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Snow Cheetah
Snow Cheetah
Snow Cheetah
Ebook277 pages4 hours

Snow Cheetah

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Captain Martial Terrien, nano-enhanced Space Marine from Earth, is on a secret, desperate mission to find his people a new home. Natalia, future queen of Kassouk, pressured into bonding with a power-hungry prince, yearns to improve her people's lives. She finds the handsome Earth captain a refreshing distraction, despite his five fingers and ridiculous claim of being Human, like the lowly workers of her world.

The unexpected population on the chosen planet complicates Martial’s task, especially since the ruling caste can read minds, levitate, and teleport at will. Furthermore, the lovely princess and her pet cheetah take a shine to him, and beautiful women always spelled disaster in his past. But Natalia's jilted suitor, determined to reign at any cost, vows to annihilate the Earthlings. When the conflict escalates, can Martial obey Earth Central Command, or will he jeopardize the future of his race to save Natalia and her people?

Editorial Review

"On top of being an incredible Sci-fi story, this book had many unique aspects. The biggest of which was one lovable and fun-loving snow Cheetah called Pangura, a pet, and the soon-to-be Queen Natalia... This story ensnared me from the very beginning with the many plot twists, fascinating characters, many Science fiction themes, and a love story that was truly inspiring. This was a wonderful addition to the Chronicles of Kassouk series." 5 stars - Fallen Angel Reviews

Release dateNov 9, 2019
Snow Cheetah

Vijaya Schartz

Born in France, award-winning author Vijaya Schartz never conformed to anything and could never refuse a challenge. She likes action and exotic settings, in life and on the page. She traveled the world and claims she comes from the future. Her books collected many five star reviews and literary awards. She makes you believe you actually lived these extraordinary adventures among her characters. Her stories have been compared to Indiana Jones with sizzling romance. So, go ahead, dare to experience the magic, and she will keep you entranced, turning the pages until the last line. Find more at

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    Book preview

    Snow Cheetah - Vijaya Schartz

    Snow Cheetah

    Chronicles of Kassouk Book Five

    By Vijaya Schartz

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 9780228610335

    Kindle 9780228610342

    Web 9780228610359

    Print ISBNs

    LSIngram Print9780228610373

    B&N Print 9780228610380

    Amazon Print 9780228610366

    Copyright 2019 by Vijaya Schartz

    Cover art by Jenifer Ranieri

    Print back cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book


    To my loyal readers, asking me for more of these otherworldly adventures, thank you, and may you enjoy this one as much or more than all the others.

    Chapter One

    At a mental ping, Natalia glanced up from the 3D hologram of an ancient battle, floating above the stone table in the Hall of Records. An incoming message from the collective consciousness. She switched off the primitive holo-device and rubbed her achy forehead. She needed a break. These ancient images made no sense. How frustrating that she could not read the minds of the historic figures in these old records.

    Pangura, draped upon her booted feet under the table, bolted awake and sat up. The white cheetah’s round ears pivoted, alert for any sound. The young feline’s keen blue eyes scanned the pristine, white underground vaults of ancient Mutant architecture, with its towering rows of clear shelves and drawers.

    Natalia closed her eyes. The energy in the room shifted slightly. A voice spoke a message into her mind.

    "A ship of unknown design and provenance dropped out of hyperspace in our vicinity, on a trajectory to New Earth. ETA two standard hours. Let us raise the protective planetary shields."

    "Danger?" Pangura’s feral blue eyes widened, staring into hers. Amazing how quickly animals set into fight or flight mode.

    Natalia scratched the furry head. "There is no danger, Pangura. We are safe in Kassouk. My people are protecting the Citadel and the entire planet."

    Focusing her thoughts, Natalia leaned back in her white, molded plastek chair, and closed her eyes to lend her mind to the collective. She sensed rather than saw the shimmering energy enveloping the entirety of New Earth, then she relaxed and took a deep breath. Done. Part of her consciousness would remain focused on the planetary shields until further notice.

    A loud purr filled the vast hall as the cheetah’s head nudged hers. "Pangura and Mommy safe?"

    Yes, Kitten, we are safe. Vibrating with the big cat’s purr, Natalia kissed the soft, mint-scented fur. You’ve been rolling in catnip again.

    The cheetah huffed. "Pangura like catnip."

    The swift whisper of a teleport filled the lofty vaults of the venerable hall, making the tall rows of ancient databanks sing with subtle harmonies. In a glittery swirl, Prince Kaylar materialized across from the stone table, wearing the red cape and white silk robes of a member of the Council of Princes. Seven feet tall and bald, like all Starling males, he stood straight, his expression inflexible, his unrelenting dark stare fixed on Natalia.

    Prince Kaylar bowed stiffly, his shiny scalp displaying the traditional black tattoo of the Scimitar and the Star... his religious and political sect.

    "Your highness, we need you to ascertain the nature and the potential danger of this intruding ship of unknown design and origin."

    Natalia rose from her chair and straightened to her full height to gaze upon him at eye level. She brushed her white silk robes with a six-fingered hand. Mind speak on the palace grounds is against proper etiquette, Prince Kaylar. Please, conform to the rule and use your voice.

    His handsome jaw clenched then relaxed slightly. Just because the Human servants cannot read minds doesn’t mean we should refrain from mind speak between Starlings.

    Yes, it does. How dare he talk back to his future queen? They weren’t mated, yet. Natalia swallowed her pride and steadied her mind. Until properly crowned on her upcoming birthday, she wielded no real power. Regarding the council’s request, I will evaluate the foreign starship immediately. You may now return to your duties.

    He flashed a cold smile. You know you’ll have to accept me as your consort eventually, Princess. You must be bonded to a noble Starling male in order to become queen. We cannot allow impure blood to dilute our superior abilities... and I am your best and only choice.

    How she wished it were otherwise. Since our thoughts are open to all, you know how much I dislike you, Kaylar. She bit her lips, knowing he would resent such a direct approach from a female. Many suitable high-ranking Starling women would gladly bond with you. So why do you keep petitioning the Council to claim me as your mate?

    The regular planes of his perfectly symmetrical face stilled. More is at stake than likes and dislikes, Natalia.

    It’s still Your Highness to you, Kaylar. Of course, she knew the stakes. The Starlings needed a royal male heir of the purest line, and only she could give it to them. Unfortunately, royal females were still mere pawns in political games. But she couldn’t imagine spending the next centuries under the boot heel of this overbearing, controlling man.

    He straightened as he read her thought.

    "Yes, overbearing. Shame on you for listening to my private thoughts." She raised her chin and went on aloud. I value my freedom, and my work here. I consider it my blood right to serve the great Citadel and the people of Kassouk.

    With royal blood comes royal obligations, Your Highness. His voice modulation changed slightly. Had Kaylar infused his words with a subtle command? How dare he?

    Natalia could resist his blatant manipulation, of course, but she wished she had a better option than this old-fashioned backward noble. I am fully aware of my duties.

    He raised a high brow. As a Starling of the traditional branch of the Scimitar and the Star, I will expect you to conform. I believe in keeping females safe, and in protecting them at all times. They are, after all our most precious assets.

    As broodmares, locked up in a palace, roaming your vast transparent halls naked and pregnant? Natalia couldn’t help the sarcastic edge in her voice.

    He flinched but his face quickly stilled again. That is our original and true tradition, Your Highness... dating back to the time of the Star Children.

    It’s barbaric and demeaning. Most Starlings walked away from these backward practices long ago. She gritted her teeth to prevent a worse outburst.

    They are blinded by outer influences. It’s time to return to our purest identity as a race. Kaylar glanced disdainfully at Pangura, grooming herself at her side. I also believe wild animals belong in the jungle. And I find your obsession with holographic combat games distasteful.

    Pardon me if I don’t share your outdated views. My warrior games keep me healthy, sharp, and fit. Natalia willed her anger to dissipate with mitigated success. And Pangura is not wild. Even more than a pet, she is my friend.

    He scoffed. Disgustingly primitive company for the superior intelligence of a Starling don’t you think?

    Natalia paced the length of the stone table with long strides to burn her frustration. The hell with etiquette. She turned to face him. I’m educated and skilled at what I do. I will petition the Council for the right to remain in charge and fulfill my royal responsibilities, even after taking a mate.

    Good luck with that, Your Highness... you cannot win. A fleeting smile curved his perfectly chiseled lips, then he bowed and turned away to phase out of the hall in a whispering whirlwind.

    At times like these, Natalia wished she had parents to guide her. She hoped her uncle, the old regent, would help her remain free of this man until her crowning... but the old man’s influence may not be enough.

    The cheetah’s head bumped her silk-clad hip. "Mommy sad?"

    I’m all right, Kitten. I suspect Prince Kaylar aspires to kingship by becoming my consort and fathering royal children. She sighed. Not all Starlings have noble hearts.

    "What is fathering?"

    Never mind. You are too young for that, Kitten. Natalia mussed the luxurious white spotted fur on top of the cheetah’s head. I have work to do.

    * * *

    The Nautilus shuddered with the deceleration, its smart metal hull expanding and contracting to match the torsion of time-space. All hands on the command deck stilled in a slow-motion wave. Eyes stared at the forward screen. Spoken words and electronic beeps slowed and stretched to a low-pitch moan, although data still scrolled on each console’s screen.

    Then, as the ship’s bubble engines assumed the new velocity, normal speed activity resumed on deck.

    Unlike his crew, Captain Martial Terrien, third generation genetically and nano-enhanced Human, had observed and recorded the phenomenon in his nano-brain databanks.

    He leaned back in the command chair overlooking the deck. The seat to his right remained vacant. Martial did not need a second in command on this voyage. He could do the job of an entire crew if need be. His enhanced brain remotely modulated all ship functions at all times. The lives of his crew and passengers depended upon it.

    He closed his eyes to listen to the Nautilus... not with his ears, but with the tiny nanobots circulating in his blood stream, monitoring every infinitesimal change in the ship’s smart hull, and in its computer banks.

    Deceleration successful. Cruising speed achieved. All ship functions within normal parameters. The voice broadcasting over the audio system was his, also under thought control.

    He fine-tuned his brain nanobots to eavesdrop upon the general mood of his crew. The stress level had decreased, and excitement rose onboard. Good.

    The large planet loomed on the forward viewer, half of it illuminated by twin suns locked in a close embrace. A fuzzy pink aurora ringed the delimitation between the daylight and night zones. Two moons, one large and one small, orbited the planet.

    We’ll reach high orbit in thirty standard minutes, he announced through the onboard computer, but his lips never moved. We are still too far to detect intelligent life signs, but sensors do not pick up any trace of electronic or hard technology, nor do I detect heavy weaponry on the planet. So far, his mission looked A-Okay.

    The crew cheered. What a bunch of civilians. They behaved like tourists on a Disney space cruise to Ganymede.

    Martial sighed. Whatever happened to the good old days of hardcore missions? As an Earth Central Command Space Marine, he liked to run a tight ship, but this was a different kind of expedition. One he would never pick for himself... on a civilian vessel, no less. Still, he’d insisted on serious weaponry. Far space was not as safe or empty as once thought. Hostile races, space pirates... ships often vanished under suspicious circumstances.

    Damn the day he’d lost his military command, although Martial had no regrets. He’d do it all over again. A man should stand up for his beliefs. Even though, in his case, he’d been played, and betrayed... by a beautiful woman.

    His crew and passengers, all researchers and scientists, knew nothing of his shameful past, and nothing of military discipline. They excelled in their respective fields, but they had little experience in space exploration. Still, billions of people back home depended upon the success of this paramount mission. They needed a new place to call home, and this Earth-like planet offered the most promising prospect.

    An incoming communication called his attention. Surprisingly, it came from the surface. Damn. It seems that planet is inhabited after all.

    The crew members on the lower command deck smiled and cheered at this new information, like starry-eyed children. Martial cringed. A native population would complicate things for his secret mission.

    He switched the audio com to the entire command deck. He also hoped the native population was sparse, or low-tech enough to be colonized.

    Are you friend or foe? The strangely accented female voice had exquisite musical quality.

    The intrusion in his nano-brain startled Martial. Somehow, she’d connected with his nanobots and spoke directly into his mind. Did she possess similar technology, or was she a cybernetic entity?

    He glanced at the universal translator panel. Lights off, function remained inactive. Still, the voice spoke in a somewhat old but clear standard Terran. Strange.

    Martial frowned at the simplistic question. If I were foe, you would all be dead before you could see me coming. A blatant lie, since until her call, he didn’t know the planet to be inhabited. But a Space Marine never admitted weakness to his enemy.

    He sensed rather than heard her small gasp in his mind. How can you lie so bluntly?

    Busted. How could she tell he lied? Sorry. Intimidation tactic. Old habit. I had to try. He wondered if she could read his mind through the nanobots. Who and what are you?

    My name is Natalia, Royal heir of Kassouk. I would not recommend you attempt even a high orbit, Captain. Our planetary shields would prove deadly to your primitive vessel.

    Primitive? Martial shook his head. How did she know he was the captain? He quickly scanned the planet on the large forward viewer and detected only a low-intensity magnetic interference field. If that were a shield, it seemed extremely weak. "The Nautilus can disable your shields and land in your backyard without a scratch."

    Natalia chuckled. Our planetary shields are impervious to your primitive technology.

    Was she bluffing? It wouldn’t work. A second scan confirmed his findings. My sensors detect no significant barrier.

    Our culture no longer relies on hard technology, Captain. Slight disdain tainted the voice modulation.

    Yet, you are speaking to us, and in our own language, so you must be using a universal translator at your end. That is hard technology.

    I use no such device. I also find it strange that our languages are so similar. In any case, this message is telepathic in nature, sent through the sole power of my natural expanded consciousness abilities.

    No one in their right mind believed in natural telepathy as a reliable means of communication. Certainly not him. Like you, I am also speaking with my brain, through enhancing nano-technology.

    Nano-technology? Slight amusement tinted Natalia’s words. Interesting, but still primitive.

    The crew members glanced at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces.

    Martial detected no lie in the woman’s inflection, tone, or delivery. This Natalia seemed to believe her own words. He took a deep breath and straightened in his oversized captain chair. He assessed the crewmen and women on deck, at their stations arranged in a horseshoe fashion below him, facing the front viewer. Did any of them believe mind could control matter?

    You did not answer my question, Captain. Are you friend or foe? Again, he noticed the perfect pitch musical quality of the woman’s voice.

    We are peaceful explorers on a scientific expedition. He chuckled. But how do you know whether or not I’m lying?

    I know when you tell the truth, and I believe you, Martial. Again, he detected no lie, only candid, open communication.

    How did she know his name? "My official address is Captain Martial Terrien, of the Earth vessel for scientific exploration Nautilus."

    But you think of yourself as Martial... although your Space Marine friends used to call you Maverick. I like Martial better.

    By all the hell holes in all the galaxies, where did she find that information? Was she hacking into the ship’s databanks? Martial turned off the overhead sound to keep the rest of the communication silent and private. "How do you know my name? And my old nickname to boot? That’s classified information."

    "I am only reading your mind, Martial."

    That preposterous claim, again. Damn. He detected no technology at work on her side. He couldn’t very well protect his ship and crew if any inhabitant on that planet could hack into his brain’s memory banks.

    "Relax, Martial. Not everyone can read minds on New Earth. Only the Starlings, the ruling caste of Kassouk."

    New Earth? Ruling caste? Telepathy? And they spoke standard Terran? What kind of twisted world was that? Had the Nautilus emerged into a parallel universe? Most likely, Martial was in limbo, having a nightmare, or just losing his mind.

    "Your mind is fine, Martial. My world has evolved over many centuries with the influence of several galactic races. You should come and visit."

    "A minute ago, you threatened me with your shields, now you are inviting me?" Martial could not trust such a quick reversal.

    "We like to learn from other peaceful cultures, and exchange information. I’m curious about this Earth you come from. Maybe your scientists would be interested in our ancient databanks. Your primitive technology could probably access and understand them easier than our highly evolved consciousness. I’m having difficulty decoding the writing and the holographic images. Some of it makes no sense to my culture."

    Although the inflections indicated the woman didn’t lie, it could still be a trap. Martial would prefer to see her, so he could study her body language as well. He could face all kinds of dangers if he accepted an invitation from the natives, but his highly sensitive nanobots and his gut feeling both pushed him to explore the possibilities.

    Martial decided to trust his instinct. He restored the overhead broadcast of his mental conversation and let his voice ring loud and clear. I accept your invitation, Royal Princess Natalia of Kassouk. But I insist in meeting you in person. I want you to be my personal contact with the local population.

    These conditions are agreeable. He could sense Natalia smiling. As soon as the planetary shields dissipate, focus on the stone fortress at the foot of the mountain range in the daylight zone, north hemisphere, central quadrant. It’s the walled Citadel of Kassouk. You may land on the plain outside the ramparts, your vessel is too large for the palace esplanade.

    Martial scanned the planet on his forward screen. The light magnetic disturbance around it had vanished.

    I see you’ve disabled your shield. He searched again but still detected no heavy armament, no military installations.

    As you see, Martial, there is no danger to your people here... although there would be if they displayed aggressive behavior. We are a peaceful culture, but do not mistake our good will for weakness.

    Not a chance. Martial picked up the subtle threat. Warning chimes went up in his nano-brain. He’d learned long ago not to judge any alien race too quickly. He could not risk his inexperienced crew on a first contact. Very well. I shall proceed according to your instructions, but I’m not landing this behemoth on the planet. I’m coming alone, in a shuttle. Captain Martial Terrien out.

    He severed the communication. His heart lurched in his chest like before a battle. If his first visit resulted in a wider cultural contact, could he vouch for this bunch of civilians onboard? Could he keep them safe?

    Prepare Shuttle Three, his voice boomed over the command deck.

    The crew cheered again. Dummies. Unlike on a Disney space cruise, too much about this planet was unknown. This bunch would make perfect fodder for a predatory race. Lambs to the slaughter.

    Transfer ship’s commands to manual, but only in case I lose direct mind contact.

    The crew acknowledged. He wanted to keep them safe, but Martial had his orders, carved into his nano-enhanced brain: Explore, investigate, assess, find out if this newly discovered Earth-like planet is livable for the ever-expanding Human race in need of a new home. Swiftly report all findings. In case of native population, analyze weaknesses, destroy defenses, overcome resistance, and prepare for colonization.

    And Martial, as an Earth Command Space Marine, must fulfill his mission or die trying.

    * * *

    Martial flew his shuttle in a circle above the imposing walled city, admiring the architecture, with many buildings of varied sizes and styles, dodecahedron-shaped, spherical, others like white cubes

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