMike Aragona
Release dateSep 13, 2019
The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait

Mike Aragona

A lifetime of Comic Book, Science Fiction, New Age, and Fantasy reading with a healthy dose of English courses and a love of movies have all collided and conspired to bring Mike Aragona into the world of letters and sentences. With a cast of crazy characters constantly jostling for brain energy who want to be written about, Comedy and Superheroes vy for attention with Relationships, Committment, and "What's on the Other side".

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    The Anti-Bodies - Mike Aragona

    The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait

    By Mike Aragona

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait © 2007-2019 by Mike Aragona.

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    All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal use and enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Digital Edition: ISBN 978-0-9784923-5-9

    Published by Savage Enterprises Publishing at Smashwords


    For Chantale.

    Without her love, encouragement, and dedication, my life would not be as amazing as it is today.


    Chapter 01 – It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

    Michael Andolini had no idea that his life and that of his wife and daughter was about to change drastically, dramatically, and forever. As he stood outside his house, breathing in the crisp October air, he looked at his front lawn and smiled. The new grass really took well, he said to himself. It’s gotten quite long and I guess it’s time for its first cut. This late in the year, though, it will also be its last.

    I guess I’ll have something to do this afternoon, he said aloud, scaring a couple of playful sparrows off his front porch.

    Howdy Neighbor! came a friendly salute from the right of him. Francesco Forza was sitting on the porch in his favorite chair, reading the morning paper.

    Hey Frank! waved Michael. What a gorgeous Saturday this turned out to be, eh?

    Don’t you know it! Too beautiful a day to be spending it inside! he answered back, laughing.

    Michael smiled and shook his head at the tease. No matter what time he got up in the mornings, Francesco was always up and out before him. What can I say? I enjoy my bed.

    Say no more, please! I’m divorced remember! he shot back. And even when I wasn’t, my wife was never as pretty as yours!

    Michael had to agree at that comment. Rebecca was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He knew from the moment that he met her that she was special. The fact that she turned out to be as intelligent as she was gorgeous just made her too amazing a person to pass up. It was a good thing he had been able to charm her into dating him. Falling in love was a short step from that first date, he remembered.

    Rebecca’s inside with Julia. They’re baking cookies today; chocolate chip, he informed Francesco.

    Mmm! My favorite! said Francesco enthusiastically. Do you think I’ll be lucky enough to be allowed to taste one?

    I’m sure even an old fart like you will be able to convince my 9 year old daughter that you deserve a cookie. She has this thing for pathetic animals with sad, droopy eyes.

    Aw, you’re only saying that because it’s true! said Francesco in rebuttal. Maybe I can just bark for my cookie.

    Yeah, that could work, smiled Michael. I’m gonna head out and buy my own paper, Frank. I’ll see you later.

    Ok, sure. Hey! Do you think you can pick me up a box of Black Magic chocolates? he asked. It’s been too long since my last box and I’m really craving them now. Even my hands are shaking, look! He waved his hands at Michael and mimicked having a seizure.

    Sure, no problem, answered Michael. Then, he waved at Francesco and walked to the curb.

    Francesco Forza moved into the neighborhood about two years ago. He was quite a few years older than Michael but they got along famously. As far as anyone on the street was concerned, he was a nice old man who had a few quirks. It seemed like he hardly slept and he had a fond desire for Black Magic chocolates that was so strong, it could almost be an addiction. Still, even on a street as quiet as this one, everyone is entitled to a few quirks, he thought.

    Michael stopped at the curb and had a sudden urge to turn back and look at his house. He put his hands on his hips and looked upon the home he built. Okay, to be honest, he didn’t really build it with his own hands. He didn’t pick it out of a catalogue and pay someone to build it either. It was the model home for the project that became his street and his family happened to be lucky enough to be the first owners. When he and Rebecca had initially decided it was time for them to buy a house, they weren’t sure what they wanted. All they knew for sure was that it had to be nice, it had to feel comfortable, it had to have a yard for Julia to be able to run around and play in, and it had to have a garage. They also wanted a house with at least 3 bedrooms because they had also decided that Julia deserved a little brother or sister, one day. It was nice to have dreams.

    The first time Michael and Rebecca saw the model home, their jaws dropped. It was spectacular. It was brand new and looked positively enormous. They fell in love with it immediately but did not believe they could afford it. After visiting a number of other homes, their minds and hearts kept coming back to the model home. They decided to take one last look at it and Rebecca had told him that walking through the door FELT like coming home. They asked a few more pertinent questions in regards to taxes and guarantees but it was all formality. When they realized they were able to afford it with some creative accounting and juggling of balances, they knew they had to have it. In their bones, in their soul, they knew they needed it. No other house would do. Number 10, Avenue of Angels had been built for them without their knowledge. It had just taken them a bit of time to find it.

    With hearts racing, they told their agent to stop the search and draw out the papers. This was the house they wanted to call home. In the blinding flash of a whirlwind week, all the legalities and formalities were out of the way and a week after that, the keys were in their hands. Their first home together had turned into a magical castle and the dizziness of that experience would not abate regardless of how much time had passed or would pass.

    Michael looked in through the living room windows. Normally, the kitchen would not be visible, but from the angle he was standing at, he could just make out Rebecca and Julia bustling around, preparing what they needed to bake their cookies. The pure joy he felt at the image in his heart could not be described. It was as though the warmest blanket he could ever have imagined had been wrapped around his heart and the heat it exuded just made his heart want to burst with love and pride. He imagined The Grinch’s heart exploding out of the box in the cartoon version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and decided that if the Grinch had felt what he, Michael, was feeling right now, his heart would have burst out beyond the box AND beyond the television set as well!

    Still smiling, he looked up, over the rest of the house, stopping first at his and Rebecca’s bedroom. He smiled as he pictured her getting ready for bed every night. Her beautiful, long, blonde hair, draped over him as she lay her head on his bare chest. His hands idly tracing over her neck, ear, and arm before touching the silky nightgown she had on. He could close his eyes and smell her perfume and see the outline of her curves as the nightgown covered yet accentuated her body. God how he loved her. He felt such a passion for her that he knew if ever he were tested, and there was actually a way to do so, he would climb back from death to be with her again. He just could not imagine a life without her.

    He took a deep breath in order to still his racing heart and his eyes continued to travel to the right of the house, this time stopping at Julia’s bedroom. Julia, his little lady. Only nine years old and yet already possessing the ability to completely control her father with only the power of her smile. Her long black hair and wide unquestioning eyes would sparkle with deviousness whenever she got to playing Tickle-me-Daddy. Her big smile and deep giggling fits of laughter would always get him to the core and he would have to stop in order to cradle her and crush her in his arms. I love you, Pumpkin, he would say to her and kiss her on the top of her wiggling head. I love you too, Daddy she would answer before suddenly finding another tickle spot and starting up the battle all over again.

    Shaking himself out of his reverie, Michael turned once more and faced towards the store. Before he could take a step, Francesco spoke to him. You are a very lucky man, Michael, he said, as Michael turned to him instead. You have got a beautiful house and a very beautiful family. Heaven has blessed you, my friend.

    Thank you, Francesco, he replied. I’m not too proud to admit that I know how lucky I am and I’m not too full of myself not to thank God every day for this amazing life I’m living. It makes every day feel like sunshine His smile got bigger and he waved at Francesco once more before finally taking that first step towards the store.

    As he walked, Michael very warmly greeted all his neighbors, sharing his happy smile to whomever could benefit from it. He saw the neighbor who owned the house on the corner of the street and stopped to chat.

    Good morning, Bob! How’s Margie today? he asked as he passed Bob Patterson who was lazily stacking up his firewood on the side of his garage.

    Morning, Mike! Oh she’s doing much better, thanks for asking! he waved back. She’s able to move around more now and the doc says she could be out of her cast in about two months.

    Well that’s good to hear! You make sure to give her our best. We’re still hoping they’ll be able to catch the guy who ran into her. A driver like that who can’t even see there’s an injured person in the car he hits and decides to drive off deserves to be locked up for a long time.

    Yeah, Bob answered sourly. According to the Police, normally they would have cracked and given themselves in by now. But, it seems that whoever that animal was, he doesn’t have a conscience. I’ll give her your wishes, he added, his smile slowly returning.

    Well if she’s up to it later, why don’t the two of you drop by our house. Rebecca and Julia are baking up a batch of cookies.

    That sounds like a nice offer. Thanks Michael. We’ll try to make it by later.

    Great! Well, it sure looks like it’s going to be a nice one today, eh? Taking advantage of it to make sure you’re ready for the winter? he commented.

    Yup, sure does, he answered, taking a short break to wipe the sweat off his brow. Figured it would be the best time to do it. Better to have a great weekend with fabulous weather than for it to fall on a weekday when we’ve gotta spend it working indoors!

    I hear you, Bob. Life’s too short to be spending it all in the office. God didn’t make us so we would forever stay in our caves, no matter how nicely furnished they are! We don’t have to worship the sun to appreciate it.

    Amen, brother! Bob joked.

    They both laughed and Michael waved to Bob and continued his trek to the store. He couldn’t get over how happy he was this day. The shining sun, the beautiful clear sky, his cozy home, and friendly neighbors, just all worked together to keep the smile on his face. Living on the Avenue of Angels was a dream come true for him.

    Michael and Rebecca were the first to move onto the street and had enjoyed welcoming everyone else. It helped make the project not feel like a project, but more like a family gathering. There wasn’t anyone who moved in that turned out to be anything other than nice and friendly. Maybe it was part of the charm of the project but it seemed that there were a lot of younger couples and families that had moved in. Thus, everyone seemed to have very similar lifestyles, financial situation, and outlook on life. That certainly made it easier to get along.

    Ten minutes into his stroll, Michael reached the local convenience store, Blue Jay’s. He walked in and was greeted by Jay within two steps of his entrance.

    Hey hey hey, what do you say, Michael!

    Jay reached out his hand and Michael shook it. Jay was six feet five inches of nice. He had been in the convenience store business for more years that he cared to remember and had opened up Blue Jay’s about five years before. His warm smile and friendly banter with all his customers made everyone feel welcomed and he had thoroughly enjoyed watching everyone move into the area more to have new people to talk with than to get more business. Jay was not in business to make money, he simply wanted to render service to people. The fact that he made enough for him to keep the store going just made life easier. As far as Michael knew, Jay had never been robbed. It was difficult for Michael to picture Jay as angry but he could imagine it would be quite the scene. Jay had that look about him that almost screamed, Don’t screw with me. Anyone wanting to take advantage of his good nature would be in deep trouble.

    What can I do for you this fine day? he asked.

    Just wanted to pick up the paper, Jay.

    Ah, can’t have a really good Saturday without the funnies, I hear ya! laughed Jay.

    What is life without a little love and laughter? asked Michael.

    Too true, too true, replied Jay. But then again, you seem to have that a-plenty at home, Mikey! You don’t need to go looking for it in the newspapers!

    "Oh, you’re right about that, Jay. My home is alive with love and laughter, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! But

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