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The Grand Scheme: Understanding God's Plan for Your Life
The Grand Scheme: Understanding God's Plan for Your Life
The Grand Scheme: Understanding God's Plan for Your Life
Ebook121 pages1 hour

The Grand Scheme: Understanding God's Plan for Your Life

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About this ebook

The Grand Scheme reassures the believer of the immense benefits that come with prioritizing one's personal relationship with God. Tega Folivi explores the truth that God is a loving Father who is totally committed to our wellbeing and success. The book:

 Exposes fundamental realities in Scripture about God's plan for the called;
 Highlights covenant privileges that every believer is predestined to enjoy; and
 Unveils reassuring truths about how the believer's life is simply God's divine agenda unfolding.

The testimonies and revelation conveyed in this book will:

 help you find purpose in your pain and joy in adversity
 build your confidence and elevate your expectation from life
 rekindle your hope in the promises of God and strengthen your faith
 teach you the secrets to enjoying inner peace amidst the raging storms of life

This book will equip you to walk the path God intended for you and replace your burden of anxiety and doubt with knowledge and strengthened faith. It offers an open invitation into REST… into the loving arms of the Almighty God, Jehovah Elohim.
Release dateSep 17, 2019
The Grand Scheme: Understanding God's Plan for Your Life

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    Book preview

    The Grand Scheme - Tega Folivi

    Copyright © 2019 by Tega Folivi

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of brief quotations in a book review and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact:

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2019

    ISBN 978-1-54397-918-3 (print)

    ISBN 978-1-54397-919-0 (eBook)

    The stories in this nonfiction book reflect the author’s recollection of events. Dialogue has been re-created from memory. No characters have been invented; no events fabricated. In order to maintain anonymity in some instances and to protect their privacy, the names of some of the individuals, organizations, and places have been withheld.

    BookBaby Publishing

    7905 N. Crescent Blvd.

    Pennsauken, NJ 08110

    I take great comfort in reading such well-informed and spirit-led writing from an author like Tega Folivi. It is apparent from the first page that Folivi understands and can personally relate to the concepts she is teaching in her book, The Grand Scheme. Through my own personal trials and adversity, I found peace in many of the verses and concepts that Folivi shares and I can personally speak to their validity in times of struggle. In a world filled with depression, anxiety, and a general sense of being overburdened, The Grand Scheme is a peace-giving guide to the joy that is coming our way in accordance with the Bible. The Grand Scheme is an excellent guide for all Christians, and is highly recommended!

    - Joshua for Readers’ Favorite


    To my loving husband, Tony,

    who has been my pillar of unrelenting support…

    my Treasure, I am so thankful to God for you!

    To our amazing children: Tobi, Tami, and Tife,

    I cherish you all for the immense joy and sweetness

    you have brought into our lives.

    To my mom, Mrs. Victoria Onajite Erujaroh, you represent my very first exposure to what being a God-lover looks like! I’ve always known you to exhibit calmness even in the face of the scariest reports. Though your meek disposition may sometimes be misunderstood as weakness, you sure have strength in the secret place with God! You enjoy peace not understood by mere men. With you, there is no place for worry or fear. You will often tell me that, worry doesn’t change anything, but prayer does! You continue to display unshakeable faith because you are confident that your Daddy (God) is always in control. Mama, I will always love and honor you!

    Table of Contents




    The Power of Knowledge1

    Relentless Love7

    The God-Lover15

    Intimacy with God29

    Divine Agenda35

    Spirit-led Navigation55

    Winning Strategy63

    You’ve Been Marked!81

    Trust Issues91

    Relax In HIM97


    Prophetic Decrees And Affirmations103


    If the lamb doesn’t know that the Shepherd is steering him towards greener pastures, it will always doubt its own survival. At some point in our lives, we all succumb to fear, despair, and emptiness. We feel as if we’re drifting aimlessly in this turbulent sea called Life. But what if I told you that Heaven has always been scheming your success? What if I told you that God never placed you on this earth to wander without purpose... without His mandate?

    - T. Folivi, from chapter 5, The Grand Scheme: Understanding God’s Plan for Your Life

    This book illustrates how you can find comfort in accepting God’s master plan for your life. It will help you to appreciate the uniqueness of your journey and understand that no experience you have had or will ever have is wasted.

    This book confronts the reader with the message of our sovereign placement in the plans and purposes of GOD. The covenant promises of GOD are present in us, and present in our lives even when we are unaware of the Presence of El Shaddai.

    Tega Folivi uses the story of her life to affirm and confirm the strengthened truth of all the elements of our lives working to accomplish HIS WILL and HIS GOOD pleasure. The journey Tega exposes the reader to, will strengthen failing faith, amplify anointing, exhort the expectation of the God-lover, and reveal purpose in adversity.

    The truth frees us; and the narrative within these pages is the absolute truth of a Loving Father, the Sovereign Omniscient God touching ordinary lives… birthing extraordinary experiences.

    – Annice Silimon

    Pastor of Refuge


    And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

    (Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible)

    This book explores God’s divine agenda for the believer, with a focus on how EVERYTHING is supernaturally programmed to work together for the ultimate good of those who love the Lord . I intentionally used the word ultimate to emphasize that, regardless of your present situation or circumstance (which may not have any semblance of good), God’s great plan for your life will eventually manifest if you believe and relentlessly trust the One who placed His love in your heart in the first place.

    If only you can hold on to His promises just a little longer, you will soon realize that there’s nothing to be worried or upset about after all. The truth is, your prolonged and unpleasant situation is a SET UP in the grand scheme of things to usher you into your eventual place of rest, fulfillment, honor, and reward that God Himself has prepared for you.

    The Lord speaking: I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (Jeremiah 29:11 The Message Bible)

    This book was inspired by my realization that many believers who genuinely love the Lord still lacked the knowledge about the foundational truth in Romans 8:28 (the basis for this book), that ALL things are indeed working together for their good. Unfortunately, ignorance opens the door to doubt and anxiety, making the Christian walk unnecessarily burdensome. I too used to suffer despair and overwhelming anxiety each time I encountered a challenge in my life until I discovered this truth for myself.

    This divine enlightenment, inspired by the Holy Spirit, changed the game for me completely! I desire that as you read through this book, you too will allow the Holy Spirit to do the same work in you; to transform your mindset about your privileged position in Christ. Having the mindset that you have been predetermined for victory, according to God’s supernaturally orchestrated plan, will allow you to enjoy the peace of God through every storm. The assurance that your life is God’s divine agenda unfolding will make all the difference you need!

    Chapter 1

    The Power of Knowledge

    And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

    (John 8:32 NLT)

    Knowledge is potential power.

    Knowledge brings freedom. It also illuminates, reveals, enlightens, and instructs.

    Knowledge exposes you to hidden truths and benefits that you would not gain access to otherwise. Not only can knowledge allow you to see all your hidden benefits and entitlement as a beloved child of God, but it also has the capacity to reveal to you the tricks and traps the enemy has set in your path to derail you from your God-ordained destiny. When you have the right information, you are better equipped to live confidently and victoriously.

    And we know, that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV)

    This is the level of confidence expressed by Apostle Paul in the above scripture. Even though he was faced with all manner of adversity, opposition, and trials, Paul remained unperturbed. And being a believer who undoubtedly loved God, he lived out his purpose in joy because he knew his covenant rights and privileges. He knew exactly how the story was going to end!

    Knowledge brings authoritative conviction of your dominion over the enemy. Conversely, ignorance renders you helpless

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