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The New Duchess of Langley
The New Duchess of Langley
The New Duchess of Langley
Ebook80 pages1 hour

The New Duchess of Langley

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Lady Evelyn’s life changed when her mother died and her step-mother Lady Cecilia entered her life. Still everything became worse when her father died leaving them in poverty. Her wicked step-mother decided to use Evelyn as a servant in their household. Evelyn was resigned to her fate and was just happy that she at least had her step-sister Lady Jane in her life. Until she met the Duke of Langley and spoke to him in the shadows.

The Duke of Langley, Julien had no desire to remarry after his first wife jumped to her death from the balcony of their home. However, after losing the third governess for his children, his mother convinced him that finding himself a mother for his twins would be better...More permanent. Set out to find such a woman to act in the sole capacity of mother and nothing more, Julien found the perfect woman. Only she was a servant, way beneath him for marriage. And there was another huge problem— he had feelings for her. He did not want feelings in the equation.

Against the machinations of one wicked step-mother and an unfeeling mother; with expectations of marriage without love, would this maid be the next Duchess of Langley?

PublisherRegina Morgan
Release dateSep 13, 2019
The New Duchess of Langley

Regina Morgan

Regina Morgan is an author of historical and contemporary romance.Her romances range in setting from Medieval times to the Twentieth Century.When not writing, you can find her trying to keep up with her husband and three kids and exploring the different parts of the world.

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    Book preview

    The New Duchess of Langley - Regina Morgan

    The New

    Duchess of Langley

    Copyright © 2019 Regina Morgan All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve



    I’ll get it Ridley, Julien announced, walking by the butler to answer the door himself. From Ridley’s frown, he didn’t like that the Lord of the house was usurping his duties but he would have learned by now that Julien did what he darn well pleased. At the moment, Julien was too stretched thin to stand by and watch another open the door. Like this house on Gosvernor’s Square, the butler that came along with it was all pomp.

    The second Julien opened the door, his mother the Dowager duchess of Langley swept inside. Cloaked in rich perfume, Julien had to stop his breath until she passed him, her head held high, her neck stiff as though the elaborate hairstyle she had atop her head was too heavy for her neck. He barely contained a grimace as he remembered the mother he had known growing up to this overly exuberant woman standing before him.

    Lady Langley was dressed in the height of fashion in a pink dress more suitable for a debutante than a woman of her years. Her waist was cinched tight and her cheeks overly done with rogue. Julien never wanted his mother to act more like he was her son than at that moment when he felt everything was crumbling in his life. He was failing.

    Mother, thanks for coming. Some houses were relaxed once the doors were closed but not in the Langley household. For as long as he could remember, Julien and his mother’s relationship had been formal. Little warmth existed between them.

    Your missive said it was urgent, she said, frowning her annoyance. Is it the children?

    She extended her arm and Julien took it, chagrined that she gave him a reproachful look. He escorted her to the sitting room.

    Yes, we have parted ways with the last governess, he answered then turned to ask Ridley to have one of the servants bring tea and scones for them.

    Surely you do not expect me to babysit the little rascals.

    Julien would not have anticipated such given he knew his mother all too well. She was too busy being social and enjoying her days as an unfettered widow to think about giving an eye on her grandchildren.

    No, mother, he answered, I however am seeking recommendations for another governess. I’m certain you know of someone.

    My dear boy, after your children ran off the last three governesses in space of a year, not one soul is willing to work with the brats.

    At that time the maid appeared and laid out a tray of sweets and tea. Julien poured the tea and his mother ignored the scones. I do not wish to gain a pound, or I shall not be able to fit into my most beautiful gowns I had created for the upcoming season.

    Mother, the governess.

    She scowled at him. I will see what I can find for you on such short notice but really, Julien. You are in charge of such vast holdings and properties and yet you cannot handle your brood! What did the little vagabonds do this time?

    They did aught, he answered, barely saved from grinding his teeth. He had little fondness for the way his mother described the children that came from his loins, even if her descriptions were apt. His children were unruly and ill-mannered. I walked in on her taking a cane to Philip’s backside. I did not take too kindly to the woman caning my son.

    Bah! A little spanking will not hurt the boy. Your father did spank you when you got out of hand and look how fine you turned out.

    Julien refrained from speaking. He only had turned out fine when it suited his mother. Other times, he was her worst disappointment— the son she would have wanted to die instead of his older brother Cameron.

    I will not have anyone cane my children, he insisted, remembering the way his father would render blows on his small frame when he was a child. He always hit Julien where no one would have seen the bruises covered with expensive frippery.

    You can hardly keep changing governesses, she pointed out. The gossip mills are already turning about your uncontrollable children. What you need is not a governess. You need a wife!

    Julien paled at the mere mention of the word wife. At thirty-two years old, a man who had little fears, the word was frightening enough in his thought much more to hear it from his mother’s lips. He was convinced the last thing he needed right now was a wife with her incessant nagging and lack of understanding about the only kind of life he was able to offer her, one without love.

    His heart, what little that was left of it had been ripped apart when his wife died eighteen months ago.

    I already had a wife, Julien remarked. I scarcely have need for another.

    Fiddlesticks, Julien! she exclaimed. You’re well past the appropriate time of mourning to go courting again.

    I don’t think I can.

    You will do what needs to be done, she snapped. Those children of yours need a mother. You cannot raise them on your own. By all means choose someone solely for the role of mother so you will have more time to pay attention to the business of the estate. Grown men have no business spending so much time with little children.

    But Julien loved to wile the time away

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