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Downward Facing Dreamboat
Downward Facing Dreamboat
Downward Facing Dreamboat
Ebook91 pages2 hours

Downward Facing Dreamboat

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Love is trying to catch up to two lonely men. Can they stop long enough to let it?

Running defines Kincaid’s life. It’s not until he loses it that he realizes how isolated he’s become. But even if an injury hadn’t forced him to slow down, the hottie in the yoga studio would have given him pause. In fact, admiring the man each morning is the only thing keeping the spring in his step when it feels like he’s lost everything.

Owen’s busy life as a yoga instructor doesn’t leave him much time to meet guys, let alone date. He’s convinced his passion for helping people is worth the sacrifice, but he’s willing to spare a few moments for the cutie who walks past the studio every morning.

When their lives intersect and romance is set in motion, they stumble off the starting block. But no matter the obstacles in their path, this race won’t be over until they reach the finish… together.

Release dateDec 13, 2019
Downward Facing Dreamboat

Bru Baker

Bru Baker a eu un avant-goût de la vie comme écrivain à l’âge de quatre ans, quand elle a commencé à publier un journal hebdomadaire pour sa famille. Ce qu’ils appelaient de la curiosité, elle l’appelait avoir du nez pour les informations, et personne n’a été surpris quand elle s’est retrouvée avec des diplômes en journalisme et en science politique, et a commencé une carrière dans le journalisme. Bru a passé plus d’une décennie à écrire pour les journaux avant de sauter le pas vers la fiction. Elle travaille désormais comme référence et conseillère des lecteurs dans une bibliothèque du Midwest, bien qu’elle trouve toujours ça difficile de croire que quelqu’un soit prêt à la payer pour parler de livres toute la journée. Souvent, le soir, on peut la trouver pelotonnée avec un livre ou son ordinateur portable. Que ce soit pour créer ses propres personnages ou immergée avec ceux de quelqu’un d’autre, on ne peut nier que Bru est plus heureuse quand elle est captivée par une histoire. Son mari et elle ont deux enfants, ce qui signifie que nombre de ses livres sont écrits sur la touche de différents entraînements sportifs.

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    Book preview

    Downward Facing Dreamboat - Bru Baker

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Namaste

    Chapter Two: Tadasana – Mountain Pose

    Chapter Three: Abhaya Hridaya Mudra – Fearless Heart Seal

    Chapter Four: Mayurasana – Peacock Pose

    Chapter Five: Anahatasana – Melting Heart Pose

    More from Bru Baker

    About the Author

    By Bru Baker

    Visit Dreamspinner Press


    Downward Facing Dreamboat

    By Bru Baker

    Love is trying to catch up to two lonely men. Can they stop long enough to let it?

    Running defines Kincaid’s life. It’s not until he loses it that he realizes how isolated he’s become. But even if an injury hadn’t forced him to slow down, the hottie in the yoga studio would have given him pause. In fact, admiring the man each morning is the only thing keeping the spring in his step when it feels like he’s lost everything.

    Owen’s busy life as a yoga instructor doesn’t leave him much time to meet guys, let alone date. He’s convinced his passion for helping people is worth the sacrifice, but he’s willing to spare a few moments for the cutie who walks past the studio every morning.

    When their lives intersect and romance is set in motion, they stumble off the starting block. But no matter the obstacles in their path, this race won’t be over until they reach the finish… together.

    Chapter One: Namaste

    YOU CAN’T say savasana without the shhh! Please enter and leave the studio quietly.

    Kincaid stared at the sign taped to the door. There was a ridiculous cartoon of a llama doing yoga on it, one hoof held up to its lips to signal for quiet.

    This was a terrible idea.

    He could count everything he knew about yoga on one hand, and that knowledge didn’t include how the hell the shhh sound was in the word savasana.

    The entire yoga studio was glass fronted, but the bank of heavy red drapes had been drawn, making it impossible for him to see through. The inside of the door was covered by a beaded curtain, and he could see through them just enough to confirm no one was seated at the tiny desk inside the small foyer.

    He’d never been inside the studio, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t intimately acquainted with the layout. For starters, it was hard to hide anything behind floor-to-ceiling windows. When the curtains were open, he could see the length of the place, from the glossy wood floors to the mirrors that fully covered the back wall. The desk up front was big enough to hold a tablet and a plant stand, and next to it sat a water cooler with a cartoon of a dog doing a yoga pose above the words After you sink, drink!

    It was a bizarre place. The only parts he couldn’t easily see from the street were a couple of spaces hidden by more of the beaded curtains. He assumed there was an office or something back there. And maybe changing rooms or storage. He didn’t know what you needed for yoga.

    Kincaid liked to think of himself as open-minded, but yoga wasn’t really on his radar as a viable form of exercise. The real reason he knew the interior layout of the place was because he peeked in every morning, hoping for a look at the dreamboat of an instructor who was more flexible than any man Kincaid had ever seen.

    The drapes were always closed during classes, but when the instructor was alone, they were usually open. And if Kincaid had started going in to work thirty minutes early because he’d discovered that was when the guy warmed up before his 7:30 a.m. class, well, who was the wiser?

    Kincaid backed up, taking a few steps away from the door. There was obviously a class in session, and he didn’t want to interrupt. The note from his orthopedist crumpled slightly as he shoved it back into his pocket. He could stop by tomorrow or maybe call from the office. Another day wouldn’t hurt, would it?

    Kincaid gritted his teeth as his first step put weight on his ankle, and he tried not to limp as he made his way down the sidewalk. He’d always been able to power through pain when he was running. It worked for blisters and sore muscles, but not so much for stress fractures. To be fair, Kincaid hadn’t realized that’s what the shooting pain in his ankle was. He’d figured it was a mild sprain from coming down on it wrong on one of his long marathon training runs.

    He’d forced himself to run despite the pain even when it worsened, but it didn’t get better like his injuries usually did if he pushed through. It got worse. A lot worse. If he’d listened to his body a few weeks ago and eased off on his training, he probably wouldn’t be suffering through a severe stress fracture that threatened to derail his running future permanently.

    Hey, did you need something?

    Kincaid started and spun toward the voice, wincing when it tweaked his ankle. Pain lanced up his leg, the sharp waves making his stomach lurch. The walking boot could only help so much. Mostly it was a physical reminder that Kincaid needed to take it easy. Not that it had been working very well for him. He wasn’t used to having to take things slow, and it was killing him.

    Kincaid started again when he realized the man who’d spoken to him was the yoga instructor. His dreamboat. Kincaid tried to smile, but the look of concern on the man’s face told him he hadn’t quite succeeded.

    The man took a step forward, his arms out like he was ready to catch Kincaid if he fell. It was enough to tempt Kincaid to swoon on purpose.

    Are you all right?

    Kincaid cleared his throat and hobbled back to the studio’s door. He’d fantasized about meeting his dreamboat plenty of times, but none of them started with him accessorizing his outfit with a clunky walking boot or nearly falling over from embarrassment when the guy greeted him.

    He could rally.

    "I’m fine. I didn’t mean to interrupt your class. I was just looking at you. I mean, not looking at you. Looking for you. Or someone who could give information about getting registered."

    So much for rallying and making a good second impression. Kincaid wondered if he should cut his losses and hobble away. He could find a new route to work. Maybe take the bus that was

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