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The Billionaire in Her Bed
The Billionaire in Her Bed
The Billionaire in Her Bed
Ebook46 pages43 minutes

The Billionaire in Her Bed

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She rushed home from work sensing something was wrong. Her front door is ajar. She feels scared checking her house for intruders.

Then she finds him asleep in her bed. She tries to be brave when she wakes him and demands how he got here. Well, he simply told her she left her door open and decided to take care of the house. What a charming guy huh!

So she sits beside him and likes his friendly personality and his hunky but cute face and body. Then he finds out she's ticklish. Things get hot and yes - there's a happily ever after in the most unbelievable way...

Release dateOct 13, 2019
The Billionaire in Her Bed

Baldassare Cossa

I bear good tidings! I give you a message of orgasm! A message of pleasure! A message of Sodom!I am a Prophet of a new religion, a new dawn, a new age of delights where you find yourself through your Pleasures. Let your pleasure be your path to your true self - to your Will! And let love and orgasm be what binds us together! Let mutual pleasure be Our Way!To hell with the moral codes of old - they divide us and rule us and leave us blind and deaf! They harm more than help - to whom are they useful but those who love harm and suffering and superstitious ignorance?I write good things - even though I have to say some horrendous things to bring out the truly good. I have already been banned - a fine book of mine has been banned because its carefully selected short stories each bearing a philosophic message that stands on its own and combines with the rest, displeased the censors at Amazon Kindle. They want you to remain blind and deaf! I give you good news! Another way - a new way yet a way that is truly ancient. I bring back the truth.Emancipation! Pleasure! Orgasm!I do not mislead - for I do not even lead. That is not my way. I want you to READ - for yourself, what I write, and take what you Will and use it for your pleasure, and the pleasures of those whom you love (and may you have many lovers!). And if you must - do please curse me and hate me, for still even then I have done good for you. For by cursing me you have chosen some direction - I pray that direction is toward pleasure, knowing thyself, and finding and spreading love and pleasure.The time has come and I will do much! I will WRITE! I will make music, and plays, and films, and many books of philosophy and many stories. I will paint and even do academia.I will love you and offer you love and pleasure - I only want you to find God in Sacred Holy Orgasm.Come, follow me. Walk with me a while. Let us all come together...

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    The Billionaire in Her Bed - Baldassare Cossa

    The Billionaire in Her Bed

    Baldassare Cossa

    Copyright Baldassare Cossa 2019

    Published at Smashwords

    Find me at:

    Claudia pulled her car up by the kerb just one space before her usual parking spot. She frowned to herself as she gazed upon a black Audi R8 parked just outside her house. A sense of curiosity mixed with unease gripped her mind. She knew something wasn’t right all day long since she left for work. She sat at the office shifting her posture in the swivel chair, doublechecking emails in some bizarre neurotic autopilot. Her pen was subjected to chewing, finger gymnastics and even got treated as a spinning top.

    Then she spotted her garden gate was left open – and quite obviously done intentionally. But nothing else seemed amiss. She gazed around as she stepped out of the car. The entire street was quiet. She left work early feigning a headache. Something told her to go home. She knew she forgot to do something very important. Something quite dreadful. Like leaving the oven on or the bath overflowing.

    She turned the key and opened her front door after giving the black Audi one last look. A gaze of concern and admiration. Who owns that car? Why is it parked at her front door like that? Nobody in the street ever steals anyone else’s parking space as an unwritten rule. Claudia found herself pouring coffee on autopilot, throwing a pizza slice from last nights takeaway for a quick blast in the microwave – just enough to take off the chill from the fridge and make it edible. A sense of boredom, relief to be out of work early, and that indistinct unease propelled her from one menial task to another.

    Then she noticed something odd. A used coffee mug in her sink. Her heart quickened. Was there an intruder? Claudia looked around the house, odd little things like a placemat a centimetre out of place, things tidied or moved as if to lead her to the stairway. She looked up. All was quiet at the top. But stray light leaked from her bedroom. She always closed her bedroom door.

    Quietly she crept to the kitchen and took a knife before returning to the stairs. Slowly she crept to the top. Her breath shuddering as she tried to stay quiet. Beads of sweat perspired on her brow. She approached her bedroom door. There was definitely someone there…

    Claudia stood at the bottom of her bed. Almost gasping in shock her mouth gaped in silence. An initial spike of fear was replaced by a sense of total surprise. She never felt so perplexed in her life. A very handsome godlike six foot man was laying fast asleep on her bed!

    White gold cufflinks shaped like dice with sparkling diamonds lay on her bedside locker. A very expensive pair of loafers rested on the floor. The sleeves of his crisp white and obviously expensive shirt were rolled up to the elbows, his strong lean forearms bared as he lay on his front, left leg up causing his very lean behind to rear up in his slumber, the black trousers tight against his cheeks. Even his black socks looked more expensive than her handbag. The Audi car keys were dangling from his Gucci belt. His mouse brown hair was neat but a little tousled from sleep. His long aquinine face was turned to the left, snuggled into her pillow, a long noble

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