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Spell Book & Candle
Spell Book & Candle
Spell Book & Candle
Ebook51 pages45 minutes

Spell Book & Candle

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The 17th century was a time just before the enlightenment, where superstition, and fear of dark magic and fear of witchcraft ran rampant. A time that seemed just right for the witch or succubus Jinx Blankley and her powers. The dread of dark magic usually reached its peak on All Hallows Eve.

Her unorthodox lifestyle, has brought attention to her by the Coven High Council, and the entity, Ulrich, that controls the time and space in which Jinx is living. He has been sent to recruit her for a near impossible task. Ulrich is aware Jinx never turns down a challenge even if it means going head to head with Tiordan the executioner.

Jinx is recruited to rescue Kaitlyn and Sarah, both lesbians, from the dangers that envelope them. Kaitlyn being pressured into suicide by the Corpusytes and Sarah being killed by her parents, at the behest of the Corpusytes.

Jinx, spends a lot of time inside the dreams of the two girls, and through the power of suggestion enables the girls to experience lesbian sexuality, without any fear of reprisal. 17th century sensibilities would never accept two females having sex together.

Jinx has her work cut out, first with Kaitlyn's mother Elspeth, the source of the pressure on Kaitlyn, by way of Tiordan. Jinx believes she needs to really stick it to Elspeth, to make her point and make her ease up on the pressure on the girl.

Sarah's plight is much different, as she lives within a psychopathic family, where every member of the family would slice the other's throat for a new pair of shoes. Extraditing Sarah could be more of a problem.

The question soon becomes, will Jinx repel the forces of Tiordan and make him retreat with his virtual tale between his legs, and provide a safe haven for Kaitlyn and Sarah.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateOct 7, 2019
Spell Book & Candle

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Spell Book & Candle - Candice Christian

    Spell, Book & Candle

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2019 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Adults Only 18+



    Part One

    Day break, as the first light of dawn broke through the windows of her room, and Jinx Blankley came awake gradually, but persistently.

    She laid there pondering her situation at the moment. She tried to put her existence in the context of 16th and 17th century Europe, where she had live for some time--there'd been massive population increases, inflation, terrible famines, plagues, disease. It's an economic crisis. But there is also this sense that women might have a greater appetite than their men can satisfy, and that is very socially disruptive."

    She reasoned that there is very much a sense that women are the weaker vessel--that they are more sexually voracious than men, more susceptible to sexual sin and therefore more likely to lead men astray." Take women with basic medicinal knowledge; like herself Jinx thought, add domestic implements, hallucinogenic properties, and conscribed female existence; add a healthy dose of male anxiety, and you may very well make witches.

    No mistake, though, Jinx was indeed a witch and or succubus, and lived her life according to an unorthodox set of principles.

    Enough of the meditation, it was time to rise Jinx admitted.

    A stretch, a yawn, and the young woman was up and putting on a robe and padding off to use the slop jar. The dawn sun spilled into the east windows, filtered through cloth splashing a diffused and almost surreal light throughout the room.

    On the bed, a cat named Caedmon also stretched and yawned and then followed Jinx to watch her relieve herself, jumping up onto her lap.

    Jinx poured water into the basin to wash her hands and the handsome shorthair calico lapped at the falling water happily. It was another Wednesday, a day of labor in the middle of the week. But for Jinx, work was no farther away than her boiling cauldron.

    The morning bath at the wash basin was refreshing, and the attention she gave her skin after left the attractive, well maintained, Mediterranean complexioned woman feeling great as she headed towards the fireplace.

    Breakfast was a thick slice of bread, some butter, and a mug of watered ale. Caedmon received fresh some bread crumbs and water and a few crumbly cheese pieces.

    Then, it was off to the work space, a sizable, but cozy alcove off from the fireplace with walls covered with the maps and charts and hand written spells that Jinx had use for in her labor.

    The cauldron was at just a simmer and Jinx fed the smoldering embers more wood chips to tease a flame out of the pile of ember and ashes. The day was to be a very busy day for the young witch, tonight was 'all hallows eve'...Halloween. It was not only her busiest day but also her longest day of the year.

    Suddenly, Jinx felt an old and familiar presence behind her, an old friend, also alerted by Caedmon as he growled lightly, arched his back, and puffed up his tail. Turning around, Jinx saw the tall man dressed in black. The arrival of this

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