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Cara's Lesbian Seduction
Cara's Lesbian Seduction
Cara's Lesbian Seduction
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Cara's Lesbian Seduction

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Cara Lakeland is forced to give up her efforts to make her new lesbian roommate start dating boys. It is all Cara can do just to keep herself straight in such intimate proximity to her manipulative dominant dorm mate.

The lesbian freshman in question, Mindy Short, is more than just a hardcore lesbian who cannot be influenced by Cara's “good example”.

Mindy Short is an alpha female seductress. Mindy Short is the ultimate in “bad example” for Cara.

Instead of Cara effecting Mindy via her “good example” it soon becomes clear the true battle and contest of wills will be whether Cara will succumb to Mindy's trickery, seduction, exhibitionism, manipulation, and domination.

Mindy has begun to entwine Cara in strange commitments and unwise agreements, is calling her “pet”, compelling her to be nude all the time in their dorm room, and making her ask for permission to masturbate.

Now Mindy has a collar and leash for Cara! Will she let the mean lesbo put it on her heterosexual neck?

Mindy seeks to close the trap and seal the deal while Cara is worried about her own unexpected arousal and willingness to submit.

PublisherJordan Church
Release dateOct 20, 2019
Cara's Lesbian Seduction

Jordan Church

I write erotica. Sharing the inner thoughts and emotions of characters is the ultimate voyeurism.I am a big believer in plot and character development.I want the characters to be as real as possible. Character motivations drive the events and sexual activities.Sex scenes are detailed and graphic. I want to always give a perfect picture of exactly what is happening and why and how and how the characters feel physically and emotionally.I have two degrees and am dedicated to providing the highest quality erotica.Much appreciation for any and all feedback ( and customer reviews.If you’re curious about my chosen name, I can tell you how it came about. I was once an inanimate small Russian Orthodox church in Serafimovich in Volgograd Oblast. I was brought to life during a 3:00AM “witching hour” satanic rite conducted by a small cult that had never done much before and not much since. I am it’s lone claim to fame.Although I promptly refused the cultist’s demands that I storm through the town leaving a path of destruction (which seemed to surprise and upset them) I knew I would not be welcome in the world of mankind. Who wants a big (even a small church is big) moving church wondering around asking questions and raising even more questions?I left for the broad open plains in the surrounding areas. I usually stayed still during the day and wondered about at night assuaging my curiosities so as to cause the least alarm among the residents. The cultists did pursue me with great insistence and continued demands for me to be violent. They claimed I owed to to them for utilizing the souls of deceased Nazis from nearby Stalingrad in order to bring me to life.Despite the politeness of my refusals they eventually, the fourth night, took to throwing Molotov cocktails at me. Ever been set on fire? I’ll share this with you: not fun. I do not recommend it. Having newly mobile drain spouts and gutters and ready access to streams saved my hide. My shingles, too.This went on night after night and, let me tell you, it got old quick. Then... things got worse. The Angels showed up. The avenging kind. Revenge for what? Well, as they claim, I guess I am some kind of “abomination before God”. I really don’t get that “before God” part. Is it OK to be an abomination behind him?So, unlike the Molotov cocktail throwing cultists, these Avenging Angels utilized lightning bolts. But, just like flaming Molotov cocktails, those lightning bolts get old quick. Real quick.So, how am I still here to tell you about all this and how can I even type it? I will tell you.I’m really quite a lucky church even within bouts of bad luck. Just two months before the cultists animated me the priest of my church needed to replace the lightning rod on me. A rusty contraption poorly assembled and a hazard to the churchgoing folk.A normal average-sized lightning rod could never have absorbed those Avenging Angel lightning bolts. However, my priest was a proud priest and he wanted me to be taller than that other Orthodox Church on the Western edge of Serafimovich. By doggedly yelling at the congregation seven Sunday’s in a row he raised enough money to have the biggest lightning rod in all of Volgograd Oblast installed on me, thus bringing my height up an additional seventeen feet.So, I mostly absorbed those lightning bolts. Those Avenging Angels were very upset and I did feel bad for them but, hey, what choice, right?Some lightning bolts did get through when shot from near enough and at certain angles. Hurt bad! Note: Pain is one of the biggest drawbacks to being brought to life. I think we can all agree on that.One benefit of Avenging Angel’s lightning is poor aim. By accident this led to a sharp decrease in the population of cultists. The downside of Avenging Angels is that they don’t need to sleep and never give up. Don’t get bored. Don’t lose focus. Just keep coming.I didn’t sleep for like twenty-seven days and the whole time was so painful.Even my giant lightning rod was beginning to melt....The end was coming for me. A big conflagration. Then ashes. Then Hell, right? They weren’t going to destroy me and then take me up to Heaven were they? Elitists, that’s what they are!After twenty-seven days of this unfair lightning bolt abuse I was, by then, in Syria a bit North of the Sea of Galilee. I didn’t know where I was at the time, of course. I plunged into a river to escape or limit the bolts. I was so tired I thought I’d float and just sleep a while even if they were bolting me incessantly. I was that tired!I even thought if I was lucky I wouldn’t even wake up at all....I did fall asleep.I did wake up.I was on the shore on the West side of the river. I... wasn’t a church any more. I was... a Human? Still not completely sure if I am. Or what happened. Or where the Avenging Angels went. Or if they’re coming back after reloading on lightning bolts.Humans need names. Why? People always ask. Like, usually right away. Turned out that the river I plunged into was the Jordan River. And, you know, I used to be a church. So, I tell people to call me Jordan Church.I’m sort of in hiding now, but I’m really not sure if you can hide from Avenging Angels or if I still need to. Cultists would be more of a problem now though. I assume Molotov cocktails feel just terrible on human skin!I write erotica because, as a human, I now have bills to pay. I used to be a building and now I have to pay to live in one! Oh, how I have fallen.I chose erotica because it fascinates me. Hey, I’m only human!

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    Book preview

    Cara's Lesbian Seduction - Jordan Church

    Cara's Lesbian Seduction

    Part II of A Lesbian Orientation

    Teen College Lesbian, Lesbian Roommate, Roommate Domination

    by Jordan Church

    Copyright© 2019 by Jordan Church

    All rights reserved

    Cara's Lesbian Seduction is fiction. Names, characters, and events are fictional. All sexually active characters are at least eighteen years old. This book may not be given away or re-sold to other people. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author who can be contacted at Reviewers may quote short passages.

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    Come visit and you get free access to my never before published book Mother-In-Law's Gift Cards for Lesbian Seduction.

    A controlling Mother-in-law gives her unsuspecting daughter-in-law

    and her sister gift cards for lesbian seduction.

    I'll be adding on to it and it will ultimately be about three books long.

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    Now Available!

    In Audiobook format!

    All three books of the Seduced Trophy Wives series

    Taking the Trophy Wives

    Taming the Trophy Wives

    Training the Trophy Wives

    Narrated by the incredible voice talent

    Samantha Stroker

    Samantha's amazing vocals relate every word (and lots of gasps and moans and groans!) of these book, unabridged, in lovely perfect detail.

    Samantha has a unique voice for each character and is true to the personality of each one. Every character has their own tone, pacing, emotional content, and even accents true to the character.

    Listening to Samantha Stroker narrate Taking the Trophy Wives

    is a beautiful experience. She is the Michelangelo of voices and narration!

    By Jordan Church

    The Mindy Short Hilland College lesbian domination adventures:

    A Lesbian Orientation series:

    Part I: Cara Ties to be a Good Example

    Part II: Cara's Lesbian Seduction

    Part III: Cara Becomes Her Roommate's Lesbian Pet

    Teenage Lesbian Take Over:

    Part I: Taking Over Mrs. Greenway

    Part II: Taming Mrs. Greenway

    Part III: Taking Over Aubree

    Part IV: Owning Aubree

    Part V: Taking Over Tanya... and Her Neighbor Too

    Lauri's Lesbian Stalker series:

    Part I: Lauri's Lesbian Stalker Becomes Her Roommate

    Part II: Lesbian Stalker's Pet Roommates

    Part III: Lesbian Stalker Pet Trains Her Roommate's Best Friend

    Pet's Daughter Seduction series:

    Part I: Mrs. Greenway's Daughter-in-law

    Part II: Mrs. Greenway's Daughter Moves In

    Part III: Mrs. Greenway's Daughter Gets Seduced

    Part IV: Mrs. Greenway's Daughter Gets Tamed

    Seduced Trophy Wives series:

    Part I: Taking the Trophy Wives

    Part II: Taming the Trophy Wives

    Part III: Training the Trophy Wives

    Stand Alone books:

    The Submissive Cheerleaders

    Cheerleader in Trouble

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    Cara's Lesbian Seduction

    Part II of A Lesbian Orientation

    Chapter One

    The next morning Cara thought again about their deal. It was going to be strange asking Mindy for permission to masturbate.

    More than strange. Bizarre. Embarrassing.

    Well, she'd have to do it. She couldn't go all semester without a finger bang! Mindy's term really stuck in her head. At least, that one did. Mindy had all sorts of terms for masturbation. Buff the muff... jilling off... low-fiving....

    An alternative would be for Cara to go on lots of dates and spread her legs easily. But that wasn't really an alternative for her. She was a good girl and conservative about sex. Besides, all those dates would take tons of time and effort and emotional capital. Especially with the putting out and all. Sex for Cara had always been a blend of an emotional and a physical act.

    The dates would keep coming back for more. They always did anyway but especially so if she put out all over the place.

    Cara could scarcely credit she was even mulling this over. Becoming some kind of slut to avoid asking Mindy for permission to masturbate!

    Maybe a boyfriend... but that would take time to make happen and then, again, too much time from her studies.

    She also had a feeling Mindy would mess things up with any boyfriend. Probably make them believe Mindy and Cara were having lesbian sex. Boys would be gullible enough to believe that.

    Maybe she could avoid having to ask Mindy if she just masturbated in the shower or quietly under the covers.

    What covers?

    That bitch.

    Mindy took her covers and wouldn't give them back. She insisted on getting full value out of Cara having to be naked inside their dorm room whenever it was only the two of them there.

    If Cara bought more blankets then she knew, just knew, Mindy would just take them as well.

    Thus... Cara now slept in the nude without covers with no end in sight for the rest of the semester!

    Well, then, the shower. But that would be breaking the agreement that they had to obtain each other's permission and Cara was reluctant to do that.

    Mindy had talked about honor in keeping agreements. That little wench! Like she had much honor.

    Mindy had kept to the agreement and had asked Cara last night for permission, though, and here Cara was thinking of ways around the agreement they had just made.

    Cara felt like she shouldn't have to keep the agreement because she only agreed to it because Mindy drove her up a wall masturbating herself next to Cara's bed while Cara tried to sleep. Creepy lesbo! It had made the agreement Mindy proposed look like a good idea.

    In the light of day? Not so much.

    On her way

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