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A Beretta, Burritos and Bears
A Beretta, Burritos and Bears
A Beretta, Burritos and Bears
Ebook63 pages1 hour

A Beretta, Burritos and Bears

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Brian Piccolo led an average, by-the-book life, the proverbial American Dream of a middle-class suburbanite. He obeyed the speed limits, paid his taxes on time, and tried his best to live and let live. Then one day, while delivering office supplies to a sketchy neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago, he saw the flashing lights of a police cruiser in the rearview mirror. Framed for a crime he didn’t commit and abandoned by the woman he loved, Brian hit rock bottom. In this tale of lust and love, poverty and greed, betrayal and murder, revenge is a dish best served hot—and with extra sour cream—courtesy of a special order at an unusual taco truck.

Release dateDec 1, 2019
A Beretta, Burritos and Bears

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    A Beretta, Burritos and Bears - James A. Hearn


    Guns + Tacos Season One Episode 6

    James A. Hearn

    Series Created and Edited by

    Michael Bracken and Trey R. Barker

    Copyright © 2019 by James A. Hearn

    All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    Down & Out Books

    3959 Van Dyke Road, Suite 265

    Lutz, FL 33558

    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Cover design by Zach McCain

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    A Beretta Burritos and Bears

    About the Author

    September 17, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

    South Deering, Chicago

    Brian Piccolo reached for the woman in his dream, his hands clutching a dirty pillow and drawing it tightly against his chest. Her milk-white skin was velvet-smooth, her freckled nose inches from his own. He caught the scent of freshly cut apples in her fiery red hair.

    In the dream, they were sitting on a checkered blanket in a meadow strewn with wildflowers, and bees danced lazily upon a breeze carrying a hint of the summer to come. Farther down the hillside, Buster barked and cavorted in the sun. The yellow Lab’s nose was to the ground, his ever-active tail wagging.

    Brian turned to the woman and stroked her cheek. This was the place he’d asked Cassidy O’Connor to marry him, many years ago.

    I love you, Cass, Brian murmured. Thanks for waiting for me.

    And I love you, my darling husband. Cassidy brushed his face with her fingertips and kissed the cleft of his chin.

    A shudder of revulsion ran through Brian’s body. Something about the way her fingers scuttled across his face filled him with loathing, and his mouth tasted of bile.

    What’s wrong, Brian? asked Cassidy. Her red mouth was twisted into a wicked smile as her fingers played roughly across his forehead. Don’t you love me?

    Brian opened his mouth to reply, to tell her he loved her more than anything in the world, but her coarse fingers slipped inside his lips, gagging him.

    They were suddenly naked. Cassidy flipped him on his back, her fingers in his mouth controlling him like a horse’s bit. She mounted him roughly, trapping him between her muscular thighs, her legs squeezing the air from his lungs.

    Fuck me.

    Cass, I can’t breathe, he gasped.

    She rode him hard, her breasts bouncing rhythmically, eyes closed in ecstasy. Her legs tightened their grip with each downward plunge.

    Cass…you’re…killing me!

    In Cassidy’s moan of climax, Brian felt his life slipping away. He was no longer in the meadow on the hill, in their special place, but drifting down into a dark and moldering grave. He looked up to see Cassidy’s face far above him, framed in a shrinking rectangle. She disappeared as worm-filled earth tumbled down, extinguishing all the light in the world.

    Brian’s eyes snapped open, his scream interrupted by a spewing vomit of half-digested pizza and beer. He rolled over and coughed.

    Brown cockroaches scurried across his body, some darting under the blanket

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