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Authority in the Bible
Authority in the Bible
Authority in the Bible
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Authority in the Bible

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- The Word is the Authority of God to: create, speak, command, teach, correct, instruct, discipline, judge, forgive, love, and offer mercy and eternal life.
- Many authoritative stories are used to illustrate dynamic, historical events in the Bible.

Release dateOct 25, 2019
Authority in the Bible

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    Authority in the Bible - Daniel Kazemian

    About This Book

    It is an honor to write this book by the guidance of the Lord Jesus to strengthen your faith to become informed with all powerful stories in the Bible. My purpose is to help readers discover the authority in the Bible, and I used the main stories to summarize them and make them easier to understand. I have chosen the main character(s) of every story as examples of how to live out this authority in your Christian life. First and foremost, I have sought how to present God’s authority to you, according to His Word. I believe we are living under His Grace to glorify His name. My walk with the Lord is still getting better that I may know His love. We are walking by faith to recognize Him so that we may obtain power and courage from the Lord. I believe the Lord Jesus has anointed this book.

    We are going to learn in this book that God has given an authority to many prophets, to kings, to judges, to His servants. These assignments from God are given to help us rule, to reign, and to bring order in the land. Then, we will look at how powerful it will be to know the names of God in Hebrew. Next, we will learn about our spiritual gifts, which the Lord has already given to each and every one of us. Last, we will learn how to develop our authority as believers in Christ.

    Ultimately, this powerful book will help us go more deeply into the Word of God. I pray you carry the presence of the Lord with you anytime you read it and hold its truths firmly in your heart. You will feel a sense of the Lord’s anointing being released in your life.

    I’ve prayed and spent time in God’s presence to write this book, and I believe that God will meet you where you are. He is there to show you the way of new life and fill you with His Word. Through these pages, He will come to you and reveal Himself to you. He will transform your life into a triumphant Christian life, both for you and for your family. I pray it reaches many Christians around the world. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.


    We will be looking at the great topic of God’s sovereign authority. Only He is the absolute cause of authority. We will learn about a particular character in each story who God upon as his servant to carry out a specific plan.

    We will witness His marvelous love to forgive sins and His gift of righteousness for those who are in Christ. When Jesus came to earth as the Son of God, He had full authority in heaven. Coming to earth to achieve the glorious act of atonement and redemption once and for all, Jesus said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matthew 28:18 NIV).

    God is perfectly truthful, and the Bible is the inspired word of God. Therefore, it can be reasoned it is true and authoritative. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).

    The Bible brings spiritual revelation to God’s people. It serves all they desire to experience— to live in peace with each other and in glorious union with their Creator. God has chosen various ways of revealing himself to mankind, desiring an intimate relationship with each of us.

    It’s also important to remember that faith is not contrary to reason. People must have genuine and accurate evidence for their belief. The Bible is as historical and factual as it is spiritual. Proof comes not only from the physical manifestation of a creator but of his very tangible presence and fruit in our lives.

    What is Authority in the Bible?

    Authority is the source of legal sovereignty. The concept throughout both the Old and New Testaments is that God alone is the absolute judge and only He has the final say. We believe the Bible is an extraordinary book! It is a Word of truth that it is a special record and with a mighty voice of God. It contains a selection of sixty-six books. Collectively, they convey a harmony of purpose—God’s relationship with the world and His love for it.

    The Bible records how God revealed Himself to humankind over the course of many thousand generations. This statement of how God has interfered in human history presents us with an expression of the character of God.

    The Word is the Authority of God who create, speak, command, teach, correct, instruct, discipline, justice, forgive, love, mercy and eternal life. The Bible is a description of a complete history, revealing how people of faith have been blessed. A life of faith and the desire to do God’s will always leads to immeasurable favor.

    The theory of authority rarely comes out in the Old Testament. It is practiced principally in the New Testament, where the word operates. The impression of authority relates to the capacity, strength, and power to perform an operation. This original knowledge of authority, thus, is unique from leadership and takes on protective and servant-like qualities. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn (Proverbs 29:2 KJV).

    What is scriptural authority? The term theological authority refers to the degree to which precepts and statements within the Old and New Testament laws are accurate over individuals’ faith and conduct, and the intensity to which Biblical premises are true in the context of history.

    The Old Testament opens with a statement of the creation of the world. This particular story illustrates how the Almighty God Creator formed the world as a home for humankind. When all establishments were ready, God created man in His own image. From this fundamental turning point, we see the Authority of God has taken place before and after creation. The record goes on for thousands of generations until we come to the conclusion of the Old Testament in the times of Malachi.

    Christianity is established on a solid foundation of Christ, which Christians recognize as their ultimate authority because they know Him to be God in human form. Then, our initial theme for learning is the evidence for this view. Why do we as Christians accept the Bible to be a word influenced by God? They know Him by His fruits, just as He and the world know us by ours.

    We profoundly wish that everyone will explore for themselves the revelation of God Almighty, as God the Father as the Creator, God the Son as the Savior and God the Holy Spirit as Teacher, Comforter and Guider. We don’t need to allow any man would be the authority over God’s Word, we must recognize God’s Word would be the rule over us.

    God’s Authority

    Authority means the legal power with all sovereignty to rule and the right to instruct. As we know, His supremacy and eternal rule over the whole universe is a manifestation of his authority. So, God’s authority is powerful among all creatures appears from God only. He has ruled over all human history—commanding Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, sending Moses the Ten Commandments, and sending His only Son as the Savior of the human race. He gave His chosen prophets spiritual authority according to their call and instruction from God. Essential to God’s authority is the magnificent power over hell and paradise. God has mastery over forgiving sins declaring one righteous through Jesus Christ.

    Under His dominion are angels and Archangels, human beings, and even the Devil himself. Even if all beings passed away, God’s authority remains. There is not one above Him who can govern in His place. Only Himself manifest in the three forms of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, operating as one. His supreme sovereignty can be broken down as:

    All-powerful Lord

    Eternal ruler

    Controller of the entire universe

    Creator of all things.

    The name of God in Hebrew

    We learn the name of God can be found in many names in Hebrew language in the Bible:

    Jehovah-Elohim, (The Eternal Creator) - Gen 1:1

    Adonai, (God is Lord) - Mal 1:6

    Jehovah, (God is I AM) - Gen 2:4

    El-Elyon, (The Lord Most High) - Isa 14:13-14

    El-Shaddai, (The God who is sufficient for the needs of His people) - Ps 91:1

    Jehovah-Jireh, (The Lord our Provider) - Gen 22:13-14

    Jehovah-Nissi, (The Lord our Banner) - Exo 17:15

    Jehovah-Rapha, (The Lord our Healer) - Exo 15:26

    Jehovah-Shalom, (The Lord our Peace) - Judges 6:24

    Jehovah-Tsidkenu, (The Lord our Righteousness) - Jerem 23:6

    Jehovah-Mekaddishkem, (The Lord our Sanctifier) - Exo 31:13

    Jehovah-Sabaoth, (The Lord of Hosts) - Isa 6:1-3

    Jehovah-Shammah, (The Lord is Present) - Eze 48:35

    Jehovah-Rohi, (The Lord our Shepherd) - Ps 23:1

    Jehovah-Hoseenu, (The Lord our Maker) - Ps 95:6

    Jehovah-Eloheenu, (The Lord our God) - Ps 99:7

    El-Olam, (God is Everlasting) - Isa 40:28-31

    El-Roi, (God is the Strong One) - Gen 16:13

    Authority in Creation

    Authority of the days of Creation: The Genesis statement declares that the Word of God is truthful and powerful. Most of God’s original creation is accomplished by declaring, another manifestation of the power and authority of the Word of God. Let us look at each day of God’s authority performance.

    Creation Day One

    God has created the heavens as it relates to everything beyond earth. God breaks up the light from the dark. He named the light day and the dark night". This innovative act takes place from sunrise to sunset and from evening until morning called one day. [Genesis 1:1-5]

    Creation Day Two

    God has created the sky sets up a boundary that will come

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