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Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1
Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1
Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1

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Scarlett Oliver's life hasn't always been easy. Though many believe it has... The lyrics in her songs come from her soul and the music that accompanies them from the world around her. Both help her to get through some of the toughest times in her life. When she was eighteen, she planned to marry her true love--until he abandoned her at the alter and ran away with her best friend. She threw herself into her music and built a career most would envy. Everything seems all right until the only man she loved returns and his very presence might destroy her carefully crafted facade. 
Jensen "JD" Drake has always loved Scarlett. His one regret was leaving her behind to pursue his own dreams. He allowed her to believe he cheated on her so it would be easier for him to leave, but no woman has ever held his heart the way she has. Now a starting catcher for the Sparkle City Suns, he's come home and he intends to stake a claim on her heart once again. It won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. 
Through all the heartache Scarlett never stopped loving JD, but she doubts she can ever trust him again. There is too many years, and uncertainty, between them to go back. Just when she starts to hope, something else threatens to destroy her and she'll need JD more than ever. Healing old wounds might be the salve Scarlett needs to find the strength to survive the upcoming agony awaiting her.

Release dateNov 12, 2019
Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1

Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:

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    Book preview

    Diamonds Don't Cry - Dawn Brower

    Diamonds Don’t Cry

    Diamonds Don’t Cry

    Diamonds Don’t Cry

    Sparkle City Book One

    Dawn Brower

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Diamonds Don’t Cry Copyright © 2019 by Dawn Brower

    All rights reserved.

    Cover Art and Edits by Victoria Miller

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    For my mom…every day I wish you were here and I never stop missing you.

    Sometimes falling apart is the bravest act of all.

    Sarah Hackley


    Thanks to those that helped me polish this book. Elizabeth you’re my number one. You’re the best ever. Also thanks once again to my awesome editor and cover artist, Victoria Miller. You make me a better writer and without you I might not be where I am today.


    Diamonds Don’t Cry


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    Diamonds Don’t Cry


    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower

    Excerpt: A Satyr for Christmas

    Rebekah Lewis

    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: One Man Band

    Shea Brighton

    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: One Heart to Give

    Dawn Brower


    Diamonds Don’t Cry


    Scarlett Oliver raised her face toward the sky. She closed her eyes and basked in the sunshine. Whispers on the wind filled her ears, forming a gentle melody in her mind. She hummed the tune out of habit until it was committed to memory. Later, she’d put it down on paper so she could go back to it whenever the mood happened to strike. Music was how the world spoke to her, and she in turn responded.

    Don’t you have some place you need to be?

    Her eyelids fluttered open, and she met her little half-sister Faith Pen’s gaze. Her inky black hair was cut in a pixie style that framed her face, and her olive green eyes nearly twinkled with mischief. Faith had the appearance of a dark Tinkerbell. She was short and tiny in every possible way. Almost everyone towered over her. Even Faith’s fraternal twin sister, Ashlyn, was taller than her. Where Faith had dark hair, Ashlyn’s was light Auburn, but they had the same shade of eyes.

    Scarlett smiled softly. Is this your way of telling me I’m keeping everyone waiting?

    You’re supposed to be getting ready. You’re going to ruin your makeup and hair sitting out here. Faith ran her hand lightly over the elaborate hairstyle Scarlett’s strawberry blonde hair had been pinned into. These gold and diamond pins look so pretty in your hair. Come inside before you regret coming out here. Do you really want to be that type of bride? You know, the one that shows up late to her own wedding.

    It was her wedding day. She was going to marry the man she’d loved forever. They probably should wait, but it didn’t seem right. When JD had proposed, she’d said yes without taking a moment to think about it. Being his wife was one of her biggest dreams, and in a short time, it would finally happen. Excitement mixed with nervousness filled her. Butterflies danced in her stomach, and her heart beat faster as she thought about the moment they would say their vows.

    If you insist, Scarlett said lightly. I suppose I’ll go stuff myself into that big fluffy dress Mama insisted would be perfect.

    You never should have let her browbeat you into that. It’s your day, and you should have picked a dress that is perfect for you. Faith had said this several times to her already. Scarlett wanted everyone to be happy, and it was just a dress. The important thing was that, at the end of the day, she’d be Mrs. Jensen Drake and JD would always love her.

    It could be worse, she said and shrugged. When you find the man of your dreams and plan your wedding, you can stand your ground. It’s not that important to me. Scarlett had never focused on material things. The people in her life were far more essential to her than any superficial items. If it made her mother happy to pick out her dress, then it made Scarlett happy too.

    Come on, Faith said and gestured toward the church. You don’t want JD to see you before the wedding. It’s bad luck.

    Faith wrapped her arm around Scarlett’s shoulders and they walked back into the church. They went right to the room that had been assigned to Scarlett to prepare for the wedding. The groom and the other men were to arrive later when it was closer to the time for the ceremony. She glanced at a nearby clock and frowned. Her gut tightened as fear started to fill her. Actually… They should be arriving soon. Was there something wrong? Should she be worried? I really was out there longer than I should have been.

    I tried to tell you, Faith chastised. Let’s get you into this dress so your wedding starts on time.

    Where is Shayla? She scanned the room. Shayla was Scarlett’s best friend and her maid of honor. Why didn’t she come out to find me?

    She wasn’t in here when I arrived, her sister said. But you know Shayla. She probably found something more interesting to occupy her time.

    That was her sister’s way of saying Shayla was flighty. Her best friend came through when it counted. She wasn’t worried. Her friend would be there to stand up with her while Scarlett married JD. She’ll be here. Can you stand in for her and finish helping me? She turned to meet Faith’s gaze. Pretty please?

    Of course, I’ll help you. Isn’t that what I’ve been doing all along? Faith went over to the other end of the room and picked up a garment bag. She carried the black bag over to Scarlett and hung it on a nearby hook, then unzipped it, revealing a magnificent textured white organza dress with a draped bodice and an asymmetrical skirt with a split-front overlay. Scarlett hoped it made her mother happy she’d agreed to wear it. The dress was a little too ostentatious in her opinion. I suppose it is a little pretty, Faith said, but her tone suggested she didn’t actually believe her words.

    Some people will probably like it. Scarlett stood and quickly hugged her sister. Is Ashlyn going to come today? She’d always been closer to Faith than Ashlyn. They had similar interests, and Ashlyn’s brain drove her to study and put all her energy into school. At the rate she was going, she’d graduate high school soon and then be in college before Scarlett decided what she wanted to do with her life. She’d mumbled something about an important exam and the wedding not really happening so why waste her time going. It had hurt Scarlett’s feelings, but she shrugged it off. That was Ashlyn…

    She also didn’t want to really believe her words. Ashlyn’s ability allowed her to see things others didn’t. Where Scarlett had clairaudient abilities that helped with her music, Ashlyn had minor premonitions and a photographic memory. Faith had a psychometric ability and could read auras. That made her not want to get close to many people. Their psychic abilities were passed down through her mother’s side of the family.

    Faith pulled the dress out and kept her back to Scarlett. Ashlyn isn’t going to attend. She doesn’t believe that the wedding will take place.

    Scarlett froze. She’s still saying that? Her earlier fear expanded into dread. She hadn’t wanted to listen to her sister’s premonitions. Scarlett wanted to believe that nothing would interrupt her special day. She still did…

    She had one of her visions, Faith said. They don’t always come true. The words spilled out of her mouth quickly. You can’t let her make you doubt anything. JD loves you.

    He did, and she wouldn’t let Ashlyn ruin her big day. She let out the breath she’d been holding. It might seem like she and JD were rushing into the wedding, but she believed they were making the right decision. They’d go off to college together, and then one day return to Sparkle City. They’d build an amazing life together. I think it is time to get into my dress. She undressed and stood in the room in her bra and panties, then turned to her sister. Scarlett wouldn’t dwell on Ashlyn’s absence either. Her sister was stubborn. They all were actually, but Scarlett would never have skipped her sister’s wedding. It hurt more than she would admit that Ashlyn had decided to stay home. Even if her vision had come true, which it wouldn’t, Ashlyn should have come to support her. She would need her sisters either way—good or bad. This was a special day for her.

    Faith smiled and held it out to her. Scarlett took it from her and stepped into it. Once it was pulled all the way up, Faith zipped it to the top. The dress fit her perfectly, and she even felt a little pretty wearing it. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. It was really happening. In less than an hour, she’d be standing in front of the pastor and would marry the man she loved.

    The dress does look nice on you, Faith said. Perhaps Mother knows more than we give her credit for.

    Perhaps, Scarlett said. It’s not what I’d have picked for myself. It was a lovely and expensive gown. Let’s not tell Mother she has good taste though. It might give her ideas. Their mother, Enid Oliver-Penn, could be…stubborn. Once she got an idea she refused to let it go without a fight.

    It’ll be our secret, Faith said softly. Are you ready for this?

    I’ve never been more ready for anything.

    A knock echoed through the room. It must be time to start. Faith walked over to the door and opened it. A man with chestnut hair and golden eyes wearing a dark suit stood on the other side. Harrison Thoreau—JD’s best friend. I need to speak to Scarlett, he said softly. What was he doing there? Shouldn’t he be with JD, preparing for the wedding?

    Faith frowned and then opened the door wider to allow Harrison to enter. Scarlett was dressed, so there was no reason to make him stand outside. He shoved his hands into his pockets and didn’t meet her gaze.

    You came to talk to me, Scarlett said. What did you need to say?

    She had a really bad feeling she wasn’t going to like it, but she also needed to hear it at the same time. Scarlett took a deep breath and prepared herself for his words. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and then reached inside of his jacket. He pulled out an envelope and presented it to her. This is for you.

    She lifted a brow. What is it?

    Open it, he said. Harrison averted his gaze. It’s not for me to say…

    Scarlett stepped closer to retrieve the envelope, but Faith stepped in front of her. She snatched the envelope from Harrison and inhaled sharply. Don’t open this, she told Scarlett. You don’t want to read what is in there.

    Damn Faith and her psychometric ability. It had to be horrible if

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