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Taboo: Passionate Pippa. And Vicky Came Too
Taboo: Passionate Pippa. And Vicky Came Too
Taboo: Passionate Pippa. And Vicky Came Too
Ebook34 pages32 minutes

Taboo: Passionate Pippa. And Vicky Came Too

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My name is Dave Perkins and the following happened over a hot, lazy sun-filled, blue sky summer. It was nearly five years ago but I remember every moment as if it was yesterday. Sometimes I think it must have been an erotic dream but then I look at the photo on my desk of Pippa, Vicky and me and know it was no dream.
The bell rang and I went to answer the door. Pippa stood there, the sun making her blonde hair, golden as it shone down from the clear blue sky. Pippa was 32 years old and had been working with me on my new project. I was setting up a video business, making small adverts and selling them on the internet. I’d been doing this part-time for a year and it was really successful. Pippa had started as a model for me and learned editing so that she could produce the work.
“Come in, Pippa” I said, and she entered. I closed the door and she went straight though and out into the garden. I followed her.
We had a working relationship until one day she came on hard to me. That was just the beginning. When her 18-year-old step niece arrived things hotted up and I didn't expect the stream of events that followed. Hot and steam so if you are under 18 years or might be offended by graphic sexual descritions then do not read further.

PublisherJim Masters
Release dateNov 6, 2019
Taboo: Passionate Pippa. And Vicky Came Too

Jim Masters

Jim Masters has built up a reputation for short erotic stories, many with a twist. He reads many of his stories as audiobooks. He lived in London for more than 30 years before moving out and buying a small remote cottage in the Welsh hills where he spends about 3 months alone, alternating with 3 months travelling the UK with some shorter spells in Europe. He has had a varied career working in business consultancy, running training courses in confidence building and overcoming anxiety. This had lead him into meeting many interesting people who he has based many of his characters and situations on, although all his stories are created fictional folk. Jim Masters enjoys cooking and is a good artist who enjoys landscape painting. He is also a film-maker with several short documentary films behind him.

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    Book preview

    Taboo - Jim Masters

    Passionate Pippa

    And 18-year-old Vicky Came Too

    By Jim Masters

    Copyright 2019 Jim Masters

    Published by Jim Masters

    Please note: Edition License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Passionate Pippa

    My name is Dave Perkins and the following happened over a hot, lazy sun-filled, blue sky summer. It was nearly five years ago but I remember every moment as if it was yesterday. Sometimes I think it must have been an erotic dream but then I look at the photo on my desk of Pippa, Vicky and me and know it was no dream.

    The bell rang and I went to answer the door. Pippa stood there, the sun making her blonde hair, golden as it shone down from the clear blue sky. Pippa was 32 years old and had been working with me on my new project. I was setting up a video business, making small adverts and selling them on the internet. I’d been doing this part-time for a year and it was really successful. Pippa had started as a model for me and learned editing so that she could produce the work.

    Come in, Pippa I said, and she entered. I closed the door and she went straight though and out into the garden. I followed her.

    We had a stock of short clips, anything from 10 seconds to a couple of minutes. Clips of the local beach and sea, woodland and waterfalls and loads of people shots. Guys and girls drinking coffee, laughing, running, swimming, sun-bathing and much, much more. We would put clips together to make the background and add some text and maybe music and a voice over. Each only took about 30 minutes and our customers usually had regular contracts where we would make a new advert each month. They then posted them on social media and their websites. We had a steady income and it was certainly profitable.

    Pippa was a single mum and found it difficult to get a regular job because she has two kids, so she had to be there in school holidays for them. Working with me meant she could work her own hours around her commitments and we’d just set up so she could work from home. I’d invested in a laptop for her. But she came in most times and I wanted that to continue. I think she liked the company

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