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The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 1
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 1
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 1
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The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 1

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A legendary guard, an unearthly history of debauchery; a Chinese hero, a violent storm in the world; a hot-blooded man, full of pleasure in a flowery city. An ultimate skill that could shock the world was definitely not a fake. How many beautiful women, for his heart rippling; how many heroes and proud son, for his two ribs, a legend of the city.
Release dateSep 29, 2019
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 1

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    The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss - Leng HaiYinShi



    My name is Zhao Long. When I graduated from high school in 2001, I was 20 years old.

    In early October, with the dream of serving my country and achieving my own worth, I registered with the county Department of Armed Forces and prepared to join the army.

    On the second floor of the Department of Armed Forces, we were surrounded by youths. I took the experience table and lined up to go through vision, smell, hearing, and color vision before returning to the center of the line. The next item on the list was a full body examination.

    At this time, three military officers, two men and one woman, under the personal escort of the Department of Armed Forces Elder, looked around at the line of youth candidates, and finally fixed their gazes on me.

    I couldn't help but be puzzled: When did the Department of Armed Forces's Minister become so passionate towards the Recruitment cadres? She even personally accompanied them, nodding her head and bowing to them, trying to curry favor with them.

    Taking a closer look at the three Recruitment cadres s, he noticed that both of them were handsome and valiant. One of them was a first lieutenant while the other was a captain. The woman was a second lieutenant and was very pretty. She had the valor of a soldier and the aura of a strong family member. Although her eyes looked somewhat serious, there was a hint of mischievous youth in them. I'm a little envious of being an officer at such a young age. Of course, it wasn't until later that I found out the true identity of this female second lieutenant. Furthermore …

    The three soldiers stood in front of us for a moment, then walked straight toward me.

    The head of the Department of Armed Forces, Shuai Xianchong, introduced: This is the Recruitment cadres that came from the center …

    The captain waved at him to shut him up, then smiled at me and asked, What's your name?

    I honestly replied, Zhao Long.

    What culture? the captain asked.

    I said, High school.

    What specialties do you have?

    Literature, martial arts, sports …

    The captain nodded slightly, then winked at the lieutenant next to him, who quickly wrote my name down on a piece of hard paper. The captain then said to me, If you can get into our ranks, you will be the focus of our training! After saying that, the three of them turned around and left, continuing to search for their next target.

    I really felt flattered. There were also a few youth candidates beside me, all of them looked at me enviously, saying that I was selected by some good army ahead of time … At that moment, I saw the beautiful female officer turn her head and look at me, then give me an enigmatic smile. My face reddened, and my heartbeat quickened. One had to know that this young female officer, when she looked back, was actually able to overthrow the common people!

    Just as I was trying to guess the background of these three officers, I saw the Department of Armed Forces Elder walking back in a hurry.

    The Head of the Department came to my side, patted my shoulder, and laughed: Xiao Zhao, do your best, the Head of the Center has fallen for you, if you can get the Central Tevila (alias), it will be your entire life's glory, ah …

    When I heard this, I was confused and asked, Department Head Sun, what is Central Tevila doing?

    The Minister leaned close to my ear and whispered, Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, have you heard of this before?

    I was shocked. I have heard of the movie Li Lianjie acted in.

    The Minister smiled and said, It's that troop. Central Blue Sea Bodyguard's group.

    For a moment, I was stunned.

    Could this be true?

    Watching Department Head Sun leave, my blood boiled. Although I don't know much about the specific work of the Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, but I have only heard of its name. Adding my understanding of it through the movie Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, I can sense its power. All I know is that this is a special unit directly under the central government. They are mainly responsible for the security of the country's most important heads. They are equivalent to the imperial guards of the ancient emperors …

    This was too unbelievable.

    Isn't this a pie from the sky?

    With great excitement, I entered the examination room with more than thirty conscripts summoned by the staff of the Department of Armed Forces. The staff then led us to stand in four rows and began to undress.

    After a moment, we stood naked. Then the staff organized us to measure height and weight. I thought to myself, Department of Armed Forces is really extreme. Even if I want to cheat, I can't.

    After measuring our height and weight, we were lined up in four rows, and the staff began to ask us to do some simple stretching exercises. At that moment, two male doctors in white coats came in and began to examine us meticulously, five in a group, from head to toe, every part of us, so meticulously that I felt a little embarrassed.

    While the white coat was checking on us, the door squeaked open and three officers came in.

    At this moment, the entire audience was shocked.

    Because there was also a beautiful female officer!

    Of course, these three officers were the three Recruitment cadres s who asked me to write my name down in the corridor just now. I was pleasantly surprised and surprised. Wasn't this a bit too illogical?

    Could it be that this female officer was a military doctor that they brought from the center?

    There was no way to explain it.

    Truly, those who had never experienced such a scene would not be able to experience such a complicated feeling. I noticed that more than thirty naked candidates were staring at the female officer in surprise, some of them not even able to keep their mouths shut. We all grew up in remote places, how can we get used to being seen naked by the opposite sex? Furthermore, she's a beautiful girl …

    The young female officer, on the other hand, had a dull expression on her face. After she gave us a cursory glance, she took a list from the lieutenant and shouted at us, Those of you who have read my name, stand in front of me... Li Xiufu, Qiao Zhiwei, Zhao Long.

    The three people that the female officer had pointed out, including me, had all been questioned by these three so-called 'Central Recruitment cadres' and had been marked with emphasis.

    The three of us, naked fellows, walked nervously through the line and stood in front of the female officer.

    I could smell the female officer's natural scent. It didn't seem to be perfume, but was it her natural body scent?

    The female officer returned the list to the lieutenant and began to look over the three of us from top to bottom. Then she walked up to one of them and asked him to open his arms. The female officer used her slender hands to fan the wind at the tip of her nose, approaching Li Xiufu's body. Suddenly, her eyebrows wrinkled, she turned around and said to the first lieutenant, This one stinks of fox!

    I saw the lieutenant quickly draw a line on the paper with a pen, and then the female officer 'invited' this Li Xiufu into the line.

    Of course I understand, this bro must have been shot.

    I felt some sympathy for him, but at the same time I was worried about myself.

    The female military officer walked up to Qiao Zhiwei again and had him open his arms to give her a symbolic sniff. Then, she began to inspect his body. Who knew that Qiao Zhiwei would have such a reaction after being provoked by the beauty's attention?

    I noticed that the female officer's face reddened slightly, but no one noticed it. Her pretty eyebrows creased as she glared at Qiao Zhiwei. With slight anger, she shouted, Turn around!

    Qiao Zhiwei obediently turned around. The entire team suddenly burst into laughter, causing Qiao Zhiwei to nearly smash his head into the wall in shame.

    It was still the female officer who helped Qiao Zhiwei out of the crowd. She shouted towards the crowd, Be more serious! Her voice was sweet, yet it did not lack the bearing of a soldier. It was very loud.

    Only then did the room return to its previous tranquility.

    However, Qiao Zhiwei was not spared. The female military officer used the 'O-shaped legs' as an excuse to force him back into the group.

    Out of the three who were chosen, I was the only one left.

    I felt cold sweat trickle down my face. I didn't know why, but I was extremely afraid that I would lose, because after hearing what the Department of Armed Forces leader said, I had already developed a strong interest towards the mysterious Central Special Guard. However, the first two people were already 'shot'.

    The female officer stood in front of me with an expression that was neither cold nor hot. I took the opportunity to take a closer look at her appearance and was immediately astounded. Under the big hat, a beautiful face that was flawless and flawless was enough to topple all living things and overwhelm all others. This beautiful face had the perfect combination of facial features, big eyes, long eyelashes, and lips that were naturally slightly red. A strand of hair stuck out from the brim of her hat, lying diagonally at the corner of her mouth. It was a true and gorgeous beauty, and if I had not seen it for myself, I would never have believed that there would be such a woman in this world. Cold and gentle, strong and beautiful, my heart was thumping, and I felt a little intoxicated.

    Perhaps because the female officer felt the discomfort at the corner of her mouth, she lightly blew out a breath of air, and then used her hand to place this strand of hair behind her ear. I discovered that there was a faint mole on her earlobe, it wasn't too big, but it was very eye-catching.

    I instantly understood the meaning of 'jade has flaws'. But to tell the truth, not only did this little mole not affect her astounding beauty, it even added a sense of reality to it. Otherwise, who would believe that such a beautiful face could be a mortal?

    The female officer sized me up and asked, Are you Zhao Long?

    I nodded. Yes.

    Then the female officer ordered me to open my arms, and she sniffed at my armpits with her hands, and then brought my legs together to check if it was an 'O' or an 'X' leg, and then the arch of my foot. After confirming that it wasn't a 'flat foot', the female officer made me turn around, not missing a single inch of my body.

    After a long, careful examination, the female officer straightened up, gave me a nonchalant look, and turned around.

    After witnessing the 'shooting' of my two dear friends, I was extremely nervous. I hope that she didn't find out my problem … In my heart, I begged my grandfather to sue my grandmother, and even begged Guanyin's elder sister to not 'shoot' me …

    I didn't find any major flaws in this Zhao Long's body. There shouldn't be any problems integrating his body...

    The female officer's words made me feel relieved … The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

    At this moment, I was so excited that I almost wanted to give the female officer a deep hug. I wanted to thank her for her kindness. I also wanted to thank her for this' Bole ', which had discovered my' Thousand Li Horse 'that no one had ever ridden before.

    Then the two male officers walked towards me, laughing. The captain patted my shoulder and said, Indeed, you are a good seedling. I hope your blood test will pass as well. And, most importantly, there will be no problems with the administration of justice!

    I looked gratefully at the captain and nodded.

    At this time, the Department of Armed Forces Minister Sun also followed in. After exchanging a few words with the three Recruitment cadres s, they all walked out of the Experience Room.

    After getting dressed, the two men who were shot dead earlier came to my side. They gave me a thumbs up and looked at me enviously. Qiao Zhiwei bitterly smiled and said, It seems like you are lucky. Sigh, such sadness …"

    Li Xiu Fu felt wronged and smacked himself on the forehead. He complained: For this, my father even spent money to scrape up Department of Armed Forces's leadership. I didn't expect to still not get chosen by Central Tevila … Damn, how depressing!

    I consoled them sympathetically, If you can't go to Central Tevila, you can go to another army.

    Li Xiufu strongly retorted, What … I don't like the other troops, if we can't go to Central Tevila, then I won't be a soldier! "

    I said, That's not necessary, is it?

    Li Xiu Fu said: Bro, you don't know the Central Tevila's name, but do you know the First Army? You will be a person close to the leader in the future, Central Blue Sea Bodyguard … F * ck, I hate my dad. He passed the stench of foxes on to me, I hate him …"

    Qiao Zhiwei held my hand tightly and shook it vigorously a few times. He sighed with emotion and said, Brother, when we become rich in the future, I hope you can help me a lot. We won't be able to go. We will await your good news …

    Then, these two buddies took out their cell phones and insisted on leaving their phone numbers with each other. I really can't stand them, I was just lucky enough to get through this, is there a need for them to curry favor with me?

    After exiting the examination room, the Department of Armed Forces staff told us to come over early in the morning to conduct a blood sampling test.

    The next day, my girlfriend Zhao Jie pestered me and insisted on accompanying me to take a blood test. I had no choice but to agree. She was waiting for me at a small restaurant near the Department of Armed Forces. After I finished drawing my blood, I hastily left the Department of Armed Forces's gate, wanting to look for Zhao Jie.

    Just as I turned in from the park at the entrance of Department of Armed Forces, I heard someone calling my name from behind me.

    Zhao Long, wait a moment.

    I turned around and saw that it was the 'Central' female officer. She had changed into a fashionable casual outfit, a pink cardigan, a red lady's jacket over a pair of tight pantaloons, and black high-heeled boots. Also, I noticed that she was wearing earrings on her ears and her hair was tied back and draped over her shoulders. I suddenly thought: It seems that female soldiers also like to pursue fashion, more beautiful ah...

    Dressed in plain clothes, she did indeed have a unique sense of beauty. Compared to her military uniform, she had an extra calmness and daintiness.

    I turned to her and asked, What's the matter, Leader?

    The female officer waved at me and said, Come over here. I have something to ask you.

    Oh. I nodded and walked over. I could smell her scent. She was probably wearing perfume, jasmine.

    When the female officer saw me approaching, she asked, Let me ask you, are there any musical instruments that are sold in your county?

    Puzzled, I asked, What instrument?

    The female officer said, Any musical instrument is fine, such as flute or bamboo flute.

    I thought for a moment and said to her, We'll head north from the intersection ahead. Then, we'll head west through the red and green smoke. There's a small alley to the south called the Eternal Trade Shop. We'll enter the alley. We'll walk another 100 meters …

    Hearing that, the female military officer frowned and interrupted me, It's so troublesome!

    I said, Hmm, that place is really hard to find.

    The female officer thought for a moment and said, Why don't you come with me?

    I was surprised for a moment and refused. If you want to take a taxi, the taxi driver should know about it.

    The female officer pointed to the Beijing jeep behind her. She took out a bunch of keys and said, I borrowed a car from Department of Armed Forces. Today, not only am I going shopping, I also want to go around. What, you're still unhappy about being my guide?" The female officer accused him of a crime in good faith.

    Actually, I really want to go with her and take a stroll with Recruitment cadres. Such a good thing is something that happens only once in a hundred years, not to mention, she's a beauty. If he settled his relationship with her, wouldn't going to the Central Tevila be like nailing nails on a board? Moreover, I want to find out some information about the Central Tevila from her in advance. I want to see if this army that was created by the Department of Armed Forces is that mysterious or not.

    However, my girlfriend Zhao Jie is still waiting for me in the restaurant, what should I do?

    I weighed it in my heart again and again. I thought, There's still a lot of time to come. I'll apologize to my girlfriend later. How can I miss such a good opportunity? Thus, I smiled at the female officer and said, Alright, I'll bring you there!

    The female officer smiled and led me to the jeep. I sat in the passenger seat and sent a text message to my girlfriend. The jeep was started by the female officer.

    In the carriage, through our conversation, I found out that this female officer's name was You Meng. She was the second lieutenant in command of the Central Tevila's Arts Corps. The selection of recruits for the Central Tevila was extremely strict, so You Meng volunteered to follow two Recruitment cadres s to our county to pick out new recruits.

    You Meng also told me that the Special Guard Regiment, as the ace army of China, was given the name of the 'Number One Under Heaven Army'. It was originally a mysterious army, but later changed its name to the Direct Special Task Force of the Chinese Army.

    Towards all of these, I was completely confused, but my heart was filled with boundless yearning …

    I brought You Meng to the musical instrument shop called 'Beautiful Musical Instrument Workshop'. You Meng picked a flute and a gourd silk, tested the sound, packed it in a bag, and then returned to the car.

    You Meng did not hurry to start the car, but turned her head to ask me, Zhao Long, is there any political issues with your family?

    I replied smilingly, No. Our family is a proper poor peasant. "

    She asked, Do you have relatives abroad?

    I still shook my head.

    That's good. You Meng nodded mysteriously before starting the car.

    At my suggestion, she went to visit a few key scenic spots in our county, such as the popular martyr's cemetery, the Yellow River pontoon, and so on. Finally, we arrived at the sunlit square, which the county had spent billions of dollars to build, got off the car, and walked into the square. For the sake of the owner's convenience, I spent two dollars on a small stall in the square to buy two bundles of candied fruits.

    You Meng played in front of the Twelve Zodiac Temples in the plaza for a while, and then, she arrived at the artificial lake. She took out a hundred dollar bill, and smiled at me.

    Looking at her beautiful face, I really couldn't believe that I was actually able to come out and play with Recruitment cadres. You Meng's beauty made me feel extremely dizzy; Thus, I secretly glanced at her and smiled at her. I'll treat you. I'm a guest. This is my hometown, how can I let you spend money?

    You Meng did not continue to push her, but instead, took the initiative to go to the ticket office. I did not manage to get ahold of her, so she quickly paid the bill and said to me, It won't be too late for you to invite me again when we reach the Special Guard Group.

    We chose a small golden boat with the shape of a dragon head. You Meng sat down with both her hands behind her back and slightly exerted more strength to move the boat forward, creating a beautiful trace on the surface of the artificial lake. Her left cheek revealed a small dimple. It was very beautiful, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, her eyelashes were very long and very black, her lips were slightly red, and she had a pair of beautiful and neat teeth.

    I took the initiative to break the silence and asked You Meng: By … By the leader, do you think I could be selected to join your unit?"

    You Meng slowed down her movements, her beautiful little head slightly tilted, and said: That depends on your good fortune. Now that you have basically passed the medical examination, and now that you have gone through the political trial, you can come with us to Beijing."

    I nodded. Is our troop training hard?

    You Meng stopped moving, her eyebrows lightly wrinkled as she asked: What, as a man, are you afraid of suffering?

    I shook my head. I just want to be mentally prepared in advance! "

    You Meng's eyes flickered as he said, There's sweetness in suffering, and bitterness in sweetness. If you don't go through hardships, where would you get a sweet?

    I said, What kind of work are we doing?

    You Meng laughed: Aren't you our soldier now? About this, keep it a secret for the time being!

    I asked, Then … I heard our department head say that our unit is the concentration camp of the Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, is it that our unit is very strong? "

    You Meng lightly nodded, and said proudly: Of course. Have you seen Li Lianjie's Central Blue Sea Bodyguard? After all, he had to train in kung fu. If he could not even protect himself, how could he protect National leaders … However, a National Security would not specially protect a woman in the business world. It was not realistic to say that in the movies. Also, the troops in the movie are armed police, but we are actually part of the regular army line, belonging to the General Staff and also belonging to the Central Executive Office."

    Oh. I was confused by her words. But in my heart, I secretly smiled, because she had already leaked a lot of 'secrets'.

    You Meng continued: If you can really join our team, you can definitely do it well.

    I said, I like to practice kung fu, okay?

    You Meng laughed: Of course. In our army, many of us were the local scouts before we became soldiers, and many of us have even won rankings in international competitions. Let me give you a few examples: Captain Sun Ran of the Guard once met a dozen or so criminals on Chang An Street. The Captain Sun slapped them down with her bare hands, and just with her legs, she knocked them all down; Chief C's staff officer, Wang Zhong Cheng, mastered his unique skills of piercing wood boards with his Playing Card and piercing glass with steel needles; and a lieutenant called Li Guoan, who has represented Hua Xia in the world-class competition many times, and has apprentices from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, and Japan …


    You Meng told me a lot of legendary stories about the Central Tevila, and when I heard them, my blood boiled, and I secretly swore in my heart, if I really entered this mythical army, I would definitely live up to my expectations, and create a glory of my own in this sacred position.

    I believe that I can do it.

    We rowed around the artificial lake. You Meng spoke full of zest, and I listened with great interest. But halfway across the boat, You Meng's expression suddenly changed, she stopped paddling and asked me: Oh yes, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, right?

    I chuckled. I need to be fasting in the morning for blood sampling. I can't eat. My girlfriend is still waiting for me in the cafeteria for breakfast … However, how could I let such a good opportunity slip by when I'm trying to get close to the Recruitment cadres in the middle? Therefore, he had always been accompanying her around the world with a hungry stomach. To be honest, I didn't expect that this beautiful second lieutenant would actually be such an interesting character. Judging from her age, she should be able to break through the heavens in her twenties. However, to be able to become an officer in her twenties really surprised me.

    How can we not eat? Come, let's go eat! You Meng started paddling again, and went ashore.

    I found a restaurant to eat a bowl of wontons, I patted my stomach, instantly comfortable.

    Then, they drove back to the Department of Armed Forces.

    That was quite strange. This beautiful female officer had left a beautiful mark in my heart. Her valiant and valiant figure made it hard for me to forget her. I even had a vague yearning that I would meet her again in Beijing in the future.

    After that, I passed the five trials and six trials, and my physical examination and cultural test passed without a hitch. The Recruitment cadres visited all three generations of my family's relatives, and even all seven great aunts' families. After that, she went to each of the schools that I studied in, as well as primary, middle, and high school, to look over my personal records … After repeating this for seven or eight days and confirming that there were no problems, I was finally designated as the Central Tevila's would-be soldier.

    Of course, I didn't expect this to have such an impact in our county, town, and village. On the day that my file was taken away by the Recruitment cadres, the relevant officials of County ZF and Town ZF, accompanied by the village letter, specially invited me to a banquet and placed high hopes on me. After all, if I did well in the Treadmill, the whole county would be honored. On the other hand, if I made any major mistakes in the Treadmill, the leaders of the county committee, the Department of Armed Forces, the town leaders, and the village leaders would all be severely punished. This was the power of the Central Tevila, holding onto it would allow his whole body to move … These leaders, can't you inform me in advance?

    On December 9th, we were divided into more than two hundred men who were sent to dozens of troops throughout the country. After changing into military training equipment, we gathered in Department of Armed Forces in advance. The Department of Armed Forces arranged for us to stay, but that black-hearted worker wanted to find a place to stay in secret and wanted to charge us. When he said that, half of the people would rather live in a hotel than in the Department of Armed Forces, which made the employee extremely depressed.

    I was just about to accompany the other 'would-be comrade' Li Yudong, who had been selected to enter Central Tevila, to the county city to watch a movie for the night. But suddenly, she received a call from her girlfriend, Zhao Jie.

    Zhao Jie was crying on the other side of the phone. She sobbed: Long, do I have to wait for years before I can see you again?

    I comforted her, There are family visits in the army. Don't worry, I'll be back to see you.

    Zhao Jie asked: When are you leaving?

    Tomorrow, I said.

    Zhao Jie asked: Then where will you be staying today?

    I smiled. We're currently looking for a place to stay. Department of Armed Forces was really dark, they even needed to collect money to stay. The conditions are too harsh, and no one is willing to stay.

    Zhao Jie said: Really? That would be great … You can come out. I'll go to the county immediately. I want to spend the last night with you."

    I hastily replied, No need, Zhao Jie. It's too late, it's not safe.

    Zhao Jie said, Not too late, not too late …

    Despite my persuasion, Zhao Jie still came.

    We rented a hotel near the Department of Armed Forces, and Zhao Jie ran over to the market to buy a lot of delicious food. There were canned beef, lunch meat, high-end bread, and so on. She stuffed them into my camouflage bag before she sat down on the edge of the bed, put her arms around my neck, and looked at my face inch by inch, kissing me madly.

    We kissed for a full ten minutes, and only until I felt that I was suffocating, did I push Zhao Jie away. I realised that her expression today was a little agitated. Zhao Jie and I had been classmates since junior high. In high school, we had been assigned to the same class. She was the school's high school beauty, and I really don't know how she saw me. Ever since we watched a movie together at the county cinema, our relationship has grown at a rapid pace. Until now, we have already become like lacquer.

    Zhao Jie looked at me shyly and asked: Brother Long, you went to be a soldier. It's been a few years since I've last seen you, if I wanted to see you, what would I do?

    I said smilingly, Don't you have a picture of me there? Look at it when you miss me. I heard there was a family visit in the army, so I'll be back.

    Zhao Jie wrapped her arms around my neck again and stared at me without blinking. Her tears were about to flow, as she sobbed softly, But I really can't bear to part with you … I want you to remember me for the rest of your life. I want you to think about me every day … So, I've decided to give you everything tonight!

    I shivered as I looked at the beautiful Zhao Jie. I also wanted to share the spring breeze with her. If it was a normal day, I would definitely be very happy if Zhao Jie said all these words. But now, how could I bear to hurt her? I'm going to Beijing soon to realize my dream. If I want her body now, isn't it too cruel for her? Besides, it was a little suspicious that she was taking advantage of someone when they were in danger. She was still a student and had just been admitted to Jinan University.

    I evaded, Zhao Jie, even if you don't do that, I will still remember you for the rest of your life. Don't make it seem like you're parting for life, okay?

    Zhao Jie hugged me in one go, and said while sprawled in my embrace, I just wanted to give it to you … I want you to remember me. I was willing, really …"

    I pushed Zhao Jie away and coughed lightly. I'm going to the toilet.

    I left the scene quickly, full of contradictions. I am not a person who only cares about the consequences of having a good time. Although Zhao Jie is very beautiful and sexy, if I want to take her, it is very possible that there will be incalculable consequences. After all, 2001 was not a very open era, and my thinking was somewhat conservative.

    When I looked up from my hygiene, I was startled by what I saw.

    Zhao Jie had already taken off her clothes, and was only wearing a red cloth around her body. She was sitting at the head of the bed, looking at me affectionately.

    My head buzzed, and said to Zhao Jie nervously: Zhao Jie, are you cold? Quickly put on your clothes!"

    Zhao Jie pouted and said: Zhao Long, why are you acting like a righteous man, I'm your girlfriend, I'm going to accompany you tonight, what's wrong with that? Seeing how inexperienced you are, tsk, you don't dare to eat me, right?

    I didn't say anything, just a little confused. To be honest, I never thought that it would be so complicated. I just thought that Zhao Jie had come to the hotel to talk to me, to pour out her lingering feelings. My character is a little introverted, I never would have thought that Zhao Jie would take the initiative to offer her body to me. To this, I panicked and felt awkward. Of course, I had to admit that I couldn't stand the temptation. Her body was white and exquisite, with curves in and out in all directions. Looking at her, I almost had a nosebleed …

    Zhao Jie took the initiative to come closer to me, and hugged my waist. With an impulsive expression, she said, Dragon, how did you become so weak? Don't you like me? As she spoke, she brought her face close to mine. I could feel the strong scent of a girl and the sweet scent of milk.

    I said, Zhao Jie, can you stop messing around?

    Zhao Jie felt wronged: You think I'm messing around?

    I said, Isn't this nonsense? If … You are pregnant, and I am no longer a sinner?

    Zhao Jie's face reddened and she looked at me shyly: I won't, I won't … In the bathroom... Yes... Security Measures... " She threw herself into my arms.

    I shamed myself and bitterly smiled. That thing isn't safe either. If I really fall for it, it would be too late to regret.

    Zhao Jie suddenly raised his head, stared at me and said: Why don't you just wear two?

    I wanted to find a crack in the door to hide in, I thought to myself, what's wrong with Zhao Jie, why does she have to use such a method to tie my heart to her? To think that she could think of such a thing!

    Just as I was hesitating, Zhao Jie made an even bolder move. She complained to me, Hmph, what are you pretending to be so innocent for? You talk like you're a gentleman. Actually, your heart has been wanting to eat me for a long time now … I'm telling you, Zhao Long, stop pretending already. I'm risking everything to give you my body, and you're even pretending to be tall …"

    I groaned in my heart, and though I wanted to, there seemed to be a bondage in my mind, and I could not allow myself to cross that chasm. I held onto her shoulder, then removed her hand and spoke in a righteous manner, Zhao Jie, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't hurt you. You are still a student, and I am going to Beijing to serve. If I take the opportunity to hurt you today, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life. Perhaps, you will hate me for the rest of your life.

    Zhao Jie shook her head with all her might and firmly replied, I don't hate it. If it is something that I wish to do, I cannot allow others to do so!

    I forced a smile and comforted her, When we get married, it won't matter if we do these things every day. Isn't it?

    Zhao Jie's face changed drastically. She laughed bitterly and her expression became cold, she looked at me with her pair of eyes filled with killing intent and laughed coldly: Wait until the wedding? Who knows if you'll change your mind then? The person you'll marry, and whether or not that's me, isn't certain yet!

    I promised her, Don't worry. As long as your heart does not change, my feelings for you will never change!

    Zhao Jie laughed coldly: I would rather believe that there's a ghost in this world than a man's stinky mouth! Since you aren't going to eat the tofu that has been delivered to my doorstep, I won't be so selfish. Take care!"

    While I was still in a daze, Zhao Jie had already quickly put on her clothes, opened the door and rushed out.

    I sighed, thinking that a woman was really an unfathomable animal, changing at will. She got angry just like that?

    I ran after her, but I couldn't catch her. After she left the hotel, she caught a taxi and left.

    Then, when I called her, she didn't answer, and she didn't reply. I tapped my forehead and thought, What did I do wrong?

    The next day, the Recruitment cadres took us to the train to leave home.

    The life of a new company was tough, the life of a new company in Central Tevila was similar to that of a new company. The only advantage one had was the ability to touch and practice with pistols, which were the patents of the armed police and special forces. In the other troops, only commanders were qualified to issue handguns.

    As for me, with the faith to become a senior national guard — — the legendary Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, I earnestly went through every step. I trained the hardest, and I was more serious in listening to political lessons than anyone else.

    In the blink of an eye, the new year's bell will ring, the new company leader arranged for us to call our family and friends, I clearly remember the scene. Many of his comrades cried when they called their family or girlfriends. After all, after so many months away from home, when no one had spoken of their hard military training, all their emotions burst forth.

    I didn't cry when I called. Of course, I finished the call with tears in my eyes. After greeting my parents, I called my girlfriend, Zhao Jie. She had already forgiven me, and in the phone call, we made a solemn vow to make a lifelong bond. She said, She was too rash that day, and asked me to forgive her.

    Of course I wouldn't bother with her. She was right.

    To be precise, I had fallen deeply in love with this unit. The Central Tevila, known as the 'Number One Under Heaven Army', indeed had his actual charm. Who would believe that the leader of the Central Tevila, Ji Gui, was a general? In the army, the number of officers ranged from officers to generals, while in peaceful times, the highest ranking general in the army was a general. A captain with the highest ranking in the Chinese army on his shoulders could not help but shock people.

    But now, I am just a small private. If I want to become the legendary Central Blue Sea Bodyguard, I am still far away from it. In our army, the security guards are divided into several ranks, the highest ranking is the head of the personal guard, and the general positions are either the security staff or the Security Secretary. These senior guards all followed the dozens of central head s in the country as they carried out the supreme mission of guarding the king. Accompanying the chief on his investigations, trips to other countries, and so on, these people were the legendary 'Central Blue Sea Bodyguard'.

    Other than personal guard, there were also civil servants, Resident Security and other forms of security.

    Becoming a 'Central Blue Sea Bodyguard' was not an easy task, and had to be selected and nurtured through many steps. Moreover, they had to be at the cadre rank to qualify for the position. After being chosen, they still had to enter a large number of Guard s to undergo a period of two years of special training. A portion of them had to be sent to foreign special training schools to carry out advanced studies before they could become real 'Central Blue Sea Bodyguard'.

    As for me, I've been working hard for this. I believe that I'll definitely be able to create a legend of the Special Guard!

    This is my belief!

    A few days before the Spring Festival, the Special Guard had specially organized the literary and artistic squadrons to perform in the various teams. The new company had been looking forward to it for a long time. On the day of the Spring Festival Gala, the New Soldiers Company's auditorium was particularly lively. The valiant and valiant sentries stood at the entrance of the auditorium with guns in their hands. Over a thousand new recruits entered the auditorium orderly under the arrangement of the company officers.

    After sitting down, each company held a song competition, after a few loud military songs, the Spring Festival condolences performance officially began.

    I had the privilege of sitting in the front row and staring at the stage.

    To be honest, the new recruit company is all male, even the mice are male. We have long wanted to meet the literary and arts female soldiers of the seven great brigades. Now that their wish had been granted, all the recruits widened their eyes, afraid that they would miss any opportunity to admire the opposite sex. Before this, according to the cadres section leaders of the new recruits company, all the female soldiers of the Special Guard Regiment were as beautiful as jade. They were all specially recruited from the local area and could sing, dance, and be gentle and generous … We have long heard the saliva, today, is really excited boiling blood, the heart than picked up 100,000 yuan even happier.

    Under the commentator of a male and female host, the program was officially staged. The start of a large-scale dance had stunned us!

    The female soldiers on the stage were all wearing military costume, they were all pretty and cute, and they were all clever and moving. They danced their beautiful bodies, and their every move and every frown and smile was so captivating. We couldn't help but burst out in applause for these lovely female comrades...

    The show was brilliant, crosstalk, skits, singing and dancing, musical instruments and so on, and we were all immersed in the wonderful, peaceful environment, flying along with the actors on the stage, singing together.

    After a wonderful skit, the host began to announce the next program in a clear and melodious voice, Next, please enjoy the female voice singing solo, 'Gazing at the Starry Sky'. Songstress: You Meng. Dancing with: Sun Xiaorui, Liu Liuqing, et al …

    Upon hearing the name 'You Meng', I jolted.

    Was it really her?

    It was only then that I suddenly remembered that the beautiful female cadre You Meng had mentioned before that she was the regional captain of the Arts Team.

    At this moment, my heart unconsciously jumped.

    First, it was a group of beautiful dancing partners. They wore red costumes. A girl wearing an olive green dress walked out from the side just as the dance started. Her beautiful appearance immediately caused a sensation. She gracefully and gracefully walked to the center of the stage. The applause was like a tide as she walked along. Some of her comrades even couldn't help but cry out loudly.

    It really is You Meng!

    Her beauty was a beautiful legend.

    Under the light of the lamp, her charming face was particularly eye-catching, revealing a smooth and exquisite divine light. His perky acting clothes made his entire body look extremely beautiful. Beneath the skirt, a pair of slender, fair, and jade legs were standing in the shape of a D. Black female shoes were reflecting a special luster.

    With one hand on her stomach and the other on her chest to express her feelings, how could her lightly made up face be so enchanting and intoxicating? With her rosy lips gently opening and the melodious melody, how many people were enchanted?

    That Starry Night by the combination of black ducks, after her singing, was so perfect, so shocking:

    The night was hazy as he gazed up at the starry sky.

    I am waiting for a star, a star.

    It was so bright, it was so affectionate.

    Those were the eyes I was already familiar with.

    I saw you, did you see me?

    The sky was far away, and the heart was connected.

    Even if you don't look at me, at me.

    I understand you, too.

    As I listened to You Meng's singing, I recalled the scene when she went to our hometown to fetch our troops. I couldn't help but be extremely excited. In fact, You Meng's name had always been in the mouths of the special forces cadres and class leaders. She was like a goddess that had been deified by the special forces, and no one could surpass her beauty and talent. Even the class rep was no exception, he even had a few photos of You Meng performing in the past year, and he showed them to us everyday to show off …

    The comrade sitting on the seat beside me could not help but pat his thigh and mutter to himself, We've finally met You Meng, we've finally met You Meng. She … She's simply not a human, she's simply an angel …"

    I glanced at my comrade, and saw that his Hara was almost flowing out, and that he looked a hundred times more excited than when I had gone to the Wong Fei concert. Actually, this is not surprising, I remember that when I first met You Meng, I was already extremely shocked.

    I looked back and saw a black mass. Using the light reflected from the stage, I could feel that everyone was stunned by You Meng's angelic beauty and her melodious singing.

    I believe that I have never heard such warm applause. When You Meng's song came to an end, everyone stood up at the same time and cheered her on and applauded her. In this green world, she had gone crazy for her …


    After he finished singing, You Meng gave a standard military salute towards the audience and then lightly closed the white curtain. The light was extinguished and You Meng's figure gradually disappeared from his line of sight. I heard waves of sighs coming from the side. Some of my comrades complained softly, Why is it ending so quickly? Don't you know that there's still her program going on …

    Being influenced by You Meng's program, we were no longer in the mood to watch the rest of the programs, and actually, it wasn't that they were not good either, but our hearts were already tied to You Meng. We were all thinking back to the smile on You Meng's face when she appeared on stage, her every move, even the sound effects …

    After another ten minutes or so, when the program was still going on, I suddenly had the urge to pee. I bent down, bent over the passage, and headed straight for the toilet.

    In front of the female restroom, a few female soldiers who had just finished performing, were laughing and discussing something. Their bright smiles and beautiful figures caused many of their comrades to stop and watch, and there were even a few brave recruits who ran over to ask You Meng. Hey, female comrades, is there any more of You Meng's show below …

    The female soldiers also looked outwards and smiled at him. What? Haven't you seen enough?

    I chuckled to myself and was about to go into the men's room when I heard a clear female voice behind me.

    Zhao Long, it's really you!

    I looked back, and my eyes lit up.

    It was actually You Meng!

    You Meng had just come out of the female restroom, and was still wearing her beautiful and bright costume. She walked towards me, took out a handkerchief and wiped the makeup on her face, then smiled at me.

    I stood up straight and deliberately took a deep breath before puffing out my chest. Very good. "

    Are you tired?

    Not tired.

    I heard that you even received a reward for your hard work in training?

    Hehe, I was just lucky.

    Do your job well, you're my soldier, don't embarrass me! You Meng used a slender hand to comb through the hair in front of her ears. Once again, I saw the small mole on her earlobe. I recalled the day she asked me to accompany her on a tour of her hometown. Unconsciously, I felt a strong sense of superiority.

    I will definitely live up to the expectations of the Leader! I'm currently training and studying for my culture class, so I'm preparing to take the exams! I laughed.

    You Meng nodded, and said: Very good, very good. Say hello to me during the exam. Maybe I can help.

    I nodded, but in my mind I thought, You're just a small second lieutenant, what can you do for me?

    But I went on to ask her, By the leader, this... Isn't it very easy to be selected to join the National Security's team if you want to take the exams and enter school, giving you a chance to become a Special Guard?

    You Meng laughed heartily: What a joke! Zhao Long, be more realistic, our army has thousands of people, most of them are Resident Security, it will be very difficult to become a Special Guard …"

    Don't tell me there's no chance at all?

    You Meng thought for a while, tilted his head, and laughed, Unless you can create some kind of extraordinary performance for the Special Guard Group, it might be possible.

    Such as?

    For example, obtaining a good result in the military region competition or the national military competition will bring honor to the team … Also, if you have a particular area of expertise that is especially outstanding, like kickboxing, literature, track and field, there's still a glimmer of hope …"

    I hastily interrupted her and said, These … I know a little, if you put in more effort, I think it should be fine! "

    You Meng laughed evasively and said, Very good … Your courage deserves praise!"

    From You Meng's words, I could tell that it would be very, very difficult to become a Special Guard. However, I firmly believe that I will not give up so easily. Bitter, I am not afraid, tired, in front of me is a grandson. No matter how difficult it was, I would step on it. These are the hidden rules of my life. No matter how difficult it is, I have to fulfill this dream of mine. Just like the Li Lianjie in the movie < Central Blue Sea Bodyguard >, becoming an honorable and sacred special guard of the country. This dream has become extremely clear the moment I stepped into the Central Tevila.

    At that moment, the captain, Ren Xizong, walked past him in his stiff military uniform. I quickly saluted and greeted him. One had to know that the captain was the biggest officer in the entire recruit army. He had the rank of colonel (Regiment) and had a long heroic look. It was a sight that made people respect him and not dare to look at him directly. This was the majesty of a senior military officer.

    Unexpectedly, You Meng actually recognized the Chief Officer. She waved her hand at him and mischievously said: Yi, Old Ren, you're watching the show too?

    I was dizzy, and a second lieutenant called a colonel, 'Old Ren,' which in the army was absolutely an appalling miracle!

    However, Chief Officer did not get angry. Instead, he laughed heartily and said, It's Mengmeng. Heh, your performance today was really exciting. All of us warriors in the whole army were attracted by you …

    You Meng waved her hand at him, and teased: Don't tease me, I'm not that great!

    Seeing them start to chat, I tactfully wanted to leave, but You Meng suddenly pulled on my clothes, gesturing for me to wait. She pointed at me as she said to the Chief Officer, Old Ren, I've taken these soldiers over. Please take care of them in the future.

    Chief Officer sized me up, then nodded with a smile: Of course, of course.

    You Meng stepped forward and patted Chief Officer's shoulder, praising him. Very good … Thank you!"

    I was confused by their conversation and thought, Isn't this too exaggerated? A Company Leader speaking to a Second Lieutenant was too polite! Furthermore, You Meng seemed to be very familiar with him, and had a very naughty manner. They seemed to be a little bit like the relationship between servants and young miss, while Chief Officer was extremely courteous with You Meng, but You Meng's words were casual, and her words were full of power. Isn't this too outrageous?

    It should be said that the Chief Officer was stronger than You Meng by an entire grade, furthermore, he was stronger than You Meng by an entire grade. In terms of army jargon, the Chief Officer was considered to be an old yellow croaker, and in front of him, You Meng was not even a small shrimp. The difference in status and rank should be considered great, so why is it that I have been listening to it as if the Chief Officer had always been trying to please You Meng?


    You Meng instantly formed a huge mystery in my heart. What kind of god was she, to actually make a captain respect her?

    Then, like a shadow, Chief Officer followed You Meng back to the party.

    I snickered and went to the toilet to solve my physiological problems. After coming out, I was just about to walk into the auditorium when five or six new recruits suddenly surrounded me. They all looked at me as if I were the Savior, and one of them slipped a box of Extra Blue Sea cigarettes into my pocket.

    Bro, how did you know You Meng?

    That's right, that's right. It seems that you're very familiar with her …

    Give me her cell phone number, and I'll treat you to Peking Duck. It's for sale at the service center.

    Yeah, please do your best, announce You Meng's number, we are all impatient …

    My head was about to explode when I heard all of them talking at the same time. I then realized that they had actually been 'hiding' for a long time just to get You Meng's number from my mouth. At this moment, they were practically treating me as a god, saying all kinds of nice words. This caused me to be in a dilemma.

    I thought to myself: It looks like You Meng has poisoned our team's warriors quite a lot!

    These people were even more persistent than the Starseeker Tribe. I made an excuse to say that I didn't have any of them, but they kept pestering me for more than ten minutes. It wasn't until the squad leader at the entrance ordered us to return to the party that we calmed down.

    Really, sometimes it's hard to believe how much influence a beautiful female soldier has in a single unit.

    You Meng's name had long floated all over the Special Guard Regiment and she was the last love of our army's bachelors. My platoon leader, squad leader, and even my comrades who were new recruits, whenever I bring up this name, it's as if I'm worshipping an angel. You Meng created too many myths in the special guard group, so it was true that even men in the military would have feelings for him. The simple two Chinese characters' You Meng 'caused an unprecedented huge storm in the special guard group.

    As for me, because I recognized You Meng, I had actually become the target of praise from my comrades. More and more of my comrades liked to date me, and I wanted to hear a trace of the 'clue' regarding You Meng from my mouth, but I kept it to myself. I upgraded my interactions with You Meng to being a 'national secret'.

    However, the more it was like this, the more it gave his comrades a mysterious feeling.

    What was even more unbelievable was that ever since we met on the day of the party, Chief Officer, who had always been high up in the sky, gave me quite a lot of pressure. Although it is very difficult for the senior officials of the army to show any flaws in taking care of their subordinates, I could feel it. I also heard from our platoon leader that Chief Officer had personally come to our company commander and asked him about my situation …

    It is my honor to be ranked as' Excellent New Trainee Warriors', in addition to being awarded a big team (equivalent to a team level) as a reward. At the end of March, I was sent to the Second Squadron of the Four Great Teams of the Central Tevila, Yu Quanshan (alias), with boundless expectations.

    The beautiful Yu Quanshan was the place where the leaders rested and worked. After a series of training and familiarity, I became an honorable warrior of the Resident Security. In the course of my duty, I met the leaders who held the destiny of my country in their hands. In fact, as a Resident Security, we are already envious of him in the political aspect. Just like the ancient imperial guards, the other troops treated us like heavenly soldiers, and even the Ministry of Public Security's police officers were extremely courteous to us.

    I, however, kept my attention on the tall and sturdy handsome personal guard beside the Chief. These people are the legendary supreme 'Central Blue Sea Bodyguard', they take turns on duty and don't leave the guard's side for a moment. Their handsome figures can be considered to be a rare sight in the world. These National Security have a lot of power, I saw a head of department, personal guard, scolding a vice division leader like a smelly sock. The reason was very simple, that vice minister drank and wanted to barge into Yu Quanshan, the result can be imagined … After all, Yu Quanshan was definitely a mysterious, treasured land in China. It was the same as Zhong Lan Hai, a place where political officials of the country rested. It was just that while everyone in Zhong Lan Hai knew about it, Yu Quanshan was extremely secretive.

    Central Blue Sea Bodyguard was hailed as the guardian god of central head, it could really be said to be 'a one on one'. The responsibility is great and the duty is due.

    I am constantly

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