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Morning Routine for Highly Successful People: Change Your Lifestyle with High Productivity Habits for Best Performance and Wake Up Successful!
Morning Routine for Highly Successful People: Change Your Lifestyle with High Productivity Habits for Best Performance and Wake Up Successful!
Morning Routine for Highly Successful People: Change Your Lifestyle with High Productivity Habits for Best Performance and Wake Up Successful!
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Morning Routine for Highly Successful People: Change Your Lifestyle with High Productivity Habits for Best Performance and Wake Up Successful!

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If you are looking to Change YOUR Lifestyle With High Productivity Habits For Best Performance AND Wake Up Successful. Without having to go to a bussiness class or engaging in long, expensive and time-consuming courses, then you have chosen the perfect book.

"Morning Routine For Highly Successful People" is a comprehensive and simple manual for learning how to change your lifestyle. You will discover the road and secrets to success through learning the importance of what it means to be successful. Self-acceptance and the path toward personal and professional success by changing your habits and learning positive behavioral attributes are the first step in the right direction.

Learning How To Change YOUR Lifestyle With High Productivity Habits For Best Performance AND Wake Up Successful can be a daunting experience without the proper guidance and information. When you recognize that you need to change your routine in order to be more effective and finally reach success, finding the right information or approach can be difficult. This is why with this book you will learn different techniques and strategies that will redefine the way you think about success without having to stop your entire day. We know finding the time to change your habits is nearly impossible.

With this book we strived to give the necessary theoretic basis to understand what success is and how to build effective habits in order to change your lifestyle and begin your journey towards personal and professional success . In reading this book we will provide you with practical advice and information as well as an example of the successful morning routine that will help you achieve the level of happiness and success you so crave.

The following book on Morning Routine For Highly Successful People will provide a series of practical advice based on the long term study on how over a 1,000 people, who are either successful, coaches of success and people seeking to be successful, manage their goals, objectives and intentions to be able to fulfill their objective and reach real success, through simple and quick lessons you can listen to while in your car.

Inside this Book You Will Find

  • How to understand success and how to recognize the hidden truths that keep you from success through a series of lessons
  • To understand the truth of your objectives and intentions the of defining your objectives
  • The importance of effective habits and how good habits can increase your chances of success
  • Examples of successful morning routines and effective habits as well as the law of attraction.

Embrace these simple, yet effective guided meditations and relaxation techniques that will help you sleep better, relief stress and anxiety and live in the present. Start feeling good NOW!

Release dateOct 5, 2019
Morning Routine for Highly Successful People: Change Your Lifestyle with High Productivity Habits for Best Performance and Wake Up Successful!

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    Book preview

    Morning Routine for Highly Successful People - Robert A. Williams

    Morning Routine For Highly Successful People

    Change YOUR Lifestyle With High Productivity Habits For Best Performance AND Wake Up Successful.

    By Robert A. Williams

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter One: Understanding Success

    The Problem With Comparisons

    Personal And Professional Success

    Real Success


    The Power Of Self-Acceptance

    Self-Acceptance And Emotional Pain

    Self-Acceptance And Mediocrity

    Chapter Two: The Truth Of Your Objectives And Intentions

    Defining Your Objectives

    Understanding your necessities

    Redefining Objectives Along The Way

    Chapter Three: Habits

    You Need To Have Drive

    The Value Of Authenticity

    Self-Control And Our Environment

    The Four Enemies Of Success

    Time Is Your Ally

    Sacrifice Is Necessary For Success

    Clear Personality And Identity

    The Importance Of Mantras

    Reconnect With Your Self

    Chapter Four: Morning Routine And Effective Habits

    Morning Routine For Success

    Habits Of Highly Effective People

    The Law Of Attraction

    Learn How To Receive

    Last Words

    Copyright © 2019 by Robert A. Williams - All rights reserved.

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    Success is in the eye of the beholder. Success, like any other human being’s descriptive quality, is subjective: it depends on who evaluates the other, on whether or not this other meets our expectations of what success looks like.

    The person who judges others uses variables to qualify them, as well as him of herself. This is a product not of a universal definition of success, but of a definition of experience based on life history.

    Ask yourself: What variables you take into account when qualifying a person in terms of their level of success? Have they been the same ones that you have used all your life, or are they typical of this moment in your life? Where did you learn that those variables were the ones you should use to evaluate someone's success? Do you use the same variables to describe the success of others that you use to evaluate your own success?

    No doubt there is much to reflect on, starting with this little detail: What variables do you use daily to decide if someone is successful or not?

    When we evaluate someone or ourselves, we have to use points of reference, both positive and negative comparative extremes, otherwise it would not be an evaluation as such. Comparing is a task that we do instinctively, because we seldom sit down to do scientific processes of comparison. We see or hear someone, and we tend to assign qualities or adjectives higher or lower than our points of reference: how tall is that woman (compared to whom?), That man is a great entrepreneur (compared to whom?), that ruler is very smart (compared to whom?).

    When evaluating a person’s level of success, the same thing happens––we compare, taking people we believe to be successful as a reference. Throughout our lives we have read, heard or spoken about successful people, although we have not stopped to think if they really are. This also forces us to reflect: Who are those people we have used as a reference of success for so many years?

    Often, an entrepreneur, sportsman, artist or politician, who is extremely successful in their professional field, is invariably not as effective in the personal life. In such a case, are they really worthy of the adjective successful? Maybe yes, but only focusing on the professional field. However, we rarely make the distinction and tend to qualify people for their successes in their work, and merely assume they are successful in their private lives. This book proves that this is not always the case.

    As in many other areas of our use of language, we tend to oversimplify when using the word success. The word success is much more powerful than many nouns, and for that reason alone, we should take care of its use, be more aware and more rational when using it, especially in front of children and adolescents. Otherwise, we could program them in an incorrect way and have an impact on their search for accomplishment.

    One of the objectives of this book is to help you give a new meaning to the noun success and the adjectives successful and effective, and help you generate new references around these terms, providing you with new variables for evaluation.

    I am convinced that thinking, feeling or speaking automatically only makes us act and live as if we were pre-programmed. That is why I believe that with this book, I will be able to help you think, feel, speak, act and live much more consciously around the definition of success, because this concept defines many of the activities and efforts that you do every day. The notion and use of success in our lives also defines our emotions and feelings towards others and towards ourselves.

    The same reflection about success and its connotations that you will undoubtedly make while reading these pages will help you to be more aware of yourself, your goals and your search for success.

    This book does not intend to put an end to the investigations around success, the way to success or the formulas to be successful, but we do try to, at least, advance something about it from a consistent perspective.

    What you will find here is not a secret recipe or a formula. You will discover a set of patterns made up of by skills, moments, emotions, characteristics, thoughts and strategies that contribute to people’s success that may increase your chances of achieving the same.

    This book explores successful people’s perspective and that of those men and women who have observed it in action and finally those individuals who remain in the quest to become successful.

    I was interested in exploring not only what successful people have done to earn that

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