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Bear Claw
Bear Claw
Bear Claw
Ebook222 pages5 hours

Bear Claw

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Beauty and grace meet muscles and tattoos. When what's on the outside doesn't match the inside, sometimes you just trust your instincts.

Jamie Ward is the leader of the Bear Unit for the Shifter Coalition. He uses his big, tough biker appearance to intimidate his suspects. It works for him, except in finding a mate.

A recent resident of Lake Worth, Arizona, Jamie finds himself at the local library where he meets the woman who might just be worth risking everything for, including his heart. If only he could get up the nerve to ask her out.

Brandy Brooks has a secret. She writes erotic romance mysteries under a pen name. Hiding her identity is second nature to her and she enjoys living in the shadows—until a sexy biker starts visiting her place of employment. For once in her life, she wishes to be seen. But Jamie doesn't appear interested.

The two navigate carefully through the beginnings of a relationship that is interrupted by Jamie's missing person cases and the threat of war between humans and shifters. They must work together to keep each another safe when their night out literally explodes around them.

Release dateSep 19, 2014
Bear Claw

Crissy Smith

Crissy Smith lives in Texas with her husband, daughter, and three Labrador retrievers. The three dogs love to curl up under her computer desk and nap while she writes. It doesn't leave a lot of room for her but what's a woman to do? When not writing or reading, she enjoys hunting, camping and shooting. But she has a girly side too and is addicted to pedicures and coffee. She has been writing since she was a teenager and still loves everything to do with the paranormal. Her stories and characters all have a place in her heart. She loves the alpha male, the dominant werewolf, or the Master vampire which find their way in most of her books. Learn more about the characters she has created at her website where they have their very own page. It will be updated from time to time to let you know what's going on with them. You can also find out who will be in the next book.

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Rating: 4.333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jamie is a bear shifter. He comes to the library so he can see and talk with the librarian, Brandy. Brandy is from a wealthy family but is at odds with her family on the shifter registration law that her family supports. She joins with her cousin to fight the enactment of that law. Jamie is also a member of the Coalition, which is a group of shifters trying to protect other shifters. When he finally asks her out, she discovers what he does and he learns she supports shifters. Her family tries to keep her seeing things their way but can they? I enjoyed this book. I liked Jamie and Brandy. They have a lot of chemistry between them and agree on many things. I liked that Brandy worried about Jamie and he her as trouble brewed between the humans and shifters. Her family is a bunch of jerks. My only complaint is that ends on a cliffhanger of the mystery not the romance. I need to read the rest of the series to see who is behind the troubles. I have my suspects but am I right?

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Bear Claw - Crissy Smith


A Totally Bound Publication

Bear Claw

ISBN # 978-1-78430-201-6

©Copyright Crissy Smith 2014

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright August 2014

Edited by Faith Bicknell-Brown

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Simmering and a Sexometer of 3.

Shifter Chronicles


Crissy Smith

Book two in the Shifter Chronicles series

Beauty and grace meet muscles and tattoos. When what’s on the outside doesn’t match the inside, sometimes you just trust your instincts.

Jamie Ward is the leader of the Bear Unit for the Shifter Coalition. He uses his big, tough biker appearance to intimidate his suspects. It works for him, except in finding a mate.

A recent resident of Lake Worth, Arizona, Jamie finds himself at the local library where he meets the woman who might just be worth risking everything for, including his heart. If only he could get up the nerve to ask her out.

Brandy Brooks has a secret. She writes erotic romance mysteries under a pen name. Hiding her identity is second nature to her and she enjoys living in the shadows—until a sexy biker starts visiting her place of employment. For once in her life, she wishes to be seen. But Jamie doesn’t appear interested.

The two navigate carefully through the beginnings of a relationship that is interrupted by Jamie’s missing person cases and the threat of war between humans and shifters. They must work together to keep each another safe when their night out literally explodes around them.


A special thanks to my daytime co-workers and boss. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish all that I have.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Harley-Davidson: Harley-Davidson Inc

Henley: Henley’s Clothing Ltd

Styrofoam: The Dow Chemical Company

BMW: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

Coke: The Coca-Cola Company

Chapter One

Jamie Ward pulled his Harley up in front of the Lake Worth Public Library and parked in the first space. It was rare for him to have a full weekend off, but he’d managed to get both Saturday and Sunday free.

After spending the day catching up on house chores and shopping, he was now prepared to spend his Sunday the way he wanted.

First up was hitting the place for some new books. He could have gone to one of the three major book retailers but he much preferred atmosphere of the old building and the helpful employees.

Plus the library actually had a better selection. More diverse anyway. Instead of stocking up on only the bestsellers, like the chain stores, here a little bit of everything was available. It was interesting to him that such a small, county-funded business would be able to provide him with anything he wanted.

After he’d moved to Lake Worth from Phoenix, he’d taken his bike around to check out his new neighborhood. He’d spotted the old, worn brick building and had felt the strong urge to go inside.

One visit had turned into two then three, and now he was a regular patron.

Jamie swung his leg off the bike and stood, stretching. Even though it was officially the end of summer, the heat was still stifling at ten in the morning.

As he reached the entrance, a young woman exited the structure with a small boy. It didn’t surprise him that she steered the youngster as far away from him as possible.

As a big guy, Jamie’s size was enough to make most people apprehensive of him, but add in his numerous tats and piercings, and he literally scared people.

He hadn’t been going after that reaction when he’d first started his markings. Well, that wasn’t completely honest. His appearance did a lot to help keep criminals in their place. Since he’d accepted his new position at the Shifter Coalition as the leader of the Black Bear Division, he’d used his looks several times to intimidate suspects.

He was proud of his body art. However, he didn’t want others to feel uncomfortable. So he hung back, stuffing his hands in his jeans, letting the woman and child pass without trouble. After they’d reached the stairs, he moved into the dark, cool entry.

Arriving so early on a Sunday, he knew he wouldn’t have to deal with too many other people. He liked this time of day. He could browse to his heart’s content and see what great new finds he could pick up.

Since he knew the entire layout by memory, Jamie first headed to the new release section. He leafed through the shelf, picking up and disregarding one book after another until he settled on the latest thriller from a popular author.

Jamie enjoyed reading the writer’s work, even if the middle of his books were rather dull. The beginning and ending of each story always made up for the boring chapters.

Tucking the hardback under his arm, he turned and almost collided into one of the rolling carts.

Sorry, the woman pushing exclaimed. I didn’t think you were done yet.

Jamie looked up and grinned. And there was the other reason he chose the library instead of the city bookstores.

Most of the staff had gotten used to him and all were friendly enough but the woman in front of him was by far his favorite employee.

She’d welcomed him on his first visit then had shown him around. Jamie always made a habit of stopping by whatever section she was stocking and talking to her for a few minutes.

Brandy, he said cheerfully. How are you?

A smile bloomed across her face. I’m great. Yesterday was hectic, so there are more books to put back than normal, but it was a fun day. Well worth the extra work now.

Jamie shifted a little closer. Even though Brandy had been kind and open, Jamie always tried to keep his distance. She might not seem intimidated by him but he didn’t know for sure. He would have flirted with her on more than one occasion except he was certain he wasn’t her type.

A pretty and smart girl, Brandy could do a lot better than the likes of him. Still, he would enjoy her company every chance he got.

Had she moved closer to him, or was it his imagination? Giving himself a minute to gather his composure, he glanced around the small section where they stood. His gaze fell on the poster of children sitting around in a reading circle.

Brandy’s project! He wanted to smack himself. So the reading went well? Jamie had forgotten that on Saturdays the library had started a children’s reading program.

Brandy had been so excited about it and it was all she’d talked about on his last few visits. If he had remembered, he would have stopped by and shown his support.

Yes! We had fifteen kids show up and all of them ended up checking out at least one book. All the parents enjoyed the break and said they would be back for the next one, she said.

That’s awesome. All your hard work really paid off.

She blushed, which was as cute as anything he had ever seen. Your suggestions on where to hang the notices around the neighborhood really helped. Over half of the adults told us they had seen the flyers.

That’s good. Jamie was glad his suggestions had worked. Since he constantly watched his surroundings, he’d noticed where children seemed to hang out. I’m glad.

It’s so important that kids get the chance to visit. Most of the parents in the area can’t afford the high prices at the chain stores and now they know they can come here for free.

Brandy was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with happiness. Jamie’s heart swelled. In his world, he saw so much ugliness. Brandy was a breath of fresh air to a hardened man like himself.

I wish you could have seen how excited everyone was.

Jamie made a mental note to drop by the next reading circle, no matter what. He’d have to stay back to make sure he didn’t upset the kids or their parents, but he wanted to see Brandy in her element. Me too.

So enough about that. What are you looking for today?

Jamie held up the book he’d chosen. I was just browsing. I’m about to head over to the north section. I looked up some books on spirituality and I wanted to see if you had any in stock.

Oh, cool. Brandy shoved the overflowing cart of books to the side and motioned for him to follow her. "Actually, we have several new titles that I’ve put out in the last couple of weeks. And I think there is one that you have to read. I finished it in one night. I couldn’t put it down."

Jamie followed her through the long rows of bookcases, listening to her speak in quiet but animated tones. It didn’t matter who the author was or whether he was interested in the book, he would check it out to keep that brightness in her eyes.

Rounding a corner, Brandy paused to let another patron pass and Jamie didn’t miss the onceover the guy gave her. She didn’t notice the man’s attention. Brandy smiled politely, still talking to Jamie, and he had to work to keep the smirk off his face.

She seemed really little next to Jaime’s large frame. His protective instincts always screamed around her, and one reason was her small stature. Compared to his extremely big build, he guessed she was about five foot six or so, but her slenderness made her appear even more delicate.

She was about two years younger than his thirty-seven. Brandy usually wore her long, straight hair either pulled back away from her face or twisted on top of her head.

He always had to fight the impulse to yank her barrette out and mess up her hairstyles. So far he’d managed to stop himself in time but he craved to run his fingers through her blonde tresses to see if the strands were as silky as they seemed.

Mentally laughing to himself, he pulled his attention back to the woman next to him. They’d almost reached the section where religion, spirituality and self-help books were housed.

Letting her lead the way gave Jamie the chance to check out her butt. A pair of light jeans cupped her ass then flared out at the pant legs. They were much the same as all of the others she wore, and Jamie quite enjoyed the view of her bending over and shelving books.

She had to move onto the tip of her toes to reach the book. Jamie knew he should offer to get it but her top inching up her back as she stretched kept him mesmerized. The small peek of pale, flawless skin made his mouth water.

Licking his lips, he had to jerk his gaze away from her. The last thing he wanted was to get hard in the middle of the public library. Brandy settled back on her feet and handed him a paperback. He turned it over and read the back blurb. He hadn’t read anything from the author but had to admit to the book intrigued him.

Since Brandy was watching him closely, he smiled and nodded to her. This is great. I’ll take it.

You’ll like it, she assured him. Her watch beeped and she frowned. Damn, I have to fill in at the desk.

Pleased that she didn’t seem to want to leave him any more than he wanted her to go, he offered her a smile. I have some more searching to do but I’ll see you before I leave.

Okay. She squeezed his upper arm.

Even through the thin cotton material, he could feel the heat from her hand. He barely managed to stop himself from touching her back and not letting go.

Instead, he waved and watched her walk away. His cock was fully hard now, and he needed to get his books and be on his way.

Brandy knew that she shouldn’t have touched Jamie, but she hadn’t been able to resist any longer. He’d been coming to the library for almost a year now, and each time he visited, she was more and more attracted to him.

Certain Jamie would never view her the same way, Brandy had to keep her desires buried. Pretending and dreaming was all she could hope for. Besides, it was her business to live in a fantasy world anyway.

She patted Betty’s back, telling the older lady that she could go on break, and took a seat in front of the computer. While the other three employees all enjoyed working the desk, Brandy found it to be the least fun.

Shelving books and talking to the people who came in was always a much better way to spend her day. If she hadn’t been working the desk during one of the others’ breaks the first time Jamie had come in, she might have missed him.

Instead, she had watched as he’d strolled through the front doors and right in her direction. New to town, he’d been riding around and had found the library. They had talked about what authors he liked and what genres interested him. Cam, one of her co-workers, had come back to man the desk and she had been able to show Jamie around—admiring him the entire time.

It wasn’t professional. However, a crush never hurt anyone. And she’d had to admit to herself during their first introduction that Jamie was all of her fantasies rolled into one man.

However, he seemed not to notice her attention, just like everyone else. Brandy knew she wasn’t an outright beauty such as Cam, or even Betty in her younger days. She had resigned herself that she would never be able to grab the attention of a man like Jamie.

Jamie had bad boy written all over him but it was his bright smile and sweet personality that moved him from pure desire to more. She’d gotten to know him pretty well and everything she’d learned made her dream of him more.

Shaking off her thoughts, she picked up a stack of newly returned paperbacks and started to log them into the computer.

She knew that Jamie would never see her the same way. If she were reading a romance, of course he would figure out that he couldn’t live without her any longer then sweep her off her feet. Sadly, real life was nothing like the pages of her favorite novel.

Or one that she wrote herself.

How surprised would he be if he ever learned that she wrote the hot, erotic romance series that he read? The first time he’d added one of her books to his check-out stack, she had been shocked.

She’d even wondered if he’d somehow figured out her pen name.


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