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Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Ebook68 pages56 minutes

Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law

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Two spooky stories to set your spine tingling this Halloween.

Looking for Luticia by Natasha Duncan-Drake
Lucy is the host of a successful ghost hunting TV show, but their latest location is going to be a lot more haunting than she or her crew have ever dealt with before.

Lost in the Dark by Sophie Duncan
Evelyn Edness is a medium who works for the dead, helping them to move on from the limbo of an eternity as ghosts. Kate Grange has come to ask for her help.

Release dateOct 29, 2017
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law

Natasha Duncan-Drake

Natasha is a British author with Wittegen Press and has been publishing genre fiction since 2011. Her work includes everything from horror to young adult fantasy and she has never met a genre she didn’t like. A prolific producer of short stories and novels alike, Natasha currently has over twenty five titles in her back catalogue with further releases always imminent.Natasha has been writing since she was a young girl ever since she read The Hobbit at Primary School. She is a big fan of science fiction, fantasy and horror in all their forms and is a big advocate of fanfiction as a great tool for writers to polish their skills in a welcoming and supportive community.Before establishing Wittegen Press with her twin sister, Sophie Duncan, Natasha was a database and systems consultant. She combines these skills with her writing to create and manage her career in the bold new eBook market.

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    Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law - Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law

    Sophie Duncan


    Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law Copyright © 2017 by Natasha Duncan-Drake & Sophie Duncan. All Rights Reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. 

    Cover designed by Natasha Duncan-Drake 

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 

    Natasha Duncan-Drake & Sophie Duncan

    Visit our website at

    ISBN-13 978-1-912583-02-7

    This book was created for All Hallows Read 2017 and we would like to thank them for their wonderful idea.

    To all who love a good scare, we offer you welcome and have to say a big thank you. We hope you enjoy our offerings.


    Many thanks to our readers, we appreciate you all.


    Looking for Luticia

    Lost in the Dark

    Also by Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Also by Sophie Duncan

    About the Authors

    Looking For Luticia

    Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Looking for Luticia

    TODAY WE ARE REALLY EXCITED to be at Darling Manor. This building has been the source of local legends and stories of hauntings for generations and, this weekend, we have been given exclusive access to investigate for ourselves. With me is Jason Darling, the current owner of the Manor. Jason, thank you so much for having us.

    Thank you for coming.

    Your family has owned the Manor since the sixteenth century, is that correct?

    Yes, it was granted to my ancestor by Henry VIII after the dissolution of the monasteries.

    And did you grow up hearing stories about all the ghosts?

    My uncle used to love to scare all the children when we stayed here for family gatherings, like Christmas. It was always my favourite part of the visits when my parents brought me.

    So, you didn't actually live here?

    No, my uncle inherited the Manor, but he died this year without any children. Since I'm the eldest of the next generation it passed to me.

    Not your parents?

    That's all part of the weird history of the manor. My first ancestor made a will and the manor always has to pass to the oldest child of the next generation be they male or female, which was unheard of at the time. There was also a stipulation that any spouse be allowed to continue living here until their death. Breaking that rule is one of the things that can really upset the ghosts.


    Oh yes, at the turn of the twentieth century a relative tried to challenge the testament, saying he should have originally inherited because he was the oldest male heir. The court, in their patriarchal wisdom, granted the property to him after his older sister died rather than passing it to a niece, and the story goes that he was driven out within a week.

    Well let's hope the ghosts don't mind us poking around then.

    Oh, I'm sure they won't.

    And cut.

    Lucy looked away from Jason Darling.

    Was that okay? she asked Karl.

    Perfect, Karl replied and grinned at her.

    She smiled back even though she wasn't really feeling it.

    Thanks, Jason, she said.

    If she let on that Darling Manor gave her the creeps, she would never hear the end of it. That was one of the drawbacks of being the lead host of the most popular ghost hunting show on UK TV. She was all too aware half the crew called her 'the screamer' behind her back because sometimes, when they went dark for the investigations, she just couldn't help her reactions. Sometimes she even put it on because she knew the audience loved it. This place, however, made her skin crawl.

    Right everyone, Karl called out, let's do Lucy's inside segments before we get the house wired up for tonight. Mel, how's everything testing out.

    Fine, Mel (or Spook to most of her friends) stood up from where she had been leaning into the back of the van. We can have this place sorted in no time.

    Spook was their surveillance expert. She had learned her trade in a government post she couldn't talk about, which was, of course, where the nickname came from. Only Karl and newbies ever called her Mel. Spook could wire just about any location

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