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Ebook164 pages3 hours


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He’s waited all his life for his fated mate. Now she’d arrived and she didn’t seem to have any more interest in him than a one and done. To make matters worse, a section of Los Lobos was out to steal his mate from him.
Primrose just wanted to have fun. She worked hard and partied hard. All she was here for was to visit Amee and help with the toddlers a bit. This wasn’t the time to get mated. Danger was everywhere.
A stubborn white wolf and an infatuated alpha, how could that go wrong?

PublisherCrystal Dawn
Release dateSep 16, 2019

Crystal Dawn

When she’s not out hunting rogue vampires and werewolves, you can find Crystal Dawn out exploring the galaxy. She can do it all without ever leaving her computer. She kicks ass, takes names, and puts it all down for the enjoyment of her readers. At least that’s what I think she told me. Writing came as a natural outlet for her overly creative mind. She has always told stories and even written some but publishing books didn't start until 2012 with The Rebirth, was the first of the Planet Amazon books. Crystal has also been lucky to have some wonderful beta readers who keep her on track and help inspire her.Secretly, she crushes on all her sexy heroes because all her stories end happily. That is one of the things that makes writing such a joy. Knowing that it makes her reader's day a little brighter. Not that she doesn't read sad books sometimes. While still in school, she read Where the Red Fern Grows and cried like a baby. It was a wonderful book and sometimes a bit of sadness has to be put in books because that's part of life. While she reads all kinds of books at some time or another, PNR and SFR, which she writes is what she reads the most for pleasure.When she started writing, she decided on going Indie after the first two books because an author has more control. She believes Indie will compete well and continues to grow. The need to give pleasure to her readers keeps her going and she sees a long career ahead. Growing up mostly in the NW Arkansas area, it has given her a good place to set some stories and many of her characters come from there or nearby SW Missouri.The start of her stories is the easy part. Finishing them is a little harder when all the stories are in there trying to get out. She loves reading, chocolate, fine sweet wine, and traveling among a large list of pursuits. Her favorite people, after her family and close friends, are her readers who she says are some of the most wonderful people in this galaxy and the next.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hes part of Juan pack but he will become an alpha of his own when he fights for it over Rose. Primrose is a white wolf who is in hiding but will find her mate in a new alpha .

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Jesus - Crystal Dawn

The Juarez Pack Series

Book 2


By Crystal Dawn

Cover By Eagle Eye Covers

Edited By Eagle Editing

2019 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

This book is a work of fiction. All

contents, including names, places,

and events are the product of the author’s

imagination or used in a

fictitious manner. Any resemblance to

persons, living or deceased,

businesses, locations or events are

completely coincidental.

None of this work may be used,

reproduced, exchanged or

transmitted by anyone but the person the

book was purchased for.

Any reproductions of this book in any

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author or not at all.

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Dedicated to love, both lost and found.

This book is a series that is a spinoff of The Legend of the White Werewolf.

The Legend of the White Werewolf

The Forgotten Ones

Book 1

Ariel, a divorced mother of two and a bestselling author, meets Blake at a bar. The two are attracted to each other and eventually come together. Ariel discovers that Blake is a werewolf and he has turned her into one as well. Blake discovers Ariel is the famous writer that has been publishing accurate werewolf romances and his council has been trying to find her for some time. When Ariel makes the change to wolf, everyone finds out that she is a white wolf, part of the legendary line thought extinct.

The Juarez Pack series

Book 1


Juan is living the wild and single life of a typical unmated male werewolf even though he has a fiancée a few states away. He has doubts about their relationship, so he just puts off the mating while he enjoys the carnal life.

Amee isn't as stupid as Juan thinks she is and she's enjoying the single life now that she knows what he's up to. When he figures out what's going on, he decides he's ready to change his ways but is it too late?

Will he have to make the ultimate sacrifice when Amee is threatened by rogues while trying to elude him? Juan's made such a mess of their relationship, is there any way to salvage it?

Book 2


He’s waited all his life for his fated mate. Now she’d arrived and she didn’t seem to have any more interest in him than a one and done. To make matters worse, a section of Los Lobos was out to steal his mate from him.

Primrose just wanted to have fun. She worked hard and partied hard. All she was here for was to visit Amee and help with the toddlers a bit. This wasn’t the time to get mated. Danger was everywhere.

A stubborn white wolf and an infatuated alpha, how could that go wrong?


Jesus was considered Carlos’ number two in what was generally called the Juarez pack. The wolf was just beautiful in human and wolf form. He wore his long straight black hair down to his ass except just after it was trimmed. His physique was muscular but not overly packed and he was tall, well over six feet. Many bulked-up wolves had underestimated him and found to their dismay that he was stronger than he appeared.

He was a straight talker and sometimes he expressed himself in a funny way. Unmated, he played the field only looking for his fated one. His lovers often lasted several months until he got bored or they started to cling. No female had ever been the one to leave first although some had claimed it. None of them had ever meant a thing to him and neither their outrage at being dumped nor their passion during the relationship had ever interfered with him leaving when he was ready.

Primrose was all about fun all the time. She wasn’t ready to settle down, but if she was, she’d admit Jesus was one she’d consider. For now, that meant she’d avoid him. He lured her in, and she wasn’t ready for that. It pissed him off and that was easy to see. Dating other males in the pack made him furious but she couldn’t date him.

If she did, he would make her want the one thing that it was too soon to have.

Chapter 1

Terrible Twos

The terrible twos were the woe of most parents but when they had two, oh my! Her cousin Amee was one of those parents and both she and her mate had full time careers. Amee actually had a job, and she had the responsibilities of a female alpha because her mate’s father had no mate currently.

A female alpha hadn’t been seen in their pack since before her mate’s father had taken over. According to Amee, it wasn’t pretty. The females might be treated better than those in some other local packs, but it wasn’t enough, and Amee was fighting for the females.

The neighboring pack, the Cardigans, had been stealing females, including mated ones for years and Amee was negotiating to bring some of them back. It wasn’t like they were working out in the other pack. The sad thing was they were often put on the front lines in any battle, and many died or were used like slaves.

She believed in the things her cousin was trying to do and she wanted to help. Also, she really needed out of here because several alphas were trying to get her. They wanted a white wolf mate and she refused to be bagged because of her bloodline. Nope. It just wasn’t happening. They could find someone who didn’t mind if there was such a thing, especially in her family.

The plane was circling, ready to come in for a landing. Hopefully, this would turn out to be a good decision. Coming to Cali to see her cousin and help her for a few months had seemed like a Godsend, but she was already second guessing herself not unusual under these circumstances.

That was no surprise as crazy as her life was and as many mistakes as she’d made lately. Meanwhile, she would have to make the best of things. She’d told Amee to tell them she was an old friend she’d hired to help out. Her name was Primrose, but they would call her Rose so no one would trace her back to their family. Smart, right?

She hoped they wouldn’t know who she was. How could they after all. Of the white wolves, she was one of the quiet and hidden ones as far as celebrity status went. Only those that researched and dug deep would find her. Those wouldn’t know where she was because she was living away from her home and using cash only.

The plane was circling the airport. It was a private one and she saw a SUV sitting there probably waiting for her. Her plane landed and came to a stop. Once she grabbed her carry ons, she left the plane and approached the SUV. A sexy guy stood out front with a shirt that pulled tight against some fine muscles.

Miss Rose? I’m Jesus. I was sent to pick you up. Let me load your baggage and you can sit in the second seat. He held open the door and helped her in. Quickly, he grabbed her bags loading them.

They took off down the road and he constantly watched her as his eyes flicked back and forth between the road and her. It was beginning to make her nervous. Wasn’t it dangerous? When he had to swerve to avoid a car, he finally kept his eyes on the road.

We are almost there. I hope you will enjoy your stay. Maybe we will see each other while you are here.

Maybe, but I will be helping with twins so maybe not.

She watched as they entered a huge gate and drove over a cattle guard. The gate was heavy iron, and Juarez Pack was written on it. Wolves running were also on it. Wasn’t that a bit obvious? She saw cows grazing on the pastures on both sides of the road that led to a compound with a huge house in the center. There were at least three stories, and the place was huge. She saw other buildings nearby and more in the distance.

This could easily house a good-sized pack between the compound and the nearby town of Juarez. Jesus pulled up in front of the main door and Amee came running out. She must have been watching for her. Primrose got out as Amee yelled out her name.

Rose! Goodness it’s wonderful to see you. Rose? Oh yeah. She needed to remember that new name. It was close to her own so why was it so hard? Let’s go see the kids.

They headed in to the back of the house where the nursery and playroom was. The two adorable kids were playing in their playroom. As soon as they looked over the half door at them, the kids stopped playing and came to them.

This pretty little girl is Camilla Ariel Donita Juarez. The handsome boy is Thomas Carlos Diego Juarez.

They are perfect. She observed.

These two are hard to keep up with. You’ll see. Right now, I’ll take you to your room where you can have a nap before supper. Tomorrow they’ll break you in. Amee giggled.

I should go take a nap too. Amee led her out of the room and Jesus passed them on his way out of the house. Hot stuff!

She watched his ass swing as he walked by. Great ass. She agreed. But she knew he wasn’t for her, at least not now. Right now, she had to help her cousin with her children and stay away from anyone she might fall for.

Juan walked up behind them grabbing his mate and pulling her in for a hug and a kiss. Watching them made her feel heated. Love and passion were readily visible as she looked at them. That was what she wanted someday, just not now. Her mind went to Jesus for a second before she shook her head to clear it.

You remember Juan? And of course, Juan remembers you. We are so glad you came to help. Amee admitted.

I’m sure everything will work out fine.

"You will stay two months, right?’ Amee asked.

I plan to. Do you know something I don’t?

The last two nannies quit. The pups are active and love to keep busy.

Like us when we were kids? She asked. Amee just nodded her head.

We’ll see how things go tomorrow. That’s when we’ll attempt a schedule for them and try to let them be as active as possible. They can go swimming, right?

Not in the ocean, but we have a small pool just for them. They love to use it whenever they can. Amee admitted. There’s also a playground outside. Their Papa spoils them. They are his first grand pups.

You are using the term pups? You’ve gone native. She joked and Amee turned bright red. Apparently, she’d not even noticed. Juan pulled her close and gave her a kiss. Of course, he was happy about it.

Let’s go eat lunch with the kids and we can talk some more.

The table was set and the kids already in their highchairs. It didn’t seem the kids needed much the regular helpers weren’t already doing. The little ones were hard not to become instantly attached to. Their grandpa came out and joined them briefly. He was an attractive male who looked more like Juan’s big brother than his father. That wasn’t unusual in wolf families.

It’s a delight to meet you, Rose. Carlos said as he took her hand and kissed it.

My pleasure as well.

I hear you’re taking some time off work.

I am. There are those that can run things for a while and I’m just a call away.

What is it you do if you don’t mind me asking. Carlos questioned.

Not at all. I manage several apartment buildings and I have a blog I run.

A blog? That sounds interesting.

Papa, she’s trying to get a vacation from that. Amee interrupted.

Sorry, it just sounded so interesting. Carlos apologized.

That’s alright. I’m curious too about what other people do.

"I also manage rentals of various kinds. This place we are on now is a cattle ranch. There is a vineyard the pack runs not far from here.

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