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Flipping Dreams: Bear Lake Dreamers, #4
Flipping Dreams: Bear Lake Dreamers, #4
Flipping Dreams: Bear Lake Dreamers, #4
Ebook205 pages3 hours

Flipping Dreams: Bear Lake Dreamers, #4

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About this ebook

Kayla Romriell is happy with her life. She's been working for herself for years, buying, fixing up, and selling old houses. When her parents die unexpectedly, her world comes crashing down around her, and she wants nothing more than to spend time with her four sisters, so they can get through the tragedy together.
She is the last sister to join the others in Bear Lake, where the five of them are working on turning their family's lake house into a bed and breakfast.
As soon as she arrives, her oldest sister marries, leaving her feeling a bit lost, having wanted badly for all five of them to live together for a while. With her share of the work mostly done by a contractor, she is immediately in search of a new house to flip.
Bear Lake has been a good move for her sisters, and she hopes it will be for her as well, as she moves into a home filled with memories of love, laughter, and happiness.

Release dateOct 3, 2019
Flipping Dreams: Bear Lake Dreamers, #4

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    Book preview

    Flipping Dreams - Kirsten Osbourne

    Chapter One

    KAYLA ROMRIELL SHUT off her alarm and immediately got to work. She wanted to make sure the house was clean for its new owners, who would be taking possession that afternoon. This house had taken more time than any other she’d renovated, but now it was perfect. Absolutely a dream house for anyone who wanted to raise a large family, which was something people did commonly in the Salt Lake City area. And she’d made more money on it than any other. She’d known there was a lot of work involved when she’d purchased it, but she’d made it shine.

    The house was four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The floors were now ceramic tile and hardwood, where before they’d been ugly linoleum and badly stained carpet. There had been leaks and mold and a million other things keeping her from getting what she wanted done, and now . . . now she could move to Bear Lake with her sisters as she’d planned.

    She ate a couple of Pop-Tarts, her mouth drooling at the idea of actually getting to eat the breakfasts that Lauren was making every day. Her younger sister was turning into a culinary genius, while Kayla was eating Pop-Tarts and cold cereal. She tried to imagine that she was eating scones and swallowing it down with a gallon of coffee, but it just didn’t work.

    After she ate, she carefully cleaned the kitchen for the last time and showered before cleaning the bathroom. All of her furniture was already in storage in Richland, Idaho, and she would be joining it just as soon as she could.

    She picked up the pallet she’d slept on for the past few weeks, consisting of an old futon mattress and several blankets, and carried them all out to the car. She put her dirty clothes into a laundry bag and zipped her suitcase closed. Kayla was finally free of this house, and she spread her arms and did a little Julie Andrews singing ‘The Sound of Music’ twirl. She was going home to Bear Lake, and nothing on this earth could make her happier.

    She picked up her suitcase, locked the door carefully behind her, and walked out to her pick-up truck. This was the tenth house she’d flipped since graduating from high school, and this one had been the very hardest. Now it was over, and she could sign papers and get her money. Life was good.

    THE DRIVE TO THE LAKE house where Kayla had spent her summers growing up was bittersweet. She was excited to have time to spend with her sisters, but she was sad. She wouldn’t have more than a few days to live with her oldest sister, Alyssa, because she was marrying on Saturday. Her parents wouldn’t be there to teach them valuable lessons that were only learned during family time in the summers. She was afraid the house would feel empty without them . . . as empty as it could feel with all of her sisters and a dozen guests there with them.

    Taylor, the second oldest of the bunch, had always dreamed of owning a bed and breakfast. They’d all agreed to turn their family’s vacation home into one, and each of them would use their skills to make it the most it could be. Alyssa was the only one who hadn’t really had a skill to help with the house, but she would help keep it occupied as a real estate agent. Taylor had been a hotel manager before the untimely death of their parents, and she was managing the bed and breakfast. Amanda was an interior decorator. She had designed guest rooms with book themes, and they’d turned out remarkably. Kayla had helped a little with the renovations, but she’d been so busy with the house in Salt Lake that she hadn’t had much time for doing her share. And finally, Lauren, with her liberal arts degree, had learned to cook, and she was making meals and helping Taylor with the cleaning. Together, they had stood against the world and forged a new path. And new dreams.

    It would be strange living in a place that had been a vacation spot for their family, but as long as Kayla’s sisters were there, she knew it would be wonderful. She was just as sure she wouldn’t be living in the house for very long. She was already thinking about the next house she would flip. She did almost all the renovations herself, and she was proud of the work she did.

    She couldn’t wait to get her hands on another house. Her plans would be different now, though. Instead of fixing up a house and selling it, she’d use it as an Airbnb. Weekly rentals were all the rage in Bear Lake, and she was going to jump in on the income stream. It would be nice to have a perpetual income from the work she did, instead of having to budget until the next house was sold. This would definitely be better.

    Kayla already had Alyssa searching for good houses for her. She wanted a mix of small and large homes. Really, she was hoping she could get Alyssa to manage the homes for her, finding someone to clean them, and just taking care of everything but maintenance. Maintenance she could do herself. Or Alyssa’s future husband Nick could chip in there, because he’d done most of the renovations on Romriell House.

    As she drove through Logan Canyon, her mind was on the houses she was going to buy instead of the drive. She almost hit a couple of deer crossing the road, and she remembered how dangerous the canyon was, even when you were paying attention. She slowed down a little and kept her eyes peeled for all the different animals she could see.

    Finally, she made it out of the canyon and into Garden City. It was just a ten-minute drive to Richland from there, and she could feel the excitement starting. A whole new world was opening up for her, and she was excited to become a part of it.

    When she got to the house, she parked around back and went in through the back door, which led into the kitchen. When she got there, she wasn’t surprised to find Lauren in the kitchen, obviously getting dinner ready. It was a few hours before they would eat, but Lauren had everything down to a science.

    Kayla was a little surprised to hear her younger sister arguing with someone who could only be a guest. Go away. I don’t need you to spoil the pudding I’m making for dessert. Your bad attitude could make anything crumble.

    The man crossed his arms over his chest. "My bad attitude? You’re the one who won’t let me have a single bottle of water. Why not?"

    You’re in my way.

    Kayla shook her head at her sister’s obstinance and walked to the fridge, getting out a bottle of water for the guest. Here you go.

    Thank you, Miss Romriell.

    Kayla. He obviously knew she was a Romriell by the color of her hair. It was the one thing all five sisters had in common.

    It’s nice to meet you, Kayla. I seem to remember seeing you around when I first arrived, but I haven’t seen you since. The man seemed perfectly nice to her. She couldn’t figure out why Lauren was being a pill.

    I was here for the first night we were open, but I had to return to Salt Lake City to finish up a job. Job is now done, and I’m here for good.

    He grinned. It’ll be nice to have another buffer between Lauren and myself. She makes me a little crazier than she probably should.

    Kayla grinned, shaking her head. I will do my best, but perhaps the two of you should try to get along as well?

    Nah. It would ruin our dynamic, wouldn’t it, Lauren?

    Go away, you evil serial killer, you. Lauren didn’t even look up from what she was doing.

    Kayla’s eyes widened, and she waited until the man had left the vicinity before turning on Lauren. What did you just call him?

    He never leaves his room. He’s either a serial killer or an FBI agent. He won’t tell me which, so I’m drawing my own conclusions. I call him Mr. Mystery. Lauren finally looked up from the pudding she’d been spooning whipped cream onto. Isn’t that a great name for him?

    Does Taylor know you’ve accused one of the guests of being a serial killer? Kayla asked.

    Oh, sure. She yelled at me for it just yesterday.

    And you learned nothing from making Taylor yell? Really?

    Of course I learned something. I learned not to call him a serial killer in Taylor’s presence.

    Lauren, I don’t think we want him putting that we call guests serial killers in his review of this place.

    Lauren shrugged. Then he should tell me what he’s doing in his room, shouldn’t he?

    Kayla laughed. Have I told you that I missed you yet?

    No, and I’ve been waiting to hear it!

    I missed you, my wacky baby sister.

    Lauren wrinkled her nose. "You can’t call me your baby sister. Alyssa and Taylor can get away with it, but you were only two when I was born."

    Forgive me. I’ll call you my deranged sister instead.

    A name I have valiantly earned!

    Kayla shook her head. Valiantly?

    "I’m a liberal arts major, in case you’ve forgotten. I know lots of big words like valiantly, deranged, and homicidal."

    "You might want to stop using homicidal so liberally. Kayla grinned. Get it? You’re a liberal arts major and you use it liberally."

    Lauren sighed. Go away, Kayla.

    I’m working on it! I have to go unpack my things.

    Unpack? How long are you staying? Lauren asked. Kayla had said she’d be there for Alyssa’s wedding, but she hadn’t said for how long.

    I closed on the house this morning. Here to stay.

    Lauren let out a whoop and hurried over to hug Kayla. My partner in crime is here for good! We’re going to have so much fun together!

    Kayla laughed. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Going to get my room set up so it’s ready for me to live in, and then I think I’m going to soak in the hot tub. I’ve done a lot to have the house sparkling and ready, so now I just want to laze about for a day or two. Maybe I’ll get a massage.

    Fine. Go do your thing. Supper is at six.

    See you then! Kayla grabbed her suitcase and carried it toward the stairs. She was going to unpack it and have some alone time. It was going to be fun.

    As she was walking toward her room, she passed Amanda, who looked particularly upset.

    What’s wrong? Kayla took her bag to her room, opened the door and shoved it inside, and then gave her sister her full attention.

    Amanda shrugged, walking into her room. She’d always been the most private of the sisters, but today it seemed she needed to talk. Kayla followed her in, sprawling across her bed. Wanna talk about whatever is bothering you? I can see that you need to.

    Amanda sighed. There’s this guy who runs the hardware store. He and Nick are best friends. He makes me crazy, and I have to deal with him every day!

    That’s terrible. Kayla was glad it was something so minor. An idiot guy was easy to deal with. Other things? Not so much.

    Kayla got into the hot tub a short while later before unpacking. Her muscles were sore, and she needed to rest. The unpacking would be there later. She’d get it done before bed, of course, but it might not be done before dinner. She would take a few days off before starting her next house hunt.

    Well, other than working on the outdoor kitchen Taylor insisted they needed for the B&B. Nick had said he was leaving that for her. Amanda had already chosen the outdoor appliances and the seating for the deck. She just couldn’t start until after the wedding because Alyssa didn’t need the lawn messed up. She was getting married there, after all.

    Chapter Two

    THE WEDDING THAT SATURDAY seemed just a little lopsided to Kayla. Nick only had two friends standing up with him, but Alyssa had all four of her sisters and her best friend, Hannah. The couple wrote their own vows, and Kayla found herself crying along with all of her sisters. They’d all thought their parents would be there for every one of their weddings, but things didn’t always work out as planned.

    After the ceremony, Kayla helped herself to some of the tacos Brandon had made, and she was a little surprised at how close Taylor and Brandon now obviously were. She spotted a man sitting alone and walked over to him, hoping he was new in town as well so they could commiserate about how odd it was moving to such a tight-knit community.

    As she got closer, she realized he was one of the two men who stood up with Nick, and she sat down across from him, knowing he was a good guy simply because he was a friend of Nick’s. I’m Kayla. One of Alyssa’s sisters.

    It’s nice to meet you, Kayla. I’m Max.

    Why are you sitting all alone? Are you new in town? Kayla crossed her fingers under the table, superstitiously willing him to say he was new.

    Nope. I’ve lived here all my life. I own a little tavern just outside town.

    Oh. Kayla knew she must sound defeated, but she wanted him to be new as well with everything inside her. So, how are we going to sit here and commiserate about being the odd man out in a new town if you’ve always lived here? You’re ruining all my plans!

    Max laughed softly. Why haven’t I seen you around yet? I’ve met all the other sisters or at least seen them. You’re new to me.

    I’ve been finishing up a house I was working on in Salt Lake City. Just finished this week, so I came here to live with my sisters. Finally. Kayla sighed. I wanted to move when they did, but it didn’t work out! And now I don’t get to live with Alyssa, which isn’t fair at all.

    What do you do? he asked, watching her face.

    "I’m a house flipper. I need to find a house near here and start working again soon. Of course, my real estate agent thinks she needs to take a honeymoon."

    Max smiled at that. Hey, she needs time alone with Nick so she doesn’t spot some other man who would suit her better.

    Kayla grinned. I like the way you think, Max.

    "I love the idea of house flipping, but I’m not good with my hands at all. Show me some of the stuff

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