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Deadly Finds
Deadly Finds
Deadly Finds
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Deadly Finds

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Many were convicted of witchery. Although the sorcerers were taken care of, their magical tools were never found
300 years later, Jack finds a peculiar object and decides to take it home. He didn't know about its evil past or its barbarous plan.
Can Jack escape its demonic powers or will it force him to kill?

Release dateSep 1, 2019
Deadly Finds

Misty Bratcher

I've entertained my friends and family with my stories since I was little. So, it was no surprise when I chose journalism as a career. I worked for a hometown newspaper for several years. I then did freelance work on the web. Although I enjoyed those jobs, learned a lot, grew as a writer. My true passion is telling a tall tale. So, sit back, relax and let me take you on a wild adventure.

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    Deadly Finds - Misty Bratcher

    Deadly Finds

    By Misty Dawn Bratcher

    Copyright © 2017 Misty Dawn Bratcher

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    First printing, 2017.

    Misty Dawn Bratcher

    110 Cherokee Ln.

    Rockaway Beach Mo



    Salem Massachusetts 1692

    It was a cold, dark winter's night in Salem Mass. Tituba could feel the north wind blows through the paper-thin walls as she rocks the fussy baby to sleep. Two older children sat quietly on the bearskin rug by her feet; listening intently to one of her wild tales.

    So, you see, children, you're lucky to be born in America. She finishes. A tear trickles down her cheek as she glances at the wide-eyed lads. She lost everything that day, her friends, family and home.

    That really happened, mean people destroyed your village? Eight-year-old Timothy asks. He's always been a curious child, full of questions and speculations.

    I'm afraid so. I was sold to your mama and papa soon after. She recalls how she was on the verge of starvation when she was taken from the town. She wipes the moisture from her face.

    Don't you like caring of us? Four-year-old Mary asks.

    I love looking after you, even when you're fussy. She glances down at the frail infant fretting in her arms. The baby has been sickly since she was born.

    Mama says the doctor can't figure out what's wrong with her, Timmy sadly replies.

    Doctors and all their fancy medicine aren't worth the good money you pay them, Tituba hisses.

    Do you think you can cure baby Anna?

    I have something that will fix this little tot right up.

    Is it one of your secret spells? Timothy asks excitedly. She'd often told him stories about the secret potions, and the magic these mixtures can perform.

    Never mind what it is, young man. Just know your sister will be cured before the sun rises in the morn.

    It is a magic spell just like the ones your mama used on you. Timothy gleefully replies.

    Oh my, look at the time, it's off to bed for the both of you.

    I want to hear another story. Timothy protests.

    Me too, me too, Mary sings.

    One quick story, then it's off to bed. The children scoot in closer.

    Once upon a time in my native country, a band of foreign nationals came to the village. They said they were there to help us, but we knew they were up to no good.

    What were they up to, what, what? Timothy asks, rising to his knees. The door flies open. The children gasp as they turn towards it. A tall figure suddenly appears in the shadows. Frightened, the children grab hold of Tituba's legs. Their mama stomps through the door.

    Why aren't the children in bed and what is that god awful smell? She fans her face.

    We were just finishing a story, ma'am.

    Well, finish it in the morning and get rid of that stench at once. She storms up the stairs.

    Yes, ma'am.

    I'm sorry we got you into trouble. Mary apologizes.

    Don't you fret about old Tituba, little miss. She kisses the child on top of her head. She's grown very fond of the children in an ouma sort of way. Now off to bed you two before I feed you to the village beast. She roars. The children giggle as they run up the stairs. Looking down at the infant fussing in her arms, the nanny sighs. Let's see if we can get you feeling better. She props the baby against her large body. The baby begins to wail as she thrashes about.

    That's enough out of you, She gazes deep into the child's blue eyes. The baby immediately hushes. That's my girl, now eat this before it gets cold. She stuffs a piece of warm milk toast in her mouth. The baby chomps hungrily on the saturated bread. That's it, baby, eat it all up, she says, offering her another bite. Taking the toast from the maid, Anna shoves the entire piece into her mouth.

    Easy there, child, she says, patting the choking infant on the back.

    What on earth are you doing? The Misses asks from the top of the stairs.

    I'm taking care of the baby, ma'am.

    How, by choking her to death?

    She got a little greedy is all.

    This isn't one of your strange concoctions is it?

    No ma'am, it's plain old milk toast, same as her siblings.

    You know what'll happen if I find out you're lying, right?

    Yes, ma'am. She has threatened to ship her back to Africa on numerous occasions.

    I want this mess cleaned up before you go to bed. She storms to her room.

    Yes, ma'am.

    What your mama doesn't know won't hurt her, she whispers to the chubby baby babbling happily on her lap.


    The following morning Tituba wakes up to find the baby cooing in her crib.

    How long have you been awake, little one? She asks, reaching for the infant. The baby babbles in response.

    You're feeling better I take it? The infant's jabbers continue as she's being lifted from her crib. You let out a mighty stink for such a little thing. Tituba scrunches up her face. The baby giggles at the sight.

    You wouldn't think it's so funny if you're on my end of this deal, she laughs, removing the

    soiled nappy.

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