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Asshole Husband
Asshole Husband
Asshole Husband
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Asshole Husband

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Five years ago, Wolfe Montgomery made a mistake. His young wife learned the truth of how he’d lied and manipulated her to get what he wanted. She left him—and he didn’t chase after her. Now she is back, demanding a divorce. Gone is his sweet, placid wife, and in her place is a woman fighting for her freedom from his name.

He won’t give it to her. She will remain his wife.

Rachel fell in love hard, but learning that the Wolfe she knew was a lie broke her. They share a son, but she hasn’t seen her husband since that fateful night. Only now, to finally get free, she has to face him.

Wolfe won’t take no for an answer. He’s determined to win her back.

Five years is a long time to be apart. Rachel had hoped she didn’t love him anymore. She should hate him. He lied to her. She fell hard for him, and now with him back in her life, it’s next to impossible to deny him, especially when it is what she wants as well.

Release dateOct 25, 2019
Asshole Husband

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I like how rachel is not an easy woman s

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Asshole Husband - Sam Crescent

Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

ISBN: 978-0-3695-0079-3

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Sam Crescent

Copyright © 2019


Rachel Parker, no, Rachel Montgomery smiled as she stared up at the ring. She couldn’t believe she was married. Yesterday had been the best day of her life. One she would never forget. Her husband, Wolfe Montgomery, was ten years her senior, but he’d been so kind, gentle, sweet, and tender.

She’d come to his bed a virgin last night, and now, she was … a woman.

It was so strange to be a married woman. It wasn’t yet morning, but the bed was empty. She put her hand out to touch where Wolfe should have been, but the sheets were cold. He must have left the room a while ago, but she’d not even felt him leave. She’d been so exhausted.

Getting to her feet, she wrapped the blanket around herself, until she spotted a robe. She tied the belt, covering her naked body and untucking her hair from the back of the robe. She opened the bedroom door and began to make her way downstairs toward the kitchen. Wolfe had been persistent in the reception being held in his home. He had a large, lavish home, more of a mansion than a house, but she didn’t mind. Her parents came from wealth that had been passed down by her grandparents. She had grown up with everything a young woman could ask for, apart from the one thing she always wanted, love.

It was a rather silly, naive notion of what she always wanted. Her two older sisters often teased her about what she wanted out of life and how ridiculous and childish it sounded. Love wasn’t accepted in their world. They married for money and power.

She’d defied the odds and married for love.

Wolfe was everything.

She couldn’t wait to start a family with him, and they had talked about doing so immediately so she hadn’t been taking her pill, nor had he worn a condom last night.

Thinking about last night made her ache. She wanted him again.

Walking downstairs, she marveled at how quiet his house was. She lived in a much older house with creaking staircases that made it impossible to go anywhere without someone noticing.

She saw a light coming from Wolfe’s office. When he gave her the tour a couple of weeks ago, he’d asked her not to just barge in, to always knock and wait as he often dealt with important business calls and didn’t wish to be distracted.

Stepping up to the room she was about to do that even though the door was partially ajar when she didn’t just hear her husband; no, another man.

So, you’ve got the fortune you’ve been after and a wife out of it. Whatever next? the man asked.

I’ll keep Rachel happy. It’s not hard to do. Feed her a couple of lines and she’s like a fucking puppy dog in my hand.

Rachel tensed. Wolfe sounded so … stern, angry, aggressive.

She frowned. In the past six months she’d never heard him speak like that before.

Wow, tell me, Wolfe, do you love your wife or was this all about the money?

The door was open enough to allow her to see Wolfe. He was leaning against his desk, and he wore a suit. His shirtsleeves were rolled up as he gripped the edge of the desk.

Parker should have known not to mess with me. I told him the best way of securing his business venture was to give me a place on his board, and a percentage of his company. Denying me what I deserve, he should have known I’d find other methods. Marrying his daughter, well, it just got me closer to what I require.

Rachel couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

The oldest daughter is a slut. The middle one, she’s too … aware. Rachel, the youngest, well, she was the easiest target. All I had to do was say a few nice things and I had her. She even thought our meetings were fate, not carefully crafted by me just so I could make her fall in love with me.

I’ve got to say, Wolfe, I know you’re a monster in the boardroom, but marrying to get what you want, I was shocked.

Please, you’ve known me for years. Besides, business will take me away a lot of the time, and I can have my fun then. She was such a fucking sensitive virgin. Wolfe groaned. Anyway, she’ll do as she’s told, and we’ll all be happy.

Do you love her? the man asked.

No. Why would I love her? She’s a means to an end.

Rachel had heard enough. Stepping away from the door, she rushed back up to their bedroom.

Closing the door, she leaned against it, her heart racing.

What the hell?

He didn’t love her?

The man she’d known for the past six months would never treat her like that. She couldn’t believe it. He’d never said a curse word in front of her, and the way he talked just now, that wasn’t the man she knew.

All of this was a lie?

Grabbing her cell phone, she quickly dialed her sister, Mary.

Hello, Mary said, groggily.

It was all a lie, wasn’t it? That’s what you tried to warn me about?


Don’t try to spare my feelings. I heard him. I heard Wolfe. The tears were falling now, and she swiped them away, wanting to not cry, to at least appear strong.

Oh, honey.

Don’t do that. I’m twenty years old. You don’t need to treat me with kid gloves. Just tell me the truth, she said. Did you know?

Mary sighed on the other end. I knew he wasn’t all that he’d seemed. I first met him at a party. He wasn’t a nice guy then, and he isn’t one now. I did try to warn you.

But I didn’t listen. Have you ever … slept with him?

No. Like I said, I like my men to be less mean. Wolfe, he’s not a nice guy, but he seemed to make you happy and you wouldn’t listen. I wasn’t going to take that away from you.

Rachel sniffled. I made a big mistake.

Did he fuck you?


Come on, you’ve been prudish for a long time. It doesn’t get you anywhere. You’ve got to wake up and realize the world is all about the sex and fucking. You’re being delusional if you think it is anything else. I’m trying to help you, Mary said.


Then an annulment is out of the question. You’re going to have to divorce him.

Rachel put a hand to her chest, hating the very word. She didn’t want to get an annulment or end her marriage.

Not after less than twenty-four hours.

Even after hearing all she had, she still loved him.

Wolfe had lied about his feelings, but she hadn’t. Hers were real, which made the pain of his betrayal even worse.

She sniffled. I’ve got to leave. He’s with someone in his office. Can you come and pick me up? Please? I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you.

You’re my sister. I love you. Of course I’ll come and pick you up. Be ready in half an hour. I’ll be there.

Hanging up the phone, Rachel rushed toward the closet. She found her bag there. All of her clothes had already been taken out of it. While she’d been waiting for Wolfe to appear, she’d felt so happy seeing her clothes beside his.

She couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been.

Removing her robe, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt. Her parents had been wealthy, but she’d always been the down to earth sister who hadn’t been drawn into the latest fashion trends.

Much to her parents’ amusement, she loved to sew and create. She didn’t do fashion, but she did make her own clothes.

Wolfe had said it was a charming hobby.

Now, she couldn’t believe a word that had ever been said. He’d told her he loved her, how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. The three kids he wanted? It had all been lies.

Manipulations to get her to be with him, not because he had to have her, but to take her inheritance and what came with her small fortune.

Throwing the bag to the bed, she grabbed most of her clothes, and as she was stuffing the last few items, Wolfe walked into the bedroom.

He’d rolled down his sleeves, hiding the ink he’d told her was a dare he’d been given in college to get.

Probably lies too.

The man she’d glimpsed wasn’t her Wolfe, and never would be.

What is going on? Are you excited about our honeymoon already? he asked.

He took a step toward her, and she moved back.

Wolfe paused. Rachel, what is going on? I don’t understand. You were perfectly content when I left you to get a drink.

She stared at him.

His voice was once again soft, and he spoke a little slower as well. Did he think she was so stupid she wouldn’t catch on?

Drop the act, she said.

Excuse me?

I was the easiest sister. Not the slut, or the one who’d question your motives. I was the easy target for you to get what you want.

She stared at him, and she saw the moment he realized she knew.

He took another step toward her.


Rachel, what you heard, it was all lies. You don’t know the truth.

"No, this right now, this is the lie. What you’re doing now, drop it. Drop the act. You don’t love me. You never have. She shook her head. You know, my parents warned me about men like you who’ll want to use me for what I’ve got. I never thought it would happen to me. I’m … me. I don’t stand out in a crowd. I don’t…" She shook her head, and went to her bag.

You don’t understand what was going on. I had to say those things because I don’t want anyone to know the truth. Where the fuck do you think you’re going? Wolfe asked.

Rachel stood up and

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