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Farm Boy
Farm Boy
Farm Boy
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Farm Boy

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It might seem glamorous but being an Agency operative is hard work, morally questionable and occasionally things don’t end well. Fortunately there are people in our country who have an uncanny ability to do what it takes, be immune to the immorality of the work, make peace with death and still be a good warrior. Our hero seems to be that sort of guy.
The assignments so far are pretty normal if you overlook the seedy part of the work that includes using sex and violence as common tools of the trade. All goes well until Agency orders come through to infiltrate a crime organization called the Trio which has its tendrils in many political and financial aspects of the local government and police.
In his profession, paranoia is the main ingredient that keeps him alive and for this assignment the only premonitions he’s having are bad. Nevertheless, he uses a prearranged code to tell his wife that he will be absent for awhile, sets aside his normal life and goes undercover. Unfortunately the assignment goes horribly wrong and the Agency washes its hands of him, leaving him shaken and wondering where to turn.
Enter three of his closest military buddies whose friendships were formed during field combat. Their bonds are unwavering and therefore nothing can be said to dissuade them from setting things straight. The four of them join with Agency assets who are loyal to their cause and unleash their own form of justice with a few twists in the plot along the way. Needless to say there is enough satisfaction to go around.

PublisherC. L. Jones
Release dateSep 30, 2019
Farm Boy

C. L. Jones

C.L. Jones grew up in a large Midwestern family, a military family who served for many generations, where he learned the art of storytelling. Back in his early days he would sit around the fire pit and share his tales with friends and family. C.L. Jones experienced the depth of brotherhood through out his military career, having received the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, 2 Purple Hearts, Meritorious Service Medal, and the Humanitarian Service medal. The first three books that he's published are part of a series that he fondly calls "Brotherhood Holds the Line". Brothers of Different Mothers, the first book, is a story about how Pops and the Crew grew to become brothers while trying to survive the organization's efforts to thin the ranks. Book #2, Home Front, shows how the strong bonds that formed in Brothers of Different Mothers continued to grow as the Crew helped Surfer through trying times. Book #3, Second Chance, takes the close knit team on a mission to Central America to find a CEO of a large company who was kidnapped by a rebel faction to extort money for their cause. These three stories are good examples of the kinds of stories that he would share.Jones has completed work on the Farm Boy Series. You will recognize some characters from Pops and his crew but the squad is the younger generation of agents working through modern technology with the same bad elements that survive time. Good against evil with some twists. Book #1, Farm Boy, book #2 Farm Boy's Wisdom and book #3 Enough is Enough is now available. An early release has shown that Enough is Enough is an exciting read and was well received. What is coming next, we now look forward to the saga wrapping up with a final conclusion for the Pop's Team and Farm Boy's squad, just wait till you read what happens next!!

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    Book preview

    Farm Boy - C. L. Jones

    Farm Boy


    C. L. JONES

    COPYRIGHT 2017 C. L. Jones

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Traitor

    Chapter 2: Simpler Times

    Chapter 3: The Army

    Chapter 4: Specialized Training

    Chapter 5: Setting Up Sally

    Chapter 6: Special Training Times Two

    Chapter 7: The Barber

    Chapter 8: The Myth

    Chapter 9: Setting The Table

    Chapter 10: Redman

    Chapter 11: The Show

    Chapter 12: Canceled

    Chapter 13: What Friends Are For

    Chapter 14: Resources And Planning

    Chapter 15: Candidates

    Chapter 16: Payback

    Chapter 17: The Wheel

    Chapter 18: Politics Is A Tough Business


    Note from the Author


    Some stories should never be told, some stories need to be told, and yet, either way some are never believed. For example, if you happened to recount an incredibly unusual story that is true, it is likely to be heard by those who may have inadequate knowledge of you and your life. So your story would be tailored by these people to fit into their own view of the world, a world that is centered on their limited life experiences. In fact, even close family members see you in a very narrow range based on their contact with you while growing up in a civilized world. They view you through their limited experiences through eyes of their own accomplishments. An incredibly unusual story wouldn’t be believed since our family doesn’t do those kinds of things. In their own mind they still see you as a sibling or a son or a regular family guy. Anyway this is an incredibly unusual story about recent events in my life and by the way, you need to know that my family sees me as a regular family guy.

    I’ll start by asking, Do you believe in ghosts, or invisible people, or dark shadows that slowly creep in the night? If your first answer is No, I don’t believe, then you need to rethink your world. There are different kinds of ghosts, spooks and invisible people that aren’t the supernatural kind. They are the ones from intelligence agencies who may live next to you, go to church with you, work next to you, or even double-dated with you and your significant other. They may have been seated right across the table at dinner and you never had the slightest idea of their invisible life.

    Then there is the person you may have dated a couple of times, whom you liked but it didn’t work out because there was something just a little different about them. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. The date was good and the person had a great personality but you noticed that he or she kept watching the people around you. It might not have been a big deal but by the end of the date you’d picked up on the continually shifting eyes. Your date probably tried to disguise it but you did pick up on it, didn’t you?

    So I’ll tell you an incredibly unusual story and you shape it based on your life experiences and tuck it away in whatever little reality or fanciful box you think it fits into.

    Remember, this is just a story, okay, it’s just a story.

    Chapter 1:


    It was late. I was lying in the expensive hotel room bed with French-style double terrace doors that were open, enjoying the cool night air as it softly drifted across my damp body. Even with the cool night air and the never-ending breeze, my recent workout had me covered with sweat from head to toe. Jennifer Montgomery was for the most part a petite woman who didn’t stand over five feet one or two. With heels she may have pushed five-five. She probably tipped the scales at a hundred pounds and I wager a good part of that weight was stuffed in her oversized breasts. Jen as she liked to be called had raven black shoulder hair that reached the middle of her back. The few times I had been with her she’d always come to the hotel room dressed like a runway model with perfect hair and makeup, looking as if she’d just walked out of a high-end salon. In the past her routine was to enter the room, close the door and surprise me with a little something extra. After engaging in long bouts of great sex she would then boast about spending her husband’s money. I think she got off on not only knowing that she was screwing someone else but that it was his money paying for her little sex nest.

    This time the encounter followed the same pattern. She lightly knocked on the door, I opened it and she stood before me like one of those sexy bra and panty models. The door closed behind her, the very expensive looking dress magically dropped to the floor and she paused in a sexy pose wearing only a few undersized articles of clothing that struggled to contain her body. There was a bright red lacy bra with no nipple covers in the end of the bra cups, red panties, the same red-colored thigh-high stockings and red high-high heels. From what I could see she would make the most expensive prostitute jealous.

    I moved from the door to the bed and like a slow motion movie scene, she slithered across the room and stood at the foot of the bed. A single bead of sweat formed at her hairline and worked its way down her forehead, probably caused by nerves or excitement. I chose to lie silently, letting the show go on as long as possible. When she finished her sexy dance, Jen ran her hand through that beautiful raven hair and looked down at me, saying in a sexy voice, Okay no holds barred this time. I want you to treat me like some pay-by-the-hour whore, the nastier and rougher the better. And don’t worry, no matter what you do or where or how hard you shove it in I’ll never say stop or quit. Slap me around, spank my ass, or better yet beat my ass. I want this to be a fuck I will never forget. When I’m in bed with my husband and getting the same old once a week banging, I want to be remembering this.

    Round one was a softer version of what she’d asked for so we took a short rest, I had a cold drink and popped a little magic tablet which made me bigger, harder and stronger than I’d ever been in my life. Now we’d completed round two and I continued to contemplate the pleasure of the breeze through the double doors as I glanced over at Jen. It looked to me like it would be awhile before she made any more requests like the one she’d made a couple of hours earlier. There was a sheet draped over her that covered her from the butt down. I wasn’t about to lift the sheet for fear a puff of smoke would swirl up. Yes we were smokin’ in round two.

    I listened quietly waiting for the sounds in the hallway I knew would come. The scenario I’d put together was unfolding but I was a little worried because the next scene in the act was running late. It had been a lot more than two hours since Jen had walked into the room, we’d had two good sexual romps and I was sure that she was asleep. All I could do now was watch the door and wonder what may have caused my plan to run so late.

    Jen finally stirred after dozing for more than a half an hour. She rolled over, sat up and slid back on her butt along her side of the bed until her body was resting against the headboard and her knees were drawn up and covering her big magnificent boobs. She stared at me while she replayed every detail of the whole exercise in a low voice. Meanwhile I could only think of what went wrong. What had happened, why was this thing running so late?

    Relieved, I heard the soft sounds of feet just outside the room door. A few seconds later it sounded like thunder as the door burst open and three men charged in. The first two moved to either side of the door, looking like they could pick me up and chew my head off as if I was nothing more than one of those little marshmallow Easter chicks. The third guy looked like a normal guy as he followed the two apes into the room.

    Besides the crashing sound of the door exploding, the only other sound was a high pitched squeal that came from Jen, as she scrambled to cover herself with the lone sheet left on the bed. The normal looking guy stepped forward and one of the apes stepped back out of the room, stopping outside the broken door, guarding the hallway. The other big-ass ape pulled out a small camera and began clicking away, snapping dozens of pictures. The normal looking man stepped silently to the foot of the bed, folded his arms across his chest and with a shitty grin said to Jen in a softly controlled voice, Good pre-nuptial we have. Now you get nothing.

    It was as if a bolt of lightning had hit Jen right in that cute little ass. All modesty was forgotten as she cleared the bed in a single bound and charged after the normal looking man. Just as she reached him the ape with the camera lunged forward, grabbed and restrained her with one massive arm around her waist.

    I was still sitting on the bed, realizing my time had come, though not to make a big escape and charge out of the room. Instead, I slid my hand under my pillow and retrieved the gun with a small homemade silencer I had placed there while I’d waited patiently. I fired two quick rounds in the ape who was restraining Jen and two more rounds in the ape who was rushing from the hallway back into the doorway to the room. Jen and her soon to be ex looked totally shocked as they stood in stunned silence. It was not a problem to walk around them and roll both apes onto their backs to retrieve their holstered guns. I turned back to the frozen couple and quickly popped a round into the husband’s head. Before Jen could begin crying and begging, I put the next shot just to the left of center in her chest.

    I quickly pulled the man in the doorway into the room and shut the door which gave me a few minutes to recreate the crime scene that I wanted to leave after I left. I was well trained in how to keep my fingerprints to a minimum so wiping down when the job was completed would take little time. I wiped all the areas that I’d touched including those areas on Jen’s body. I then placed all the right fingerprints on all the right guns and placed my gun with the homemade silencer in the holster of one of the apes after checking that his holster would accommodate the extra length. Okay, I know that there would be some of my DNA left in certain places and in certain bodies in the room but I would let others do the figuring. I picked up the ape’s camera to take with me, knowing that when I was safely away I could remove the storage card, flush the internal memory, wipe the camera to remove my prints and drop it into any trash can.

    It had been my mission to take out this highly placed government official who’d been seriously supplementing his income by passing along any information that he thought would be helpful to a foreign government agent. Jen had always been happy to assist her husband with his espionage as long as she got her end of the money. It had been a good deal for them but a bad one for our country, at least until they tangled with me. Jen would get her hooks into some dimwit who had classified, sensitive information, playing them while getting them into compromising positions. Surprisingly, as far as I could tell she did not bed them. I’d discovered during the course of my meetings with her that I was her first real affair. Her husband had been the jealous type so to keep him happy she would show-off her attractive body and occasionally allow some touching if it hurried the process along. When Jen let me go past the touching stage I knew I had the proper bait to hook my fish. Jen was the hook and I was the worm. It was easy to clandestinely let the husband know about the weekly affair and the rest was a simple plan of making sure that he knew where and when we would meet next in the hotel room.

    Jen’s husband had been appointed to his job by the President and as long as the present administration was in power, he knew he could fly under the radar. The two big apes who were always with him had turned a blind eye to the nation’s traitor because they made better money protecting him and playing dumb than they could have made working an honest bodyguard job. In hindsight it turns out that didn’t work out so well for them.

    After getting dressed and taking a final look around the room to make sure that there was nothing of mine anywhere, I was ready to go. I walked out of the room unnoticed by any of the hotel staff. The hotel surveillance system had for some reason (known only to me) been on the fritz that morning like it had been doing for the last week and would not be back up until later on that evening. It was also convenient that the system would stop acting up just prior to the arrival of the IT guys from the hotel corporation’s main office. Before my rendezvous with Jen and her friends, I’d scouted a real nice little café a couple of blocks down the street from the hotel where I was now headed. I was hungry after the grueling gymnastics that evening so it was nice to get a little something and watch the commotion unfold at the hotel. While I ate, I watched the police run around doing whatever they do which included putting up red crime tape and keeping people away. I watched the TV news vans pull up with each reporter and camera operator jockeying to get what they thought was the best position. I did my best to appear like any other curious diner but didn’t want to over stay my time in the café. I finished my meal and got a paper cup of coffee to go, paid my ticket and left. I saw all I needed to see.

    Mission complete.

    It took me thirty minutes to get to the airport and another hour to finally board the plane. I was sitting in first class so as soon as the plane was airborne the stewardess approached and I ordered a cold beer and some honey roasted peanuts. For the most part I’d already forgotten about Jen and her husband and I began to doze. My thoughts slipped in and out of a dream-like fog, and I found myself coughing up memories of my childhood home and my family. My family, who’d always wondered why I was so different and why I never appeared to be able to stay in one place for very long. A family that would never know the real me. Sometimes sleep was the best escape and sometimes it was nothing more than revisiting things that were best left in the past.

    Chapter 2:

    Simpler Times

    It wasn’t unusual that I felt total mental exhaustion and physical weariness after completing a job. Often the hardest part was making sure I had a full proof plan in place to insure a clean getaway. I rocked back in the first class chair, leaned my head on the headrest and in no time slipped into a total dream world. My mind eased back to my teen years, which for most is a simpler time, but for me it turned out there were times when it wasn’t so simple.

    - - -

    I was pretty much an innocent kid in a large family in the middle of America where right is right and wrong is wrong, rules are rules, and there are no excuses. I attended a school where we pledged allegiance to the flag at the start of every day and went to a Bible thumping, hell and brimstone church. It was definitely flyover country and in my opinion, the best place in the world to be a kid. The two biggest things to look forward to in my life were the three months of summer when school was out and the weekend my family set aside for the state fair. Yeah Christmas and Easter were great but for this big-eyed, imaginative mid-western boy, being out of school combined with a long weekend at the state fair was better than sitting at the counter in the local drug store in front of a chocolate malt topped with a cherry.

    I would save my soda pop bottle money and Mom and Dad would give each of us kids two dollars which made me feel like the richest guy in the world. However my siblings and I could only collect the two dollars if we sat quietly on a blanket my mom would bring and place on the side of the hill just inside the fairgrounds while we waited for my cousin’s families to arrive. Time stretched out forever while we sat waiting on the blanket. To pass the time I would carefully inspect a two-story white building nearby with a porch and big white columns that looked like it belonged in the south on one of those old southern plantations. I don’t think the building ever changed in the many years we came to the fair. Looking back it seemed like these were the longest days of our short lives. Our family was always the first to get to the spot on that hill side and we waited all morning in pure seemingly cruel torture for our cousins to arrive. I just wanted to get down there to the milling throngs on the fairgrounds and spend my saved-up bottle money as fast as I could.

    There was the first time my parents told me that I was old enough to go to the fair by myself and the anticipation that summer was magical. I didn’t need my parent’s money because I had my own and I thought I could spend all day walking around playing games. However, that year was a wake-up call as I realized that after only a short time on the midway I had spent most of my money and had nothing to show for it. I felt sick to my stomach, partly from the cotton candy but mostly from throwing away my money. My money gone and on what? Bull crap.

    I never felt the same about the fair again, and about the only time I ever went after that was when I was dating. But that is getting a little ahead of myself.

    - - -

    I awoke from the dream, looked out the window at nothing and then raised my hand to get the flight attendant’s attention. When she came to see what I needed I ordered another beer. Then seeing it was time for the in-flight meal, I asked her to bring me the steak, mash potatoes and stewed carrots. I drank the beer and ordered a second with my meal. I finished and once the attendant cleared the tray I checked the time and saw there were more than a couple hours of flight time. I sat back and dozed again, but this time I went back to a time that most young boys only dream of.

    - - -

    I found a new fascination. It happened when I was on summer break from school on a hot summer day. I was headed to a friend down the street from my house when I spotted a beautiful woman walking in my direction. She wore a tight red shirt that showed off the most protruding breasts which seemed to point right at me and hot short-shorts that sent my mind bouncing around in my head. I fell in love that day but I tried my best not to show her or my friends that I even noticed her. I found out her name, Nadine, and where she lived. From that point on I made excuses to go to my friend’s house and always managed to pass by her house just hoping to see her, maybe working in her house or hanging out the laundry. What I really hoped was that she would be sitting on the porch and I could walk up and introduce myself. Childish thoughts, right? Nevertheless I spent most of the summer trying to catch a glimpse of her without her noticing my inexperience while still maintaining my act of not being interested.

    As chance would have it, three of my buddies and I were walking by her house one day in late summer when she came out on her front porch. We stopped and said hello and after a few minutes she offered us a

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