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Milk For Days
Milk For Days
Milk For Days
Ebook60 pages37 minutes

Milk For Days

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About this ebook

Twenty-year-old Shawn's life is in a rut. He was a drunk passenger when his equally drunk best friend, Adam, T-boned a sedan and put a six-month-old in the hospital. But there's a way to avoid jail time—it's a company called Piccadilly Farms, and they want him to be a Dairy Alternative Associate. Even better, he'll get paid two thousand dollars a month just for swallowing a pill every day and wearing a tag. Sounds like a good deal!

But as Shawn further learns the consequences of his choice, he realizes he's in for some big changes. To satisfy Piccadilly's contract, his body will have to endure a swell of milky, expansive transformations. Some human, and some not.

Release dateOct 6, 2019
Milk For Days

Gregor Daniels

Gregor Daniels is an erotica author that specializes in gender swap and erotic transformation fetishes. New stories are typically released weekly and feature a variety of themes. Have you ever had fantasies to be a girl? Then look no further ...Contact the author directly on Twitter to discuss stories, share your favorite ideas and fantasies, scenes, and characters, or to just talk about nothing in particular.

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    Book preview

    Milk For Days - Gregor Daniels









    Copyright © 2019 Gregor Daniels

    All rights reserved.

    Only ADULTS beyond this point.

    All characters are consenting adults at least eighteen years old.

    This story includes: breast growth, uncontrollable lactation, and udders.


    The beginner’s kit was not at all what Shawn had expected. The flip-top box—about the size of a Playstation—looked more like a bundle for life insurance, including the happy elderly couple pictured on the front. But it did have the name of the supplier: PICCADILLY FARMS. Opening it, he identified the photocopied paperwork of his contract and the first month’s supply of pills.

    This shit is so weird, Shawn muttered, holding up the dial-shaped dispenser of medication.

    Any questions? Bethany asked. She was the nurse assigned to his treatment program and no older than a grad student. And cute as hell. Another time and under other circumstances, Shawn might’ve gotten to know her better, but his luck was pretty dry lately.

    Only one, he said. I’m free to go?

    "Just one second there, Road Runner. She had a clipboard in hand and was ticking off boxes with her pen. Before you’re off the leash, I need to see you take the first pill."

    What? Like, right now?

    Right now.

    Shawn finagled the little dispenser into dropping out a tiny blue pill. He placed it on his tongue and chugged it down with a glass of water that had also been provided. Then Bethany had him open his mouth just to prove to her that he had, in fact, swallowed it.

    Excellent, she said. "Now, like we’ve gone over, ninety percent of clients do report some tingling and lightheadedness within the first two hours. This is nothing to be concerned over. What we don’t want to see is vomiting, blood in the stool, stomach pains, blurry vision—anything like that, you give us a call."

    Shawn nodded. Yeah, sure. It sounded like your typical drug ad.

    And when should you take the pill?

    Around breakfast. One per day.

    She wrote something on her clipboard. Well, you’re a better listener than half the people that come into this room. Kudos. But before we check you out of here… From her lab coat pocket she pulled out a paper card; she tied it with string around his right wrist. Too tight, too loose?

    It’s fine, he said. But, uh, what does it do?

    While under contract with Piccadilly Farms, you’ll be required to keep this tag on. Now, the basics. She explained the front, which doubled as a form of identification. There was his full name, SHAWN HENDERSON, as well as an ID number printed underneath PICCADILLY MILK LABS. Great, he thought sarcastically, what am I, livestock now? The back side was like a helpful overview. It listed all the days of the upcoming month for him to check off, which Bethany said would help him keep track of his medication regimen. There was also an emergency phone number, an email address, and Bethany’s contact information. And there’s a GPS locater embedded inside. Word of warning: if Piccadilly Farms has found out you have removed this tag, even for a second, the contract is voided and there will be an immediate warrant issued for your arrest. She smiled like all that stuff was perfectly normal and harmless.

    What about in the shower?

    It’s waterproof.

    Shawn nodded, feeling the gentle tug of the string on his wrist when he lowered his arms. It wouldn’t get annoying to have something constantly swatting the back of his hand. Nope, not at all! He said, Wear this, take pills for two years, and…read this packet.

    Yep. Just remember, you’re a free man. In a sense.

    In a sense.

    He finished off with a signature,

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