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My Enemy Lover
My Enemy Lover
My Enemy Lover
Ebook104 pages1 hour

My Enemy Lover

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About this ebook

All's fair in love and war… So they're breaking all the rules.

I thought I knew who I was and who I could trust.
Then my world imploded.
Now I'm fighting for Cavanagh Cottage—the key to secrets of my past.
But a billionaire bad-boy wants it for himself, and he always plays to win.
He's my enemy, and seduction is his weapon of choice.
When lust turns to love, we've broken all the rules.
But will he break my heart?

An enemies-to-lovers billionaire romance, with a guaranteed happy-ever-after ending.

Release dateMar 14, 2019
My Enemy Lover

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    My Enemy Lover - Jen Katemi



    Things are rarely what they seem, Eve Perroni. Your road to happiness will be arduous and there is no guarantee. None at all.

    Eve struggled not to roll her eyes. Please. Such a broad and innocuous prophecy could apply to anyone or anything. What had she been thinking, to enter this fortune-teller’s tent when her logical, research assistant’s mind screamed fake carnival trickster? Yet there was something about the colorful scarves draped at the entrance that had caught and held her attention. She’d found herself escaping the morning sun into Rasa’s Den, a place full of mysterious color and reflection.

    Melbourne was living up to its reputation for four seasons in one day. The autumn weather was making a last-ditch attempt at warmth before sinking into the grasping clutches of winter. Outside, the noise of the crowds was almost overwhelming. It seemed like every local in the region had taken advantage of the fickle sunshine but, inside, it was as if she’d crossed into another realm. An Aladdin’s cave filled with secrets and quiet purpose.

    I don’t believe in magic, she warned, wanting this Rasa woman to understand that she wasn’t just some punter who’d be taken in by any old mumbo jumbo. Her gaze darted around the tent, unable to settle. Tarot? Yep. A deck of cards was parked on a trestle bench along the side. Obligatory crystal ball? Check. Right there on the linen-covered table between them.

    She raised a brow, trying for a calm that remained elusive. Why am I here? A last stroll along the banks of the Yarra River near her home in Warrandyte was supposed to be a temporary good bye and the chance to relive a few happy childhood memories. She’d forgotten the monthly fair would be in full force this weekend. Go on then. She ducked her chin toward the crystal ball. What does it show?

    The dark-haired woman seated in front of her smiled gently, her eyes liquid pools of silver. Looks like she’s wearing a set of those colored contact lenses. They do make her seem kind of otherworldly. The crystal shows many things, Eve, but ultimately it depends on you, and your choices, as to what actually comes to pass.

    The jaunty music from a small carousel and the noise of the crowds outside faded, until silence pervaded the tent. It was almost like a presence in its own right, pressing in from every direction, containing restlessness and willing her to find calm. Surprising how loud silence can be. The air was warm and still in this dimly lit oasis, and for the first time in months the tension in Eve’s muscles began to ease. She took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then let it out slowly between her teeth.

    Rasa nodded as if in encouragement. That’s good, Eve. Let it go. And listen carefully. The fortune teller leaned forward, studying the ball in front of her, and for a moment it seemed as if the crystal were lit with an eerie silver light. Just like Rasa’s eyes. A quick blink and it was again just a piece of rounded glass.

    There is a fork ahead, and if you choose wrongly... The carnival woman shook back her hair, which shone ebony in the lantern-light hanging above their heads. Your journey to truth will be painful. You will only discover your heart’s true destiny when you find your family.

    A shiver traversed Eve’s skin. She wanted to laugh at the ridiculous words, but there was something in the air that choked the laugh even as it bubbled up her throat. Something eerie. Inhuman. Calm down. It’s just a carnival fortune. Means nothing. And yet...

    The property brochure was safely tucked in the depths of her purse. She glanced down and saw that her bag was still zipped. Nothing to indicate that she was headed for Winter Valley more than a hundred and fifty miles away. Nothing to show that family life as she knew it had disintegrated into a million tiny pieces when her mother passed away five months ago. How could she know anything about my search for family?

    She attempted a light laugh, but the sympathetic look in Rasa’s eyes told her she hadn’t quite pulled it off. Who was this strange woman who seemed to understand so much? Look, Rasa, she began. I’m not really sure how you’re doing this, but—

    It’s all in the scrying, Eve. It’s what I do. The woman let out a tiny chuckle and stroked the crystal in front of her. It’s magic, whether you believe in it or not. Now, would you like to find out if that book you’re planning to write about your outlaw ancestor will be a bestseller, or whether children are in your future, or—

    "No! That’s okay." She jumped to her feet so fast she almost tripped. No way had Rasa mentioned the Cavanagh outlaw. It must be her mind playing tricks. All that coffee and adrenaline she’d been living on lately, coupled with not enough sleep., thank you, but I need to—

    "Wait. The command reverberated through the tent and stopped Eve in her tracks. True love is waiting, if you want it. But you must let Ky in, or you will never find your destiny."

    Ky? I don’t know any—

    You will. Now it’s time for you to leave. A frown line appeared between Rasa’s brows. Please remember what I said, Eve. Let him in. And don’t dwell so much on the past that it stifles your chance for the future.

    Let him in. Without knowing how, Eve found herself outside the tent, blinking in the sunshine. This time tomorrow she’d be in Winter Valley, trying to connect with her past. If Rasa was correct, a man named Ky would be waiting there to sweep her off her feet. Well, if he waits till after the auction, when I’ve bought Cavanagh Cottage, then he can do whatever he wants to me.

    It had been a while since she’d thought about being with a man. The burst of anticipation that zipped through her veins was unexpected but heady and she grinned, her first real smile in ages. Ky. Who are you? Do you even exist?

    What if there was truth to the idea that people really could look into a crystal ball, or play with a deck of cards to find out what was coming? What if... Oh, stop! She snorted at her own stupidity and headed off toward the fairy floss stand. Spun sugar. Perhaps a last minute taste of the familiar childhood treat might give her enough courage to face this crazy carnival ride toward the future.



    Kyan Ransom was stone-cold sober and yet it felt like he’d had too much to drink the night before. Nausea threatened and there was a faint tremor in his hands that annoyed him. He clenched his fists. There was no time to deal with such weakness, so he swallowed down the queasy feeling. Must be the stress of the past year. It was finally getting to him, but the end was so close he could almost taste it. One measly little auction, which I’m guaranteed to win, and it’s done. Promise fulfilled, and I can get back to my own life and start living it once again. Where is the damn auctioneer?

    He took a deep breath and scanned the crowd with practiced eyes. There were twenty or so people milling around the grounds of Cavanagh Cottage, but he was willing to bet that most of them were only here out of curiosity, not because they had any interest in purchasing the property. One grey-haired man standing several meters away from the others was clearly ready to bid, but Ky could already tell that he wasn’t fully committed to the process. There was something in the man’s stance—he was here as an opportunist rather than a serious contender. Ky relaxed. He’ll be easy to take.

    There was no one else who could pose a threat, except

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