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Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle
Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle
Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle
Ebook65 pages46 minutes

Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle

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These western bad boys aren't worried about using protection in this "virgin's first time" bundle:

From Mayor's Daughter To Willing Whore

Samson's a rough, wild west outlaw who breezes through town with hopes of starting his own saloon. Victoria's the mayor's daughter, who thinks she's too good to be in the company of anyone else at the tavern she decides to have her first few drinks at. Samson just sees a potential conquest. Drunk, careless, and in the company of a far more experienced man who doesn't like to take no for an answer, she'll be persuaded to sexually humiliate herself in public!

Shamelessly Deflowered

Virginal Maggie is reserved at the best of times, so when she’s cornered by a group of local cowboys, she’s terrified. Right as she thinks she’s in serious danger, a lone gunslinger breezes through and saves her. On the ride home she’s surprised to find out that just because he saved her, it doesn’t mean he’s an angel himself…

Double Teamed By The Outlaws

When Sarah gets caught out by two wild outlaws while working as a sheriffs assistant, she doesn't know what to expect. Bound, gagged and placed on the back of a horse wasn't how she thought she would be leaving the quiet southern town. As much as she wants to dislike them she can't deny they're handsome, charismatic and have a way of making her do things she never thought she would. After a few stiff whiskeys, can she resist when they both want to take her hard and without protection at the same time? She just hopes her husband doesn't find out...

Release dateOct 7, 2019
Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle

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    Book preview

    Deflowered By The Cowboy Outlaws Western Bundle - Elle London



    rom Mayor’s Daughter To Willing Whore

    Elle London

    Samson Callihan let out a deep sigh. Riding for three days straight was bound to take a toll on a man. It wasn't the exhaustion that got to him as much as the pathetic lack of excitement. The vast sandy expanses stretched limitlessly and the occasional tumbleweed would remind him of just how desolate the place was. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. If he didn't make this tedious journey, his ranch would not prosper – and after all that was his real dream.

    He was not high born, and so he had to start from the scratch. He recalled the multitude of days he spent immersed in hard, physical labour as a child, the results of which had carried on to this day. He was a strong man, his muscles toughened by working on the ranches of others, and now he planned to use all that he had gained solely for his own ranch. The risks he had taken and the effort he had put in made him come a long way from the past. He had set up just about enough to begin business. The thought of it sent tremors of excitement through his spine. He grinned as he imagined how he would rub it in the faces of all the rich folk back home, the ones who looked down upon him, his dirty face, his grubby clothes, his torn shoes, as he had worked tirelessly at their estates. They were the ones who thought they were being generous when they would pass him an extra coin out of charity. But Samson knew what lay behind their smug faces, a presumption that this boy would never make it anywhere. He would pocket their money and keep it aside, saving up for his dream, ever since that tender age. And although that amount of money had little impact now, for Samson it was the gesture that counted. He knew that at the present moment, he could set up something formidable enough, something that would threaten even their sense of superiority.

    A hot gust of wind blew over his steely face, making him narrow his pale eyes. Winston Ridge, his home town, was near by. How long it had been since he had left that place to make his name elsewhere! He wondered if he would even recognize any of the faces. And would they even recognize him? The scrawny boy had emerged as a devastatingly handsome man, with his chiselled jawline and sharp, straight nose. His manly look had awarded him a fair share of women to lie with, and that wasn't even counting the ones he had paid. And right now, that was what he craved the most. For a man who was used to having some pretty thing warm his bed almost every night, to spend three days without female company was almost traumatizing. He couldn't wait to get to Winston Ridge, to the Lone Rangers Saloon, which was said to have the best beer and the best whores in those parts. He buckled up and rode a little faster as he remembered his first encounter with a prostitute there as a young boy of 15. He had saved up a lot of money for that special day. He entered the saloon and asked boldly to the madam, a middle aged stout woman, that he wanted a whore for the night. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the scruffy boy, bits of straw still stuck to his hair and most certainly unwashed. But he held out his money with a disarming smile and she chuckled, knowing she couldn't refuse him. She called Loretta, a girl who seemed barely older than him, and he was quite enthralled by her appearance. Her hair was black and fell down her back, just like the finest silk. Her eyes were the deepest shade of brown, almost black, which made her look ever so mysterious to him. She was just a hint taller than him, and her body was slender in a way Samson hadn't quite associated with whores, whom he only saw flaunting their buxomness. He let Loretta hold his hand and lead him to the room. She fumbled with his clothes, unsure of how to undress him, as she was new to the profession herself. But Samson didn't mind in the least as he was so taken by her naked body – a lovely, pale, slim waist with sweet breasts the size of plums and a beautiful behind. She was the one who made him lie on the bed, his erect cock pointing upwards, and recalling how exquisite it felt when she let her soft, warm

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