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Mika snake eyes II: MIKA., #2
Mika snake eyes II: MIKA., #2
Mika snake eyes II: MIKA., #2
Ebook257 pages4 hours

Mika snake eyes II: MIKA., #2

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Is surviving a death trap a miracle or a plot to take her to hell? Mika can only endure the disaster of his life based on the vigilante's hatred and justice. Without mercy or compassion, even if you have to resort to the terror of your own monster. Only one thing can defeat him: love. And if that fails?

Surviving itself will be another matter.

Publisherghesia morett
Release dateSep 18, 2019
Mika snake eyes II: MIKA., #2

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    Mika snake eyes II - ghesia morett



    There are dark secrets that can be hidden in the depths of the soul, but not forever. Mika’s family has them, but they are not what they think they are. A dark world appears through the destructive fiery eyes of a serpent from hell and gathers around her between nightmares and hallucinations. Very few know there are hidden creatures from legends hatching plans that Mika can play a fundamental role in, since she and her sister are the end result of a long genetic experiment caused by their own grandfather. In her mind, she believes she’s suffering from a mental illness that she needs a cure for, but no doctor can offer her what she needs. Her body reacts in a different way and she just pretends to be a rebellious teenager fooling around with drugs, so she can protect her family from her own disaster. Her loyal friend, Steve, with a personality as special as hers, supports her no matter what she does, so he’s the only one that really knows about her nightmares. She also has a group of young geniuses that try to help her look for a medication along with their chemistry teacher. However, a disastrous error takes them all inside a world of which they won’t be able to easily free themselves.

    In addition to the cure for Mika, they discover a drug that many are ready to do anything for. She and Steve try to protect them all, but at the same time Mika gets herself into trouble from a really stupid mistake when Taylor, a pretty special character, saves her. He ends up becoming a kind of protector paid by some unknown person. Her life becomes even more dangerous and the only one she can turn to is Pris, the ex-girlfriend of Monroe who is Steve’s brother and is away serving in a military unit. He returns in time to lend them his help and an unexpected love arises between them.

    Together with Steve, Pris, and her teacher, Mika gets in contact with a very powerful man who can achieve both things: to create the drug and her cure. He compels them to travel to his hacienda on the other side of the border, which is now a military wall. There, she discovers his true interest in her when he confesses that he is her uncle. He promises her a future there with Monroe and to explain what has been happening to her if they decide to come back to him together. A promise of life that Mika decides to cling to after she can properly say goodbye to her parents when Monroe returns from a final mission abroad. They say goodbye for a few months, but they don’t know about the plans that others have hatched around her, making Mika and her friends fall into a deadly trap before they’re able to return home, betrayed by Pris’s resentment and spitefulness.

    Mika and Steve have been kidnapped and separated in different cars as they watch as the plane their friends were going to take off in explodes.

    YEAR 1999



    Everything was going up in flames, stifling the air and what was around disappeared in clouds of smoke and fumes. The whole world had disappeared, devastated in that red blaze of lava and stone. She was looking at her with her fiery eyes from the top of a black mountain. She smiled coldly and apathetically with her sharp black katanas in her hands; dressed completely in black with long hair down to her waist as dark as her clothes. It swayed with the burning wind fueled by the gases in the air. Her beautiful features made her even more destructive. The voice that suddenly left between her smooth full lips terrified her. A terrible beastly voice, evil, serious, and full of rage, urged her to die or disappear from her sight. The destructive demon in the form of a woman flipped with her swords high, crossing them before her. She barely noticed the coldness of the cut on her neck and felt her head detach from her body.

    She woke up horrified and looked around her expecting to find something awful. The dark eyes of her friend looked at her scared and concerned, taking her shaking hand. They seemed to be in the sacristy of an old catholic church. It was something she guessed, since they were close to one of the many properties her friend had in Spain.

    Luci, Luci, he was calling her sweetly, full of worry.

    What did you see?

    She recovered and stared at him, still scared by the dreadful vision she had just had. She realized she was lying on the couch of the small sacristy of the church they had found themselves in.

    I’ve seen her Del, she was able to say in a thin voice,

    squeezing his hand.

    In her other hand, she saw she was still gripping the sallow manuscripts that had cost them so much to get. She opened her hand and let them fall as if they burned her. He stared at them and then looked back towards her with his eyes black like the night, without understanding anything.

    Have you seen the creature? he asked intrigued and surprised.

    I’ve seen the total destruction, she responded, putting her hand on her chest as if it pained her. She felt a cold and dry emptiness. Dropping her friend’s hand, she touched her throat where she still felt a sort of torn halo.

    It was her? The Seeker locked his eyes on her.

    She nodded.

    We can’t allow it, Del, she implored anxiously. We can’t let Héctor continue on with this madness.

    She sat up slowly but remained seated. He bent down and picked up the manuscripts from the ground where they had scattered. He looked at them respectfully and then sat with her.

    He won’t allow it, he stated with complete certainty and his mouth tightened in anger. He’s blind and deaf to everything that isn’t his ambition to change the world.

    You’re the Seeker, she refuted determinedly. Tell him that you haven’t found them. Tell him they have been lost or that they were destroyed when they were touched. Tell him... she said desperately and pleadingly.

    I can’t. At this point, he must be very close already, he admitted, discouraged.

    Luci quickly removed them from his hands and without realizing her speed, she brought them close to the burning candle that was on the small altar in front of a wooden cross that was hanging on the wall across from them. They had barely started to burn when Héctor’s yell made her turn around and he snatched them from her hands, putting out the small blue flame that was consuming them. It scared her to see him there, furious in front of her.

    You’re crazy, he almost yelled, looking at her angrily with his angelic face. This can make us free, and owners of the world.

    Luci looked at him scared. She knew she couldn’t face him. He was too strong even for the two of them.

    No Héctor, she tried to convince him, calming herself down and working up the nerve. It’ll make us slaves to hell.

    He looked at her a second with his azure eyes trying to pierce hers. He was a lot calmer, but incredulous.

    She had a vision, Del said anxiously from the couch. I think you should listen to her.

    Her visions sometimes disappear into nothing, Héctor replied sharply.

    This was very real, she refuted, still trembling once she remembered it. Don’t gamble with this.

    Héctor started to laugh. When he stopped, he approached her and caressed her face sweetly.

    My beloved Luci don’t be afraid. I’m not gambling with anything we can’t overcome, he assured her calmly and kissed her softly on the lips. Tell me, love, what have you seen that’s scared you so much? You’re still shaking. He took her hand and kissed it gently.

    He knew how to calm her down with his gaze and leave her hooked to his eyes. It was his power, as great as it was terrifying, when he was contradicted. Del continued watching them from the couch upset by Héctor’s appearance. Her two friends despised each other as much as they adored her.

    I’ve seen her, Héctor. The look in his eyes pushed her into a tranquility that she became lost in. She was very beautiful and terrible. The destructive and furious rage will end the world. The door opened before her and took her to end everything. It was a demon full of rage.

    But you know, love, that doesn’t have to happen, right? he pointed out with his relaxing and suggestive voice, not releasing her hand.

    Of course, I know, she heard herself say involuntarily, subject to the will of his voice and eyes.

    Of course, my love, he continued even gentler and letting her fall in the darkness of an unconsciousness as pleasant as his voice.

    Héctor, Del reprimanded from behind, on his feet and furious. You shouldn’t do that to her.

    She needed to calm down. She was very agitated, he responded holding Luci’s fainted body with an arm, while the other hand kept holding the manuscript. He carried her carefully to the couch and let her fall on it. He fixed his suit and looked at him satisfied.

    Well, my Seeker, he looked at him with a calm smile, It seems that you’ve had more success than I imagined. You should rest for a while. Don’t worry about Luci. You know I’ll look out for her.

    She doesn’t want you to, he replied calmly and certainly. She asked me to let her stay at my hacienda in Los Pinos. She needs a break from all of this and especially from you.

    Héctor looked at him with more annoyance than anger.

    She always says these things. He smiled again more certain. But she always comes back to me.

    You mean to say you catch her again, Del countered getting angry, not putting up with his arrogance. You can’t keep doing this to her.

    He was unperturbed. He looked at her for a moment and his expression mellowed with sincere affection.

    You don’t understand, he said not looking away from her. Without her I wouldn’t be able to bear this existence. He spoke with genuine pain in his voice, which surprised him. I need her, even more than I’d like to admit. Maybe someday you will understand, though I expect you’ll free yourself from this stupid suffering. He came back towards him and calmly rolled the manuscript up. He smiled at him and put his hand in the pocket of his suit, like an elegant man, though it looked strange with his teenage appearance. Alright, you two deserve a break. I’ll leave her with you for a while. I’ll return for her when I finish a small deal I have on my hands. We can celebrate the turn of the century together. He snorted. A new century, how boring. Say goodbye for me when she wakes up.

    Saying this as he approached Luci, he bent down and gently kissed her on the forehead. Then he walked out calmly and closed the door behind him.

    Almost immediately, he heard some quiet knocking on the door. Father Andrés stuck his head in timidly and looked at him with his worried little eyes.

    Pardon me, Lord Archduke Del Castillo, is your cousin better? he asked cautiously.

    He had completely forgotten about the priest. The poor man must be really worried and shaken up by his unexpected visit and at this time of night, but he hadn’t been able to deny helping a man with his noble titles and being the owner of half the region. He had been scared and surprised to find them at the door of the church, but they hadn’t had a way to hide themselves in another place. With the excuse of his little ‘cousin’ fainting, he had let them in with complete innocence and good will.

    The vampire hunter must have walked right by or they wouldn’t exist anymore, he thought, smiling at their crazy idea to hide themselves there.

    She still hasn’t woken up, he responded lowering his voice, as if he was worried about his friend. Please, come in.

    The priest walked more calmly, as if he were a guest in his own house. He looked at Luci and then at him.

    Poor girl, she’s so pale, he said compassionately, then looked at him out of the corner of his eye. You should take her to the hospital.

    He must be wanting them to leave and to let him rest, though his suspicious look told him that he suspected something else. They were too strange for him to not realize. The priest sighed looking at Luci.

    She looks like an angel, he stated with a sweet voice. She’s very young. I don’t want to intrude, but you don’t seem to be related at all. She looks more like the young man that just left, he claimed, going back to looking at him suspiciously. What he said made sense.

    Father Andrés was a really short man and a little plump, though his black priest’s robes concealed it a bit; middle aged, with baldness already making a gap on his head, where he had planted some glasses maybe having forgotten them there. He seemed like a calm man, but it didn’t mean he was an idiot, even if he very much doubted he had guessed what they truly were.

    You see, Father, he started to explain trying to convince him in any way. This beautiful young woman is... He winked and continued speaking in a confidential voice. Let’s say, she’s a good friend of mine and the young man that just left is her brother.

    He thought it was the most believable, since Luci and Héctor seemed cut from the same cloth. Both were blond, with almost white hair, and they appeared almost the same age. Their beautiful and angelic faces made them look a bit alike even without much of a resemblance. They even had the same eye color. By any reckoning, they seemed foreign. He, on the other hand, had dark, almost black hair and even darker eyes. He recognized his own attractiveness and the deadly attraction he provoked in women, though he couldn’t compare himself to them. In appearance, he looked older, and people guessed he was at most twenty-six. He looked old enough so that, in the world of men, he could be an independent young man and responsible for his actions, and thus, be able to manage the fortune he had inherited for himself as he pleased.

    He continued with a sad tone without taking his eyes off his friend. The poor girl has had a rough time and got into another argument with him. She fainted again, but don’t worry. I’ll call my chauffeur and we’ll leave soon. She’ll be well cared for at my hacienda.

    Yes, of course. The poor thing, the priest said pitying her. It’s very sad for two siblings to fight like that.

    He took the cell phone from his pocket and searched for his chauffeur, Víctor. He made sure it rang twice and hung up. He already knew what it meant. Luci started to open her eyes and stared at father Andrés.

    He smiled at her gently.

    Are you feeling better, miss? he asked kindly.

    Luci sat on the couch and understanding the situation she smiled charmingly.

    Yes, thank you very much. She looked at him with amused eyes and blushed a little. I fear I’ve gotten you into another mess cousin?

    Though she spoke Spanish very well, he noticed her English accent. The priest looked at the two of them, relieved that they could finally leave his church unscathed.

    Father, allow me to thank you for your help. He stuck his hand in the pocket of his jacket and took out a wad of bills. Please, accept this. I’m sure you’ll use them to do good deeds.

    Please, Lord Archduke, he said acting offended, that isn’t necessary.

    I insist, he replied determinedly, leaving the money in his hand. Please, this is only a show of thanks. I barely have words to thank you for your help. It’s like you’ve saved our lives.

    Oh, please, it’s too much, he replied humbly, but he put the money in his pants pocket without any more discussion. Trust me, I’ll put it to very good use. Some parishioners are very needy. Now I’m the one who gives thanks in your name.

    Come on, Luci, he extended his hand and she took it happily, getting up off the couch. The car should be at the door now.

    They left with Father Andrés following them closely and they went through the small church that stayed half dark, making the echo of their steps resound through it. After they said goodbye to the priest at the steps and once they were in the car, they looked at each other and burst out laughing, happy because everything had gone better than they had expected.

    A while later, Luci looked at him worriedly.

    What did Héctor say? she asked with uncertainty.

    He asked me to say goodbye for him and he said we should celebrate the new century together. He seemed very satisfied with our discovery, he told her confidently to calm her down.

    Yes, I suppose so, she responded thoughtfully.

    There they could speak openly, since the Mercedes had a security glass separating them from the driver.

    "That gives us some quiet time until he comes back with some new and absurd idea.

    This isn’t absurd at all. It’s catastrophic, she stated sadly. Then she looked at him more calmly. Nothing may ever happen, but...

    Then don’t beat yourself up and tell me. He looked her in the eye. Do you believe I’ll find her?

    I’m sure of that, but my visions are changing a lot lately, it’s still too early to know for sure. Sometimes your eternal companion has brown hair and other times blonde. Honestly, Seeker. Even more recovered, she pinched him on the nose affectionately. I think that little girl can drive you even crazier than you already are.

    I hope so. I’m tired of you being the only one driving me crazy. He smiled roguishly.

    Ahh Del. She smacked him on the arm, acting offended. "You’re the one driving me crazy. You never listen to me. I told you not to go looking for those damn manuscripts."

    I just wanted to know why Héctor wanted them so badly. He shrugged. It’s not my fault the Holy Men are so inept.

    Let’s drop it. I don’t feel like worrying about it anymore, she replied, as if she felt a chill.

    He hugged her, and she took refuge in his arms. After a while, she looked at him and became very serious.


    She became pensive again, seeming hesitant.

    Tell me, he insisted gently to encourage her to talk.

    He wished he was bold enough to kiss her, but he knew she didn’t want that from him.

    The creature I saw...that destructive demon... she seemed to continue hesitating, as if she didn’t dare to tell him something, then she went on more determined. In some visions, I see her at your side like a normal girl walking together as if she were your companion. Be careful. You might find more than you were looking for.

    Back to the future. Back to Mika.



    When she woke up, she noticed pain in her wrists and ankles. The blow to her head almost didn’t hurt and she noticed her mouth was covered with something. She had her arms over her head, tied together to an old rickety bed with an iron headboard. She tried to move, but the rope was tight, and she couldn’t change her position, where she was tied in the same way around her ankles, which was connected by the same knot.

    Mika didn’t want to think about anything except getting out of there and killing Pris and anyone else who got in her way. She didn’t need the pain at that moment. She didn’t even want to let her fear through. She preferred to only feel the fury of her hatred. Thank God, Monroe had left before that whole disaster and the only thing she could trust was that Steve was still alive. Her only comfort was that her heart was safe and far from there.

    The door opened and the man who had pushed her in the car came in with a wooden chair and set it next to the bed. Mikaela twisted trying to weaken the rope, but the man looked at her a second and smiled.

    Fucking brat, you’re not going to be able get loose, he said entertained as he watched her twist around, getting closer to her until he was a couple of inches from her face. I tightened them well. I’m an expert in knots.

    Then he headed to the door, calm and smiling satisfied. Mikaela was tired of trying and her wrists burned. She stopped twisting, feeling tired and worn out, and tried to calm herself down by breathing slower to catch her breath.

    Someone important wants to talk to you, kid, he said turning his head from the door much more seriously. Behave yourself.

    The door opened, letting a slightly smaller and thinner man through. He was dressed in an impeccable, elegant suit of the latest fashion. He was wearing sunglasses with mirror lenses and sat in the chair in a straight and elegant way, looking at

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