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The Power of Love
The Power of Love
The Power of Love
Ebook53 pages38 minutes

The Power of Love

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When Elaine Donovan discovers she's pregnant, she hesitates telling her husband, Ethan. They're newlyweds and plan to wait until they're ready to start a family. Ethan surprises her by accepting early parenthood, embracing the idea more fully than either of them expects.

When they receive bad news after a prenatal exam, both must face that their charmed lives are about to come crashing down around them.

Do Christmas wishes really come true? Elaine is staking her life on it!

Release dateOct 30, 2019
The Power of Love

Kemberlee Shortland

Kemberlee is a native Northern Californian who was raised in a community known as Steinbeck Country, home to authors John Steinbeck, Jack London, Robert Campbell, Robert Louis Stevenson, George Sterling, Robinson Jeffers, Mary Austin... just to name a few. With so much influence around her, it’s not hard to see why she fell in love with the printed word.In 1997, Kemberlee couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend six months in Ireland, where she met a man who eventually became her husband. Upon permanently relocating to Ireland, Kemberlee established an Irish travel consultancy, building a reputation as one of Ireland's foremost Irish travel experts.Kemberlee has had the opportunity to study Ireland's history and culture first hand, and has even picked up a cúpla focal . . . a few Irish words. Because of her knowledge of Ireland, she has had the privilege of working with some of the romance industry’s top authors who’ve set their stories in Ireland, including Deb Stover for "Mulligan Stew" and "Mulligan Magic."Over the years, Kemberlee’s love of Ireland has inspired a number of Irish set stories, including A Piece of My Heart, Kemberlee’s first published novel, and short stories Moondance and The Power of Love. Other short stories include Tutti-Frutti Blues and Dude Looks Like A Lady, both set in Kemberlee's hometown of Carmel-by-the-Sea. All of these stories are published through Highland Press. See Kemberlee's website for order information.Kemberlee loves hearing from her readers, so stop by her website and drop her an email.

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    Book preview

    The Power of Love - Kemberlee Shortland

    When Elaine Donovan discovers she's pregnant, she hesitates telling her husband, Ethan. They're newlyweds and plan to wait until they're ready to start a family. Ethan surprises her by accepting early parenthood, embracing the idea more fully than either of them expects.

    When they receive bad news after a prenatal exam, both must face that their charmed lives are about to come crashing down around them.

    Do Christmas wishes really come true? Elaine is staking her life on it!


    Kemberlee Shortland

    Published by Tirgearr Publishing

    Author Copyright 2019 Kemberlee Shortland

    Editor: Amanda Stephanie

    Cover Art: Cora Graphics –

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not given to you for the purpose of review, then please log into the publisher’s website and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting our author’s hard work.

    This story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



    Publishers and authors are always happy to exchange their book for an honest review. If you have obtained a copy of this book without purchase or from the publisher or author, please consider sending a review to the author or publisher, as reviews help authors market their work more effectively. Thank you.

    Always for Peter


    Kemberlee Shortland

    Limerick City, Ireland—June

    The best feeling in the world had to be lying in a lover’s arms, completely exhausted after a night of lovemaking, totally and absolutely sated.

    Elaine went with Ethan as he fell back onto the mattress and snuggled close to him, weaving her legs with his and grinning at how his leg hairs tickled her.

    The warm, masculine scent of his body—the lingering hint of his cologne, the smell of his skin damp with fine perspiration, the heady aroma of sex—permeated her senses and made that place deep inside her long for him once more.

    In a word, he smelled delicious. So much so, she had practically gobbled him up over the last several hours. Perhaps she would again, she thought, trailing her fingertips across the ridges of his broad chest and boldly circling his nipples.

    His strong hand grasped hers and brought it to lips framed with dark stubble, kissing the backs of her fingers. Please, love. I can barely move.

    Elaine glanced down the solid length of him to the twitch beneath the sheet just covering his hips. Could have fooled me.

    Leaning over, he propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at her. He nestled her head in the crook of his arm.

    "Isn’t it enough you kept me up all night,"

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