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Amazing Moments to Remember
Amazing Moments to Remember
Amazing Moments to Remember
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Amazing Moments to Remember

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About this ebook

The purpose of this book is to share twenty-one personal stories from the life of Beth Josi. These stories are inspirational and entertaining to read. In each story, Beth describes in detail how God answered her prayers to help her see her dreams become reality.
Release dateSep 30, 2019
Amazing Moments to Remember

Beth Josi

Beth Josi grew up in Eugene, Oregon, and graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in physical education. After coaching women’s tennis at the University of California at San Diego, Beth created a seminar for athletes to help them stay focused under pressure. This seminar was called Winnervision, and is now available on YouTube.

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    Amazing Moments to Remember - Beth Josi

    Amazing Moments to Remember

    Beth Josi


    Amazing Moments to Remember

    Copyright ©


    Beth Josi. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers,




    th Ave., Suite


    , Eugene, OR



    Resource Publications

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers




    th Ave., Suite


    Eugene, OR


    paperback isbn: 978-1-5326-9247-5

    hardcover isbn: 978-1-5326-9248-2

    ebook isbn: 978-1-5326-9249-9

    Manufactured in the U.S.A.


    Table of Contents

    Title Page


    Chapter 1: I Remember the Moment I Became a Christian

    Chapter 2: I Remember the Moment When I Found God!!

    Chapter 3: I Remember the Moment God Gave Me a Vision to Become a Coach

    Chapter 4: I Remember the Moment When God Gave Me a Dream Wedding and a Trip to Europe!

    Chapter 5: I Remember the Moment When I Broke Away from a Religious Spirit

    Chapter 6: I Remember When Micki and Mitch Were Born

    Chapter 7: I Remember the Moments When Micki and Mitch Said Some Funny Things

    Chapter 8: I Remember the Moment When Micki Decided to Move to New York!!

    Chapter 9: I Remember the Moment When Mitch Got His First Dirt Bike

    Chapter 10: I Remember the Moment When God Gave Me My Dream Horse, Kipper

    Chapter 11: I Remember the Moment When I Met My Friend, Billy

    Chapter 12: I Remember the Moment When I Started a Fun Club

    Chapter 13: I Remember the Moment When I Became Banjo Beth

    Chapter 14: I Remember the Moment When God Gave Me Winnervision

    Chapter 15: I Remember the Moment When God Gave Me a Heavenly Attic Bed and Breakfast

    Chapter 16: I Remember the Moment When I Became a Housesitter

    Chapter 17: I Remember the Moment When I Became an Artist

    Chapter 18: I Remember the Moment When I Became a Single Mother

    Chapter 19: I Remember the Moment When I Fell Apart

    Chapter 20: I Remember the Moment When I Read the Story of David and Goliath

    Chapter 21: I Remember the Moment When I Read the Story of Joshua and Caleb

    In Closing


    Four years ago I wrote five stories about my life. My friends told me how much they enjoyed them. Karen and I were having lunch, and she said, Beth, I have enjoyed your stories so much. I think you should write more stories.

    I really cannot write anymore stories until I feel inspired by God to write them, I explained.

    That conversation happened four years ago.

    Good news, Karen! I have felt inspired by God to write more stories! Now, instead of five stories, I have written twenty-one stories!

    These are stories about real experiences I have had, and I hope you enjoy them. I love to hear about what has happened in a person’s life, and how they learned from their experiences.

    This scripture is exactly what God is saying to me!

    Write the revelation and make it plain, so whoever ever reads it may run with it. (Hab





    Chapter 1

    I Remember the Moment I Became a Christian

    I love dramatic conversion stories. The story of Paul being knocked off of his horse by a bright light captures my attention. God spoke to him and told him who He was. Then God blinded him, just to make sure he was listening. Next he sent someone to pray for him so he could get his sight back. Very dramatic.

    Paul told his story to all the other Christians so that they knew God called Paul to serve Him. Paul had been out to put Christians in jail, and stop everyone who said they believed in Jesus. Christians lived in fear of Paul.

    Suddenly, Paul was one of them, and it was very hard for them to trust him. Paul convinced them he really was a Christian like they were. Paul set out to start churches everywhere, and when he was put in prison for his faith, he wrote two thirds of the New Testament.

    My conversion story was not so dramatic. It happened for me when I was five years old in kindergarten.

    Even though my family was not Catholic, I was attending a Catholic kindergarten. It must have been the only one available.

    I vividly remember a nun in a black habit standing in front of the class. She said, If you want to go to heaven, ask Jesus into your heart. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins, and you will go to heaven. Jesus died for your sins.

    I made a decision at five years old; I decided, yes, I want to go to heaven. I decided to pray when I got home.

    I vividly remember kneeling down in front of our stuffed chair to pray. And then it hit me.

    How could I ask God to forgive my sins? I could not think of anything I had done wrong. I needed a sin for this to work.

    What could I do? And then I got an idea. Our dog, Lux, a German Shorthair Pointer, was sleeping in the living room. I got up, and hit him in the nose. He woke up and looked at me, very concerned. Then he went back to sleep.

    There, done. Now I had a sin.

    So I prayed that God would forgive my sin, and I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Not quite as dramatic as Paul’s conversion, but I remember it vividly, like it was yesterday.

    Now I was a Christian, like Paul, but I did not go to church, and I had no idea what it meant to be a Christian.

    The older I got, the more I wanted a relationship with God.

    When I was fifteen I started walking to a corner church, and I went forward to ask Jesus into my heart again.

    I tried to read the Bible, but could not understand it. I gave up.

    But God knew I was looking for Him.

    He made it possible for me to find Him. This is one of my favorite scriptures:

    Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord. (Jer






    Next, I want to tell you about how I found Him.

    Chapter 2

    I Remember the Moment When I Found God!!

    Yes !! I found God!! Where was He ? He was hiding in the Bible, but

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