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The Guide for joy of life in the best of health: It is never too late and rarely too early
The Guide for joy of life in the best of health: It is never too late and rarely too early
The Guide for joy of life in the best of health: It is never too late and rarely too early
Ebook313 pages3 hours

The Guide for joy of life in the best of health: It is never too late and rarely too early

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About this ebook

This guide deals with important everyday issues, from diet to lifestyle to philosophical themes of life and medical subjects, especially those arising from the common misconceptions of medicine. It is the concern of the author to address and clarify these openly, e.g. about civilization disorders such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and others.
This book provides extensive experience gained in over 45 years of professional activity as an internist and naturopathic physician. There is often a contrary view of the prevailing opinion in the room, but which can be scientifically justified.
This guide is intended for laypersons and professionals as well as for all groups of society, young and old.
Dr Bodo Koehler, MD can look back on an eventful but fulfilled life. After completing his studies, many years of comprehensive education and training at various teaching hospitals followed as well as at congresses and seminars. After 10 years of clinical practice, the medical activity was continued in own practice.
This was followed by teaching at home and abroad as well as research and development of own therapy methods and devices.
Through the exchange with many scientists, a completely new perspective emerged, which as Life Supporting Medicine LSM found the way into many practices.
Release dateOct 15, 2019
The Guide for joy of life in the best of health: It is never too late and rarely too early

Bodo Köhler

O autor, Dr. Bodo Köhler, nascido em 1948, é um internista com amplo treinamento adicional em naturopatia e tem mais de 45 anos de experiência em hospitais e em seu próprio consultório. Ele adquiriu uma ampla gama de conhecimentos por meio de intensas atividades de pesquisa e intercâmbio com muitos cientistas de alto calibre. Além de vários livros especializados e mais de 150 publicações, isso resultou em seus próprios métodos de terapia e no desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos. O autor trabalha como palestrante na Alemanha e no exterior.

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    The Guide for joy of life in the best of health - Bodo Köhler


    This counsellor is a guide and guidance to personal well-being in order to make as many right decisions as possible at all stages of life, at all levels. It is intended for every age group, man and woman alike. It clears up a few clichés and helps to understand a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, a positive attitude, but also medical care and supportive measures.

    After 70 years and 45 years of professional experience in the clinic and practice as specialist for internal medicine, doctor for naturo- and homeopathy, much has accumulated, which finally should be said. Too many errors – deliberate or unconscious – dominate the medicine and constantly produce new chronically ill people who are considered to be incurable and to accept their fate. It has been proven that every (!) acquired disease can disappear – even cancer. Sometimes by itself, sometimes after discontinuing the many onerous drugs, sometimes only after a consistent change in lifestyle, in the diet, but especially by a radical change in consciousness.

    This is therefore in addition to the medical explanations in the middle point of this guide, but completely different than usual: the individuality of each person is brought to the fore, which unfortunately much too little attention. We are not herd animals and therefore cannot be sorted in drawers and in case of illness be treated according to guide(suffer)lines of conventional medicine, this means in scheme F.

    First and foremost, therefore, indications are given as to how the fate – having to suffer from a chronic illness – can be prevented.

    Quite deliberately, this book is written generally understandable. The foreign words that are found here create the bridge to the specialist audience, but are explained in each case.

    Some statements repeat themselves in chapters with similar content. This is done intentionally and has advantages in looking up, because it preserves the overall context for a better understanding.

    Not only the lay audience, but also savvy readers of the medicine subject will get fulfilled their expectations, and will certainly discover new aspects that allow a different perspective. In the appropriate places are cross-references to further literature. There are excellent scientists whose statements should be studied for better understanding.

    References to some already published original works of the author on certain topics are given in chap. 14. With this, necessary basics can be deepened.

    Unfortunately, it is one of the omissions of our time, work up and preserve outstanding research results of earlier decades (and centuries!). But new books are coming up with a catchy title, but with content that is full of errors, especially about nutrition. The damage done to those affected is almost irreparable. But maybe this guide can help.

    Nothing is claimed in this book that cannot be proven. This concerns in particular those statements that deviate completely from the official opinion, and these are not a few. But that is precisely my concern, namely enlightenment.

    The message of this book is:

    "Enjoy life and live your dreams.

    Do not overburden your most faithful companion – your body."

    I would like to thank Dr Bernd Zeiger for the co-creation of chapter 7 b and especially Helga, my beloved unique woman who stood by valuable tips and gave me time and space to devote myself to this work in peace.

    The Author January 2019


    Lifestyle - what is healthy?

    Frustration and futility

    Sense and meaning


    We are single individuals!

    Exercise and leisure

    Dosed movement program

    Dangerous sun?

    The cardiovascular system

    Heart failure

    Blood pressure

    What you should ask your doctor

    Blood group diet


    Alkalinely at any price?

    Lack of vitamins, minerals?

    Fatty liver, diabetes and insulin

    Bad cholesterol?


    Osteoporosis – calcium & vitamin D?

    Dental health – fluoride, amalgam, implants?




    Immune system

    Pharmaceutical industry

    Life Supporting Medicine LSM

    Law of four-poles (bi-polarity)

    General reference system; quantum physics

    Categorical classification system

    Law of regulation and counter regulation

    Therapeutic approaches

    Diet for all?

    Vegan, vegetarian or mixed food?

    Cooked or raw?

    The 4 nutritional ingredients



    Fats and oils


    The meals




    Slimming and staying fit

    Healthy sleep

    Eating habits and exercise

    Storage and distribution


    Intestinal flora and liver

    Insulin resistance

    Risk assessment

    Golden rules

    Anti-aging or Best-Aging?

    Assisted by medication





    Immune system



    LOGI diet


    Appendix: Wisdom in a nutshell

    Original literature by the author


    1. Lifestyle – what is healthy?

    Basically, life should be fun until old age. However, this does not mean the superficial fun society in which we live today. Joy has something to do with the heart and goes much deeper. We can mean 'fulfilment in a value-based life'.

    This is especially successful (more and more often) if we participate as actively as possible in our lives as long as possible and shape the daily routine as far as possible. If you want to grow old, you have to start in your earliest youth, even if your age seems to be infinitely far away. Therefore, it is worthwhile to know the basics of a healthy lifestyle, without too papal to follow every rule. But the main direction should be right.

    We are an inseparable part of nature. In nature, everything has its purpose – the human being too. However, not everyone has found his task. Unfortunately, this is true for a majority of people!

    Anyone who does not know his purpose, through life, is disoriented.

    The futility associated with this creates chaos in the system – in other words, life becomes unsafe and the risk of illness increases!

    But let us first stay on the positive side of existence. According to Prof Dr Dr Juergen Schole, formerly University of Hannover, is the measure of health ...the ability of rapid adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Quick adaptation is for survival and takes precedence over all other functions in the body.

    Adaptability means rapid switching of the cell metabolism of predominantly anabolic (regeneration, infection control, inflammation – but also growth and differentiation of newly immigrated stem cells) towards a predominantly catabolic metabolic situation (energy supply, flight, fight, aggression – but also detoxification and division of stem cells). The dynamics of these regulation and switching processes not only have the potential for health and survival, but also for well-being and inner strength. This happens all the better through flexibility in the mind. Every clinging to the existing, every denial of change, every separation from the new is life-threatening. Letting it happen of things that cannot be changed anyway already works like a magic formula.

    Adaptation succeeds all the better if all organs with their innumerable cells obey a functioning control by the brain via vegetative nervous system (which is not subject to our will). Yes obey, because the cells are in a voluntary network to serve the whole system human, and not quite selfless. Through their integration into the social state of human beings, they benefit from the orderly supply and disposal through division of labour. In return, they can undisturbed their full performance for the benefit of the entire organism retrieve. So it's a taking and giving back that benefits everyone.

    If the cell consciousness (without the acknowledgment of such we do not see any progress) subordinates itself to a common goal, then we speak of collective coherence. The Israeli Dr Aaron Antonowski spoke of sense of coherence when everything is right (literally: feeling of coherence) and used this term from physics very early on.

    Right here is the link to the psyche. Our cells actively switch on and off the control processes – an intelligent behaviour! This had already proven experimentally by Prof Schole. Each cell itself builds up its receptors (antennae on the cell surface) and then cut back again, depending on how it can and wants to contribute to the overall function. That decides every cell alone.

    A coherent, self-regulating, open system, such as human beings, therefore presupposes a well-developed consciousness (which, above all, includes the 96% of the unconscious, which makes independent control possible at all). It is thus able to survive quite well even with weakened cells. On the other hand, physically intact cells do not act anything in a non-coherent, chaotic system unless they are appropriately involved and can (deliberately) submit to a common intention for a worthwhile goal.

    You may wonder what practical value these considerations have.

    If we are in a coherent state, we remain healthy, no matter what the stresses and strains we are exposed to.

    It's that simple. And now the good news: that's even measurable! If we start with the fact that our brain is informed of all processes in the body through afferent nerves, but at the same time all control processes take place via down running (efferent) nerves, then we can also measure something right there, namely in the brain: chaos or order.

    Since both halves of the brain have completely different functions, their exact interaction (one wheel engages in the other), which is called phase matching, is of great importance. A so-called phase shift leads to disturbances of receptivity and can go as far as learning disability. This is a time offset between the two halves of the brain, which no longer work synchronously. As a result, we hear a spoken sentence, but we cannot assign parts of it.

    The best perception is in the alpha rhythm (7-14 Hz) of the brain waves. We only achieve this in deep silence, or just before falling asleep and shortly after waking up. This semi-trance condition is necessary to allow the corpus callosum bridge to resonate (ideally at 7.83 Hz, the Schumann frequency) and to ensure trouble-free information exchange.

    Between the earth's surface and the ionosphere there is a pulsating electromagnetic oscillation, which is very constant due to the constant thunderstorm activity around the earth (over 2000 thunderstorms daily). It was named in 1952 after its discoverer Prof W. O. Schumann. His successor, Prof H. L. Koenig, also contributed to this. These 7.83 Hz serve as a rhythm generator for the hippocampus, which is part of the Limbic system. This area of the brain is right in the centre and controls our emotional world, so it is very important for the experience. Movement in the wild, therefore, promotes order in the brain, which has a positive effect on our actions.

    However, the fact that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening more and more is making matters worse. Closed rooms, especially in reinforced concrete construction are therefore particularly unfavourable, but also technical radiation (mobile or DECT phone, Wi-Fi).

    When kids try to memorize something in everyday stress, maybe even with pop music accompaniment, it's much harder than during walking in the outdoors.

    But that has nothing to do with the lessons at school. What is transmitted there ends up in the short-term memory and only becomes a permanent content if it is given meaning and repeated more than 5 times (!) and is reconsidered before falling asleep or after waking up, whereby in the morning the receptiveness is highest. Unfortunately, teachers rarely point to these important relationships.

    We quickly forget things that bore us. Therefore, it is very important to an exciting lesson design. Many will have experienced that with strict teachers who have demanded high concentration; even the dumbest has understood the difficult stuff. These teachers have thereby gained great respect (and gratitude!). Everyone followed the class with great attention and did not want to miss anything, also out of fear of punishment. As a positive side effect, it was quiet as a mouse in the class.

    But there are students who can make an effort as they want. There may be developmental disorders that should be clarified. In fact, while one of the 4 brainwaves dominates (mostly beta 14-28 Hz during the day), the other 3 always play in the background. This means that even the deep subconscious mind is fully active and involved in the daily happenings at all times.

    Only a few years ago it could be proved that sometimes even one of these important frequencies can be missing, namely the theta wave (3.5 - 7 Hz). This can lead to massive behavioural disorders, because this frequency is the centre of feeling (Limbic system) connected to the frontal or forehead brain (frontal lobe), which controls our behaviour. Above all, the spontaneous and impulsive reactions lack the corresponding feeling (empathy), which can lead to unadapted or even hurtful reactions. At the same time the feedback is missing, what was done with it. Such weird behaviours are referred to as borderline, bipolarity or schizophrenia. But even with autism certain brain frequencies and thus the ability to empathy (compassion) are missing.

    Through decades of intensive research work and development of their own measurement methods, the physicist and psychologist Guenter Haffelder was able to uncover and prove these connections in his Institute for Communication and Brain Research in Stuttgart, Germany.

    But it is not just about diagnostics, because at the same time a therapy can be derived: By filling in the missing frequencies, the gap can be closed and the brain can learn to create the whole spectrum.

    Anyone who has children with learning difficulties or even such problems can be examined in Stuttgart with this special EEG. On the basis of the records, a learning CD is created, which is backed by background music of Mozart and should be heard constantly in all possible activities (also during learning). After only a short time, the school performance improves measurably.

    But also for diseases of the brain, e. g. by accident or stroke this method is suitable. Even if large areas are lost, other regions can take over the function. You just have to learn what is possible with this CD. Needless to say, this is a very individual copy that a second person cannot and may not use. The internet site is

    Joy of life (not to be confused with fun!) is only possible if self-selected goals are achieved through personal effort. This can only be the ice you have laboriously begged for as a child. This principle applies both on a small and a large scale.

    A really good feeling of satisfaction and joy, maybe also of happiness, comes about especially when large tasks have been mastered. This can be in the context of one's own profession or a strenuous challenge in the free time.

    Effort is also needed to maintain bodily functions. Musculature breaks down when not in use. Even the bone is formed back after prolonged decommissioning in gypsum. This ultimately applies to all cells and also the brain function. Rapidly progressing dementia after moving to a nursing home is the rule if there is no active countermeasure.

    For the (quite possible) recovery process in the case of a chronic illness, the following applies in particular:

    Nothing works without the intention of the patients and the willingness to change their life and to become well again for a worthwhile goal (!).

    This requires a new motivation, which the patients must actively work out. However, the intelligent cells quickly realize whether the government in the mind is serious or not.

    It is always about the joy of active (living) life. In addition to work, this includes all our leisure activities, food intake and relationships with other people. Without feeling loved, our soul atrophies, we dull inwardly. Love, or at least affection, creates the feeling of security, which can reduce stress-causing fears. That's why we should actively strive.


    To have joy to old age requires to achieve meaningful goals that you have set yourself. The necessary health for this requires the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions, for which the cell metabolism is responsible. All cells are in a composite – the organism to which they serve with intelligent functional processes. These are coordinated via the consciousness from the brain. Congenital or acquired disorders of information transmission can be detected and treated by special examination methods. Perception and a well-developed sense of body improve the collective experience of Spirit and body. It is determined by the motivation.

    2. Frustration and futility

    Unfortunately, not all people can say that they are happy with their work and enjoy it. This is not only due to the nature of the activity, but above all to the inner attitude. To see futility in the work on an assembly line would be unjust. Without the work of every single employee on the assembly line, the end product could never arise! Anyone who sees himself as an irreplaceable cog in the big gear of such a company has understood the meaning and can enjoy it. The same applies figuratively to all other activities, including ironing or vacuuming. The result counts! Without these order creating works, we neglect our surroundings and ultimately ourselves. How could we welcome friends and acquaintances in a dirty apartment and with not-ironed clothing? Immediately our relationship skills would suffer.

    a. Sense and meaning

    There is a purpose behind everything. It is up to us to understand it, or even actively assign meaning to things and activities. We shape our lives ourselves, always and without exception, by giving sense and meaning to events and occurrences. For this reason, every person leads a very individual life according to his inclinations and preferences. Each of us is a unique individual!

    Therefore, neither lifestyle recommendations nor nutritional advice or diets can be generalized. Everyone needs what suits them. Not even diseases can be compared. Each has its history and produces its own symptoms. Each patient therefore needs his or her own individual, tailored treatment. Unfortunately, this is currently not considered in traditional medicine. On the contrary, all disease groups are uniformly treated according to guide (suffer)lines. What the one uses, could hurt another, however!

    It is indispensable to think about your own constitution as early in life as possible in order to find out which type you are and what you need in life or should leave.

    b. Appreciation

    Values hardly count anymore in our fun society. What was once sacred is now being dragged into the dirt. This includes dignity and respect for the other as well as decency. For example, today it is in to omit academic titles in disregard of any appreciation.

    Everyone should decide for themselves whether they follow these trends or prefer to build their own little empire with values that they can appreciate and that give them a personality structure. This includes the strict observance of the law of life no.1 of giving and giving back. Only when both poles are balanced, there is justice.

    Stinginess is awesome! was probably the worst advertisement, with which this law was broken permanently. If you do not want to give much you will not get much (or just scrap). The former Bavarian Minister of Agriculture Schnappauf brought it once in the context of a rotten meat scandal on the point: Who pays for dog food, gets dog food!

    However, those who generously give from the outset will reap their fair pay, either immediately or later. That is a cosmic law. It applies to all areas of life.

    There is another rule that will outlive all generations because it is also a law: Do not harm anyone; it falls back on you. He who sows good, will reap good means the same, only in positive execution. Everyone gets what they deserve actually shows the experience. Those who actually believe that they will gain a better life through lies and fraud will be deceived themselves. Unfortunately, this realization often comes too late or never for many people.

    But there is something else that deserves respect and appreciation: our organism!

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