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Fire's Ice
Fire's Ice
Fire's Ice
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Fire's Ice

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Since banished from his lands in Scotland, Devin McLoch has watched over the descendants of his clan. Finally free of his cousin’s spell, he returns to the highlands, only to find ruins of the past. When Raine Roarke’s powers emerge, the imprisoned Arianne may be the child’s only hope for survival, but is he willing to risk everything to save her? Always.

Ultimate power, or endless love? Born the son of a Scottish laird a thousand years ago, but now trapped by his cousin's spell, Devin McLoch has seen countless battles and death. The erstwhile thief has turned away from darker pursuits to lead a life of peace, protecting those he loves and considers part of his clan. However, there is one woman he can never forget, who must be given a chance to change, to accept her heart and his.

Arianne Farrell is just as dangerous and intoxicating as her power. Imprisoned in an ancient stone dance more than a thousand years ago, her only chance at freedom from the spell is through love--a love she denied. When Devin asks for her aid to save another from imminent death, she realizes there is more at stake than just her freedom or her heart.

PublisherBrynna Curry
Release dateSep 18, 2019
Fire's Ice

Brynna Curry

Bethany Cagle, who writes as Brynna Curry, was born south of the Mason-Dixon Line in a small Alabama town. Growing up, books fueled her dreams and imagination, ultimately became her sanctuary during the hardest times in her life. After living all over the southern states, she finally landed back in north Alabama where she met her husband, Jackie. She spent a wonderful twenty-two years with her hero, raising their three children. Now widowed, she spends her free time writing. Her furry minions, Jace, Styxx, Beerus, and Asheron, are always willing to keep her company while she works. She insists love is the truest magic and with it, every day is an adventure. You can read more about her work on her website,

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    Book preview

    Fire's Ice - Brynna Curry

    Fire’s Ice

    Elemental Magic: Book Five


    Brynna Curry

    Fire’s Ice © August, 2019 by Brynna Curry

    2nd Digital Edition

    This book was previously released digitally September, 2011

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted in violation of the authors’ rights. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or establishments is solely coincidental.

    Cover design © Brynna Curry

    Images appropriately licensed from

    Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyright work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

    About the Book

    Since banished from his lands in Scotland centuries ago, Devin McLoch has watched over the descendants of his clan. Finally free of his cousin’s spell, he returns to the highlands only to find ruins of the past.

    When Raine Roarke’s powers emerge, the imprisoned Arianne Farrell may be the child’s only hope for survival, but is he willing to risk everything to save her? For family? Always. 

    Arianne Farrell is just as dangerous and intoxicating as her power. Imprisoned in an ancient stone dance more than a thousand years ago, her only chance at freedom from the spell is through love--a love she denied. When Devin asks for her aid to save another from imminent death, she realizes there is more at stake than just her freedom or her heart.

    Arianne is the one woman Devin has never been able to forget, who must be given a chance to change, to accept her heart and his. What will she choose? Ultimate power or endless love?


    To all who have asked the question, When will Devin get his happy ending? With eternal gratitude, I dedicate Fire’s Ice to you. Devin has always been my favorite hero and it is my pleasure to finally give you his story.

    Author’s Note

    Dearest readers,

    What is magic? Is it wild, wicked spells, a tangible force that can both save and destroy? A stranger’s kindness? Or is it the changing leaves of fall, the spring flowers that seem to appear overnight? Perhaps magic is like beauty, forever in the eyes of the beholder, different for everyone. For me magic is the unexpected things, great and small, that light your day, a dragonfly hovering around you, a call from an old friend, rainbows, purring kittens. Ordinary perfect magic.

    For Devin, magic has always meant power, pure fire, destructive and protective, light and dark. He uses that power ruthlessly to protect those he loves. Exiled from Scotland by his own magic, he lashed out in frustration for centuries. Using his gifts, Devin became a thief to survive, amassing his fortune, but always living by one simple creed. An it harm none. Taking only from those who could bear the loss.

    A thousand years later, he has turned away from darker pursuits to lead a life of peace, protecting those he loves and considers part of his clan, but there is one woman he can never forget. Over time, he has watched Arianne in the reflections of those ancient stolen gems, felt her calling to him in dreams and craved her touch. And once, that might have been enough, but now, he wants more. He wants all.

    However, Ari has a past of her own, secrets she keeps locked up tight for fear of being betrayed again by those she loves. According to Liv’s legend, she tried to destroy her sister, but Devin has felt her grief and fear, loneliness and pain. Now her willingness to help Raine paints a different picture. Perhaps Ari was never the dark sorceress she was portrayed to be. There is much more to the story.

    Come with me to a castle in the highlands where there is magic in the air, a fire burning in the hearth and a fat black cat stretched out on the rug at Devin's feet. We've been waiting for you. Welcome.


    Ireland-Fall 1009

    Arianne! Help me!

    Ari placed the sachet she had been filling with lavender on the old oak table and hurried to open the door. The cottage she shared with her twin Briella was small, just big enough for the two of them. The main room held a large hearth for cooking and preparing medicinal herbs. There were two other rooms for sleeping.

    She watched as Brie struggled to get through the open doorway. A large man leaned on her small frame.

    Brought home another stray. I wonder where she found this one.

    Rushing to help her sister, Ari wedged her shoulder under his other arm to take some of the weight off Brie. Dark, delicious power punched into her with the contact. Dizzy with lust for it, her magic began pulling on his power of its own accord.

    And it scared the hell out of her.

    She was always very carefully controlled. Her power never acted without her influence.

    He must be Faerie.

    The demon did not stir. Fear of what he was, what he could make her, had her lashing out with venom.

    Really, sister. You bring home the most interesting creatures. You ken he is a faerie?

    I ken. It matters not; just help me get him inside.

    Arianne felt Brie’s urgency and terror as strongly as the faerie’s power. As a rule, she was not empathic, but today seemed be to proving different. His suffering had become hers the moment she began to absorb his magic. His body was torn in many places. The salty seawater made his wounds a vicious ache.

    Giving up, Ari knew it would do no good to argue with her sister. Nothing would change her mind.

    The villagers will lynch us before nightfall. What has happened to him anyway? His clothing is shredded.

    As is much of his flesh. Mayhap you should direct your gaze elsewhere, sister.

    I have seen naked men before.

    You have no shame. Do you? Mayhap he was tossed overboard in a storm or attacked. I found him washed up on the sand and rocks below the dance. I thought he was dead at first. His heartbeat is faint, weak, but still there. I suppose we will have to wait until he wakes to discover the nature of his injuries.

    If he wakes.

    She managed to avoid breaking most of the urns as they struggled to get their patient into Briella’s room. Turning sideways, they made it through the small doorway and crouched down to angle and shift his shoulders onto the straw mattress where Brie slept.

    So you floated him up the cliff, but could not stir the air to carry and lift him inside?

    Normally I would have.

    Then why waste the energy at all? If fever sets in, he will die anyway.

    Briella turned on her, eyes snapping with barely contained anger. Mayhap the next bones I find on the sand will be your own. I might consider your words before stirring the air.

    Sure and I might be doomed to die on the rocks, sister, but only if you push me over the edge first.

    My craft forbids causing others harm, but oh how there are days I wish I were more like your wicked self. Briella paused to lift his feet onto the mattress. I am weak. I cannot stir the air. I linked with him to save his life. It drains me.

    Wicked, am I? Ari shook her head. Not that she had the power to sacrifice herself, but she would have never done such a thing.

    "Little fool. Keep giving so much of yourself and one day there will be nothing left. Then

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