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The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting: the SUPERHUMAN RACE, #2
The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting: the SUPERHUMAN RACE, #2
The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting: the SUPERHUMAN RACE, #2
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The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting: the SUPERHUMAN RACE, #2

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About this ebook

Noah Santana is incarcerated on the Lunar International Maximum Prison for the rest of his life.  Framed by his own squad in the Los Angeles Police Department;  led by his best friend and brother-in-law  Gaspar Skyhawk

Prison is not enough though as the Overseer, the man who runs the prison on the moon needs him dead.

Noah must find the will inside him to survive and find out why Gaspar Skyhawk turned against him.

Will it be enough?

Meanwhile, Thomas Nightshade plans to take revenge for his family's murder. Learns more from his recent raid capturing the man called Rage, that shocks him and creates more questions surrounding the drug lord Alejandro Reyes.   

The continuing saga of the SUPERHUMAN RACE. A serial novella unlike any you've read before.

Nothing you have ever read can prepare you for the SUPERHUMAN RACE. A world mixed with A.I., clones, cyborgs, chipped humans and the ability to enhance yourself. A serial novella that began on the streets of Los Angeles and takes the reader to the far side of the moon and into the heart of humanity. Brace yourself for one possible future if we're not careful.

RATED KAA: The following book is RATED KAA for KICK-ASS ACTION. Reader beware of non-stop pulse pounding action and adventure.

Release dateJun 8, 2019
The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting: the SUPERHUMAN RACE, #2

E.J. Perez

Born in Los Angeles in 1962. E.J. Perez now lives in the inland empire of southern california. You will find him most times at a coffee shop in the corner scribbling away on his notebook. Or at home in his study (garage) typing away at his laptop with wine as his equalizer.

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    The SUPERHUMAN RACE #2 Deadman Fighting - E.J. Perez



    Deadman fighting 2

    E.J. PEREZ   

    Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. 

    - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    I will live as far as my fists will take me

    -Noah Santana

    In the future, the world is the same; yet different....


    L isten, brother, Gaspar Skyhawk leaned forward against the window pane separating himself from Noah Santana, his best friend, and brother-in-law. The Lunar international prison was empty. No visiting hours. No visitors allowed. It was a desolate site where the non-reformed criminals rotted away. A place where they settle their last days of existence. The Lunar facility had no standard time schedule in relation to the sun as on earth. Day and night blended together.

    Santana only stared; no emotion. Impassive.

    Gaspar cleared his throat. I know you’re upset, well maybe it might be an understatement. Gaspar looked for a reaction. None.

    Gaspar cleared his throat again. Brother, I know you don’t understand right now but there’s a reason for all this.

    Noah kept staring not saying anything.

    Dammit Noah, you had to be stubborn, Gaspar growled. I told you to come to the meetings, I told you what’s happening, I gave you ample time to come to my side. This is my sister, my only family. I vowed to our parents, I’d protect her. I thought you’d be the man to do it. I was wrong. You had to be on the sidelines,..well, in this life, there are no sidelines.

    Gaspar searched for any reaction from Noah, but the man only stared.

    Brother, please say something. Gaspar pleaded. I need you to understand. Tell me you understand.

    The room was quiet. Noah kept staring not responding.

    Tell me you understand, brother, Gaspar whispered.

    Gaspar, frustrated, had enough; he wasn’t getting anything from Noah. He wouldn’t be able to understand why it had to be this way. The hell with him. Even when he’s behind bars, the bastard still has the advantage, but not today. I hope you rot in hell here, you’ll never understand, you’ll only get in the way.

    I did this for family, I did this because you couldn’t do it because you wouldn’t do it. Gaspar leaned into the pane window separating him and Noah. You’re weak, pathetic.

    Gaspar got up from his chair still leaning into the windowpane, look at you in here, and yeah I put you in here because you.. He trailed off, you get in the way of everything! 

    This bastard will not intimidate me.’ Gaspar stared at Noah, thinking maybe he’ll intimidate him back. He’ll be just as unemotional as him. Gaspar sat back down, looking straight at Noah. ‘I could stare too bastard.’

    Seconds passed, Gaspar only looked back at Noah. A war of silence. He smiled thinking he was intimidating him, thinking he had the upper hand now as the seconds rolled on, no words spoken. 

    The silence was too much for Gaspar. I’m gonna take good care of Steven and Nicole, Gaspar smiled. He knew he’d get a reaction from Noah this time. He looked straight at Noah; looking for anything, any movement in his face that would prove he hit a nerve. Nothing.

    Gaspar angry now, got up kicking his chair away. The hell with you, you’re gonna die tonight! Gaspar yelled, his words echoing in the room. It doesn’t matter what I say here, you’ll be dead. It doesn’t matter what happens with your family you’ll be dead. I want you to remember one last thing before your eyes shut, before your last breath.

    Noah just looked on impassively..

    Remember me, remember who put you in here, Gaspar yelled. Gazing down at his best friend, he smiled. I did.


    It took everything in him to not say anything, not to react. Noah Santana wrestled with every fiber of his being not to retaliate against his former brother-in-law and best friend. He had wanted nothing more than to go through the window and kill Gaspar.

    Noah contemplated what Gaspar had said.

    The best way to get a person to talk is sometimes to stay silent and let them blab away. Gaspar revealed some aspects of why he put him in prison. From what Gaspar gave away, it seems the people from the meetings convinced him somehow. But why? In what way would he be in the way?

    He had to get word to his family, warn them of Gaspar. He didn’t see how, but he had to find a way. Gaspar would influence his son and he had no way to stop it. Maybe he could get word to Nicole, some message.  He might give her hope, she might think he changed his mind. He didn’t want to hurt her again, but he had no choice, she might not believe him, she probably wouldn’t even warn Steven. This is her brother he would talk about. Most likely she wouldn’t take his word, he’d need to do more explaining, but he doesn’t have time to explain.

    What difference did it make now, he would probably be dead by the end of the day.

    Noah didn’t notice as he walked and contemplated Gaspar and his family that the inmates were quiet as he passed. They were at the cell bars, glaring. Noah too wrapped up in his thoughts to suspect that there was someone waiting for him in his cell.

    You got a new inmate, Mike, the guard smiled at Noah.

    Noah’s new inmate was not your typical looking inmate. A bald man, with a metal plate covering half his head, the gleam of the metal shimmering, covered in tattoos from head to toe, standing well over six feet. He stood in the corner; looking larger than his six-foot frame because of his bulging physique. He looked straight at Noah, ignoring the guard and everything else around.

    Noah hesitated as the bars opened up to his cell.

    Mike, nudged Noah into the cell. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted, he chuckled as he slammed the cell close behind Noah. Play nice.

    ‘And so it begins,’ Noah and the tattoo man stared for a moment.

    The tattooed man yelled and charged at Noah.

    The tattooed man was quick; quicker than Noah expected. He reacted too slow to move out of the way.  His head down, the tattooed man hit Noah in his solar plexus with his shoulder.

    Noah unable to move out of the way felt the brunt of the force as the man drove him against the wall.  He just had enough time to prepare for the force to avoid getting the wind knocked out of him. Disoriented, he hit the wall.

    The tattooed man lifted Noah against the wall and swung his massive fist at Noah’s head. Noah covered up, blocking the swing, the tattoo man then threw him across the cell. Noah had no time to recover as the

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