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Judith tells the story of a beautiful Jewish woman who enters the tent of an invading general, gets him drunk, and then slices off his head, thus saving her village and Jerusalem. This short novella was somewhat surprisingly included in the early Christian versions of the Old Testament and has played an important role in the Western tradition ever since. This commentary provides a detailed analysis of the text's composition and its meaning in its original historical context, and thoroughly surveys the history of Judith scholarship. Lawrence M. Wills not only considers Judith's relation to earlier biblical texts--how the author played upon previous biblical motifs and interpreted important biblical passages--but also addresses the rise of Judith and other Jewish novellas in the context of ancient Near Eastern and Greek literature, as well as their relation to cross-cultural folk motifs. Because of the popularity of Judith in art and culture, this volume also addresses the book's history of interpretation in paintings, sculpture, music, drama, and literature. A number of images of artistic depictions of Judith are included and discussed in detail.
Release dateNov 5, 2019

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    Judith - Lawrence M. Wills


    A Commentary on the Book of Judith

    By Lawrence M. Wills

    Edited by Sidnie White Crawford

    Fortress Press


    Old Testament Editorial Board

    Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska, chair

    Paul D. Hanson, Harvard University, emeritus

    Thomas Krüger, University of Zurich

    Peter Machinist, Harvard University

    S. Dean McBride Jr., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, emeritus

    Andreas Schuele, University of Leipzig

    David Vanderhooft, Boston College

    Molly Zahn, University of Kansas

    New Testament Editorial Board

    Harold W. Attridge, Yale University, chair

    Adela Yarbro Collins, Yale University

    Eldon Jay Epp, Case Western Reserve University

    Hans-Josef Klauck, University of Chicago

    AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University

    Laura S. Nasrallah, Harvard University


    A Commentary

    Copyright © 2019 Fortress Press, an imprint of 1517 Media

    All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Fortress Press, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209.

    Scripture quotations from the New Revised ­Standard Version of the Bible are copyright © 1989 by the ­Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. and are used by permission.

    Cover and interior design by Kenneth Hiebert

    Typesetting and page composition by

    The HK Scriptorium

    Print ISBN: 978-0-8006-6105-2

    eISBN: : 978-1-5064-6382-7

    The paper used in this publication meets the mini­mum ­requirements of American National Standard

    for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z329.48–1984.

    Manufactured in the U.S.A.



    The Author




    Reference Codes

    1. Abbreviations

    2. Short Titles


    1. The Name Judith, the Title of the Book, and Its Place in the Canon

    2. Historical Context of Judith: Historicity, Date, Author, Location of Composition, Language

    3. Literary Structure

    4. Possible Sources of the Story

    5. The Feminist Interpretation of Judith in the Last Century

    6. Theology of the Book of Judith: Views Since 1900

    7. Genre and Literary Qualities of Judith; Humor, Irony, and Lying

    8. History of the Reception of Judith

    9. The Text of Judith and the Present Translation

    Part I. 1:1–7:32










    Part II. 8:1–16:25















    Appendix: Jerome’s Vulgate and Septuagint Compared


    1. Ancient Versions and Languages

    2. Commentaries on Judith (listed in order of their publication)

    3. Books, Monographs and Articles (Alphabetically by author and title)


    1. Passages

    2. Subject

    3. Names


    The Author

    Lawrence M. Wills is visiting professor of Judaic Studies and Religious Studies at Brown University. He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in social anthropology, and from Harvard Divinity School with an M.T.S. and a Th.D., both in New Testament and Hellenistic Judaism. He then taught at Harvard Divinity School, held the Ethelbert Talbot Chair in Biblical Studies at Episcopal Divinity School, and also taught at Wesleyan University. In 2019 he was the Croghan Bicentennial Visiting Professor at Williams College before returning to Brown University as visiting professor. His books include The Jewish Novel in the Ancient World (1995), which was named an Outstanding Academic Book of 1995 by Choice magazine for academic librarians, and also The Quest of the Historical Gospel: Mark, John, and the Origins of the Gospel Genre (1997); Not God’s People: Insiders and Outsiders in the Biblical World (2008); and The Jew in the Court of the Foreign King: Ancient Jewish Court Legends (1990). He has also co-edited two books, Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (with Benjamin G. Wright, 2005), and Jewish Annotated Apocrypha (with Jonathan Klawans, forthcoming).


    The front and back endpapers show a photo of the earliest textual evidence of Judith, an ostracon preserving portions of Judith 15:1-7. The photo appeared in an article by Jacques Schwartz in Revue biblique in 1946 and is used with permission. Copyright © IFAO.


    The name Hermeneia, Greek ἑρµενεία, has been chosen as the title of the commentary series to which this volume belongs. The word Hermeneia has a rich background in the history of biblical interpretation as a term used in the ancient Greek-speaking world for the detailed, systematic exposition of a scriptural work. It is hoped that the series, like its name, will carry forward this old and venerable tradition. A second, entirely practical reason for selecting the name lies in the desire to avoid a long descriptive title and its inevitable acronym, or worse, an unpronounceable abbreviation.

    The series is designed to be a critical and historical commentary to the Bible without arbitrary limits in size or scope. It will utilize the full range of philological and historical tools, including textual criticism (often slighted in modern commentaries), the methods of the history of tradition (including genre and prosodic analysis), and the history of religion.

    Hermeneia is designed for the serious student of the Bible. It will make full use of ancient Semitic and classical languages; at the same time, English translations of all comparative materials‒‒Greek, Latin, Canaanite, or Akkadian‒‒will be supplied alongside the citation of the source in its original language. Insofar as possible, the aim is to provide the student or scholar with full critical discussion of each problem of interpretation and with the primary data upon which the discussion is based.

    Hermeneia is designed to be international and interconfessional in the selection of authors; its editorial boards were formed with this end in view. Occasionally the series will offer translations of distinguished commentaries which originally appeared in languages other than English. Published volumes of the series will be revised continually, and eventually, new commentaries will replace older works in order to preserve the currency of the series. Commentaries are also being assigned for important literary works in the categories of apocryphal and pseudepigraphical works relating to the Old and New Testaments, including some of Essene or Gnostic authorship.

    The editors of Hermeneia impose no systematic-theological perspective upon the series (directly, or indirectly by selection of authors). It is expected that authors will struggle to lay bare the ancient meaning of a biblical work or pericope. In this way the text’s human relevance should become transparent, as is always the case in competent historical discourse. However, the series eschews for itself homiletical translation of the Bible.

    The editors are heavily indebted to Fortress Press for its energy and courage in taking up an expensive, long-term project, the rewards of which will accrue chiefly to the field of biblical scholarship.

    The editor responsible for this volume is Sidnie White Crawford of the ­University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

    Sidnie White Crawford

    For the Old Testament

    Editorial Board

    Harold W. Attridge

    For the New Testament

    Editorial Board


    So many people have aided me on my long Judith journey, and I am grateful to all of them. Here I would like to thank some of them in particular: Giovanni Bazzana, Joan Branham, Bernadette Brooten, Elena Ciletti, Nathaniel DesRosiers, David Frankfurter, Deborah Gera, Angela Kim Harkins, Thomas Christopher Hoklotubbe, Jonathan Klawans, David Konstan, Outi Lehtipuu, Mary Joan Leith, Peter Machinist, Gregory Mobley, Laura Nasrallah, Gregory Nagy, George Nickelsburg, Saul Olyan, Michael Satlow, Barbara Schmitz, Christopher Stroup, Christine Thomas, Daniel Ullucci, Annewies van den Hoek, Benjamin Wright, and Gale Yee. I am especially indebted to Sidnie White Crawford, the Hermeneia editor assigned to my volume. No one could ask for a more committed, thorough, and helpful editor. The editorial team of Hermeneia has been outstanding; I would like to thank Maurya P. Horgan, Paul Kobelski, and Chuck John. Faculty, staff, and students of Episcopal Divinity School provided a supportive and challenging community for many years. Since then, I have been a visiting professor at Brown University, where I experienced much mutual engagement and encouragement. It has been a pleasure and an honor to join the Brown community. I also spent a very productive and enjoyable semester as a visiting professor at Williams College, with the generous support of the Croghan Bicentennial Professorship in Biblical and Early Christian Studies. At home as well, my family was amazingly tolerant of my obsession with Judith and indeed became infected themselves: ­Shelley Rubin, Jessica Rubin-Wills, Daniel Rubin-Wills, Heloisa Nogueira, Laurie Rubin, and the newest member of my Judith team, Emma.

    Reference Codes

    1. Abbreviations

    AB                Anchor Bible

    ABD             David Noel Freedman, ed., TheAnchor Bible Dictionary (6 vols.; New York: Doubleday, 1992).

    ABRL         Anchor Bible Reference Library

    AGJU         Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums

    AIL                 Ancient Israel and Its Literature

    AnBib       Analecta Biblica

    ANET         James B. Pritchard, ed., The Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd ed.; ­Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969).

    ANRW     Hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang Haase, eds., Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1972–).

    APOT         R. H. Charles, ed., The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (2 vols.; Oxford: ­Clarendon, 1913).

    AYBRL     Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library

    BA                 Biblical Archaeologist

    BBB             Bonner biblische Beiträge

    BEATAJ Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des antiken Judentums

    Bib                 Biblica

    BibInt       Biblical Interpretation

    BIOSCS   Bulletin of the International Organi­zation of Septuagint and Cognate Studies

    BJS                 Brown Judaic Studies

    BNTC         Black’s New Testament Commentaries

    BR                   Biblical Research

    BTB             Biblical Theology Bulletin

    BZ                   Biblische Zeitschrift

    BZAW     Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft

    BZNW     Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft

    CBQ             Catholic Biblical Quarterly

    CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series

    ClQ               Classical Quarterly

    COS             W. W. Hallo, ed., The Context of Scripture (3 vols.; Leiden: Brill, 1997–2003).

    CP                   Classical Philology

    CurBR     Currents in Biblical Research

    DCLS         Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies

    EJL                 Early Judaism and Its Literature

    EncJud   Encyclopedia Judaica (16 vols.; New York: Macmillan, 1971–1972).

    EP                   Elephantine Papyri


    Praep. ev.             Praeparatio evangelica

    ExpT           Expository Times

    FGrH         Felix Jacoby, ed., Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Leiden: Brill, 1954–1964).

    HBS             Herders biblische Studien

    HCS             Hellenistic Culture and Society

    HDR           Harvard Dissertations in Religion

    HeyJ           Heythrop Journal

    HR                 History of Religions

    HSCP         Harvard Studies in Classical ­Philology

    HSM           Harvard Semitic Monographs

    HThKAT Herders Theologische Kommentar zum Alten Testament

    HTR             Harvard Theological Review

    HUT             Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie

    HvTSt       Hervormde Teologiese Studies

    IEJ                   Israel Exploration Journal

    JAAR         Journal of the American Academy of Religion

    JAJ                 Journal of Ancient Judaism

    JAJSup   Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements

    JANES     Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University

    JAOS           Journal of the American Oriental Society

    JBL                 Journal of Biblical Literature

    JBLMS     Journal of Biblical Literature Monograph Series

    JETS             Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

    JHebS       Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

    JJS                   Journal of Jewish Studies

    JNES           Journal of Near Eastern Studies

    JQR               Jewish Quarterly Review

    JRS                 Journal of Roman Studies

    JSem         Journal of Semitics

    JSHRZ       Jüdische Schriften aus

    hellenistisch-römischer Zeit

    JSJ                   Journal for the Study of Judaism

    JSOT           Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

    JSOTSup                         Journal for the Study of the Old Testament: Supplement Series

    JSP                 Journal for the Study of the ­Pseudepigrapha

    JSPSup   Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplements


    Epit.   Epitome

    LCL               Loeb Classical Library

    LD                   Lectio Divina

    LEC               Library of Early Christianity

    LHBOTS Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

    LNTS           Library of New Testament Studies

    LSJ                 Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, and Henry Stuart Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed. with revised supplement; Oxford: Clarendon, 1996).

    LSTS           Library of Second Temple Studies

    MT               Masoretic Text

    NAB             New American Bible

    NEB             New English Bible

    NETS         Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright, eds., A New English Translation of the Septuagint, and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included under That Title (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007).

    NIDB         Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, ed., The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (5 vols.; Nashville: Abingdon, 2006–2009).

    NovT         Novum Testamentum

    NovTSup                         Novum Testamentum Supplements

    NRSV         New Revised Standard Version

    n.s.               New Series

    NTOA       Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus

    NTS             New Testament Studies

    OBT             Overtures to Biblical Theology


    Pyth. Pythian Odes

    PL                   Jacques-Paul Migne, ed., Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Series Latina (217 volumes; Paris, 1844–1864).

    PSBA         Proceedings of the Society of Biblcal Archaeology

    PTMS       Princeton Theological Monograph Series

    Rabbinic Tractates

    (b. = Babylonian Talmud;

    m. = Mishnah;

    y. = Jerusalem Talmud)

    ‘Abod. Zar.         ‘Abodah Zarah

    Ber.     Berakot

    B. Batra                     Baba Batra

    Ḥag.   Ḥagiga

    Ker.     Keritot

    Ket         Ketubot

    Meg. Megilla

    Miqw.                         Miqwa’ot

    Mo‘ed Qaṭ.       Mo‘ed Qaṭan

    Ned.   Nedarim

    Qidd. Qiddušin

    Ta‘an.                         Ta‘anit

    Shab. Shabbat

    Sukk. Sukka

    Yeb.   Yebamot

    RAC             Theodor Klauser et al., eds., Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1950–).

    RB                   Revue biblique

    RBen         Revue bénédictine

    RBS               Resources for Biblical Study

    RevQ         Revue de Qumran

    RHS             Religionsunterricht an höheren Schulen

    RSR               Rescherches de science religieuse

    RTL              Revue theologique de Louvain

    SBFA         Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Analecta

    SBL               Society of Biblical Literature

    SBLDS     Society of Biblical Literature ­Dissertation Series

    SBLMS Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series

    SBLSCS   Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies

    SCS               Septuagint and Cognate Studies

    SEG             Supplementum epigraphicum ­graecum (Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben, 1923–).

    SHCANE                           Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East

    SJOT           Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament

    Smyth     Herbert Weir Smyth, Greek ­Grammar

    SNTSMS                           Society for New Testament

    Studies Monograph Series

    SPB               Studia Post-Biblica

    SR                   Studies in Religion

    s.v.               sub verbo

    SVTP         Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha

    SymS         Symposium Series

    T. Asher Testament of Asher

    T. Job Testament of Job

    T. Jos. Testament of Joseph

    T. Levi Testament of Levi

    T. Reub. Testament of Reuben

    TBT               The Bible Today

    Th                   Theodotion

    TRE               Gerhard Krause and Gerhard Müller, eds., Theologische Real­enzyklopädie (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1977–)

    TSAJ           Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum

    TTZ               Trierer theologische Zeitschrift

    VC                 Vigiliae Christianae

    VT                   Vetus Testamentum

    WUNT     Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

    ZAW           Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft

    ZDMG     Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgen­ländischen Gesellschaft

    ZDPV         Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-­Vereins

    2. Short Titles

    Adelman, Female Ruse

    Rachel Adelman, The Female Ruse: Women’s Deception and Divine Sanction in the Hebrew Bible (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2017).

    Adler, Jewish Ritual Immersion

    Yonatan Adler, The Hellenistic Origins of Jewish Ritual Immersion, JJS 69 (2018) 1–21.

    Adler, Priestly Cult

    Yonatan Adler, Between Priestly Cult and Common Culture: The Material Evidence of Ritual Purity Observance in Early Roman Jerusalem Reassessed, JAJ 7 (2016) 228–48.

    Aharoni and Avi-Yonah, Macmillan Bible Atlas

    Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah, Macmillan Bible Atlas (New York: Macmillan, 1968).

    Alonso Schökel, Narrative Structures

    Luis Alonso Schökel, Narrative Structures in the Book of Judith (Protocol of the Colloquies, Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture 12.17, March 1974; Berkeley: Center for Hermeneutical Studies, 1975).

    Anderson, Time to Mourn

    Gary A. Anderson, A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: The Expression of Grief and Joy in Israelite Religion (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991).

    Apostolos-Cappadona, Lord Has Struck

    Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, ‘The Lord Has Struck Him Down by the Hand of a Woman!’ Images of Judith, in Diane Apostolos-Cappadona and Doug Adams, eds., Art as Religious Studies (New York: Crossroad, 1987) 81–97.

    Bach, Women, Seduction

    Alice Bach, Women, Seduction, and Betrayal in Biblical Narrative (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

    Bailey, Judith

    Elizabeth Bailey, "Judith, Jael, and Humilitas in the Speculum Virginum," in Kevin R. Brine, Elena Ciletti, and Henrike Lähnemann, eds., The Sword of Judith: Judith Studies across the Disciplines (Cambridge: OpenBook, 2010) 275–90.

    Baker, Jew

    Cynthia M. Baker, Jew (Key Words in Jewish Studies 8; New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2017).

    Bakhtin, Dialogic Imagination

    Mikhail Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays (University of Texas Press Slavic Series 1; Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981).

    Bakhtin, Rabelais

    Mikhail Bakhtin, Rabelais and His World (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1968).

    Bal, Artemisia Files

    Mieke Bal, ed., The Artemisia Files: Artemisia Gentileschi for Feminists and Other Thinking People (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005).

    Bal, Head Hunting

    Mieke Bal, Head Hunting: ‘Judith’ on the Cutting Edge of Knowledge, JSOT 63 (1994) 3–34.

    Bal, Narratology

    Mieke Bal, Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985).

    Bal, On Story-Telling

    Mieke Bal, On Story-Telling: Essays in Narratology (Foundations and Facets: Literary Facets; Sonoma, CA: Polebridge, 1991).

    Ballentine, Conflict Myth

    Debra Scoggins Ballentine, The Conflict Myth and the Biblical Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).

    Baslez, Polémologie et histoire

    Marie-Françoise Baslez, Polémologie et histoire dan le livre de Judith, RB 111 (2004) 362–76.

    Beentjes, Bethulia Crying

    Pancratius C. Beentjes, Bethulia Crying, Judith Praying: Context and Content of Prayers in the Book of Judith, in Renate Egger-Wenzel and Jeremy Corley, eds., Prayer from Tobit to Qumran: Inaugural Conference of the ISDCL at Salzburg, Austria, 5–9 July 2003 (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook 2004; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004) 231–54.

    Belanoff, Judith

    Patricia A. Belanoff, Judith: Sacred and Secular Heroine, in Helen Damico and John Leyerle, eds., Heroic Poetry in the Anglo-Saxon Period: Studies in Honor of Jess B. Bessinger Jr. (Studies in Medieval Culture 32; Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 1993) 247–64.

    Ben-Eliyahu, Between Borders

    Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Between Borders: The Boundaries of Eretz-Israel in the Consciousness of the Jewish People in the Time of the Second Temple and in the Mishnah and Talmud Period [in Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2013).

    Berlin, Between Large Forces

    Andrea Berlin, Between Large Forces: Palestine in the Hellenistic Period, BA 60 (1997) 2–57.

    Berlin, Manifest Identity

    Andrea Berlin, "Manifest Identity: From Ioudaios to Jew," in Rainer Albertz, ed., Between Cooperation and Hostility: Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers (JAJSup 11; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013) 151–75.

    Bernardini, Judith

    Judith in the Italian Unification Process, 1800–1900, in Kevin R. Brine, Elena Ciletti, and Henrike Lähnemann, eds., The Sword of Judith: Judith Studies across the Disciplines (Cambridge: OpenBook, 2010) 397–409.

    Białostocki, Judith

    Jan Białostocki, Judith: Story, Image, and Symbol: Giorgione’s Painting in the Evolution of the Theme, in The Message of Images: Studies in the History of Art (Bibliotheca artibus et historiae; Vienna: Irsa, 1988).

    Biolek, Die Ansicht

    Anton Biolek, Die Ansicht des christlichen Altertums über dem literarischen Charakter des Buches Judith, Weidenauer Studien 4 (1911) 335–68.

    Bloch-Smith, Israelite Ethnicity

    Elizabeth Bloch-Smith, Israelite Ethnicity in Iron I: Archaeology Preserves What Is Remembered and What Is Forgotten in Israel’s History, JBL 122 (2003) 401–25.

    Bogaert, Le calendrier

    Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, Le calendrier du livre de Judith et la fête de Hanukka, RTL 15 (1984) 67–72.

    Bogaert, Judith, Fascicule 1

    Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, Judith, Fascicule 1: Introduction (Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel 7.2; Freiburg: Herder, 2001).

    Bogaert, Recensions

    Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, "Recensions de la vielle version latine de Judith: I. Aux origines de la vulgate hiéronymienne. Le ‘Corbeiensis’; II. Le ‘Monacensis’; III. La tradition allémanique; IV. Trois manuscrits et deux recensions; V. La tradition carolingienne, RBen 85 (1975) 7–37, 241–65; 86 (1976) 7–37, 182–217; 88 (1978) 7–44.

    Bogaert, Version latine

    Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, La version latine du livre de Judith dans la première Bible d’Alcala, RBen 78 (1968): 7–32, 181–212.

    Bohn, Death, Dispassion

    Babette Bohn, "Death, Dispassion, and the Female Hero: Artemisia Gentileschi’s Jael and Sisera," in Mieke Bal, ed., The Artemisia Files: Artemisia Gentileschi for Feminists and Other Thinking People (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005) 107–28.

    Bolle and Llewelyn, Intersectionality

    Helena M. Bolle and Stephen R. Llewelyn, Intersectionality, Gender Liminality and Ben Sira’s Attitude to the Eunuch, VT 67 (2017) 546–69.

    Bowra, Heroic Poetry

    C. M. Bowra, Heroic Poetry (London: Macmillan, 1952).

    Boyd-Taylor, Semantics

    Cameron Boyd-Taylor, The Semantics of Biblical Language Redux, in Robert J. Hiebert, ed., Translation Is Required: The Septuagint in Retrospect and Prospect (SCS 56; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010).

    Bradley, Anglo-Saxon Poetry

    S. A. J. Bradley, Anglo-Saxon Poetry (London: Dent, 1995).

    Branham, Penetrating the Sacred

    Joan Branham, Penetrating the Sacred: Breaches and Barriers in the Jerusalem Temple, in Sharon E. J. Gerstel, ed., Thresholds of the Sacred: Architectural, Art Historical, Liturgical, and Theological Perspectives on Religious Screens, East and West (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library; distributed by Harvard University Press, 2006) 6–24.

    Bremmer, Myth and Ritual

    Jan Bremmer, Myth and Ritual in Greek Human Sacrifice: Lykaon, Polyxena and the Case of the Rhodian Criminal, in Jan Bremmer, ed., The Strange World of Human Sacrifice (Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion 1; Leuven: Peeters, 2007) 55–79.

    Bremmer and van den Bosch, Between Poverty

    Jan Bremmer and Lourens van den Bosch, eds., Between Poverty and the Pyre: Moments in the History of Widowhood (London: Routledge, 1995).

    Brenner, Feminist Companion to Esther

    Athalya Brenner, ed., A Feminist Companion to Esther–Judith–Susanna (Feminist Companion to the Bible 7; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995).

    Brenner-Idan, Clothing Seduces

    Athalya Brenner-Idan, Clothing Seduces: Did You Think It Was Naked Flesh That Did It?, in Athalya Brenner-Idan and Helen Efthimiadis-Keith, eds., A Feminist Companion to Tobit and Judith (Feminist Companion to the Bible [Second Series]; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015) 212–25.

    Brenner-Idan and van Dijk Hemmes, On Gendering Texts

    Athalya Brenner-Idan and Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes, On Gendering Texts: Female and Male Voices in the Hebrew Bible (Biblical Interpretation Series 1; Leiden: Brill, 1993).

    Brenner-Idan and Efthimiadis-Keith, Tobit and Judith

    Athalya Brenner-Idan and Helen Efthimiadis-Keith, eds., A Feminist Companion to Tobit and Judith (Feminist Companion to the Bible [Second Series]; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015).

    Brine, Ciletti, and Lähnemann, Sword of Judith

    Kevin R. Brine, Elena Ciletti, and Henrike ­Lähnemann, eds., The Sword of Judith: Judith Studies across the Disciplines (Cambridge: OpenBook, 2010).

    Brooten, Love between Women

    Bernadette J. Brooten, Love between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism (Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996).

    Burstein, Cleitarchus in Jerusalem

    Stanley M. Burstein, "Cleitarchus in Jerusalem: A Note on the Book of Judith," in Frances B. Tichenor and Richard F. Morton Jr., eds., The Eye Expanded: Life and the Arts in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Berkeley: Unversity of California Press, 1999) 105–12.

    Callaghan, Ambiguity and Appropriation

    Leslie Abend Callaghan, Ambiguity and Appropriation: The Story of Judith in Medieval Narrative and Iconographic Tradition, in Francesca Canadé Sautman, Diana Conchado, and Giuseppe di Scipio, eds., Telling Tales: Medieval Narratives and the Folk Tradition (New York: St. Martin’s, 1998) 79–99.

    Camp, Wisdom and the Feminine

    Claudia V. Camp, Wisdom and the Feminine in the Book of Proverbs (Bible and Literature Series 11; Sheffield: Almond, 1985).

    Caponigro, Holding the Tale

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