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The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle
The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle
The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle
Ebook63 pages51 minutes

The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

These dominant, sexy and massive knights love to spank & dominate:

Conquered By The Knight

Tristan is a knight of high standing, but he hates to see a wench in trouble. So when he spots the beautiful young barmaid, Tara, being treated horribly by her boss he reluctantly decides to take her under his wing. He sees her as an easy woman to control and plans on making good use of her body on the long journey, but he'll be surprised to find Tara isn't all that she seems. Tristan will do his best to control, charm and manipulate Tara until he gets what he wants and dominates her completely... 

Giving Into The Savage Knight's Desire

When Prince George wins a jousting competition, he is allowed to choose his prize of women - and the two ladies in waiting are exactly what the knight needs.

Knocked Up And Shared By The Knights

Elsa has stolen several bags of gold and is on her way out of town, until she's intercepted by a band of Knights. After a long campaign and months without feeling a woman's flesh, they instantly take an interest in her. When they discover the stolen gold, Elsa decides to offer them something they can't refuse - herself - even though she never thought she would be with even one arrogant Knight, let alone an entire group who just want to use her. The only question is - will Elsa even be able to take on one, let alone all, of the virile Knights?

Release dateSep 24, 2019
The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle

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    Book preview

    The Royal Knight Erotic Domination Bundle - Elle London


    Conquered By The Knight

    Elle London

    The full moon shone in the dark night sky, and the forest was almost as brightly lit as if it were day time. Tristan, one of the most favored knights of the kingdom, was returning from one of his most tedious missions for the king yet. He had been expected to go to several villages and demand they fulfill their tax requirements. It was not that he resented his duty, but he did miss his younger days where there was better channelling of his youthful virility through his prowess with the sword. This prowess led to deep admiration amongst the other citizens making him a famed name, but it was his other sword that tarnished his reputation. As a serial womanizer, he had bedded at least a hundred women, most of them willing while some of them had to be coaxed into it. He always left them ruined, not as much because of what he did to their bodies, but because they would pine for him long after he was gone. This was why parents warned their daughters against falling for the charms of Tristan and men like him, conjuring the most outrageous stories of what would happen to their precious treasure were they to reveal it.

    But Tristan was no longer the youthful lad he used to be, whose cock would rise without fail for every maiden he came across, fair or not. Age had taken its toll on him as well, he was not lucky enough to escape it. Of course, his virility was still intact, his member was still large and strong and he could go on if he chose to. But it took a lot more coaxing now than it used to. And on most nights, he preferred to sleep after a mug of fine beer any way.

    Tristan rode his sturdy white horse, his constant companion of several years into the nearest village. He sighed when he gazed upon the village. It was another one of those sleepy, peaceful little places where Tristan could bet the most exciting event of the year would be a vagrant cow. It was such a nice night, but no lights were could be seen in any of the houses. No one was outside, secretly dallying with a lover. Not even a local madman who would sing songs or cause general ruckus. One dismal looking inn at the very end was the only indicator of any life present in this place. Tristan was disappointed and headed slowly to the inn, hoping to get a good night's rest so he could exit this desolate looking village as soon as possible.

    He tied his horse in the stable, the finest looking one that was there and walked inside the inn. It seemed the bartender was not inside at the moment. The place was poorly lit, yet the dimness seemed to in some way attempt to hide the dirty stains on the tables and the accumulation of cobwebs and dust on the ceilings and floors. Tristan had seen worse though, and was not particularly offended by this sight. Besides, there was a pretty little thing silently wiping away at the table in the corner. He decided to look upon her to soothe his eyes for a while. She had long brown hair, let loose unlike the style of nobler women, who would tie their hair up in stiff buns or curls. Tristan had come to prefer the look of the baser women in his years of experience, they were generally more uninhibited and willing to please, an enthusiasm fueled by the thrill that a lord would pay attention to them. The young woman, who could not have been more than nineteen years of age, he assumed, was dressed in a shabby barmaid's uniform. However, it did little to detract from her beauty, her fresh face, despite it being the wee hours of the night proved that her youthful glow was intact. She had large, blue eyes and a sweet, little mouth. She was quite small in stature, but Tristan could tell that she was well filled out in the places where he liked it best, as was evidenced by the way her old, ill fitting uniform strained tightly against her breasts. At another time, he would definitely have approached her and have her naked in his bed within an hour, but right now he was content to simply watch and appreciate her beauty from afar. He was a little old, and she was far too young so he decided to leave her be. She

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