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Time Leap Future Imperfect
Time Leap Future Imperfect
Time Leap Future Imperfect
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Time Leap Future Imperfect

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World War 3 has hit America in 2019. Turning a bright and prosperous country into a desolate location. However what the Islamic Coalition don't realize is that even though they now rule, Americans are still patriotic and determined to undermine the enemy anyway they can. One of their worst headaches is the leader of the Washington Rebel group. She leads ex-US military against the enemy. She is a young scientific genius, who was in the Pentagon when the war started. On her own she designed a Time Watch that could send her forwards or back in time for a few hours. One day she went back to 2017 to get supplies and was intercepted by Pentagon Security just as she was about to leave to go back to her own time. Unfortunately one of them grabbed her arm and he ended up in her future and is unable to return back to his own time. Except for short trips. He stays to help her against the enemy and reunites with old military friends who join up with them to form the Washington Rebels. Their base is the Pentagon nucleus which is impregnable to the outside world.

Release dateOct 8, 2019
Time Leap Future Imperfect

Genie Driscoll

I have been writing fiction and Poetry for the past 18 years, as a hobby. I am a genre writer, and I write Romance, science Fiction, fantasy, thrillers, humor, crime, drama and poetry. I love writing original Science fiction and Thrillers the most. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them. I have a few novel series and 3 Anthologies. The Romance Anthologies include all my Romances except Rebel Princess and my Spy Anthology Tavonovich will include all current and coming individual novels. All Royalties go to my favorite charity "St Judes Children's Cancer Hospital".

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    Book preview

    Time Leap Future Imperfect - Genie Driscoll

    Dedication to my best friend and brother, Craig

    Who started this book with me but was never able to finish it.

    As my thoughts hold you

    Just one second away

    I cherish the friendship

    You gave me everyday

    And I believe you hear me

    No matter where you are this day

    As one of God’s Angels

    I will see you again someday

    Craig – you were my inspiration

    My brother and friend through thick and thin

    You found beauty all around you

    And especially from within

    The world is now smaller without your loving self in it

    ~ Genie

    Copyright © 2019 Genie Driscoll

    All rights reserved. First Edition.

    Cover : Genie Driscoll

    Special Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Books by Genie Driscoll

    Andromeda Gate Quest Series

    Romance Anthology #1

    Romance Anthology #2

    Conflict of Interest

    Earthdome Space Fleet

    Tavonovich series

    Time Guardian Series (2019)

    Time Leap

    Neverland Romance


    Sheriff of Coco Point

    Cleo & The Lawman

    Eternal Love

    Laird of Glencarriagh

    Twist in the Tale

    Rebel Princess


    Time Leap Future Imperfect

    Genie Driscoll


    Ariel remembered when the planes flew into the World Trade Centre Towers. She had been in school doing a history lesson. Hearing a commotion and crying outside the classroom, she and the rest of her class looked up and at their teacher, Ms. Trumble, who looked at them in surprise. The door opened and their Headmistress asked to speak to their teacher. Ariel had looked at her friend Helen and shrugged and carried on reading her history. At 8 years old and reading history, not her favorite subject, but it was better then what the next class was going to be. She hated Science. Too many mathematical things she hardly understood, but her Science teacher wanted her to learn everything she didn’t think would even be in her curriculum in life or high school.

    The doors opened and her teacher came back. She was crying and Ariel felt dread. Something bad had happened. Her teacher tried to be calm but Ariel knew. Just as her teacher was about to tell them, all the glass in the windows on the left hand side of the room shattered, and the ground trembled. As one, all the children screamed in terror and leapt out the way or hit the ground.

    The teacher went around the room, checking on all the frightened children and hugging as many of them to herself, as she could. Ms. Trumble had stared wide-eyed at the smashed windows. Her classroom was a wreck. Some of Ariel’s classmates had cuts from the flying shards. From that point on it seemed everything happened in a blur as her parents arrived and took her out of school and took her home. She had stood for a moment and stared at a huge pall of smoke and fire coming from the Pentagon two blocks from the school. Ariel wondered if somebody had blown up the building. It was September 11th 2001. Over the next few days she learned what it meant to live in a nation of fear. For over a week she and her best friends had sat glued to the TV set watching the terrible day unfold again and again.

    Going back to a repaired school was a tough one and everyone talked about the day. Some of the friends she had made had left. Their parents moved away. It was sad. Everyone seemed frightened. But eventually as with all things, though not forgotten – everything went back to normal.

    A few years later Ariel was standing in the kitchen helping her mom with breakfast when it was announced that the President was sending troops overseas to Asia to attack and bring back the persons responsible for the planes in the Trade Centres. Ariel was glad. She was a patriotic little girl and wished she were old enough to join the military and go kill the bad guys. She was not to know how long the war was to take. Years went past and the troops stayed in Asia, there seemed to be no end to the fight against terror. So many soldiers had died and even then her President refused to bring the soldiers home. Ariel grew increasingly hostile towards her own President as she felt he were not doing enough to ensure the safety of his people. She hoped he did not run for Presidency again. War had become a way of life almost. All the airports had stiff security. No one was allowed to take anything on the flights anymore. Books and magazines were provided for on the flights.

    Then the United States got its first Black President and he helped bring about the end of the war in Asia and everyone sighed in relief as the troops returned home.

    And life continued…until the fateful day when her secure life ended…..

    Present day….

    Ariel tapped her watch points twice and waited a second before vanishing from her underground lab. She needed to find a 2012 newspaper to get the information she needed to complete her experiment.

    Creating the time travel watch had been a nightmare of ingenuity

    considering that more than half of the Western world was now gone, thanks to

    the North Korean dictator who nuked the west in the last part of 2018. Some 4 years earlier. It was 2022 and the United States was now in Korean hands.

    Most of the American population had died, were being held in internment camps or else were vigilantes. No major city had escaped the attack on US soil and most of them had been destroyed. Only a small handful of scientists, politicians and population survived, in pockets scattered throughout the country; but even then it was a day-to-day chore on survival. The radical Koreans were making life difficult for everyone and they were particularly unkind to US born citizens. Labor camps had been set up with majority of Americans as slave labor. The rest of the American population who had survived the onslaught had packed up and left to find alternative destinations that had not been overrun by North Korean troops. The die-hards had remained to fight it out and try and get their country back.

    Any English speaking persons were taken away and never seen again. The extremist’s insisted that if American’s wanted to stay alive they were to speak Korean. Little pockets of resistances built up over the next 4 years. Ariel was 19 when the bombs fell. None of her family survived the fallout as far as she knew. She had been talking to a friend of hers, whose father worked in the Pentagon. They had been given passes to go to the Cafeteria at the Pentagon and were chatting about dates, when their world fell apart. Ariel remembered her friend’s father grabbing them both and other important individuals and taking them a quarter of a mile underground to a `safe house' of sorts. She had remained there with Liz and the others for days. When the thumping of the ground above ceased and silence reined again, she and Liz were told to stay behind whilst the military folk went above to find out what was going on. Both Liz and Ariel were terrified and remained waiting for anyone to return, but nobody came back.

    They stayed in the safe house, under the Pentagon, for days and then it became a week, waiting for someone to come and get them. But no one came. Eventually the girls went up the elevator, its electronics were supplied by a generator somewhere below in their safe house. When the girls had come out of the hidden room it was to find chaos and death. The building was a wreck. Bodies lay on the ground everywhere, including some of those who had gone up before them. Frightened both girls ran out of the doors to the building, ostensibly to go home, however as they stepped out the main doors, both came to a halt. The world they had known didn't exist anymore. It was a smoking ruin.

    Ariel and her friend, with masks on, and clothing to keep them covered from radiation, had spent the first three months burying the dead. Liz then walked away from their new safe haven one day and Ariel never saw her again. She never found a trace of her family, and her house had gone. It had been almost squashed flat. She had never been a great student before the attack happened, but after it, she studied every book she could get her hands on and she used the underground rooms below the Pentagon as her new home. It had everything she could ever need in it. She explored it thoroughly and found libraries, labs and medical facilities, a huge cavern filled with dried fruits, food and tins of everything. Huge tanks of fresh water as well. Vehicles with a tunnel, that took them to a lift going up to ground level. One of the caverns held a mini airport. Mark 11 helicopters, a couple of Apache gunships, 2 F22 and 5 F18’s fuelled and ready to go at an instant command, which would never come now. They stood like lonely sentinels.

    Most of the tunnels had simple quarters for hundreds of people. She only needed one. She had gone into town, or what was left of it and scavenged destroyed shops for clothes and toiletries and other things. She found books and videos and music and helped herself to whatever was available that her mind ever had dreamed about. She took them below to her new home. She started reading about temporal mechanics, physics, chemistry and biological genetics over the next few years, instead of novels and other books. She had a large variety of those too. At first it was hard going but she eventually fell into the broad aspects of science. She remembered her earlier years about science and her loathing of the subject. Her high school years bunking the subject as best as she could. She wished she could go back and kick herself.

    Every day she went out and scavenged for electronics and mechanical items to experiment on. She almost ran into human scavengers herself a few times. At first she had been delighted to see faces and was about to rush out and hug them when she saw what they did to one of their own when he found a useful item. The scavengers turned on him and killed him. And all he died for was a tin of fruit. Ariel had shrunk back into the shadows; alarmed at the prospect of what the human populace had become. From that day she kept to herself and to the shadows of the buildings whenever she went out. On one of her hunts through the Pentagon underground tunnels she found a clothing and weapons storage.

    She loved that and tried on all the uniforms and played with the weapons until she was efficient with most of them. She almost shot herself once and injured herself a few times whilst learning the basics. She celebrated her birthday by baking herself a cake. She had been there 3 years by then.

    When she turned 23 she decided to read all Jules Verne novels instead of the current Romance ones she had been reading. It was whilst she was looking at her latest read about Time Travel that she got an idea to build one herself. She didn't like the temporal mechanics of the chair and instead started concentrating

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