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True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God
True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God
True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God
Ebook422 pages4 hours

True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God

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Since the day of Pentecost, recorded in Acts chapter 2, many people have received the gift of holy spirit, thereby becoming holy-people or Christians.

This book contains records from the Bible, including information about God Who is Holy Spirit, the creations, the Lord Jesus Christ, the gift of holy spirit, the quality and power of every quantum spirit Christian among all Christians, sons of God, our interconnection, and our hope.

PublisherMaura K. Hill
Release dateSep 7, 2019
True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God

Maura K. Hill

Maura K. Hill was born and raised in Ireland. After working in Ireland and the UK for several years, she relocated to the United States in 1995. She began her formal education in Biblical Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew at Phillips Theological Seminary via the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma in 1996.  A diligent student of the Biblical Languages, Maura published her first Greek-to-English Translation and Study Guide to I Thessalonians in the Fall of 1997. Since then, she published many additional, original Greek-to-English translations and comprehensive study guides for the New and Old Testaments. She has also published numerous and unique Biblical research articles on various topics. Maura continues her diligent research of the Critical Greek Texts and Papyri. Her publications include: True Bible Study - Adam and Eve Genesis 1-5 Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-11 Abraham Genesis 12-25 Isaac and Jacob/Israel Genesis 26-36 Joseph and Judah Genesis 37-50 Moses leaving Egypt Exodus 1-14 Moses and the Law Exodus 15-23 Moses and the Holy Tent Exodus 24-40 Joshua enters the Promised Land Joshua 1-12 Joshua and Israel's Inheritance Joshua 13-24 Deborah, Gideon, Samson Book of Judges Ruth and God's blessings Book of Ruth Samuel and Saul First Samuel 1-15 Saul and David First Samuel 16-31 King David Second Samuel 1-24 Psalms 1-41 Psalms 42-72 Psalms 73-89 Psalms 90-106 Psalms 107-150 Esther and Mordechai Book of Esther Rebuilding the House of God Book of Ezra Rebuilding Jerusalem Book of Nehemiah Jonah and the Sign Matthew Mark Luke John Acts of the Apostles Romans I Corinthians II Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and Philemon I and II Thessalonians I and II Timothy and Titus Hebrews James and Jude I and II Peter I, II, and III John Revelation of Jesus Christ Life, Death, and Resurrection Quantum spirit Christian, son of God

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    Book preview

    True Bible Study - Quantum Spirit Christian, Son of God - Maura K. Hill

    Book Titles by Maura K. Hill


    Since the day of Pentecost , recorded in Acts chapter 2, many people have received the gift of holy spirit, thereby becoming Christians, also known as: holy or sanctified people, saints, sons or children of God.

    Spiritually we correspond to each other. We act in unison in the spirit category, even when we are separated from each other or when we are performing different actions in the physical category.

    This book contains records from the Bible revealing information about what is involved with being a Christian:

    God Who is Spirit

    Original Creation

    Old Creation

    New Creation

    Lord Jesus Christ

    Gift of holy spirit

    Quantum spirit Christian in the new creation

    Quantum spirit Christian interconnection

    Quantum spirit Christian and the mystery

    Quantum spirit Christian with powerful living

    Hope and Completion

    Refer to the True Bible Study series of books for the complete Word Translation and Study that correspond to any abbreviated verses and short studies provided in this book:

    You may also refer to the following articles:

    Adam and Eve



    Belief – Faith

    Birth of Jesus Christ

    Church, Temple, and the Body of Christ


    The devil, satan and evil



    God’s timeline

    Hope and Resurrection

    Jesus – crucifixion date chart

    Judgments and Rewards

    Love in First (I) Corinthians 13

    Miracles, Signs and Wonders


    Pentecost and the gift of holy spirit



    Salvation and Behavior

    Spirit, and soul, and body

    Stars and Constellations

    Suffering while doing good

    Summary of Revelation

    Summary of Ruth

    The name of God

    The name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    Trial and Temptation

    Women in the Bible

    Work in the Bible

    Worship and Reverence

    Please feel free to contact me via the Contact link on this website.

    Thanks to God for His love and grace.

    Maura K. Hill

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    Relevant Notes

    Unless otherwise stated , all scriptures are quoted from the following:

    The True Bible Study Word Translation (TBS);

    The TBS Word Translation is translated from the Greek Papyri, texts, or Septuagint by Maura K. Hill.

    The various resources and reference materials are listed at

    In the TBS Word Translation and Study:

    Words in a parenthesis () and italicized within a scripture verse are words inserted to help our English understanding of those words which are translated from Greek words.

    Words in a parenthesis () in the study of the scripture verse are words of explanation regarding the words prior to the parenthesis.

    Additional explanatory insertions within a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and italicized.

    Additional explanatory notes in the study of a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and are usually in relation to the Greek or Hebrew texts.

    A slash in the study of a scripture verse, such as: him/her, indicates an alternative word depending on the context.

    A dash, such as: go there – to Jerusalem, indicates that a certain word or phrase is particularly important or deserving of extra emphasis.

    Hyphenated words, such as: used-to-go, indicates that there is only one corresponding word in the Greek text.

    Non-English words are printed with English letters.

    I use an initial capital letter for all occurrences of the words Lord and Master when referring to either God or the Lord Jesus Christ due to my respect for them, therefore the reader will need to carefully consider the context of each particular usage to understand to whom that usage refers.

    Where the word spirit refers to God, I use an initial capital or upper-case S - Spirit. But when the word spirit refers to the gift of holy spirit, I use a small or lower-case s - spirit.

    Underlined text is used for the English word but when translated from the Greek word alla to show that it implies a strong contrast to that-which has just previously been stated, and/or to strengthen a command.

    Underlined text is used for the singular form of the word you to distinguish it from the plural form of the word you which is not underlined.

    Underlined text is also used for emphasis.

    In order to communicate the fullness of the emphasis when the Greek definite article is repeated both with the noun and its adjective - for example: I Corinthians 15:4 the Greek is te hemera te trite, which literally means the day the third - I translate it as "the day, the third (day)."

    Verbs in the imperfect tense are translated with the words used-to and then the meaning of the verb.

    For example: used-to teach indicates that the one teaching spent time teaching, his action of teaching continued during a past time that is now finished for some reason, not that it was a quick one-time occurrence. The one teaching taught others taking time to teach, and he may have repeated his teaching at different times and in different ways. This tense is also used to historically describe past events relating what happened.

    Verbs in the perfect tense are translated from Greek with a superscript number 2 immediately following the verb - for example: it was written².

    This tense indicates an action done during a past time and which has a present continuing result, meaning it is still the same at the time the verb was spoken or written. Therefore, this example could be translated as: it was written and continues written.

    The noun love¹ or the verb to love¹ comes from the Greek word agape which is God’s kind of love.

    When the Biblical writers wrote, there were no punctuation marks, no chapter or verse divisions indicated, as we see them today in many of our English Bible translations and versions. Therefore we must read the whole context of each particular passage of Scripture for thought-content to more clearly understand the truth of what has been written.

    Also, the original language was not English, and therefore when I may write that the writer said or wrote such and such, please understand that the writer actually spoke and wrote in the original language the equivalent to that-which I state in the English language to the best of my knowledge.

    I recommend that while reading this book, you also have your usual Bible and Biblical study materials open, so as to compare verses and gain greater understanding of the truth of God’s Word.

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    Section 1: Creations

    God created His creations – He is the First, Superior or Ultimate One, the One Who has power, executes judgment, emanates what He is, His power and light, in connection with His creations.

    God is Spirit

    John 4:23 and 24:

    .23but (the) hour comes and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for even the Father seeks-after the people-of-this-kind worshipping Him.

    .24God (is) Spirit, and it is necessary (for) the (people) worshipping Him to worship in spirit and truth.

    John records that God is Spirit. God Himself has the consistency of spirit, His essence and realm of power, authority, and action is spirit.

    God is not flesh but He is Spirit, a Spirit-Being. God is eternal – He will not end or die. God is the source of all that He gives and communicates relative to His own spirit category.

    Therefore, it is necessary for the people (it is binding, there is an obligation for those) who are worshipping Him (God) to worship in spirit and truth (within the sphere of action of spirit and truth).

    The phrase in spirit and truth refers to everything involved with the spirit that God makes available to people and what it communicates to them. This spirit emanates that-which issues from God having the quality of truth, His essential reality, inherent verity, the state of being true.

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    The realm of the kingdom of God is in spirit

    Romans 14:17:

    .17...the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but (it is) righteousness and peace and joy in holy spirit.

    The kingdom of God (all that is contained within God’s sovereignty, His kingly or royal dominion and government and rule and territory and power)...

    is not (it is not composed-of or constituted-by)

    eating (the act or action of eating)

    and drinking (the act or action of drinking)

    ...but the kingdom of God is (composed-of or constituted-by)...

    righteousness (justness, justice, the attributes of justification, the quality of being and doing what is right from God’s point of view)

    and peace (tranquil harmony, tranquility, peaceful wholeness, without any strife or disagreement)

    and joy (rejoicing, the state of elation or enjoyment because of receiving something good ultimately from God)

    in holy spirit (within sanctified spirit).

    God’s kingdom is holy and spiritual.

    Also refer to John 3:5-7; Acts 1:3; I Corinthians 4:20.

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    God makes alive

    I Timothy 6:13-16:

    .13I charge before God, the (One) making-alive all-things, and Christ Jesus, the (one) having witnessed the beautiful agreement on Pontius Pilate: .14you to keep the spotless, irreproachable commandment up-until the shining-light of our Lord Jesus Christ

    .15which the Happy and Only Able (God), the King of the (ones) reigning-as-kings and Lord of the (ones) lording, will point-out in (His) own times –

    .16the Only (God) having immortality, unapproachable light dwelling, Whom not-one of men saw neither is able to see, to Whom (is) honor and eternal strongness, with-certainty.

    God is the One Who is making alive (He gives life to all things, He is the source of life). In addition, God is...

    the Happy and Only Able God (the One Who is in the continuing and lasting standing and state of happiness, well-being and contentment, and only He is capable, He alone has such able power or ability – there is no other God),

    the King of the ones reigning-as-kings (the Royal Ruler, the Sovereign, Monarch, having royal dominion and government and rule and territory and power over those who are being kings of their own specific kingdoms),

    the Lord of the ones lording (the Master Who exercises His dominion and authority over those who are being lords of their own specific areas of lordship),

    the Only God having immortality (God alone is the One Who has the state of not being liable to death, deathlessness; God has never died and will never die, not at any time past, present, or future),

    in Whom there is unapproachable light dwelling (absolute light, light that cannot be approached by another moving towards it for the purpose of being with that same light; this unapproachable light is housing or inhabiting God; God is Light and no spirit or person can force its/his/her way into God’s light),

    Whom not one of men saw neither is able to see (nobody, no-one belonging to mankind has previously seen God to the end of perceiving and knowing Him with his/her fleshy mind, neither does anyone of mankind presently have the ability, able power or capability to see God with his/her fleshy mind),

    to Whom is honor (the estimation of being valuable, deemed to be worthy of price)

    and eternal strongness (agelong exerted-force, lifelong power-in-effect, everlasting exerted-strength),

    ...with certainty (amen, surely, truly).

    In the Greek language the word translated God is a singular noun: Theos. In the Hebrew language it is a plural noun: Elohim, which emphasizes His superiority in all words and actions (encompassing everything that He is, the only true God), the Creator in relation to His creations, and He should be acknowledged by mankind to be in the highest position of all.

    Also refer to John 1:18; Acts 17:25; Colossians 1:15; I Timothy 1:11; I John 1:5, 4:12.

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    Original creation

    The original creation in connection with mankind began when God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning as recorded in Genesis 1:1 – 2:3. It took God six days to accomplish this creation and on the seventh day He rested from all His work.

    In the beginning

    Genesis 1:1:

    ¹:¹In (the) beginning God made the heaven and the earth.

    The Book of Genesis opens by summarizing the beginning relative to mankind (human-beings). On the sixth day of creation, God gave life to mankind. This event is recorded in two parts because God gave mankind two kinds of life: spirit and soul.

    Genesis 1:26 and 27:

    .26and God said, Let Us make man according to Our image and according to likeness and they must rule the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and the animals and all the earth and all the creeping-things creeping on the earth

    .27and God made the man, according to God’s image He made him (male and female He made them).

    God expressed His intention to make man (a member of mankind, a human-being) in accordance with His image. God’s image refers to spirit because God is Spirit; His essence and constitution is spirit; His realm of power, authority, and action is spirit.

    In addition, God’s intention was to make man according to His likeness, which refers to being similar in quality of action to Him, doing God’s will, His intention.

    God made the man according to His image by placing inside of the man the constitution of spirit, which is the image of God Who is Spirit. This spirit also enabled the man to behave according to God’s likeness (similarity, a similar quality of action).

    The male and the female received spirit life.

    The details of the physical creation of mankind are provided in Genesis chapter 2.

    Genesis 2:7 and 8:

    .7and God molded the man, dust from the earth, and He breathed-in into his face a blowing of life and the man became into a soul living;

    .8and the Lord God planted a paradise in Eden according to (the) risings and He put there the man whom He molded.

    On the sixth day God molded or formed the human-being from clay and He breathed out from Himself onto the human-being as infusing him with a blowing of life (a breathing that is life, pertains to being alive).

    Primarily this refers to spirit life because God is Spirit. He would not have needed to breath-in into the man’s face a blowing of life if God only intended that the man have exactly the same kind of life as the other creatures created on the fifth day, which was soul or breath life so as to perform the action of breathing air in and out to keep their physical bodies alive (refer to Genesis 1:20-24).

    The truth is that God gave the man both spirit life and soul life so as to live the lifetime in totality with and for God.

    God Himself decided to create His image in mankind and that image is spirit. He did this by putting holy spirit life into the body of the man, and also in the woman when she was made (refer to Genesis 2:21-23).

    This holy spirit was that-which distinguished both the male and the female from all the other creatures (living souls). It enabled them to behave like God by having the authority and dominion that God gave to them as recorded in Genesis 1:26: rule the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and the animals and all the earth and all the creeping-things creeping on the earth.

    Adam was a three-part being:

    holy spirit life (the same in make-up or consistency as God Who is Holy Spirit; it is not flesh nor blood),

    soul life (the life of the flesh is evidenced by breathing; it is what allowed Adam to move and work, living in the physical category),

    and a body (the flesh, which was molded from the dust from the earth).

    God is Holy Spirit and He gave Adam holy spirit. God and Adam had a holy-spirit connection whereby they could communicate with each other spiritually. They had a very close relationship.

    God told Adam what he could and could-not do in Genesis 2:16 and 17: And the Lord God commanded Adam saying, "From every tree, the (tree) in the paradise, by eating you will eat; but from the tree, the (tree) to know beauty and evil, you will not eat from it, but ever in which day you may eat from it by death you will die."

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    Old creation

    The old creation, which has existed for a long time, began as a consequence of Adam rejecting what God told him.

    The fall of mankind; no access to the tree of the life

    The originating occurrence of evil was performed by the devil involving idolatry, and then mankind performed likewise as recorded in Genesis chapter 3. At that time the devil, the man (Adam), and the woman were located in the garden of Eden.

    Genesis 3:6:

    .6And the woman saw that the tree (is) beautiful for eating and that (it is) pleasing to the eyes to see and it is beautifully-timed to mentally-perceive; and having taken its fruit she ate and gave also to her adult-male with her and they ate.

    The woman saw (perceived, saw to the end of perceiving and knowing with her mind) that the tree (referring to the tree to know beauty and evil, recorded in Genesis 2:17)...

    is beautiful (it has a manifested decorous, harmonious and acceptable goodness – it was correct that this tree was beautiful)

    for eating (with a view to the act of eating – it was not correct that this tree was for eating its fruit by mankind),

    and that it is pleasing to the eyes (it gives pleasure, is agreeable, acceptable or gratifying for the eyes)

    to see (perceive, see to the end of perceiving and knowing with the mind)

    and the tree is beautifully-timed (beautiful as fruit that is ripened at the proper season, which is the limited period of time when it is most beautiful)

    for the purpose of mentally perceiving (fully taking note of, attentively notice its appearance and effects in the mind);

    ...and having taken its fruit (after the woman received the produce from that tree, picked its fruit)...

    then at that time she ate (she performed the action of eating it)

    and she gave also (in addition to her action of eating from that tree – she gave)

    towards her adult-male (the grown man relating to her, the individual male human-being) who was with her (in company and association with her, accompanying her)

    and they ate.

    The woman’s decision was to believe what the snake (controlled by the devil) had given her to believe, and she obeyed the lie that it had spoken. Then she offered the fruit of the tree to know beauty and evil to Adam.

    Adam had a choice: either believe what God said or believe what the snake (devil) said, and do accordingly (obey). However, after he heard what the snake (devil) said and he saw the woman eat that fruit and she did not fall down dead (lifeless) immediately in front of him – Adam rejected what God had given him to believe and decided to change his mind and believe what the devil had given to believe. Adam willingly accepted and ate that fruit.

    Further along in Genesis chapter 3 is the record of God taking holy spirit away from mankind. Adam could not have access to God’s tree of the life anymore; he could not eat its fruit to give him its nourishment, sustenance, health, etc.

    Genesis 3:23 and 24:

    .23And the Lord God apostled him out from the paradise of the luxurious-living to work the earth from which he was taken;

    .24and He threw Adam out and He caused him to-dwell-down before the paradise of the luxurious-living; and He arranged the cherubim and the flaming sword, the (sword) turning-itself to keep-watch (regarding) the way of the tree of the life.

    The Lord God apostled Adam out (sent him forth/away from God on a specific mission, sent him out with an assignment) from the paradise of the luxurious living (the garden pertaining to the condition of delight and plenty)...

    to work the earth (for the purpose of expending his energy, producing effects by his actions specifically relating to the land, ground)

    from which he was taken (referring to the earthy substance that physical mankind is made of; refer to Genesis 2:7).

    How did God accomplish this? He threw Adam out (cast him outside) and He caused him to dwell down (to permanently dwell, settle down, house, inhabit for the rest of his life) before the paradise of the luxurious living (in the presence or vicinity of, opposite to this garden).

    However, in this context Adam was not inside but he was outside of the meeting area which was part of paradise...

    and God arranged (put in order)

    the cherubim (two cherubs, 2 of God’s created living beings with wings)

    and the flaming sword (the large sword, long and broad made of flame, bright and burning, blazing),

    emphatically and specifically the sword turning itself (moving back and forth repeatedly)

    to keep watch (for the purpose of being vigilant to watch and guard)

    regarding the way of the tree of the life (specifically the path or road pertaining to the tree consisting of, issuing, supporting and continuing the life given from God to the one partaking of it – figuratively this way refers to the manner of action and method of proceeding to be taken by someone who would eat from the fruit of the tree of the life).

    Genesis chapter 3 records the fall of the first man when Adam died spiritually from God’s point of view because God had to take the holy spirit life, which He had given to him conditionally, away from him. The holy spirit didn’t die but Adam died because he no longer had this spirit life.

    Adam and Eve were no longer three-part beings. Now they only had two parts: their soul or breath life and their fleshy bodies. They were living souls just the same as the other creatures that were already made when mankind was made – because they no longer had that third part (holy spirit) which God had originally given to mankind.

    Adam is the one to whom God gave his command (refer to Genesis 2:16 and 17), and therefore when Adam refused to believe and obey what God told him, but instead decided to believe and obey the devil – Adam forfeited...

    his right to have the image of God within him so as to live and communicate spiritually with God (including the right of the woman with him and of all mankind after him),

    and his right to have likeness with God in quality of action so as to rule the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and the animals and all the earth and all the creeping-things creeping on the earth (refer to Genesis 1:26).

    Adam and the woman died spiritually during that day and Adam delivered his rulership or dominion over the animals on the earth to the devil. In addition, God also told Adam of his physical death which was going to happen to him – mankind’s soul life and body became liable to death that same day. The soul-and-body mankind is old and dead from God’s viewpoint and will become completely extinct. Adam’s sin against God allowed the devil to gain

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