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Mandraki Magic: Holiday romance, #1
Mandraki Magic: Holiday romance, #1
Mandraki Magic: Holiday romance, #1
Ebook63 pages52 minutes

Mandraki Magic: Holiday romance, #1

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Is Jazzy's first love the right man for her?

Settled in her new life on the Greek Island of Rhodes, Jazzy is happier than she's ever been.

When her first love arrives in the Old Town, her peaceful existence is shattered. What is Finn's real reason for being on Rhodes?

Jazzy must sort through her confused emotions and make her own decisions. Can she trust him with her heart a second time?

Release dateNov 11, 2019
Mandraki Magic: Holiday romance, #1

Joanie MacNeil

I am an Australian romance author of short contemporary romance novels. I write Sweet, Sexy, heartwarming stories for recovering romantics. My stories are about about new love and second chances. Soothing, warm and fuzzy. Stories that may make you smile. While most of my novels are set in Australia, I could not resist setting two of them in Scotland.  I love to travel with my own romantic hero.  When I am not travelling, or working on my latest novel, I enjoy reading romance, going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and visiting my three lively little grandsons.  

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    Mandraki Magic - Joanie MacNeil

    Mandraki Magic

    Holiday romance, Volume 1

    Joanie MacNeil

    Published by Joanie MacNeil, 2019.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. November 11, 2019.

    Copyright © 2019 Joanie MacNeil.

    Written by Joanie MacNeil.

    Table of Contents

    Mandraki Magic

    Mandraki Magic

    THE RESTAURANT WAS unusually busy today. Visitors continued to arrive on sailboats or a variety of cruisers ranging from the bijou to large commercial ships. This morning a cruise ship had docked at the terminal. It was always a busy time when the ships came to the Old Town on Rhodes Island; thousands of passengers would disembark, keen to taste and experience local food and culture, and learn about the history contained within the solid stone walls. Most tourists would take a morning tour around the island before spending the afternoon in the medieval town. At least today there was only one ship, a sign the summer season was winding down.

    To Jazzy, early November was the best time on the island. Glorious blue sky, pleasantly warm sunshine, a summer’s day without the extreme high temperatures and scorching sun of mid-summer. If she wasn’t careful, the unrelenting sun during the hottest months would take its toll on her fair skin.

    She went about her work, taking orders and delivering meals and drinks, mostly to the outside tables. Tassos took care of the customers who chose to sit indoors. He helped in the kitchen as needed, prepared drink orders for delivery, and fielded questions from eager patrons.

    Take a break, Jacinta, her boss suggested, as she handed him another order for meals and drinks. I can manage for a few minutes. You’ve been run off your feet today.

    Whipping off her apron, she smiled at Tassos. She liked the way his rich voice and accent warmed her skin. Thanks. I’ll just be a few minutes, Boss.

    His dark gaze rested on her face. Take your time, he said softly. If I work you too hard, you’ll want to go back to Australia. I’ll miss you.

    Would you?

    Of course. You have a good work ethic. I like that. And it’s not just me, everyone will miss you; the whole town will miss you. Besides, your order-taking has improved ninety percent.

    He looked so serious. Surely he teased her. He did have a quirky sense of humor.

    "And don’t call me Boss. Makes me feel like an old man."

    Really, Tassos? You must be all of thirty—only a few years older than me.

    Compared to me, you’re just a young thing, full of life, a free spirit.

    Their gazes held. His dark, intense eyes twinkled. With his chiseled good looks, wavy black hair and general fitness and energy, he looked far from old and could take his place on the cover of any fashion magazine.

    "Then don’t call me Jacinta."

    His chuckle followed her as she pondered their conversation on her way toward the restaurant’s rear door.

    Enjoying the refreshing breeze, Jazzy reflected that her time spent on Rhodes was one of the happiest periods in her life. Her hospitality background quickly landed her a job when she first arrived at one of the luxury resorts on the island’s east coast, until they’d closed at summer’s end. She’d thought about going home, but she was on her own so there was no pressure to return. Her shattered heart had healed and she’d grown strong and stable.

    She loved working for Tassos and enjoyed their camaraderie. There was a lot she liked about him, especially his caring nature and honesty. As if she’d conjured him up, he stepped outside onto the deck, a troubled expression on his handsome face.

    You need me back already?

    Yes, please. There’s another group come in.

    From the ship?

    Er, no, from one of the yachts, I think. They’ve just arrived and need fuel in their bellies. And beer!

    Okay, I’ll be right there. So much for a few more minutes of peace.

    She grabbed her apron, tying it at her waist before collecting a tray with glasses and two large boots of beer on her way outside to take food orders. Judging by their reactions, some of the customers had never seen beer served in a glass boot before. They were a noisy group of Australians around her own age.

    She progressed around the table, taking orders, smiling as she

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