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The Chiropractor Hoax: The True Story of Chiropractic Medicine You've Never Been Told
The Chiropractor Hoax: The True Story of Chiropractic Medicine You've Never Been Told
The Chiropractor Hoax: The True Story of Chiropractic Medicine You've Never Been Told
Ebook49 pages33 minutes

The Chiropractor Hoax: The True Story of Chiropractic Medicine You've Never Been Told

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Do Not Go to a Chiropractor Until You Read This Book!

Chiropractic Medicine Is Not What You Think It Is

**Disclaimer** This book will most likely upset many chiropractors who will leave negative reviews. Don't be swayed!

In this tell all book, author John Morrison reveals the true history of chiropractic medicine most patients are unaware of. He starts at the very beginning of the profession which includes ghosts and magnetic healing, and then slowly goes over what it has progressed into today. Comparing it to conventional medicine, as well as other forms of alternative medicine, he goes over clinical evidence, case studies, and anecdotal claims made by patients on the benefits of chiropractics.

Is it safe? Do chiropractors actually help you? Should you be going to a chiropractor for your health issues? Should chiropractors be treating infants or animals? How hard is it to become a chiropractor? Do chiropractors really know more than medical doctors? All this, and so much more is revealed in this book.

As a complimentary bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive John's special report titled The Top 5 World Mysteries. This special report is not available to the general public, or anywhere else. It exists solely as a "thank you" to buyers of this book.

You owe it to yourself to know the truth about the chiropractic industry before you or a family member consider going to a chiropractor for a health ailment.

Find out what chiropractors don't want you to know! Click the Buy Now button at the top of the page and start reading The Chiropractor Hoax Now!

PublisherZML Corp LLC
Release dateNov 8, 2019

John Morrison

John Morrison received a BS degree in Physics from University of Santa Clara in California. During his undergraduate years, he majored in English, Philosophy, and Physics and served as the editor of the campus literary magazine, the Owl. Enrolling at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, he received a PhD degree in theoretical Physics and moved on to postdoctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory where he was a member of the Heavy Atom Group. He then went to Sweden where he received a grant from the Swedish Research Council to build up a research group in theoretical atomic physics at Chalmers Technical University in Goteborg, Sweden. Working together with Ingvar Lindgren, he taught a graduate level-course in theoretical atomic physics for a number of years. Their teaching lead to the publication of the monograph, Atomic Many-Body Theory, which first appeared as Volume 13 of the Springer Series on Chemical Physics. The second edition of this book has become a Springer classic. Returning to the United States, John Morrison obtained a position in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Louisville where he has taught courses in elementary physics, astronomy, modern physics, and quantum mechanics. In recent years, he has traveled extensively in Latin America and the Middle East maintaining contacts with scientists and mathematicians at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Technion University in Haifa. During the Fall semester of 2009, he taught a course on computational physics at Birzeit University near Ramallah on the West Bank, and he has recruited Palestinian students for the graduate program in physics at University of Louisville. He speaks English, Swedish, and Spanish, and he is currently studying Arabic and Hebrew.

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    Book preview

    The Chiropractor Hoax - John Morrison


    We’ve all heard the claims, go to a chiropractor, they’ll help with your back pain. Or maybe we have a friend who swears by their chiropractor for fixing their back or neck pain. Maybe you’ve gone to a chiropractor yourself, but didn’t really know if they helped you or not. I mean they’re a doctor, so they have to know something about your health right?

    Hi, my name is John Morrison and in this book, I’ll be teaching you about chiropractic medicine. We will start at the rocky beginnings, with the one man who started it all, and progress to what it has evolved into today. I will go over the science behind chiropractics and case studies comparing chiropractic therapy to conventional modern medicine. And after all is said and done, I will have proved to you that chiropractic medicine, and I use the word medicine very loosely here, is nothing more than a sham with no scientific basis, which takes billions of dollars each year from unknowing clients, similar to many other forms of unproven alternative medicines. And while there are minimal risk with other forms of alternative medicine, chiropractic medicine risks patients short and long term health, and can potentially even cause death. So hang on to your walker, we’re about to take a ride into the wild, unheard of side of the chiropractic medicine. Yeeeee haaaa!

    Chapter 1

    My Experience With Chiropractors

    Like many of you reading this book, you may have already been to a chiropractor. If you haven’t that’s even better, I’m saving you time, money, and potential health problems. My first experience with a chiropractor was to help cure a sinus issue I was experiencing. Chiropractic websites described this as an issue affecting the spine and neck, and was something that could be treated with chiropractic intervention. I lived in South Carolina, United States at the time and found a local chiropractor in my area who, to my surprise, was covered by my health insurance! I was surprised because I thought it was considered alternative medicine, yet my insurance believed it could improve my health enough to cover it (I’ll explain why they do this later in the book).

    When I went into the chiropractor’s office, it was quite impressive. He had his doctorate hanging on the wall stating he was a board certified

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