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The Last Resort
The Last Resort
The Last Resort
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The Last Resort

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About this ebook

A victim of lies published an ebook that exposed his evil step-brother and shortly after that, his step-brother was found dead. A detective went through the list of usual suspects to solve the murder and became immersed within a complex mystery involving some of the most secretive and elusive organizations in the world and some of the most advanced computer technology known to science in the 21st century.

"The Last Resort" is the 17th episode of the Multivertical man series, and the 3rd to be published in ebook format. It is also the first episode covered from a "murder mystery" angle and the first to include information about Multiverse Theory and the complexities the series deals with. Some readers might be led to think they are actually working on a case rather than reading a book for entertainment purposes.

If the reader wants to make it simpler, they can skip some of the "excerpts" from the "Defense Report" that are included at the beginning of each chapter, but if they do that, they might miss out on some information which helps to know to understand the case. The case itself is a very important part of the Multivertical Man series, so anyone who is interested in the series and Multiverse Theory might want to cover it all.

If anyone is left lost and uncertain about the somewhat abrupt conclusion at the end of the story, it might help to check out Episode 18, "Message in a Bottle". All i can say is that this one follows a somewhat well-known, common sci-fi theme. The conclusion is shared in detail within Episode 18.

"The Last Resort" is also what might be referred to as a "Message in a Bottle" which was written and tossed into espace with the idea that it might eventually reach the actual people it was intended for and they may be enlightened by it.

PublisherNick Zentor
Release dateOct 14, 2019
The Last Resort

Nick Zentor

I was born in another parallel of Earth just a few years before John Kennedy was assassinated and I was transferred to this parallel after a motorcycle accident in late 1982. After 3 years of homelessness, I was inspired to become a science-fiction writer and committed myself to the task once I had managed to find a job and a place to plug in a typewriter. I worked on the job like a good robot for 10 years while writing science-fiction on my free time.After failing to get any books published due to a low demand (every publisher explained how they were selling less books every year), I decided to get into small-publishing and accessed the local copy-outlet to publish my own books. But I didn't have enough money to print more than a handful at a time, and almost no one was interested in buying any of it.It wasn't until 2004, after I managed to save enough money for a new computer, that I began to make some real progress. I was able to do a much better job with book-making and the quality of my books improved. But still they did not sell, so I simply small-published them at my own website online and offered them for free through the website. The website was up until 2008, when I lost my apartment and spent some time homeless again.Aside from writing science-fiction, I started working with 2d computer graphics and animation in late 2004, and got into 3d computer graphics and animation in 2009, after finding another apartment. I've been working with 3d computer graphics, trying to go somewhere there, but I've had problems paying for the software.I wrote "Fool's Errand: Redemption" as the last book in the Temspace-Variant Series in 2015 and turned it into an ebook in 2017. Because I am also a 3d computer graphics artist, I decided to try my hands at my first ebook cover and produced the cover for "Fool's Errand: Redemption" to go with it.

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    Book preview

    The Last Resort - Nick Zentor

    The Last Resort

    Nick Zentor


    A Murder in Suburban Paradise

    A victim of lies publishes an ebook that exposes his evil step-brother and shortly after that, his step-brother is found dead. A detective goes through the list of usual suspects to solve the murder and becomes immersed within a complex mystery involving some of the most secretive and elusive organizations in the world and

    some of the most advanced computer technology known to science in the 21st century.


    The Last Resort by Nick Zentor

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright: Coldpost-85, 2019



    1. Prologue: Message in a Bottle

    2. Introduction: A Multivertical Mystery

    3. Chapter One: A Fool's Redemption

    4. Chapter Two: A Homicide in Suburban Paradise

    5. Chapter Three: Primary Suspects

    6. Chapter Four: High Tech Tales and Lightning Leads

    7. Chapter Five: Company Business and Ballistics

    8. Chapter Six: Energy Weapon Signatures and Suspects

    9. Chapter Seven: An Old Flame on a Dark Past

    10. Chapter Eight: A Complex Case Continues

    11. Chapter Nine: High Tech Designs and 3d Programs

    12. Chapter Ten: A Motion-Blurred Mystery

    13. Chapter Eleven: Secret Government Games

    14. Chapter Twelve: The Last Resort

    15. Afterword: Ren Tenrut's Defense in Detail: Undeniable Conclusions

    16. Afterword: Excerpt from A Defense Report for 2018: My Penance in Purgatory: Final Words

    17. Multiverse Theory 101 - 105: A Basic Overview of the Multiverse

    18. Lexicon: Definition of Words


    Prologue: Message in a Bottle

    This story is a message in a bottle. It is the culmination of 30 years of good, hard, peace work, research, and penance, all in a loveless purgatory surrounded by hate, guilt, and confusion. All during that time I was the loneliest man in the universe, suffering from repeating bad dreams, nightmares, and insomnia, stranded within a cold, loveless reality separated from humanity.

    This story is a fact-based fiction. All of the characters in the story are real, just the names have been changed to protect the innocent. A certain amount of guesswork was necessary to fill in some of the blanks, but the main facts pertaining to the main characters are, more or less, true.

    The story is a projection made upon a close parallel reality, where Earth in the early 21st century has evolved more or less the same, with computer technology intertwining itself within civilization everywhere. As a close parallel it is not exact, but there is enough actual fact within the story for it to act as a message in a bottle that serves the indisolar memory well.

    In this parallel reality the war-machine subsided in the late 1970s after the Vietnam war, and humanity experienced an enlightenment, rather than a perpetual drug war and loss of individual rights, during the 1980s.

    From this perspective, we follow a man who could be me, or anyman, who was condemned to a loveless purgatorial parallel for the past 35 years. He takes action by publishing an ebook that exonerates him from guilt. This leads to his escape from the purgatorial parallel and a ticket back to his home-parallel.

    The story is a fictional projection that has to do with a Defense Report which exposes a man in a high estate, and leads to a mystery, after which, another man, a Detective, follows up on the mystery, seeking to resolve it.

    During the course of the Detective's investigation, the truth about the man in the high estate becomes known, while the other man he had committed to purgatory is exonerated for the crimes he did not commit.

    Nick Zentor, 19-09-29


    Introduction: A Multivertical Mystery

    This story is what is referred to as a close parallel according to Multiverse theory. According to the basic M-theory that the time-line of this story follows, the Multiverse was opened up in 1981 after a diametric refraction occurred which split 2 diametrically opposed multivertical parallels into very different directions. One went to the multivertical left (1978.5) while the other went to the multivertical right"(1981.5).

    The one that went to the left didn't do so bad (1978.5), the one that went to the right became a shadow Earth (1981.5) and humanity's version of an evil empire in the 21st century waging wars for profit, based upon lies and propaganda.

    The former parallel (1978.5) , that went to the left, was my home before an accident in late 1982, after which I found myself facing the fourth strike against me as I stepped in and out of OPT on crutches and codeine for the pain.

    The latter parallel, referred to as Aton 5, which went to the right, was where I was transferred to after the accident, for an unjust punishment, based upon lies that my step-brother had used against me for the first 20 years of my life, and all the uncontrolled damage those lies had done to me between 1975 and 1982.

    Americans lost their most basic individual civil rights in the Aton 5 parallel in 1981, after the Neo-fascist Neoconservatives launched the War on Drugs and introduced Zero Tolerance policies which supported totalitarian actions which were a complete violation of the U.S. Constitution and every human's individual rights.

    Little did the general working-class know at the time, but the Aton 5 parallel had been opened up as a Neo-Spartan camp for potential soldier-robots to fight the wars of the empire which dominated that parallel (Aton 5). A meat-grinder, in basic relative terms, where fools such as myself were sent after being totally corrupted by evil fascists, such as my step-brother and his lies.

    After I left OPT in early April of 1983, I was pushed onto a bus by a unanimous family decision which rendered me guilty and in need of further punishment, to be sent to the west coast for some kind of vacation or something.

    The truth was, at the time, I had actually suffered amnesia and memory-loss from the motorcycle accident and hadn't yet fully recovered my memory. There's a simple reason why no one noticed my amnesia. While I was in the hospital, after the accident, my mother visited and my mind began to work on recovering my memory through image and word associations.

    I didn't know I had suffered from amnesia and memory-loss because my mind became much too preoccupied with recovering the memory I had lost as soon as it had mother's information to go on.

    When I was put on the bus to be shipped out to the west coast, I was still trying to figure out what the hell was happening to me. I trusted mother and let her direct me, so I agreed to take that trip to the west coast, without really knowing what the hell I was going to do there.

    I was a fool on another fool's errand, I was just too dumb-founded by the memory-loss to know it at the time. In retrospect, I have recalled the facts as they were at that time, and it has been impossible to ignore the coincidence that my own evil step-brother paid for the one-way ticket to the Aton 5 parallel version of purgatorial hell.

    That was where I was after I got shipped to the west coast in the early spring of 1983. They told me it was for my own good, but after I got there, and the 20 bucks I had ran out, I had nothing but the shirt on my back. I was still suffering from long-term memory loss at the time and had very little to work with. I didn't realize they had simply sent me on another fool's errand to get rid of me. It was the very end of the bread-line, by any other name.

    After suffering the pains of homelessness for almost 3 years, I managed to get some help from mother and she agreed to let me return to the east coast, where I was permitted to stay in my old room at the house under strict conditions. I had to clean up my act, get a job, and start doing the good robot routine to pay for everything.

    It was at that time that I first began to recover my memory and realize I was no longer in my home-parallel. It was at that time that I saw the differences for the first time and they sunk in and made a serious impression that I could not ignore.

    As I took my breaks between work and had a chance to watch cable-TV, a luxury that I never had when I was homeless, I saw the difference. I was shortly taken in by some of the Neo-fascist propaganda and the way they had twisted it all like clever prosecutors to implicate the antiwar democrats.

    What the hell? I was left thinking, in suspense, as I realized that my position within the multiverse had obviously changed.

    Since when did the police begin working for the DSA? I thought, and what's with all the flying monkey raids and storm-troopers killing people just for possession of marijuana?

    I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears. None of it made any sense. What had happened to the United States of America? Had it suddenly transformed while I was homeless and lost in southern California selling my blood and scavenging for food?

    No, not exactly. I recalled the accident in late 1982 and all of the weird things that happened at that time. After the accident, I was in and out of the Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone. I had some very strange experiences. Of course, I assumed that my mind was under extreme effects from the accident, but for the most part, I was lost and drifting on a sea without any control. It carried me through some very strange experiences that have mystified my logical mind for decades.

    But I eventually recalled everything and managed to put together an objective perspective over it all which has helped me to understand what happened. Apparently, my indisol was transferred to another parallel. It took me decades of research to recover the memory-loss and figure out what happened.

    I was transferred to the Aton 5 parallel after the accident in late 1982, I just didn't know it at the time, because I had suffered a form of long-term amnesia which had temporarily disaffected my higher cognitive reasoning. I was unable to see what was beyond me, as my mother directed me, after the accident, and I simply went along with her like a dutiful robot.

    When I realized where I was, within the Aton 5 parallel, rather than my home-parallel, I began to make a full recovery and it was around that time that I went to work with computers doing intensive research into my case. I put together the details of the memory I had lost from before the accident, between 1975 and 1978, and before the accident in 1982, and it all began to come back to me.

    I was an innocent scapegoat charged with crimes based upon the lies of my evil step-brother, and I had been transferred to the Aton 5 parallel after the fourth strike against me convinced the majority of fools to believe the lies of my step-brother and they had me committed to a sentence in Aton 5 purgatory, based upon those lies.

    I've learned a lot since I was transferred to the shadow Earth Aton 5, including one of the most basic precepts to the understanding of multiverse theory, as it applies directly to each individual. According to M-theory, the multiverse is made up of an infinity of parallel realities. At the same time, the world is made up of an infinity of individual realities, each sharing some things and different in others. We are like the multiverse, each of us as individuals within our own separate realities."

    Ren Tenrut, 2018


    Chapter One

    A Fool's Redemption


    Excerpt from A Defense Report for 2018 by Ren Tenrut

    The Basic Facts About the Case Against the Step-Brother, Jarges Tenrut

    "In June of 1975 my mother had me sent away on a fool's errand, which she later confessed was a mistake, in late 1982, due to misinformation about the girl I was seeing. She made this confession to me after I was involved in a motorcycle accident which left me with a broken leg on crutches until March of 1983.

    "I was also suffering from memory-loss due to the shock of the accident, but I didn't even know it at the time. With mother's help, I had managed to recover enough memory to get by on and so that's what I did. I didn't even realize I had memory-loss, until after I gained a more objective perspective, and that took years.

    "After I was able to walk on 2 legs again in April of 1983, before I was able to follow up on the lead mother had given me, about the misinformation, which had to have a source, I was sent on another fool's errand, and my very own step-brother actually paid for the one-way ticket. In this way, step-brother was able to keep the secret to himself for another decade.

    "When I had finally recovered all of the memory I needed to implicate step-brother for practicing the evil arts behind everyone's backs to be used against me in secret, it was over 15 years later, around 1992. After doing the necessary research, I recovered a memory from the summer of 1975, about a week or 2 before I was sent away on the fool's errand.

    "The memory was of a confrontation between my step-brother and I in the kitchen when the parents were out. He suddenly confronted me as I was getting ready to leave, on my way to spending the evening with friends. He demanded to know the name of the girl I was seeing. I didn't trust him so I refused to surrender the information, because I suspected he would simply ruin it for me somehow, as he always did, like the jealous fool I knew him to be.

    Well, he ruined it anyhow. Apparently, after putting all of the facts together, I was able to deduce that step-brother lied to my parents intentionally after that confrontation and told them I was seeing Linda, the older sister of Lisa. Linda had a bad reputation, which was apparently also included with the disinformation at that time, and mother was compelled to have me sent away just to get me away from Linda", not Lisa.

    "This is what happened, I'm quite sure of it now. It is also the dirty secret that step-brother was keeping to himself in the summer of 1978, when he completely humiliated me in front of his friends and mine when he tried to get me to go naked with him and I reacted badly because I didn't trust him.

    Based upon all of the facts I have presented here, can anyone really blame me for not trusting my step-brother in 1978?



    One of the last things Ren Tenrut did before leaving the Aton 5 parallel, where he had worked off an unjust sentence for the past 35 years, was to collect his messages at the General Post Office. It was then that he received the message that his mother had passed on.

    He was cleared to enter the huge MVC terminal hallway, walked to the check-point, and handed a small compad with his orders on it to the guard. The guard checked the pad, handed it back, and pointed to the left.

    Tube 1978-575, he said and Ren moved in the direction to the left. The hallway was very large and there were not too many others about it, only minimal traffic at the time.

    Ren Tenrut located the MVC transport tube 1978-575, in a 6 meter slot in the side of the hallway, beside an MVC computer post and another tube. He stood before the tube and looked at it for a minute. It was hard to believe that such technology could exist, and if he hadn't studied the specs and understood how the par differentials separated different parallel frequencies, he might have a hard time stepping into it.

    The tube was about a meter wide, silvery gray, about 3 meters

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